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rpHE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES JL Wil.L ba for the Haalii.g pf tlm Natiouji. BibU. 3FT_ IjTOKTS, PHE GREAT AND CELEBRATED PHYSIClAN of tlio THKUAT,LüiUS, IlKAliT, LIVl'.H AND THE IÏLO01, Knuffu all over thecoiintry as llie WA. KUR.VIK]} TISTIDXJIST ÜEK,B „DOCTOR I Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio, Will visit the folio wmg placas, viz APJ'OIMTMKXÏSFOR 18U2, 1863 and 1864. Prof R. J. Ly ons can be conaulted at the fllowiug places every month, viz: Detroit, Hussel House, oacb mooth, 18th and 19th. Ann Albur, Monitor House }edeh month, SOih, .laei-.sun, Jiibiiani House, acu month, 21. Adr&n, Br nonet Houae, ach montÜ 22danü23}.. Toledo, OhiOjColhns Houae, each moulh, fi4th;S5tb and 36th. HilUdale, M1ch.,HiIlsLate Houfte, each month. 27th Qólöwater, Micb., riuuthern Michigan Houfte, eaoh m'oúth, asth. Elkhart, Klkhari Housl, eaoh month , -9th. South Bern!, Ind., SI. Ju. Hotel, fiich 'montli, 30. LaporlB, Ind., Tee Qard&n Hoti, each month Blut, WooBter,ühio,ürandellfijcchanèeieaoh month, Uh and8th. Mansfleld, OLio, Wiler House, cach month Üth and lOtii. Mt. Vurnoa,Kenyon House, each month, llih and 12th. Newftrk, Ohio, Holton House, each mtnth 13th and Hth, l'aineavllle, Oh in, CowIesHoupe, each monih 4th (LKVl.l.ANi), OJ1K). RESIDENSK Mib OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, Kast of the public square, oppoaite the Posto ffietí. Office ihiya each month, 1.4. Sd, 4th, 5th, 6th, lüih. - pffictJ liours iroin 9 A. M. to 11 M, and ["rom 2 V. 11. 'to 1 1'. II. On S uu. ia y l'roin '.I to 1) A . lf.,and 1 to 2 P. M. jSyMa-ximrttitrietly adhered to - I (five üin-h bülni jis liave no strife, Wiili natufi; or the la's Of Üi'e, Witli ijlood xrfy hands I novcr stain, Norpoison men toeaáe thirpain, Ucis a jhinicinn indeed t who Care. The' Indi'aS Eter. I ucluIi. J.XYONá, ctiresthéfol lowiug complaints in the most obstinate stages uf their existenee, viz: 1., --cases ui' the Thrnat , Lungs, Heart, T.ivcr, Stomacli, Dropsy in tlw GUiest, Rheumatlsra, Neuralgia, Fits. or FalllniiiiickneaSjiind all otter nervouadera tig mentf . AIm alldisease.oj the blood.such as Scrol'ula", Kryslpfias. Cancera. Kever Sores, Leprosy, and all otherconioliciitfi) uli run ie complainta A furias of female dinicuitïefl a tiend ed to wilh the Iripnic.-t resulte. It is hopüd thiit no one will 'lespair of a cure until tliey have ivcn the [ndian Herb Doctor'a Medicines a fairand laiilifnl trial. jQlJuring tlie Doctor'; traveU in Pui }■, West Indïea Böuh A nier i ca. and the Pnited States, Ik! has heen the insirnmeni in God's hand. tnrpï'loiT it( ht'jiltli ;uni vigor thousands who given tip mil pronoünced incurable by the mos1 eminent old nchool pliyfiicians; nay, more, thouanrls who were on the verge of the graT. are nmv living mor,yjnnts to töt IihIími HeVb's Hochn-'s skül and 1 altreatment,aiiáare djiily sxolaimlng: 'BI8sed b th-day wht-n iirst we saw aud pftrtOtfk of the Indian lleib Oóctor's nif-ilicine." SattflfSctory rerereñcesói cares will be gladly and checrfally giveu !i.;never reiniired. The Doctor ftleds hía workl uní honor, that he will in nu wiae, direotly or indireetly, induce or cause any Envalid to take hiö medicine vit lio ut (he strongest P?cVability of a cure. iffS Mbdè of cxaniination, which is Mïtttely different froni fhefaculty. Dr. Lyun pr6f8aeï to dfscern diReasea by thö eye. He therefrtre asks o questions, nor doeshe patientto explain sfmptofcs. Callone and all, md have thosymptoms nnt location of your diseasf px])lained free of ehaiire. ITI'l"1 1' f")v slmll beiibemllv considered. j8ÊffPotonico addrt)S. bux 2Cfi3. K. J. X.YONS.M. I'. Cleveland., Ohio, Nov. C5. 