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Exciting From Kansas

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Leavenworth, August 21st, 18G3. A bout (i o.clock last eveningr, the guerilla chief, Quantrel, wilh a (bree o! abou L 800 Btronjf, erosséd fren Missouri pito Kansas, near the town of Gardrer, sixty miles below here, and immediately started La w re nee, nrrivinc; betbre llmt town frt 4 o,c]ock thia mornlnr. Ha poned a guad around llie city, so llmt tlie ciiizt'iis eoujd nol escape, and wilh llie remaimlnr of li is men cornnicnced pillniring the stores, sliooting eilizen8 and firing buuses. Agenlleman who trjflnaged to escape spcroted himself in r corniii lil ncar the town Ho reporta that he sw.-iii] the livtr at 8 o'clock, an! on reachinrr the bluffs on lliis side, hehad a plain view of the city, wliieli was ihen a sheet of Sames. From what lie saw, he thinks the loss wcmld reoeh two miliions of dolíais, and by tliis lime perliaps inuoii tnnres they seemed delennined to destroy evervthing that would buni. ïo Bowen Brothers. Merchanta, Chicago: Levenw.ijtli, Kansas, Aognsl 21st. Tlia city of Lawience was sacked and burned this morning, at fout o'clock, by Qnantrel and eight liundrtid guenllas. Send no mure goods till you hear frotn us üreat excitement exists here. E. Woodruff. TUD CfTY OF LAWRBNCE. Lnwrenee, the capital of Doiiglnss county Kansaf, is situated on the right bank of the Kansas liver, seventv miles frpm iu raouth. It was well and snbstantihlly built and had n populaüon of nearly 4,000 fouls. The city was founded in 1854, by settler from Nijw Kiiíland, under the auspicea of the Emigrant Aid Societ;,-. It has ftlwaya been a tbriving, industrious, liberty loving tOWD. ■WHOLESALE BÜTCHERT OF THE CITIZENS. Levenwortli, Kansaa, Aug. 22. From citizenr of Lavreneo who arrived liere lor supplies and medicines I have gnthered th following particulars regordírig; tlin bnrning of that city ly Quantrell. The list of killed and wounded nambflred somn 18Ü, n majority of wh itn were killed instantlv. The Dames cannot all bu gm n DOW, bowever. A. bone iliat remained stand ing was filled witü kiüod wounde'l of all claaws. From iIib ruina of burned homes and chorred remains, olher victima aro being fotind. But one L'Otel is Btanding, Quantie! liavinrr spared it in comequenee of haring inade his home there sorne years since, without expense, but its propfiöter was shot. Most of thosa killed, Wêre killed in t.lifir own hoftsea, wi;h Uieir wives and children clinging to thern, wlii'e tho murderera plsced pistola to tlieir bodies and shot them . In one case the guetriïlas drove twelve nipn into the house, shot them, nd bni-ned Ihe building. Tho inhabitnnt "i into mvines aml buslies, anti the ticnds stood on banka and killid and wounded seoreo. Tenty-flve negro troopa wre shot. Thev took all the moni -y that eoukl be found iq pockels on cilizens or in hoiises, ineluding ladies' j.'welrv even to the rings "on their fingfra, Jim. Lañe wcaped off on horsebsck, talüed ahoui 200 men with arins, and followed and 'overtoolj Qnanlrell 12 miles south of Lnvrance, when a figlil occnn-ed, hut, the icsult is nnknown. Qnantrell is Itów retieating towatd Missouri, burning everviliing on his route.


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