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peni JMmfecmnite. FIRST NATMAÏTba -0E-.A.:isr:iT arbor. Subscription Agency for 5:20 Loan, We jiro noiv authorized to rcceivc subscritionifoth o United States 5:20 Six per Cent Eor.ds AT PAR for Legal Tender Notes, or York.excliann 'uii'iest oti tbese bonds is payable i-eniiaLnualljij Uüld. Tliey are alfio exerupt trom laxatii n. C II. K1CHMOSP, Ann Arbor, Aug. 24, 1SC3. S)19tf Casinor. MortgHge Sal, DEFAULT having been made in the conditioniofi eer taia Indentare of Morfgaiio executed by -pecm I). Goodaie au.! Sarah A. Goodale bis ivife, oí tlieTili of Ann Arbor, Cöuntj of Wáohtenaw and State Michigan, to Harin B. Boyce, of tlie Cily of Xeivbor; State oí New York. bearing dato the twentj-sewi' day of August, in Iheyearol onr T.-rd one ■ cight huudred and si.tty, and recorded in the offla r' the Regtgter ol Deeds in and for said Cnuntv - tenaw, on tbe Si.! daj of Auenst, A. I). Id'60, o l,;v27 of M.irtgages, on page 182 ; by whirh defanltth power of snii' contained in said miutgnre bccame m. crativc, aud tbe amounC clainie! to he (]uc on said ID. dantur of Hortgaj; the dale of Ik is nolice bein, eight bnodred ana eigbty dollars, and no snit or pr„. eeening haring been intitntif at lan-, or in cliancen to recover the debt xuciirel by said mortgnge or air part thereof: Notice tfaerefore hereby h-rn t ïjat in Saturdsy, thr twntyflrt dar of N'vii,r, , j 1SH3, -t ten o'clock n tho forenoon of t!:at day thé South dn ,r ol' the Court H msp, n the City nf'ini Arbor, n said eoanty of Waslienaw and Slatp'of Micb irán, (said f„tirl being tbe place for holding the Circuit CourÈ'or saM ormntf .) X hall s-U or cniucti be nol 1 &t public auclion í n foreelosurfl ol saiil Mortgin to the Iti.iï bidder the premises descrit-d riierem,' or so mucb as sbal be oeeesaary tofalififjib nnnrantdueon sa'd m"rlape. ivitli inlérest, añil ilí tbe reasonable coste, dbnrsenieats nnd expendes nfa[ procet'diii-s udaliveto the rorecTosure of the Mime,! cluding roasonable cbarfres for Hornevs' nerií-;s.H prorided in sai'! tndenture of moi-tcape ;. tHat ís to .i, " All tbat certatn tract or p.arcel of Innd shuated in tha City of Ann Arbor. Inown, bouuded, and describe! u follows vi. : The Rafsthaff of I.or.s nnniher Seven ind Elght, Block Koor Vorth. Range t.'n East, in l.iwmn huiJ Msynard's adoit.on." MARI B. ROYOE Pated, Ang 22,1303. 9 93 Estáte of William Kelly. MATE OF MKHJICAK, CoTinty of Waabtfenair.ijl i At a sessioB oí the Probeta Court for the Countyof Waihtenaw, holden at tho l'robate Uffije, ii: thc tv of Ann Arbor, un Wedenday, the Iweniy-sixtli dayo'í August n [he year one thousand eight handredoí sixtj-three. Present, Thomas Ntnde, Jadge of Probtlt In tbe matter of-the Estáte ofWillinm Kellr,det On ve&diag iad ftuog tiie petition, duly verififd, of Adaline Kelly, uraying f . r tlie probate of ;.: in-Til u')v on tile in Lbí&coiüt, pui pnrting tobo tbe lid Will and Te&tuinent of said (ïfiöeasfd. Tlierenpon it is Ordered, That Frlday, the HgbtMll áay of Septerabec net, at ten oxlock'iotUe f.irenne?, be assigned fnrthe hw.ring of said pelition, íindtlist tli es, legaleeB,and heirs at law of said deceamt.iri all other pecKoos mterented in said estáte are requW to appear at a sésfllon of said c'ourt, theD to bc bolden at the Probate Office, in the Gity of Ann Arbor, in stil County. and show c.iuse, if an Ibere Ie, why tbe prayer of the petitioner phould not be granied . Andit is further Ordorcd. said petitioner gw notice to the persons inttfrested in said estáte, Ht tb -pendency of said petition, and the hearing tliereof, bï causing a copy of this order 10 be pubht-h'-rt in tfci Michigan Argus, a newspapcr printed and circuUtirj in said County Of Washd'Tiaw, thrce auecesive wctki previous toaaidday of hearing. (A truecopy.) THOMAS KINDE, 9' Jiuige of Probats. Estáte of Dáufc] McCérty. QTlTEOF MICHIGAN, County oí Waehtenaw, MO Al a session of the Probate Court Inr the Couotrof Washtenaw, holden ;it tha Probaf Office in theCit; of 'nn Arbor on Tuesday. tl.c twenty-fifth day ofAojwt, in theyt-ar one thOHBand ei.u:ht luinired