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The yearly expenses of une large fighting ship, are greater than the whole annualcollections of the American Board of Foreign MÍ3SÍOI18. Christia nations have murc'ered vastly more heatlien, tlian they have altempled to concrt. Engrave, if you dare, upon the Instruments of war, auy vense from Chrisl's sermón on the mount. A soldier swfinrs upon en!Í3tintr in the service, to kill any man he is ordered to ki!l. Did you ever conaidcr liow many crimes are commilted in, and in cnsequence of, militia mnster?. War is wicked, the mock war of our irtililia ridicnlo?. "Love y our enomies,'1 says Jesnu. We need a military acauemy lo íeach 113 how to destroy our cnemis, savs the siatesmcn.If war is sanctioned by Cbrisiinnity, then Christianity sanctions deception, robberyjtnurder. J1ÏÏ unnecessary lying," snid a father to bis son, "I consider highly immoral." Ia th3 a more lax morality tban to 6ay, as say many professed Christinns, "All vnnecessary fighting ve consider immoral."' "War," said a distingnished poiitician, 'is wicked, except when our honor orour interest as a natio'n demands it." And this sentiment is copied into religious papers without comrtient. TheaBsassin considers it wrong to kil!, except when he gains by it. Is not wor tlio killing of ourenemies, by the blood of our friend si What precept of Jesus Christ is obeyed in b battle?What precepf. of Jesús Christ is not necessarily violated in war? Is a sword a more suitable orniment for a Christian gentleman than a butchers knife? Did you ever notice the character of the people who usually assemble at the railitia musters? How mnch is the moral character of a people elevated by a war? What progress does pure religión make during a war1 S. E C. Portsmmith Sepl. 23, 1844.Enlarging the área of Trade - A fine large ship is at Mobile with a ful! cargo of cotton for China. This is the first altempt, we believe, to eend the rav material to the Celestials. Ten woolon faetones are goiogf up in West Canada, and three new cotton faetones with each a capital of $100,000 wil] be put np the coming Beason in the lower province of Canada. ""Tïïëiegtslatu re o7ÑewYork , on Thursday, rejected the bill for the suppression of licentiousness - ayes 45, noes 48.In a single century, four thousand millions of human beings appear on the face of the earih, act their many parts, and sink imo the grnve. Lard Oil.--We learn that some capitalists have purchased of the ferry company in Chelsea, several lots of land, with the flats appnrtenant, for the purpose of erectsng buildings there, and carryuig1 on the manufacture of LardOil Bost Jitlas.The reioard ef Treason.- William Parmfinter hos been appomted Naval Officer for the port of Boston, an office said to be wortb five thousand dollars a year. The LegisJalure of Oregon, at its late session passed 25 acts - one of which prohibits the monuracture, importation or sale of ardent spirit?. lt is said that the President Polk has signified his determinatiou to receive no personal applications for office; all must be made in writing and the answer left at the residence of the applicants.The nurnber of newspipers and periodicals in 1840 in the South, was 2,341- in the North 4,703. Sale of Van Amburp's Establishment.- We understand tliat Mr. Van Amburg has decided upon retiring from his profession and returning at once to America, and ihat his whole establisliment of elephante, giraffes, lions, leopards, and stud of sixty horees wil! be brought to the barnmer, at Manchester, in the qourse of the present month.A Tcmperance King.-Tlie Kir.g of Holland has directed a copy of the rules and regulations of Temperance societies to be given to every kboring person throughout his domisiona . General Simón Cameron, of Pennsyivania, has been elected United States Senator, i:i place nf James Buchanan, now Secretary of Stale. Gen. C. is a taiiff manend in favor of the distrib'Jlion of the proceeds of the public dnds. He eerved a regular apprenticeship to the jrinting business, and was a practical printer br a number of years. tfj The Liberty party of Arcade, N. Y. bave electeíf their entire tickel , ex cepting one candidate. C. O. Shephard is supervisor.A horrid mnrder was pcrpelrated in llie Auburn prison on Sunduy morning. The Argus says: "The munlerer, whilst marcliing into Ihe chape I, single file, wi(h the rest, stabbcd a felíow convict bnd a workmsn with hïni at the tailoring buisiticss, with t lie halfof a poir of shcars, and with such effect that he died in Hboit 20 minutes, f rom the wound. The murderer, (wfeo had 9 jeurs to serve, whiisl the rnurdered man had but G nionths confessed, we onderstand, that he had long meditated the net; and his conduct was in other respect eo violent, that he was immcdialcly ciiüiiied awd closely conñned. ICJteap Periodicals in China.