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Resolutions On The Resignation Of Dr. Haven

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Tiie Board oí' Control of Ziorís Jlerald, of p oston, it a meeting hckl a few days siricc, passed the following resolution complimentary to Dr. Haveu, for sevcn years past llie editor of the Slerakl r Whereas, wc hará leavned that Dr. E. O. Ilaveu, Editor oí' Zion's Jlerald, has been elected President of t IS o Michigan State Univcrsity, nr,d whercas, we learn tlnit, nfter due refleoticra, he has been compclléd, froiu' a sense of duty, to aocept Pha oSico to whieh he has boen uníiiiimously elected, - thoreforo, Resolved, Ití - That wc cannot take lo ave of our brotlier without a free expression of our high admiration of the fa i t h fu 1 ruarme r in which he has perfornied tho dutics of Editor of our paper; his iinpartiality and candor asa controversialist - his prompt, discreet and triumpbant defensa of our doctrinos and eeonomy - bis patriotio and unftinching mainteuanco of our government rn tho terrible Btruggle throagh which we aro now passiniï ; - that-, undcr his editorship, the progressife sharaeter of the paper, n rclation to its early and con sistent advooacy of evcry good enterprise, has maintaincd its clevated position ; for the tone of vital godlinoss which bas pervadi'd its columns, and for the origimüty a'id freshnoss of hiseditori a's and the vigor of Iiis pen. Resolved, 'M - That wc tendflr to ou;1 brotlier our licarty thanlcs that, 'm his obeerfu] roadiiK'ss to serve the public, ou the platform and in the pulpit,, and also in good word and work, he hasessorstially ad'vanced the interests of hunianity and of various benevolent enterprises af the dny. Resolved, iïd - That in the performance of his duties as a Senator in the Legislature of our Coramonwealtb, his faitiifu! attention to the interests of bis consti'tnents and the essential welfare of his nativo State, ment, and receive our high eommendation. Resolved, 4h - That ín tne name and by the unanimoirs vote of the Boston Wesleyan Association. we dow present to our brothèr the sum of One Hundied ,and Fi-fty Dollars, as a token of our high appreciat.ion of his cbaracter as a Christian gentleman and au uccomplished Edifor. , Resolved, bih - That althougb by the force of circurastances which we cannot control, our brotlier. is obliged to leave us, we assure bim that his departare will be nccompanied by our sincere prayers for hi ugefulnes and prosperityar)d the happiness and health of himself anc family.


Old News
Michigan Argus