1862. ly880 UNIVEKSAL CL0TI1ES WRINGER. No. 1. Lar;!: Family Wbinqeb $10. ni) No. 2. Mkdiüm " " 7.03 u 'iy, " " " e.oo No 3. Pmai.i. " 6..'0 No. 8. Laiiuk Hotki. ' 14.00 No. 18. Medium Laundkv ( torunby ) 18 CO No. 32. La&qu " -; steam or - 3U 00 _ hand; J Nos. 2}4 an'i 3 bayo no Cogë. All uíbers aro wairanted. No. 2 is thesize genprally u.sofl in private families. Oraxüï Jced, of.üaa 'tAmoncan Agncultunst " sa j-b of tho UNIVfJRSAL CliOTHES WRINGEH. "Ai'hiH ciinvoiflily vvrin? out a tuhl'ull of clothes in a few minutes. It is in ro:iltv a CLOTHES PAVEB ! A TIMKSAVKKI aiul u SÏKNiiTH BAVBR I The saving ot'garnienu vill alone pay a large por centap-e on itti t-ost. Wi; tlnnk thp luacliiiití muchmore tlian PAYS FOR lTSELF KVKHY VEAK in the saving of garmenta! There are se.yeraj kind.s, nearly aiike in fieüeral con((i-iiCtKin biit wc con-iider it important that thtVringer be iittr.1 wltb Crip, ötbèrvvliïë'a inass of garments may cloii tbc rollert:, and tbe rollers upan the ciink-sba! t tiiii iin.l tf;ir the clo hes, or the rubber break loose from the sbaft. Our owo ík one of the lir.-t ïcake, and t neariy as COOI) S SLff af ter nearly FOUS Yl'.AK.S' CONSTANT K " Bvery Wrirgei -wilh Cog Wheels is Warrauted in every Particular. XO WRIGER CAN BE DURABLE WirUOUT C0& WOEELS. A good CAN V ASSER wanted in uveiy town. On receipt of the price from places whero no one is selling, we will sëtid the wringer Kitts CP KiPEN8K Fdyparticulars aad circulara artlress 9lBtf R C. BROWNING, 347 Bro&dway, N. Y. For Kats, Mice, Ma acties, Atits, Bed Bugs, MotUs in Furs, Wooltms, Instcts on Plattts, FowSs, Animáis, Sic. " Only infalible remedies kiiowu." " Freo fr.iin jioi-ons." " Xot diiiiLï.nous lü the TTuraan Family." ' Katrt come out 'if their hules to die." ÍS StiW Vh'1(-pale in all largè c ties. JOgf Sold by all Dniggists and Uetiük-rs cvcrywhcTc. jSCxf ! ! ! I eawark ! ! ! nf'all worthlcss iraítatíons. 4ÉS3" See that "Costak'h" Damn is un each Box Botti'1 aml Fiasli, hpfore veil buy. &$- AtWresa IIEkY IÏ. COSTAR. Principal Depot, No. 428 Broadwaj N'ew Yorli. J" uil by uil thu Vliules;iU mul Ketail Prugglbti, Anu Arboij Mich. 9jLtü?3 GOOD One Shilling per Pound ! Eight Ühiliing8 per Pound BEST KEROSENE O8L 4 SIULLINGS PEE GALLON! CHOIGE AKTIGLE GF COFFEE, Preparé! of CaÊfee and rhiccnry fretih grnni.! .!i-, and warranteti superiar to iiuythii: in thia marUet or tlie muuey refundcd, AT 2 8H1LL1NXJS PE11 LIJ. OROCKEEY, GLASS WA%E, TABLECUILERY, ZAMPS, FRV1TCANS. finil all utLir gotiJK at about old prii es. A, DeFOTïFST. AnnAi-lini, .liiiif 33, lHGiJ. i'lOtf. JissoLutioii Wctïce, milR FIUM UI" CtiAl'IN, WuOI) k CO., was disKohfd l.IsiniKuv lfi, Ie :;, ' ;■ routual.conReot. C, A. Cbnpis acil A; It. VTood will settle tUe accounts of tlm finu. C. . Cn.vrix, A. B. Wtmii, V G'lI.UM.V, K. V.'ELLd. Aun Ar'üur, Junf 9., 1P63. TTE