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Sngai" Coated Filis, vs. I5ísease- HHLorc Evidenee. MR. HIL.L, of theñrm oFGirleyand HüL 169 Broadwiy, says the Sugitr Co.aied ludían Vegetable Pilis ae superior to nny he has ever tuken. H8 wife has íbunU them delightful aad efTicacious. Miss Dougi.ass. córner of Walker and Ludlow streuls, has been cured of pain in the hend. dirnness oí Btghtj nnd diz2iness oC on- standing by íhese Pilis.Mes. SuiCKS, of 09 Hcnry ïeer, cured of pnins and cnitnps, bHeilit years standing. Mr. Atki.ns, of 2G3 Green wiel) sireet, cnred ol dyspepsia, of sevcn years sinndinfr. Mr. Cakt-ock's danghtcr, 8 Siaple strect, cured of Worms in their worst fprm. Rev. Mr. Bürsett. of Brooklyn, cured o! bilious coniplnints, weakness, &c. Wé nceA-aot n-Jd more. F.vidence crowds npon us from No Pilis ever hefove nccomplíshed so nincli, wifh srTlïïtTirtTojibieand disagreeaölenes5; ns Dr. Smith's CSiiinr Coaiei) ;:lmproved-Indian Vegetuhlc Puls." Sold at Guion's corner iJowery nnd Grand 9t.: Philip't corper of Beekman of Willinm streeis. KvereJt's. 93 Hudsonst. : Mrs. Hay'e, 119 Kulton streef Brooklyn; and 203 Greenwicli street. Examine the label - Kok for Dr. Smith's written ümature. 45DR. SM1THS(SUGAR COATED) '-ÍM proved Jnclian Vegetable Pilis," are daily eliecting some of the most asionishing and wondertu! cures thai liave ever been known. in cmsequence of which they have now becoine a sliining mark ngoinst whicluall the arrows of disappointcd hope, envy. and unchnr'mbleness aic levelled wiüioui distinclion. The to'.vn and country are alike filled with their praise. Tlie palace and pnor-house alike echo wiih tlieir vtr-, mes. In all climates. under all teinperaturoi, they siill retnin iheir wottderfttl powera, ant? e.xert thein unahered by aye ór ettoaiion. They are simple in thcir preparntion. mild in iheir actions, tnorongh in all their opcrniiotx, and unnvalled in their resulls. They are nnti-bihous. anri-dvsnemic. and meren ril; and thoy arepecultñrly honeficinl n the fullowing complninfs: fever and ogue, yellow and iílious fevers. dysipsia croup. livor cqjmnt, sick Iieaduche, jnundice. asih'ma. dmpsr, spleen, piles, colic. ohstructi'ons, hearibur, lurred longue, ond foul stomach, nausen, dirhoen, costiveness, loss of arputite. Balfow omiplexion, colds, and in all cüscs of toipor (v'the b)vels vvhere n cnthartic or nn apeiieilt 18 needed. N. 15 (ETNo Sugar Tn-itod Pilis can lo gennine unloss every box h'nsoíi it iH sicnnture of G. BENJ'N SMITH. m" D. O'''11 Í7Í) Grecnwich st , and Rush ton &'Cn;i í(í Astor ííouse, and thiüughout thc Üni J stoí:ñ, F ROM thc éubscríber, bout four weeks sincc, a black snn'n vest. Il is supposcd io have been laken by nn iniemperate man, a sirnnger whi was aboui heie at that linie, and ias pTobably p'iwne'd il oiihor for inotiey or liqir. Any onewho wiíl glve informotion concernin it. at ibis OrtlCe, iê informed that ï wül redeoni' ihe vest and amply rewnrd bim lor hi trpublf. ' S. E. BROWN. March 2!, 19451 TSÖÖltos. Gecsc Feaihers O' F first rate (inaüty for salo by ibe pörtnd o huntlrcd weight in qaniities to suit purclias ers, may be