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Death Of John B. Floyd

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ïhn d.eatli of John Buebaüari Ployd, 'iigiidicr G'ioril in the Oonfedei'iiti i v.iiv, s aniioun-ced ia Iticbiftond papers .f Tbursday ;is having occurred at bis resideneo in Abingdoii, Virgirjia, on fliat day. He dicd ou the soil of liis birtli, baving been bom in Moutgomerv i (now l'uiafki) coniity, Viijrinin, in' ÍSQÍ, He studied law soon áfter graduatii g at Soul] Ciw.iliüa (7?ULgo ifi (Ï8Q8 aWd in 1s:;ü móved to Fie'éüa Aikansas, whcre bo ]ruo:ik.-ijj. Lis proi'ossiuu for tvo or tbn u 'y ar. Ui returué'd to Virg.iii;a, settlílíg i;i Whsniffgtnn coi'inty, in 1839; ■::- uieètea tp lbo lovfetf bt-nhefa of the : ittire in 1 ■ ! ,'. and was !'! in 1849. He was ch sen B Síaté fot the term expirü g J iMiny ]. 1853 u .! in 1835 was igiiHi cli'cted to tbe Eegïsliitur?. Being choseii Fresm&ótisl elector iu 1856, he vntí il James liuchanan, whóBi previously, at the democratie co.nveyjflóti in Cindnnaii, atid durirrg tho cöntest '-'■ dmg tfce cleotion, be had cxerted himself by vo!e and addressBs! lie was appóinfed by President JJuclinnan ,eeretary of War in MaícfíJ ]Sö7. The politica! gulf ópefeed by the re bellion of ]-8'61 left the ex Secretary of W-iir apon lis Snüihei'n sido. Out from beweath the sWdow of the Federal fl'L, :t:! frpíd tlití restraints of a constitution too iinpartial for the exclu.-ivu ta:-te of a Soulherner and a slavehoideí, thi.s one niuoiig niiuiy nfén of fair 'uut mistaken intelligpiice went forfti ío set the staé for the itrtpossMe fíirtie of SóutLerti iodependence, whtch Federal bfiyVineta have arilièa i;:to a drama, oí' restaiation. It bas been allesed, ;:id it has alsb bé.en denied, fhirt ihe treason of John B. Floji! liad manifested itso'f while he yet held office under íhc United States rovernment, in the transfer of ahí lile Souih (o ;;d the cause of the rebellíéW. That lie had íhe ëonfidenceof those who if e:7ard construeted tho rebel government is si-mvn by the fact tíiat he was l i n e(i;rni;;.sio;iel as a Br'igad er General ip the Southern serviée, a ra k which he held to the close Ho cominanded the ariiiy driven out of Western Virsinia by (ieneral l'osecraiis, and was siibaefjuent'y removed to the Wes', where he was ëujtagéd at Fort Donelson. The history of his flight, at tho head of a nt, from the Federal wraih to come at that place, is familiar to qvery onc at uil acquaintèd with the cvt'its of the period. 8nch bnso desertion of comrades in danger did not escape nótiee. TböpuWio and official disgrica which gréW ouf of it clung to the man who thus doubled his treason, until the night which closed around hini on tho 27th instant, bereff of honor aliko aüiong associates and foes.


Old News
Michigan Argus