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MÍÍIÍÍlp'lgíriliL IÜILIIÖAIK fe-.': -■■■-■-■■,"- ■"■■■VS"--""-;-L Passen i traína now Iva ve I 'etnui .Chicago, and the several tiilioiit-in follows : GOING WEST. I.eave Mail. Da y Ex. .lack.Ac. NightEx. Detroit. 630a. H. 7.-ri0A.M. ñ.00 p. u 7.40 P. M. Ypsilanti, O.'iS " 9.1Q " 6.30 " 8.S3 " Ana Arbor, 1.16 " 9:.S " 953 " í) 15 " Deiter, 7.J0 " p M. 7 25 " ' Chelsea, 8.00 " " 7.45 " - " Ar.CllicugO, 6,:0 " 7.B0 a. m. The mail traingoos only to Michigan City. GOING p:,AS'I Le&TO. NisihtEx. JrcIí.Ac. Mi]. Hay Ex, Cbicatrr, T.lñp.M. JS.rn.M 7:0 a. 31. Chelsea, S.35AH. S0"p.m. Uexter, ' 5 55 " :5 25 " Aun rlinr, -I 45 a. M. ( ;:i) " 3 50 p. x. 4.43 I'. M, ïpailanti, 5.-9S " 6-S5 " 4.1i " 5.C0 " Ar.Detroit, 6.05 " 8.15 " 5.40 " O.'JO " Trainf do QOt stop at stations where íiiircareomitteflin tho tabla. Trainsoonnect at Detroit with the Great West-1!-!! and Graad l'rank Railwaye ol Canada, and tiio Detroit and Tuledo, and Detroit and Hilwaukce KailroadS, and Cleveland Slra uwAt tin Campa;1! Ticket OTk-os at Detroit Chicigo, JuhPt and rjkfaj ettí, thrnniih tTciets can parehasi toa 11 t&e principal cities and towns in the United .- tat an 1 CanadaB. LUXURIOUS SLEEPINfi CARS u]ion all niglit train Ruttnñ'R celebrated VntilatiDg Apnaratua upon a day trd.'is - the hest dust preventativein use. R N. RICK.licneril Superintendent. M. r. R. R. Office, April 17. 18(3. S-T-1860-X. DRAKES PLANTATION BITTERS. Tfoey panty', ntreogthen umi in vigórate. T!ioy crca'e a beaitby appfltite. They are ao antidote to cbange of wr.tèr and Iet-. They overeóme eflecta oï dlssipation and late liours. The stryngLlieu the system in 1 enliven the inind. Tliey prevent miasma tic and iotermittent fevere. They purüy Ihe brefith ana acídity of the atomach. They ööre dyspepsia and (Jonstipatïon. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They cure LiverComplaint and Jfervona Headache. They are tbe bost bitters in the worlr . They makt th wtak man stiong, and are exhausted nature's gren restore . Thry are m nïe of pure St. Croix Rum, th eclebrated Culiï-a' a Burt, roiots and herbs, andará take wilh the pteasureof a beverage, without regard to ag or time of day. Particularly reeomraeoded to delicat persons requTrhïi a eñtiesttriwUrit. Bold by alIGro dfera, fJruggifts, ijptels andSalüon.3, P. H. Drake& Co 201 Brdadway New York. 6mf9i LYON'S KATHAIEON. Kalhairon is from the breek word, "Kathro, o ' Küthairo,"' inii1yin to clrunso, rejuvinale aod re store. TÈfa article ia whit its n .meMgnifies. Forpre uerTing, réstoriogancl beautifying the human lm ir it i t lie naoal renDftrkable preparation in the world; It i again om oed and pui up by fcho original proprietor, an isní)sr made with tbe same care, Muil and attentioi wlnch gave it a saicof uver oue níilíion buttles per ah nam It ís amostdelightful Ilair Dressing. It eracictos scurf and dandruU. It kfojis tfeè In-ad cool nnd clean. It makes Üie liair rich. Boft and los.y , . It pre ven ts tbehair f rum falling oïï and turning gray It restores ha ir iinoti bul heads. Any Lady or gentleman who values a beaatfful heo öf haïr should use Lyon'fl Kalharion. It is known ant us(d thmughout the civili.ud world, Sold by all re spectahie dealers. 6mS'J4 DEHAS 3, 3ARXE3 & CO., Prop'r, N. Y The Great French Remedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S f'Kl.I B tSTKD SILVER-COATED FKMALK PILLS. # Theonly certaln and s.