frtnn'd af KATMOiND'Ö CASTT STORE. Í4& Jeffei8on Avonnp, g-)_,r Detroit Iiive Gcesc Featliers, March 3, JS4, 4y-4wATTBIVXIO C LOTHIERS!. JUST recetvsd ut the Cunera I Depot, 'or the sale of Cloihiera Stock, Macliiiiery, Dyeri;uii3j &.c. &i. No. líJ. Jetíeraon Avenue Detroit, ihr.followiiig urP, vell assorted, and fitrullllly t-drcltíd SIOclí. viz: J 00 BWs: Se Domingo Lopwood, Cuf. 5 Tona " " '" Stick150 bb's Cuba Ftisiic. Cüt, 5 Ti 'iis ; ; in Súkót) bbis. Nic. Wood, Chficd, 5(1 " Lima Wood, '; 'r) l: Red Wond. " líO " Ground Cninwood, 10 " Quercitroa Baik, 500 " jVu{g:!!s, 1U Cnsea K.xtruct of Logwood, 300 lbs. Dyc ' 2 Corodiis Sprninli Indico, 3(1) Ihs. Sutmt: Kiciiy, 3 CasUs .Modder. ?. Casks Bine Vitriolo .r ( 'isks Alurn. 2 Barrels Red Tdríar, 2 Barrels Cre:ims Tonar, :) Carlioys Aqira Fortis, 5 " O1 Vitriol, 3 iVJurtaiic Acid, 500 lbs. Virdisris. 5) " BlockTin, Tenséis. Twïne, Copper Kcttles, all sizeiy Parson's Shearing Machines, Curtis' l' '' Scrcv.'s and Press P'.ates, Cratiksj Piesf Paper, Sie! Reeds, Wyreted llnrncss, Tenter Moults, Eniery, at! No's., Olive Oí!, Clüth5er8' Jack, Sattinett V.rpJ C!thiers' Bruslies. .Shuttios. Pickers. Card Clcaiftrs. &.;. &c. Theabove. wiih n varieiy of other articles belonging to the trade, have been ptirehased thir aunimer hv the sabsci ibera frorrl Manufacturera and Firsl Hands m the New York. Philadclphia, nnd Boston Markets and evory thing havingreceived liis personal inspectiof), he Can with theuimuSi con fitten ce oflbr tliem to purchnsera as Uie best and most complete stock in the country, and ns it is hia fixed cietermination (ty the low rates at which he will sell) to prevent the necessity of our Clothier8 and Manufactures leaving ie Siate to nmke ibetï pnrcliases. he would merely say to the irade, CdLL, examine ibe goods and ascertain prices beforó yofl say you can buy cheaper any whcre else. niran He isulso prepnrer] to contract tor CARDiiNv MA CHIMES made in this State orEastPIERRE TELLER, Sign oi the Golden Mortar, 139, JefFereonAverue Detroit [17-tfQ ífo Clothíers, üfanufacturers and ülercliants. rpüE subsriber isnow receiving at his storesr JL I8S and J9I Jeflfirson Avenue, Detroit, tno (ollowing caroiully and well selected stock ot, Dyk Woods, Dyí: Stuffs and Woolkh MAKOr . factürer's Machinkry. „,L5 tons Fusuc, Cuba, ioduscu, a.(.f- Carthagcna. . 10 tons Logwood, Campeacb, Si. Domingo . and Honduras. uu C tons Nicarague, Bonair, Coïo, . Hacfte , and LI ma, 3 tons .Camwood, very choice, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, . 130 " FuBlic, " 100 ' Red Wöods, " 120 " Camwood, " "■ J0 '' Quercitron Bark, 45 " Aliutn. 42 : Copperatí, 3) il Blue Viiriol, 08 " Mndflcr. Oinbre, and IJutch crop,s 3 ': Crenm Tartar, 9 '■ Pftttgalïs, 3 cases Indigo, Bengal Mamila and GúaUtímala, 2 tc Lr.c Dyc, 20 " ext-. Logwoodi 2 " Grnin Tin. 300 pounds VerdiRnsv 15 Carboys Oil Vitriol,: Spirits Sea-SalfÍT' and Jiiti c Acid, ALSO. Copper K"tttles and Cliuhiers' 'Screws, Tentöï;Mouks, Jacks and Brushes, f'ress Papers, Cardr Clèuners. Weavers' Siiears. Kippers and Bur-ling Jron's. Cotub plaies, Pickers and Bobbine. VVire, Warstedand Cotion