andsixty-ibre. Present, Thomas Ninde,.Uidgo of Probate. la the matter oí the Etaie of Daniel JUCarty, deceisod. On ronding and filtng the petition, óuly Tcrifled. of Mary McC-u-ty, praying fcr tlie appointment o( an uiminfstnitor in the e tate of said deceased. Thereupon it ís onfered tlua Wédoeséay, the twenfr thtrd day of September nest, at ten o'clockin the for#noon, be assïgned for the hearingof said petition, and thnt the heirs at law of said deceased, nnd H other persons ioterested in ü.iid estáte, are requireJ to appíar at i swwfon of paid Court, tlien to be holden at the Probate Office, in tb City of Aan Arbor in mM County , ana show canse, ií any tíu-re be, why the praytr of petitioner should not be granted: And it is f-ttrther ordered, that said petitionfr vive notice to the perdona interested in sai'i estafe, of the pendency oí mM petitroa, and tïto hearinp therwf, bv en n singa copy of this Order to be pnblished in tbe Michigan Argus& Lirwspaper printed and circulatin) n -said County of Washtenaw, three successire weeki, previdiis (o saíd day oí hearing. f A true Copy.) THOMAS NTNDE, 0:9 Judge of Probate. A WORD ABOUT AMERICAN WATCBES I AFPER A THOHOUGH TRIAL OF MORE THAX TEN YEARS, th? time-pieces raanu'aetured by the American Watch Co., oí Wnltham, Hau-, ha guincd a firm hold upon the favor of the public, and now, no Iess than 75,000 of thero are speaking fw themsclves in the poceta of the people. From a veri insignificant begínning the business has increased uü' til we are justiQed in statkig that WE MAKK MORE THAN ONE HAT.F of all the matches sold in the Uoitfl States, Rpeated enlargement of oar factory buildicpi and the labor of 5OJ opetatives, still find us unequ1 tosuppiy the constancly incrcasíng demand. .Atd' may here observe th:tt nolwith standing the hfghprf of ] ibnr and materials, ve afltually sell our producti at Iess prí cea than tHose rurront flve ycars ngo. We rcfer to these facts onlj for the purpose of proporly intfoducing anotbr subject relative to our manufacture of watcbea Ilitherto our chicf object b boen to malie good watche.s for the million at the lowes po ■ :l'lo jiHce- ometblng to fake the place of tbc rnkf believe watches callpd "Ancres," "Repines," : Kngli Parent Levers," &c, ahniKilly (brown mpon thia mr ket, in countlcss numbers, by European workrl)opswatches whtch are tlie refusc fif their factoriep, iins!" ablr at home nd perfeetly v-orthless everyvher. This object vre have accomplislied, and now we haTt to Eumounct, tliat we have ooiumenced the manufiictur of iratcbea of the vcry Highcst Grade of Glironometnj, nnequ&lled by any thfng hitherto ma'!? by onr.-elfes && UDffQ rp&sspd by aoytiuiig mailo in the woi ld. For thi purpose we ha-re he amplest Eaclliiies. We have erec' ted an addition to our maïn buildings expressly f'r th's branob of our bu iuoss, and have filled ;t ivith the t workmen in our service. ProfltJng by our long Mpt enoe, we haveremodélted the fonn of our watches, io troduéing sucli inaprovements as hav& been puggeste'i HQílproved tobe good from time to time, and havo &' stituted new aal severo tests of isoclironïpm, adj'us ment and compen.sation,. New machines and applW' c .■ havebeei) constructed, vbich perform tïieir wflrk with consummate (Teltcacy and cxnditude, and th ebofceetandmostapprcTtdmaterials only are se3-- Kothing in fact is wanting either i n mecbanical rnc'' pies, material or workmamhip to ensure perfection i the rc-sult. We continue to manufacturo our o tb er well-ko0 qualHies under tlie folio wieg camee : "APPLETÖN, TRACV & CO." "F. S.TÏARTLRTT." And the "Soldicr's Watch," WM. eULER?"." The latter thf lowest prlced watch we mako,ie su stantiftlt reliable tírae-pioce, cased in sterïlBg ilWwhnnting patiLtnraad la Dot liaMe to get out of ord' either in mnrching, ríding or fighimg. All (he " öe ser i bed watcbes, including thvjbiest, whiob Is we i(AMBBiCA Watcii ()MrANV,f' aro sold by watch lfai' ers gener;iliy througboul the country ROBBINS & APPLETON, Agentsfor the American Watch OropW1' leowim 132 Brdwav. N %


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Michigan Argus