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Panic In Richmond

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Kiehmond papers of the 29th uit., cnntam the followin account of tbe recent l;ii'ii; al that placa : Uonsidcra!)e excitement. .vas oceasioned in llio city on Thursday uiglit, and was kciit lip diirin;; ijje !ay on Fiiday, by a report, bvffugttt hy couriers and pas.sengers from the W'hito House, tliut tho ericniy, S,OÜU sfcroBg; was sdcaèoing upen the city. At au early hour Gen. Elney, in command of tbia Departmenl, proceeded to make the best possible disposiüon of the forces rcnder bis cnmmand for the defenso of the metropolis. As usual on suoh occasions, the c-ity was soou Clli d with rumors o regard to the reported advance and strei'.gth of the enemy- sotnc astB3aiáng it as high as 10,000, éonsisting of iiifantry, artiilery, and cavalry. At a late hour last night we wero infor.ned by an offioer j'ust tïora's Bridge, that the force of the eremv consistud of four anaced eavalry of the Elevciiih PénuiBMiia regiïpeot, Gól. Spc.-ü-s. The püi-ty carne ftota Wilüam;; ' burg, as fa r as Jïottoui's Bridge, whete tliey eneounteied and drove in our piokets, after i short skirmisb, rcsui:ii,g in no pnsualties ou cither side, as far as couiii bo asoertained. Tho Yankees Iheu feil bnek to New Kent Qourt House, not {árgébtiti to break uto the storehouso of a" farmer on their n.iiie, and steal all of bis bacon. Ilere they strpped the remaindtr of the night, and the fellpwifig inoruiiür startcd on their rrturn to WitóÜMiHirg; Wc are jlsfl iüi'cnnf d t!:t a p;riy OÍ iur men gav-e the Yankees chase, and comiug'up v:i;!i theni, a siight skirmish ensüed, v.hich rc3ulted in the death of onc of the invaders. One of our men is gsid to have been accidentally shot by a brother soldier. This we b'jiicve to be a correct statement. And Ihus ends the last "On to Itiehmond." Commenting upon this statement, the IJiiqvj'er says edi:or!al!y " The deinonstration of the enemy, made oi! the Peniiistihi, W;H bc prnnipily met and .defcatcd, as so of?en hcretofore, thouli we carmot but have great appreheusions for railroad bridgts. " The encmy for seéle tinw bAv been appreliensiva of an early advaneü b (Jen. Leo. Tho reduecii condition o"f Meade's array, and tbc kno.wleclgo now fully possessed by that army that they wei-e defeated at Gettysburg, greatly exerciso their authoritics. To prevent this tlreaded advance, and their speedy retreat into the fortifieations of Wasliington, Meado has detached a force to opérate on the Peuitisula, break the railroads, and, if possible, induce General Lee to send dnwn troops from hisarmy." 'i lien quoting some staiemeuts nade ín Northern papers regarding an npprehended advanco by Lee, it adds : " The appreheusion of this advance has induced this raid towards Richmond. It will soou bo over; the garrison troops, together uith such as will be speedily collected from other points tian Gen. Lee's army, will diivo back tho plunderers. Wlien the advance does take place, Meado will quickly betake himself to tho fortifieatioDS of Washington. There will be no batíle at ' Manssfts,' for Mcade will make no stand this side of Washington. Geïi. Lee will have to cross the Potomac to get a fight out of tho Army of the Potomac? The 'declimated coudiüon' of that army really invites an advance ; but as they can reach Washington before Gen. Lee ean poasibly intercept them, such advauce muy bo uselees utiless we ean cúter Maryland."


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