USrnKRfliWEn t-atcVp.! jnto.ijnrfin'iship Jnii W,tR6!, W tlie firni urap öT'Cliapin it "#, m.' will couUnuit the bu-siocss of maimfact uring pnninv. and wratping paper. C. A. CÉUPIN, X. Ciiapin, V. Cjr UfDf. Au:j Arvor, JuM 21 , h 6 fe J) , The peculiar taint or ik x"s infection which we eall isa w Scrofi:i.a hu-ks in Y %K c constitutiong of ■ X é( Pnllitu5es,of OMi. It Z lvvíí ■i'ncr produces or is ' 'íjjifJ&th feebled, yitiated state fiiríñwtÑÍE' -S of tlu! Mocl whoreini -■ piïHBfc JSitliat iluid l.cromcs inilfplclïw Í iitóM conpetent to sustuin MÍfS[!ESB fi%?i'wt5Tmj the vital forres in tbeir jtmHp . SAWiiHi" viii-nrnnn uction, and 'jjí,; -"i";'-';''vJ'"-'-j ' '.',, !c:ius systcni to - "-i.55üei=-. decay, The scrol'ulcus i contamination is-variously causcd by mercurial díñense, low living, disordered digestión from unliealthy food, impure air, filtli and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, abovc all, by the venereal infection. Whmever be its origin, it is hcreditary in the constitution, descending "from paren ts to childrcn unto the third and fourth gencration ; " indeed, it secms to be tho rod of Him who snys, I will visit the nimrU ties of the fathers u]ion thcir children." 1'he diseases which it originates take various nanies, according to the órgana it attacks. In tho lungs, Scrofula produces tuberelcs, and finully Consumption ; in the glnnds, swcllings wliich suppuiMte and become ulccrous sores ; in tho stomach afld bo'els, dcrangements whieli produre indigestión, dyspepsia, and liver coinpl;iints; on the skin, eruptive and cutnncous affections. These all having the same oviin, require the same remedv, iz. purification and invigoratkm of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dnngerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot liavo hcalth ; with that " life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have serofulous discaso. Ayor's Sarsaparilla is compounded from tho most cdectual antidotes that medical scicnce has discovered for this afflieting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entnils. Thnt it is far superior to any othcr remedy vet deviscd. is known by all who have givcn it i trial. That it does combine virtues tntly extraordiuary in thcir effect upon this class of complaints, is indisjiutabiy proven by the great multitudo of publicly known and rcmarkable cures it lias mado of the following dïsèasea : Killg's Evil or Glandular Sv.'ellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Eose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from toberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Keuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Témale Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that ariso from mpurity of the blood. Minute reporta of individual cases may be found in Ayeü's Ameiïican Almanac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, whcrein may bo learned the directions for its use, and sorae of the remarkablo cures which it has mado when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energics, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitutior.s. Henee it tends to shortcn, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. 