Harness, Steel and' Cane Reeds, Broact Power. Hand Loonisand. Fty Shuttles, Steel and Coppcr Mails, Emery,. &c. Parsons' Shearing 4, &, and 9? blarles. Ailen's doublé and single Carding Machiue&r Machine Cards. l,eic&nter, The above goods have recentiy purebased'directly irom the importers and inanufacturersy ïxcLUStfüLV toR cAfir, and willbe eold ai th# New York jobbers' prices, adding ironspoicatiün Ónly; and in consequencc of the decline onmany of the Americnn manufactured arucles, will in manycaséSj be sold at fiftekx per cent eess tras íormek vtices. Thirtcen yearsnee in the Dye Wood business enables the subcnber lü say'to lus customers that he is prepnrd at all times to warkant his.goods of superior qUahty' THEO. O. EATOiY. Dye Wood anft Dye Stufl" Warebouse-, 1S8 and i 90 Jeflörson. Avenue, Detroit. The Ann Arbor Journal. Ypsilonti Sentine!, Pontine Gazette, FlinrDemocrat. AdrionEx#osiior Mursluill Siatesman, Riles Courier and. Reoubiican, Gazctie, Michigan City (Ia ) and ihe Enquirer, London, (Cannüa.) vnlPeSOfi publisri Lca)ovo nuüce insidn, to ilio amount of three dollars, and seud copy of noticawuh billa to subscriber for jmymeuu „ 17- tl.AïiWAYS ON HANDE3jrH nTUlË subscriber has rejL! X moved hia Shop to-Maia V" Street opposiie H. Beek.f yiLy er' s Brick Store, whereMt % ■ dSi he may be found rady. lo vV "w wa'1 iiPon iOl1 nsy 've -"L Aflf pjavjng jttdt receivad direct f'rom New York an elegant stock of nnd Fancy Anieles, whleh he ntenda tö seli ioiccr thau bas ever been sold; west of Buffalo fjr Rcady Pay Oah. Among wbich moy bo IouikI a cood assortment of Gnld aml Conimon Watch Keys, Gold Finger Rings and Bosonï lvms, Guard Chains, Sitver Teff ná Tablo Spoona. Sugtir Tongs, Butter Knitfesv Silver TcncU cns-;3, Silver and Comnion Spoctaele3. Germán, lo.. Steel, do., iiair FJniehcs. Clothes do., Tooih do., Lather do. Fine Ilaaors und Pocket Knives, Fine Sheani nd Scissors, Lather boxes, Razor Strops. Waletts, Pursrs, Violins and Bows. FItites. V ïohn ud Bn8s Violin Strinfs, Clarionet Reeds, Perussion Caps. Porket Pistóte, Brittoma Candleticks, Watches. Letter Stamps. Steal Pena and Snuil' and Tobacco boxee. Fine comti, cío.. Sfde do., Bnck cío.. Shell do., Needleë and Cases, Water Paints, Toy Watches, Kid Dolí, a great variety of Toys too numerou b niennoiK 13euds, Nccklaces, Fancy Boxes, &e. &c. , . , .. „ Clocxs and Watches of ecry dofcrrpüon rélaired nnd warrantcd, also, Jéweky repairedod tU0rl nÜliCe' CALVIN BLISS. N. B. Caïh PAin kor OLD GOLL) AND oír irpR C J. Ann Albor. Ót. 84, 1844. .ïiit ANN ARBOR OIL MÍLL THE su'oscribers would givë notice that lïnj" are èngagcd Ui mánnfncturiug LIN&KitEy OIL. and ore ncpared to furritsh oil of the Bepc quality to mfcichants and painters, ekeap ns it cun b.e obiame4 froin the Eost. Oih exehanged. lor Flux seed al the vaté of a jjallon of oil for n bushei oT Flax seed. Cash,ívt úl time paid.fqr Flax secd. PULCÏPHER A .WDSOTSTv i Ann Arbor, Lower é, Ï84. Blank Deeds andlTIortgagcs, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, forwleby BECKLF.Y. FOSTEa fc Ok Marelt 20f 1815._ -


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