-tiy lU-mdy fop ifll Ütorinr-Ob structions, Monthly DilHculUfS, Irrogula rilk'S. andal the othcr distases t wliicli the Wuman, ffift an Mothe r is peculi nly liable. These PilU c nit.iin iw deJeterious ingrediënt?, but are safe and certün in tbeir ;tcii' n. They wï 1 be tound ro exert the aappiettt effect in all casw of Prolapsus Uteri ín L?ucorrhea, or the Wïiites ; they will be found the ensiest anl most certaín Cureihat can be found. Tt is üd account of tliïs certrln-t y the y ehould not b f;i!,cn bv Pregn&nt F males í daring the jirst thrce vioiith, as miscarriage, is certain,) to be brought on, but at other periotls their use is peifectïj BalO. N. B, - One Dollar tfnftlosed to anyauthnrized Agrnt triH eusure pacSage of Pilis by reèurii of mail. C. CRO-BV, Genoral Agent, FortKiie, C. V.(Buiïa]o,N. Y. Cautiov,- Beware of Cmnierfeits, the cenuine hav.e the signatureof C CROSBY, on the outaide wrapper. Fur sale by all respectarle Druggists. lyeov8S7 A CARD TO THE LADiES. DR. X'UPOxWS GOLDEN riLLSFOR FEMALES. tn fallible in correct 1d, regulatiag and renxirhig all obstructiuu.-, ttum wbaiev] eauRe, and ulways suceessful as a preventive. The corabinatïon of ingrediënt in Dr. Duponco's (ioldeo Pilis for FemuleS are ietfetly harmlfsfi. They have been used n the private practice ot Dr. Duponco over 80yeai;flfan3 tboufiftnd& of ladies can testify to their great and never failing soccesa ba a Inlost e.very caaeincorrecting n-regularitíes, reíferiag païnful and df&tresftin meoBtraation , pai ticuUirly ;it the ohange of life. From tó tSenpiïiawiil CUrB Hiat commob yet dreadful coinplamt, the Whttas Nearly every female n the land suffers fri m t'ii eomplafnt. The :ibove Pili lias pprinanentfy cuPt'MhOUSt((ls, and tliey wiIKurc } bü íi yoa use them. They can not harm you; on the contrary . they remove all otatrüetkiiM, re stüre nat vi re to i t proper cl ia un cl, aod ïn ifftítñtfi the wholi sytem. I.adies whnse health wil] not permit au increase offmily, wil] Bod these piHs a suctoessfu] preventivo. Ladies pee u liar ly situ.it11'!. of thoe snpposin themse!ve so, shoull not Qfe these Pilis rturing tlip first tbree muaths, as tbey are certain tn produce miscarrino , "after whicli admoBÍlíon" the proprietor assames no respansibiiity, although fheir mildoesB witi pri'v.'iii au injury to UeTltu. The ingrediente compoHing tfeeftbave i'ills are made known to every Acnt, and the.v will teil you they s re aafe and will perfonn all elaimeil lor theta. I'rii-e $1 per box áold in ANN AKBOR, by 8TEBBINS WILSON. Drufffrists w. a. nr.vr, nrug?ist. Ladiep living at a dista nee by sending them SI, 00 throug'! Ann Arbor Posloffice, can have the Pilts sent (co ally) by vutitt to aoy part of the countrv Tree o S.B.-Bv.cire of a base counterfeit of (hes f. Pili,-. Vnn enn buy Ihf counu r!i il at a 1 1 v pttcefroSi 2fl to 76 cents a box (dear ut that)-. I.atmkh your liveB and liealth are of too much vale to be trifiíd with, besides beinic InTponed npon witb a worthlesfl article. Therefore, any one offer ag you thpfte PilU for lesa than SI a box, a old them as you wou ld poigon. They are bogns. None aregenuine uniess the name of . D. IIOWK is on eery box which bas rccently l)'"--1!] added,on account of the Pilis bífing couterí'eited. Sold aíso, by KiX.VK.t -MTTH, Ypsilanti. BLES k ÜEEBEJackson, andby one rtruefist ín every villa ff e and city in the United States, andby KARRÁNDlSUEEÍrEY& CC.General Btate AgentB, Detroit. B. D HOWE, SolePraprietpr, 86Tyrs2 SüW "ORK, rypTHERiA. PR. DEGLÜBO'8 DIPTHERIA SPECIFIC. CF.RTAIX Cl'RK FOK DI1THERIA AXP CROUP. In'he pastye.