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PRINTING L OF KINDS Q Neatly Executed c AT THE A.UGÜS OFFICE. F mm "■ " ■' 1: WE ütE PREPaRED TO FILL ALL ■ tt L OBDERS IN THE LIlïE OF ' I PRINTING, AT THE MOST R3&SÖNABLE RATES. We have recently purclinsed t c KUGH3-LES RÜTlRY CARD PRESS, : i and ÍiíxtS ad.ied tlie lntst styles ofCnrd Type, whïêil: enables priHt' ÏNVITATION CAIitJS, WEDDING CAEDS, VISITINKÏ-CARDS, BUSINESS OA1ÍDS, &c. in the nentest stylea, and as cheap as ftnï other house in the State. We are also pre pared to print POSTERS, HANDBILLS-, BLANS&f CiKCULARS, PAMPHLETS &t BOOK BINDERY is in charge of FIRST CLASS WORKMEN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OP ALL KINDS, RTJLED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufactured in best sttlm afc New York Prices, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Oldl Books Ee-Bound All warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. B; POND, Proper. OflRee and Bindery, cor. Main A Hurón Sis Tobacco ! Tobacco ! I AM SEI.L1NG GOOD FINE CÜT CHEWING TOBACCO At'jrom Fifi i cents to $1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From Ti cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. An-n Albor, Midi., Dec. 1T, 1862. 883tf HOWARD ASSOCIATÏON, PHILADKLPHrA, PA. Dleai( ofíHc NeivoM, Seminal, Urlnnry lid Sexual Systcms-now and roliuble trontMBt - in Reporta ol the HOWARD ASSOCIATION- Fcn', by mail in sealed letter puvplnpep, lre ofchnrffe Ad.ire.s, Dr.J. SKII.LIN HOUOHTON, Howard Asocia tú, Nu. i South Ninth Stleet, Piula., P. OlOvl THS ALL SUFFiCIErïT THRES. I Q BB GREAT "AMER-fcAN REMEDÍ! IC;iovn as HcïmbcliVs " rENÜÍWE PREPARillIOBiS, VI Z.: iiEi.Mmn.irs extract "BüCHtr," .-. SAKSAl'AtilliA, J IMPROVÍ3) ROSË WASH. HELMBOLü'S r HENUINE PPEPARATION, "ESGIILY COJTCEXTItATED " CUJIPOTN'D S f L U I 0 EXTRACT BUCHÜ, rj A Positive nnd Specific Remedy, For Diso,i.ucs of t:ie LADDER, KIDNEY3, GUAVEL AND J DROP3I0AL SWELLINGS. !c Tiltil Medicine Inureases the power of Digestión, anfl k joitpstheABURBENT.-lntn hoilthy action,b whioh I -..'IVATIiRr on CALCERO.US fleposition andall ! INNATU1HL EStLAROfMÉNTS are reduced, na ; '■" ' ■' ■"" ■""'' ':nl niimiitioii iind is Eood fcr MEN I rOMEN, OR CHILDREN. ÍELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BÜCHÜ FOR WEAKNESSES U-ising from Excessos, Hnbitsof Dissipation, Eariy Indiscretion, or Abuse, ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWIKG SÏMTOMS : Intlisposition to ËxertioD, Lob of Power, Loss ol' Mi inory, Difficnlty of Broathing, Wn.k Xerve', Trembling, Horror of D sesse, Wakofulness, Dimasas ol Vision. Puin in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Flusblnf of the Body. Muscular System, Eruptions oti the Face, Hot Hands, Fallid Huuntfnance. Divinas of the Skin. These symptnmfi, if aüowed to go on, ivliich ihis iifdidnu inv,ui:ibly removes, soon follow :MPOTENCy,FiTUITYEPILEPTICFITS c one of wbich the patiënt may expiio. Who causnv ;hat theyaie n t frequently iolloived by tl.ose "direfiil lisea.-cs," Insanity and Consuraptioiij aroavuri? of !he cause of tbeir BuEfering, but lone ffill cotffdss. Tbe records pf the insaae A in the melaneholy deaths by Coztsumption, bear ampie witncss to Öm u-utli of the assertion. THE CON'SÏITÜTi'lX, OifrE AFTECliiD WITII OPGAXIC VfEAKNEOS, Rcqnires tlip ald of medicine to Rtrengthep nnr] in7ig rritctliesystcin, whicli HELM hOLh'S EXTRACT BUCFJÜ invariabiy does. A tria' wiü cun'viíjcé tile most Bkeptloal. Females, Femalesj Females, LD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, Qïi CON TEMPLATING MAPJUAGI-:, In man y affectiona peculiar to Females the Extract ucliu ís unequalled by any otber remedy, as in bloroaia or Ketention, Inegularity, Piinfulnea, br uppceKSion of tlie Custonmy Kvacuations Ulcerated r öchirrous state of the Uterus, Leuorrbe, oi Vhitcs, Storihty. aiul tbr all complainls incideni ex, whethörarising from Indisci etion, Hábits of Diasiatioa,or in tJie Decline or Chango of Lïfo. SKE SVMFTO5IS AHOVR. