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The Michigan Argus

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pnblisliedevery Friday morning,in thethird story of i brick blocs, coruerof Main and Hurón Sta., ANN rBOB, Entranceon Huron Street, oppo.sitetlie EilflÜ B. POND, Editor and Publisher. Terms, $l,5O a Yenr In Advance. tdrertlslng- One square (12 Unes or Ie3s) , one d 50cents; and 25 cents for every insertiou tbereVr'lCSsthan three months. 1 n'. square 3 mos $3X0 Quarter col. 1 year $C0 Z. square 6 mos 5.00 Half column 6 mos 18 „ „rel ye:ir 8 00 Halfcolumn 1 year 35 Tosq'rcs 6 mos 8 00 One column B mos. 36 j„ ,q'res 1 year 12.00 One column 1 yoar 60 j-a ilvfit!áeuients unaccompanied by written or Idirections wiU be pubhsbed unti! ordered out, "', Iharired accordingly. I l i-lvertisements, rtrst insertion, 50 cents per JtoJ5 cents pr folio for eacli ubaequent irsertion. ff i'e'n"i postponement s added to an a.ivertisement the hole wiü be charjod tUesame as for SrstinsertioD. lob Prliitlng- Pamuhlets, Hand Bills, Circulara, Bill Tifikets, Labels. Blanks, Bill He&3s, and ,kerVrieties of l'lain and Fancy Job I'rinting, execuèa with prompt nss , and in th' beat style hiivea Ruggles Rotary Card Press. and , ..„„etc of theUteat stylesof Card type vtlfch '"f „.print Cardsniall in th noatest ""Miiifleanilcheipcr thananj other huuse in the L Susineaa i-avda for men of all afocations and proíiions BaU, Wedding ad Viitlng Carito, printed on "ortno'tiee. Cali and see samples. B0OK niSDÏG- Cnnnectedwitli theOÍBce isa „ "k Bi„ lery in charse of two competent workmen.- 1 Records, Le Ige-s, JonMalB, aud all Ulank Books „." lo order, and of bmt stock. Pamphlet. and ï ■ licils boimd in a noal and durable manner, at De„„t prices. Entranco to Bicdery ibrough tbe Argtis ice


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Michigan Argus