'The vast importante of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its euro. This we now offer to the public under the name of Ater's Sarsapaüilla, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed tho best of SarsapariUa in alterativo power. By itsaid you mayprotect yourself from thesuffering anti danger of these disorders. Purge out the l'oul corruptions tliat rot and fester in the blood ; purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous hcíüth will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsapariiïa, that promised much and did nothing; but thcy will ncither bo deceived nor disappointed ip this lts virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the euro of the afflicting diseases it is Entended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more effectual than any other which, bas ever been available to thein. AVEU'S CHERKY PECTORAL, The World's Great Eemedy for Coughs, Colds, Ineipient Consuniption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so Ionr nsed and so l sally known, that we nced do no more than assure the public that its qnnlity is kept up to the best it ever has been, and tliat it may be relied on to Xo all it has ever done. Prepared by I)x. J. C. Ayer & Co., Fractical and Analytïccd Chemists, Lo'.vcll, Mas. Sold by all dïuggists everywhere. S'd'KBBlNfc! & WIL .i)X, Aim' Arlmr, E. SMiW; Ypsilaati, A EWING, "DOTter, WHËkDON &HATCH, Chelsea. WboWslUetgr FAKKANDS1IKLBY & Co., Pe trolt. C. E. COL'UUN, Travelling Agcut. WONDEIIFUL SUCCEBS ffë" The iittontinn ;md research of the most ' distuiguisbi::.! ( liciulst s and Pbyaicianï for yearu have' Ikx-h lUivoU'fl tu ihe pi'odur-tifin of a remedy for'thíse 1 uiu.sLdistrr-.s.sii g maiadiès NaWRAtGIA afaè lim. Aftor Ioiilc studj uní maiiy expfrrimjPirts, a zpecijic ..:.'.■ has Ir.'fii thseoTeuftfl. W'A'i.-'tfN' N'euralgia Internat f{i:mdtj.i curwág thotisands of e. ée . where dl othw i-i.-niclir feaT u terlj Fáilcfli M'e are assured thatit is do ooere ■■.Nü -VNí:," rc'.iving f dr hc moineot wbilttho r;iie ïtm.uus, bit i.s a prfoct si'Kt lHi1;,!!.! CÜHE for tho-c r;,inrn iliss. The rasf Dumber of Liniments, Embrocatips and fcxternal j Mi'iüu'ní'S, w'iicli ;trt :i .tinu!;ints w' tiri suvface 'n!v, 1 are mei ely temponi i y in thir effeerts atd of doubtful virtue 'iiu' X V l il A i ,(; i A KINO rpache tB boutob pf all tronble, anrl effcciuallv buuiUw %t$ chsease frOip l'nce - One Dollar per Bottle. Preptnfé1 bv 3)8S7 BuíTato.N. Y., ana Pbrt "Ete, C.+. Tli American Collccting iigeney, No. 2-10 Broadway, New York. ('!;:. iuw f utl k i ii .Ís aíírtinst t lie Gcimmv. &}% vvumerA, ■tatc (.h'vim-u ut'iií, ' 'i:y , or pri ite i ;'.;tit s. prosejutj 'i .-ín 1 ctliected :ii '■■■■;' ( epeístí aftd i AgfLin.M private parwu I poAwse bbípíot faeiHtíew "br collectie claiiös.pv-erjrwju rt i:i ; - nlu-A tiiniim ■ f ■: i ,i !,i I ,s, felle iii nu-jvh.i i. ; . ij; uliL'i'sij tuí ot . . el i he ca 1 1 and all : ■ ■ bítity . Special attiintign giveAJQ ol dwWs, luurd caaes, di, voros, wiils, éstiitos, Ec. Beiug Fftiniliiir whh ijll the details of the L .