-ir over 200 CASES OF HIPTH'-:PIA in and round Bocbester, N. Y., CONVIDEREn II TELËSS, have be-n cura] with tliis medicine. Xamesand rcsideace.i eau be given. AT,t. TH!' rlIV-lf'TANS THRRE NOW UPEIT. It nevcr haa failcd to cure i Uet a büttle ; it cost-i 5D cents. Kor sale by EBEBBACB & CO. Preparrd and sold by lrO13 W. E. SKINN'EU, Rooicsier, N. Y. HELMÜOI.D'S EXTRA T BUCHÜ. II f K HEAT niüRETIC HELMBOLD'8 EXTRACT ÉUCfli:. TUK GUEAT DIUHETIC. HEI.MBOI.D'S EXTRACT BÜCHU. THE GREAT DIURETIC. IIELMBOI.n-S EXTRACT BÜCHU Tllli GREAT DIURETIC. Anda I'ositivc and pi'cilic Rcniedy l'ur Disfjsrs ol' the Bladier,, travel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness. i Andall 4ifteaRes of the FnaaryOrgaDS. ro Advertisi'ment n anotlier Column. Cutit out, and wndfur thp Medicine at unce. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Jm0S. Por Sale. Q pr ACRES of very choice land. witliin half a müe O t X of the city o! Aun Arbor, abtiut half cl it improved and enclosed with a goorl fence, tbe balance tltnVred, and wtll watered. Enrjuire at tlilp efflee BElMSTREET'S Inimitable Hall Restoratlve. IT IS NOT A DYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplyIng the eapíllnry tub"s wilh natural sustenance, impafred by ge or ili-.':i' Alt initantaneou dyes are , onmpoAed of htüar eautíic, deatróying íbe vitality nn 1 ii.'iíaiy oft'ic liair, anl a'W.l r Uwmselvea nodresníng. Httimstreet-'sInimMableColoring Dot only restores ha r toits natural colnr by an efty procesa, but gires tlif liair a Luxarlnnt Beaaty, promotps its arowlli. prevontsits falltag o(T, eradicates .lanilruff. ín 1 m]iarts licaltl] and pleasantnes to the . nead. It hasstoodthc testof time, being tlic onj,-iial Hulp Coloring, nnd ís constantly incroasin n favor. Uudbj hnihirontlt'inan anu lidies. It is sohl bj all reapeetable dealers, or can be procBTed by tbom of l commf-rcial'igtnts, D. S. Barnea& ('o. 202 Hroarlway Now-York. Two sizea, 60 cents and $1. Cm894 O TOBACCO- Ton can biiy the best ?rndtí9 of F1NK CHEWING TOBACCO ni frorn 50 cerns t(j,One Doll.-ir SMOKIiío from fourleen to twenty cents fit M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAK STOUE Sign - Red Indinn. Bontli sida Hurón atreet, a few doora from Cooks Hotel. M. DEVANT. Ann Arbor, Dee.ll, 18C2. 883tf 'a good tree is known by J: ïth i-ituir. So is a gootl Pbysiclan by liis uccc.slnl Works. PROFESSOR K. J, LYONS, THEQKEATANÜ CELEBRATED PHYSMAN OF TFIE 1HROAT, LÜNOd AND HKsï, Known all over the countr; us the Olobrated INDIAN IIEBB DOCTOR! FroiD Soath .America, will he ;it rooTOR, RÜöÖELL HOUSE, HKT1ÏOIT, On the 18 1 h and!9tb nst. ,on the same dale of and every subsequent mnnih durirnj 1862 and 1863, A NÍ IT PAMPHLET Of the life, stin'.y uhI extenslve travele of Dr. Lyons ■ au b' proeüred by ;i II (fho clesirp one. Pree of chtr. e . Dr L will visit Aan Arbor. J;icl;son, and Adrián, Utoh. . ns t'ollows : Ann Arbnr, Monitor fionTp ?Oth, Jackson. Hibbard FfouBf..21at Alrian. Bracketl H upe.aiil and 231Mobr of Examinatïow.