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. 'ake no Baldara, Mercury, or ÍJnpleapant Medicine for ÜBj 1 'Lis:;mt and Daugerous Disca.scs. IELIIBOLD'S EXTRACT -BÜCBÜ CURES Secret üiseases. n all their stages ; at Iittle expense little or no oliange n diet ; no inconvenience, AN"D NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desfre, and rívck KÍrenírtli to ' 'riuate, therebyri'movin obstructions, preventing and uring Stricturcs of the Ure'hra, allaying pain and in-' ammatioTi , so frequent in this class ot diBeaueiü and xpelling POI.10SOVS, DISEASED AND H'ORN OUT MATTER. Thousands upon Tliousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VIOÏIM OF QUACKS, And wh'o tóve paid HEAVY F E ES tobe curedin.n hort time, have found they wcredeceived, and that the 'Poisnn" has,by Ibe u. of "Powerfnl ABtringents," jeen dried up in the System, to break out in an aggra ■ated ferm, and PERIIAPS Affer MARR1.1GE. USB Helmbold's Estrrct Euchu For all Affection and Diseases of Tlie TJrinary Örgans' Whether existing in MALE OR FERIALES, from whatever ciiuse originuting, and nu matter OF HOUg ,OVG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Diuuktic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu 13 THK GREAT DIÜRETIO, And it in certaiu to have the desircd effect in alï Di seases, for wiiich it is recommended. BLOOD ! BLOÖD ! BLOOD! Helmbold's Highly Conconirated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPEJILIS. This is an a(Tect:on of the Blood, and attacks the Pexuii Organs, UningH of the Nose, Ears, Tliroat, Win Ipfpe, and other ilucus Surfaces, maktng tts appearaoce Ia the forra of.Ulcera. Helmbold's Ext.;ict aftreaparilla puñfim the Blood, and removcj all Scaly F.ruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexión a Clear and Healthy Color. It beinp prepared expres.sly for this class of coraplaints, its Blood-Purifying l'roperties are preserved to a greater extent tan any ut hei' preparation of riarsfiparilla. Helmbold's Rose Wash. An excellent Iotíon for Diseases of a Pyphilt-'c Nature, and as an injcction in -[ of the Örioary Organs, arUfzig from habita of Úissipation, uscd in conneclion with the Extract Buchu and Sarsaparilla, in suclidiB6&8QS a.s reconi meilied. Evidence of the most responsible and rcliablechacactcr will accimp;my the medicines. CERTIFÍCATE OF CÜKES, From eight to twenty venrs standing, with naraes knnwn to SCIEWCE ANP FAME, Fur Medical Propettiesof DUCH&, see Disensatory the United Staten. See Professor UEtVEES' valuable worka on the Practice ï Phyiic Bee reroarksaade by-the late celebrated Dr FEYSICK, l'hiU'l'-Iphiu. i:ee remarks made hy Dr. EPHRAIM McDOlVF.LL, a celebrated I'hysician, and Member ol' the Roya] College of Suvgeons, Ifeland. hti1 publlshed in theTran■actionfl of tlni King aacl Queen'a Journal. pPe Medtco-Cïrurgicftl Review, publíhed by BENJAMÍN TRAVERS, FelloW of the Royal College of Burgeuns. See most of the late Standard Works on .Medicine. Extract Buchu, $] ('0 teh bottle, or hjx foh $5 00 (t Sarmai' 1 00 i: ;' 5 00 Imi'Rovkd Rose Wami, 50 u ( 2 .rU Or half a dozen of each for $12 00, wfaiflh will be iufflcient to !;ure tho most obstinate cases, ic directiens are aillicrpd to. Deliveved to any address, securely packed fromobRttratloB . 1.- Dwcrlbe iymptomj in all communicationR.- Cui es guaran teed. Advwe graüs. A F 1 í) A V I T . Personally appeared bef ore mean Alderman of the cityof PhlladelpWa,H. T. Mkimiioip, who, being duly Bvoro-j dofrh say, lus preparationa contain no naccattc, uo mrmiry, orother inj uriotis drugs, but are purely vegetable. H T.HELMBOLD, Swnrn and suhscribed before me, tliis 23d day of Novembf r, 18S4. WM P. llliïBARD. Ahlerman. Ninih-strect, abOTQ B'ace, I'hila. Addrcsfi Letters for nformatloD in confldeoce. H. T. H5LMB0Í.D, Che.mistDepot 104 South Tenth-ntreet,below Chestnut, Phila. BEWARE OP COUVTERFEÏTS AND UNl'KIN'CirLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dinpoKV l OF THEIR OWN " and "other" articlefionthe ïeputntionattatned by Uelmbold's (ienuim; Prepara t Jobs, " " Extract Bucbu, " " " Sarsapartllft, l :' Improved RoseWaaht SoVl by all Druggfetfl GTerywherft. ASK FOR HELMBOLirS-TAKE'NO OTIIEÏl. Cnt out tho ndvertisement, and s(rd for it, ANL AVOW MPGSITION AND EXPOSVRE. lyiO8: iCHOEF & MIL LEU RESTILL ONII.