- Mr. Cushing informa a friend that cheap literaturo is as common in the Celestial Empire as in New York. Every variety of pamphlets and newspapcrs are sola about thestreets, in the native longue, printed on lheir peculiar rice paper,at the lowest imaginable prices. It doubtless is from this cause that they are led to think people beyond China are "outside barbarians." Printers are coming in for a share of the good ihings under the administraron of Mr. Polk. He has appointed S. II. M'Laughlin one of the editors of the Nashville Union, Recorder of Ihe General Land Office; Mr. Cheathem, prin!er. Post Mast er of Nashville; Gen. Davis, printer, Surveyor of the Port of Philadelphia; J. W. Forney, of the Lancaster ïntelligencer, Deputy Surveyor. This is a good beginning.Construct ve Travel- Vice President Dallas, it is said, has decided that Senators are entilled to mileage for their late extra session, to confirm the Presdent's nominations. The travel is all constructive. The cali for this extra session, was made before the other closed, and it followed that other immediately without the intervention of a doy. Without having traveled in fact a single mile, the Senators will pocket for travel an average of some $700 each, amounting in the aggregate, to some $35,000 or $40,000.- The whole matter it is said, rests with the Vice President, and his present decisión is contrary to all former precedents. Locofocoism certainly begins with a very singular retrenchment.- Free Press.The Black List!- This is the title :f a paper lately establisiied in New Orlenns, for the exclusive purpose of furnishingintelligenceconcerning the Slave Market, to advertise runaway Slaves, &c. Among its advertisements, is one of a runaway. ioith lul one leg! This would teil well in Europe for our "free institutions" - for our "refuge for the oppressed of all nations." The subjects oí European depotisras must surely feil in love at once with our free Democracy.- Hampshire Herald. Litigalion in Kentucky.- The Frankfor Commonwealth suspects that theapproaching term of the Court of Appeals, which cotn jaiences _OJO_lh&J5rBt Mondav i APrii t wül be an nnusually long one. There are 336 cases set for trio!, and the lawrequirea the docket to be cleared.The Cour se of Empire.- The population of the Uniled States doubles once in 23J years. British Isles 42 years; Prussia SCyeare; Germany about 60 years; Russia 66 years; Netherlands 06 veáis; Austria 69 years; Italy 6lL years, and France 105 years. Old Europe wïll be in a glorious minonty aome years henee. JYïno Guano Island. - Icliaboe Exhavsted. Letters have been received in Leith, Scotland, roentioning the discovery of an Island named "Nalagar," where giiano is said to abound from 4 to 7 yards in depth, and covering an area of about 80 acres. About S50 vessels were at Icfmboc abont the Jatter end of November, the guano remaining on the island was estimated sufficient to load about 150 of theio; and owing to this, vessels were leaving in ballast, some proceeded to Saidanah Bay and Angre Pequona in qnest of the manure that may be deposileci on those islands.Lead. - The valué of tho lead shipped from Galeno, Dubuque and Snake liollow, during the last yenr.isestirmted at $1,300,00, and si greaterthan that of any former yeur. The great Repealer, Dintel O'C m - nell, of Ireland, is said to have made the following declaration in St. Michan's Parish, Dec. 3d:"I declare my most unequivocal submission to the head of the Church, and to the hierarchy in its different orders, and accordingly to its diflerent rites. - [Chcers.] If I am asked what it is I believe? - my answer is, I believe whatever the Church teaches; and if I am asked what it is the Church teaches? my answer s, what I believe - for I believe all that he Church teaches. [Cheers.] There does not exist a single Catholic moresúbmissive to the authority of the See of ilome than I am." The New York Cañáis nre to be opened on 15 of April.


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