- The Docty discerna diseasa b v tfee oyes . He, ! Ut reforo. isi f po ([ iietloiifl nor re q irop jjatients f fxpiain BymptoDQS, Alllictod, come mr voursymptnms an'itthe locatfonaf jronr tfisr:ti- .-Ki-lained tree of charge 1803. May. 1863. SPRING AND SüiWER GOODS, AT THE "Old Corner!" I ani now receivi'ng a well SELECTED STOCK OF M EW G OODS. FOR THK Spring and Summer Trade, C0NS1STIXO OF STAPLE DRY GÜODS, DRESS GOODS, - TEIMMINÖS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOÈS, NOTIONS, &c, &c. AIsü u full assortment of Family Groceries! II of which were bought ]ov and nre o bo SOLD CUE AP FOR CASH. The highest Market prico paid for XXT O O 3L 2 C. B. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Main and Washington ets. (904tf) Ann Arbor. nFAIRBANKS' 1 rJ Standard JLSCALES! ÜB&ÍBiMMm OF AU. KINDS. WT. - ,:'ri Ateo, WarehouK Trurks, Letter I'resses, tfC. i'airbanks, (5reen!eaf & Co., 172 Lake Street, rhicago. SoM in DstroU by PAEI1"D 4SHEL1ÍY. ïi"!ït' e;ircfn! to buy onlv the ijonuinc." 885yl Grand Trunk and Veimont Ccntial Baflwn ys, ANOTHERGREATREDUCT1ON! ])-ir-)ít to Rouse's Point, Pt. Aibans, Burlington Mi'ii1 [ii'H'T and White i i i r Junctü d, oolj ■ s' Detroit to (oston via Ogdtmafearg ur lirtmnd..,t 14 Detroit to Roatan sad return 26. Persons purcha-hig Boston nnd return ticket. s can go vin ,MoiitR';il, (ioiluim, (Whita M.Kinttf ins), Zslnnfl l'diiil , mul Pot l:nnl Kcl .rnin via Lonwll, Nashua, Concord, Burlington an 1 Ugdensbuig, givfbg tlie jiasaengere the beneöt of both routes Tickets gowi unt!J November Ut, 1803. Through frora Detroii to Boston in 36 hours Two expresa trama 16a vea Detroit daity ■"Sundmj s pxcpjitod) h Hiicii étimeat 6.tA. W. and 6-20 I'. M. Spleudld sleeping ar -ton night traïnn nuil KuUan's Pat int i j) .,,1 v 1 1 a iis. Tickets can dbtftined at the Oranl Tnmk Hailwav Fiokel offlcö, Ü4 JetferáOn aveuue, a few doora al uve ♦he Michigan Ezcbftng, SLOLÜM ftTHOMON, Agenta, Detroit. A Rtnall Farm for Bal( or excbange for cfty property, i;. ]' i ur Vpsüunti- lliis i;u ni i.s si! int! cd on tho mifictie Ypulantiread, aboul nn!e frena the LTniv"er. hit y , and a bc ut L0 rods trom the city timmïts- a goud Two itory I) welling House, Parn nnl wrt boaMw, (tmd a choicc vaiicty of fruits - Fn? partiüularb inquireof Jwha ï"f. Gott, Ara Arhor, nr Q. II. PhlHpe, n the pr#msB. tf!?18. TO THE lAOiES OF AMERICA! MORE VALUABLE ÏIIAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE TIIAN GOLD! MORE VALUABLE TFIAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE TIIAN GOLD ! Dr. JNO. L. LYONS F REK II PÉBIÖDICAL DROPS, F R E Í C II PER1ÜDICAL DROPi. FREXCH PERIODICAL DROPS, F REK 11 PERIODICAL DROPS, FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, Suffering from Irrsgul&rity, or Obstructiou of the Meiws, trom whatever cause, IT ISSURE TO CURE! ir ld SUHE TO CÜRF.' IT IS SUHE TO CURE ! ITIS WKE TO CURE! lt is impnssible in enjoy the blonm of health, and vivneity uf bpjrits, unlfss ihe Mensos ji ie regula); as lo the time, the quatitítv, and quRlity. When tbev ir, obftiructtfd, .ature inak-s her t'llorty to obtflinforil Bt ine otlii'r oulh t. íitíil. unlePS thes l'lïoits of ruituiv are aflsifttcd, tbe patieDt nsualiv Axperlencea Dospoc denuy, NtrvoufDbBs, Bbd linaily UOVSU MiTIOX as sumos ts sway, and pren?aturly termínales a míserdble Ufe. [T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUOTIONÖ ! IT REMOVKS ALLOBSTKUOTIONS! IT RE.MVES AI.L OI5STHUOTIONS I l-T Rl JloVES