ÏND at tbciro'.il S l:vA, No. 2, Franldin Elcck, ith themost completa asa.ortment of looks and Stationery, BRFÜMBIMES, FA.NCY GOODS, V ALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, HIADES, KOLLERS, GOEDS, ?AS8ELS, GIJr COENTOES, OURTAINB, IOOKS AND PÍNS, sTEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offcrcd in this Market ! ad ti.oy wouU suggest totliosfï in purfiuit cf anythingin SANTA CL A US' LINE íat they can secure a )ouble Christxnas Present ! ypuréhasing frm thÍRtoek,né carh parcha ser gett n additional present of Jewelry, &c , langing invalue from 0 cts. to $50. ftl Thpytruat thnt tlieirlonjr expeñe uce inscloctinc o.'i-lfí fovthis market,anl strict iittention to tlie wants f Cuttomers, may entitle tbem t a liberalsliare o. atronage. Ann Arbor.ENf.5. 1860 777tf THL REBELLION ON HIGH PRIORS FOR CLOTflING, BAS COMMENCED AT THB ' 0L0 & RELIABLE CLOTHINC EMPOPtITJM ! No. 3 P1ICENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. IAMnow oponing a large and vairied assortment of 3p-rií)gándSumníerCfoodSj nul in view nf Ido rebeltníi oú higbpriees gféneíáUy, will offer tbem tomyfriends mdcustorai m at the very Lo west Bgurea for Cash. - riiosoin waut of a superior article oi Clotlis, Cá'sfii neres. or Beady-Made Oloíhing, -will cali onwm. WAcryER, who lias just returned from the Kast, with a largo assortxnent of SPRING Bl SUMMER GOODS wliich Lave been purchaged at the late LOW PEICES! and canníTcr tliem at alower figure than ovrr befor:?. Amoug my Assortment may be found BROADCLOTHS, UASSL VIERES, POESKTNS, VESTINGS of alldescriptions, togetlipr with a superior aasortmcnt of Ready-Mallc Clotlllng, gm&r. ■jp.TRrNKS, CAEPET BAR?, MVUSGenllemen's Furnishing witli niimrui'iR otlipr artfclcs usually found in similar establishments. As an EMPORTÜM OF FASHION, the subscritor (Jatters himself, that hïs lom; expericnce anrl aemral success, will pii:ib!e him to give the greati'St satisfaction toall whomay trust him intiie way oí { Blanufíioturing Garments to order. WM.WAGNER. AnnArbor,Aplil9thl862. 848if (( ■ ' ' - i i "i;iT: , ■;, BNfl i ■ '■■.■■v.i,, i. C5. HZjISS W-Ould lake this method of infurming his old friends and pat ron s in tl all otlicrs wlio in;iy favor him with their patronage, that he has greatly enlfirged his Stock and Assortmeiit ! and having adopted the CASH SYSTEM B0TÍI IN BÜYING & SELIJXG is proparod to sell Coods at _fr-K "Li,fg?"ft v,- ToXo Frioes, H's siotsk bonslita in part oí che [uliüu'iug: -:- AMERICAN AND OTIIER Px%. Watches! Kfe IJlÈ TheCeleWea Sál SETH THOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CITAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLEliY ! Far.ors, Shcnrs, SoiSflOTSAOd Tïruplics, W) ROGERS F1.AÏK1) WARE, tlio' best in markct, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, TAPER and EXYELOl'ES, JMusical Instruments, Strings Sf Books fnr Instruments, SPBCTA, 33 , of Gold, Silrer, Slrd, and Platid,mith PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Persons baring difficult w.-itchos tofitwith p;lassrs can bo aooomodated, as my stock ia largeand complete, P. S. P.-irlieuliir attention to thé nEP1. loei. x 3?j o of all kimts of fino Watclies, such as Makíng and Setting new Jewels, Pin? ons, Srajfs, and Cylivdcm. Aho CLOCKS, 3s rEAATEX.I'Sr MPatly repaired and'war-anted, at his old standeast HiJe of Main Street. C, BLISS. Ann 4rbor,XoT. 25,lSra 82Ct) LIVBRY! LÏVEHY! ï J. GREEN & E. MLOWN, hnvo parohased thfl Horsoa and 'arri;ip;os if I!. Green, and lm ' aluo added som o very fine Hor sos & Carxiages to the above stock, in the same barii, so that they can Riiií y ou nll nn rononablo tBl '■i. 1 Cali and See ! Ad'.i A-.linr, .Tuly Mili. 19S3, fr:',': '.


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