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Capture Of Dick Mccann, The Noted Guerrilla

Capture Of Dick Mccann, The Noted Guerrilla image
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J ho Nasbvülo TJnim eontains tlio following accpuut of the capture of the rebel desperado, Dick McCann. On Tuesday night last, pursuant to orders fivm Colom 1 Mi.ner, a cojnpany of mounlud infantry oi the 14th Michigan, under command cf Captain James E. Maekjy, r:;et au equ:d lorce of eavahy, bdonging to the lst Missouri regiment, under command of Captain Ciifford, at, and proceeded togethor to lliis post. Information oommunicatiid to Col. Mizner, nnd by liim sent to beadquarjters at Nashviiíc, left little doubt asto the cei-tainty of Major McCann's whereabouts. Capt. Mnckey's mounted infantry vvero in the advauce, and at early moni on Wedtie.-day trailing the guerrillas. Arrivinpat Weam's residence, a pían of aHack was arranged, when it was delermiued that a dash should be iiiüde iipon the premisos and " Spring House,'" a ball room close by. McfJann's men wore laying siego to a hearty breakiast, tlicir horses were in the stablcs, they themselves unconscious of tho presence of an enemy, when tbo mounled infantry and eavalry approachod. ïho advanced guavd dat-hed fiercely up Ilie hill, shouting franiieally, and recived tho h'iv.t iïie from four of Diuk's mon, who were on the lookout in theroad in front of the house. Tho Federáis returned tho lire, wonnded the wholo four, and giving (ïhiisc to tho remai;;dor, who, in their efforts to roach thu stable, ere now cut off by Capt, Clifloru's force, which had then come up. McCann himsalf, seeing bis rnoinent of preparation far a fight had passed, resolved to escape, and ordered lis men to "scatler througli tbc woods," wben a soldier oí Mackey's oominaiul, Sínn Dunnine, order ed Imi: lo hall md surrender, vvhicji ho did very reluet.aritly, rem a ik n (o Martin W. Gulp, lbo cavnlryman to vvhorn Durining had given liini n charge: "[ could have that you if 1 had thouoht tit, hut I wnuld 'bc coinmiuing murder." Fifteen of his mem whoin as a bi-nUier of iis, werc captured also, tho rernainder osCHp!i Uiroiifjh !bo denso forest. On pproiichiug Captaia Mackay, MrCunn eii'.leuvdrt'd to concea! his - a star on his le!t breast - and on beiiiij askcd who hu was, gave hU na:r,u as Jolioson. Thü (yai.iain ,sav iüiiiieaialx'l that in his primoner lie rccoanizHd thu oft do senbed ieatures of Dirk MeCrnin, and faid, " Yon oafi enmelo ames on ttic; you iiru Did; [(-Oann." Jio renlit-d : "Yes, sir, T am Mlj J. R. MeOau'n, and [ a.tB yo'.w piisoner.1' Ha and h:s mou wore lodged in jail, in this town, on Wednesday i.ight, aud worosent, under guard, to Nüslwille, Thursday afternoon.


Old News
Michigan Argus