ALL OBSTKüCTIONS! IT TS A PERFFCT REGULATOR! JT IS A PKKFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PBRFEOT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERKEOT KEGULATOR! BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MINI), BEAR IN M1ND, BjiAH IN MINü, THAT I GURANTEE Tb AT I Oü'AK ANTEE THAT I GUAKANTÜE THAI' I GUARAN TEE My nr.OPá TO CURK PupprossiMi of t!,o Mfnse from whaiever cause, thouch earo sbould ba takeb to ascertainil yregnaaey be thi c-ause, a these nmil's wc,u,l b ure u produce miscarriage ; they will alsn cerlainly I-Hl Vi-.N i u..iic...i ic.ii. i( f :ik.n t ivoor three fls'ys before the m 'm i],lv periud ; tliereioro, 1 wish il iistidetij „nderstoiKl. tlu.t I do not hold mysetf responslble wben u.scd umler .sucli circumstanccg. BUY THE BEST [ BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST! BUY THE UESTI BUY THE SAFÉST I BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SirfiSTI BUY THE SAFEST ! BOT THE SUREST! BUY THE SU H EST! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST ! WHICH IS LY. N'S DROPS. Wit CHTSLYONS DROPS. WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS ÏIJEY ACT LIRE A CIlAtlM, by BtrengtheniBg and invigoratmsr, and restoring the ■yrtem t n healfhj coodltion. It modérales ill ex'cess and removes all obstruotions, and a siietdv curomiv V rtlied on. ' TO xMARIÍIEí) LADIIÍS, Tliey are. pecultsrty ntxptei, as they bving on the monthlj per cjJ withsucL perfect regularity. SURE TO DO GOOD ! SUHE ro DO Í4OOD! SUF. E TO DO GOOD! SURE TO DO GOOD! CANNOT DO HARM! CANNOT DO HA1M! CANNOT DO HARM! CANNOT DO HAR1I! I eould furnish .iny qimntity of testimoniáis of Ita ffficacj frnm mv nwn palients, hut tile practico f parading ixiughtami lictitions ones before the pubtlo ia npieralentldonot deern t advisable Mj object ia to pluce my medicine brfore tlie publfc, nftt alone to maks money, but K dngcorl. It ie proïerbially true of the Amenoen Ladis, tlmt not ten perleotly hoalthv ones can be found in any one vicinity. BE WISE IN TIME! BE WISE IN TIME ! BE W'ISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME! Lot not disense destrry your coiutitution Try a botfie of my ÍERIODICAL I ROPS, nnd yon will be Kutisfipa tltat I am no impostor. Teil your afflicted friend what restcreil tbe blomn of health to your clieeks, and tliereby nniiffr El FarOjC mote raluabie tlipp. old. Fnr painful or scany MeDKtruatlon it is just tlie thiag IhRveinw ininy nrnd nn initance f a tnèy who bad heen sn lering f rom painful meantruattan l'o orthrci years, confininR lier to lier room eaoh time ; flbe bad apidied to eeveral eminent pfaysiciflns, wiüiont relief when one bottleof my DROPS entircly euri'd her. O XE BOTTLE oTJRES ! 1 ONE BOTTLE CURES! I ONE BOTTLE CUTÍES! i ONE BOTTLE CUKÉS! In nlmost evory cnse. D3 NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BB IMPOSED TÏI'ON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! EO NOT DE UIPOSED UPON ! But cnttliisout anl scnd t (o vonr Drngïlict, and if he haft not got it, make him buy it for you ; or, it may b obtitincl of (he tieñerai Agents for llie Uuited ütn tes c. a. ci,ark it co, WiiDi.nïiAr.ic Djauouurfg Xew Eattw, Cox. Fors&lfl by all respectablo DrnEcgistp. rrioe,ïl.00 per bittle, an.l by Stcbblns & Wilion, Grtnvillt S: I FuH-, Eberbuch t Co. l'repared by J.vo. I-. Lyon, M. T), ly?G2,


Old News
Michigan Argus