■ rííií í?c7ifrtMf; -í-"1)11 í"#,HIatteúd protnptly tt tho collccoh oí drawbacks, an taxffs Ortrpald through igtoonfíice oïthe law. Soldiere' pensioqSj-ffftyi nui imunly eecured forthrm or tbeir luiii. Fqr t hi L purjiosö, ;lií.I fot prps claJirís against tlip Goí ■ -m ■■ i . '■ 119 ven b cli oáíiofl ;it Washington. Nü cL;;rov iiKult.1 (jia:i!i uru cultfteted. Al! '.ol.iiprs aificharged by Lea&on of woundn - huwever nhpi.tba tiuuMhy have served - ure 11 Ut led to One ITu'ndfed pullara Öounty. All uldiers Ua iiig.iTved two yt':irs,:ir" entítleil to thc ■ . . . tS, The biglir-Mi inarkfl )r'u;i will b paid for roIUei ' claii i3j - u I ,.;u-r tlpoa%jatÍ3 ag,wt lio (onciul GfO 1 ■■■ i.n;. 1 I IuforBoaÜon : mi opioioas -!v.n, ujij iuv-tíiíAtiofl ma lë without chorg ,upon claims proposedto be placed in my íi.-ukI--. For particu! 1 H. HÏTNTINGTO5T LBB, QQOif Xo,'J4ü ürna.V-.vhV, N.Y !TpHF. UNDiCXiT) ba Ctw raífl 3t.0 Busbtels of j I Tira.! w r I VVi.i ■■ ! . No. 1 in (u;i;t y , jirov. ,1 ':uid,unl tV.'c from chos coclile,, syjui i::;,hiíoh, ;ii;.'--jh! t!.'' liiiü ■ tur -;■■ 1. ' . ' -al the Üoion ScLool Uouíe, and aat-! aiag it. ■ AM Albor,. A:i;;ust Itfa, 1E63, ' ' Ayer'í Agüe Gura PAIN CURED! ELDWAY'S READ BELIEP ] the mo 't imporlanl medicinal curatlve- ƒ fíw v-n medíate relief vï the sufferer- of all varfetlea otTAIX.S, ACHEd and [NKIRU3TIES, ruU Ihe prompt coro of th : . ;.1X, citlifii1 Interüal or -xt-'rna1 , is i cotit ii .. ïii oí' ihe dieitóu, Uiut has ever liuu cii-scuverwd. IX A FEW MINUTES Aftot the appücatlon oí the RKADY RFLJEF otter, ii l 1 : y nr luailiuinUti'utloii tni rually, i!io putieuf - teiM4 with the nu -t exc-i-iici,tii r l'.USS, ACHES. (HA1IIV, i,iii:uiJA'ns.M,NWUAi.;iA.;irrr, i.umhaco, kkveu AND ACUE, SPASMS, PORH 'IHROAT, IXl'I.UF.rJÏA, DIPrHKRrA.OÖVGI'STIÖN or 1.XFLAMUAÏ10N, will cl, joy ouj ;iud tonifort. SAD WATTS HEADY RE-LIEP MS fíifcr ti ftítmtoiíter, ténd tc-ll dp pain quickrr, tlmi all preptirati md 't' ütitnn, MorjiblMO, Vod. - :: ■, r. i i tiiii-1. Aruicft, Yuiuriati, i.'blruf'jria Etfiur, undet wliti'.vr i..i::i' di.-tiiiKUishuil ; ciiliur Linixii nU,I'iin Kt!:, 'nor Bm I4"3 '"■'' "'■', wlilcK meri'ly xtupatds thé fce!iu:ii in ly bc-immbing tbo i oraeptire i lOaKies and kiiling the nena. Thu 8'irKoau te Chloroform, liliuno . C" ruudor m n ihi HionervM of porceptíon- BAl)WAy'S 1U&WV );EMKF l ■ nio.-U'Xüim-utii:;í ['iu, -l ipqMrcj! pitiont t'.i'jlïill iiossésbiouüfliisfci-nsu.-f. ÏLi1i Iho on yrmhedjf i geilrft1 lile that wül sto;i Hui;). o ij'iick, th;t w frü IV .'m Opium, Muri'li no, or .i.mij olhcr -indroU üruu, UuiU'ui Lj thü gor.o.'al hea'.ih. Guiird igiiiu.-ft sicknois. Ou lir.-t -n ut paii or iiiH-u-i.Ai.-w. i( in Ui; .-TOMAi II or UoWFI.S, I tiko ii ti)iisp;icmtui oí lUj KK.VHV l'.i.I.II.K in r wm giasa of Wil.-r. I( in Iho USIBi, JulNK, 1IKAI), ïiltïO.VP, (I-I'. BA K, ui' uOi'f jJ,i. ƒ '.c iKXIy. apply Li io lii-LIKK :xi':-:ux.M.l.v - ïii u fcu minutet QtH pain (inc! discomfort vill u-e. Ilils Rirtlpfè upfllatfin break up ;i 1-jrini li-;--use. lt ii luuc.i ooiier ■) prevent di.-.L-nso üiuu tj cure u WEALTH FOR THL POOR, Iho werking '.i-i's capital The poor inau can 11 aUorü tu buur-thi: bardens ofs-k-av.l.r.l.r'.biiN. (ivI'.TvVKNTÏ F1VK CKNÏ UiuTLKOfKAiAVAV'SHKAIlV KUJEli 'A IÍ, li'.-ielCjC.irc lliiaquick,ajl"d i:a iVilo biinto resul-ie his labor.s wüh'mt h:wtf linie - ind, il' uscd w'.ieii puin i-t firti ' ' expcriencel, v.i.l st,i] il imine liatoly. Keep ilns KémaQi uUvrt-.sia tilo Lio: :(!.arid u-e itwtiell yon feel puiu ; yuil wi.l not io e o..u day iu a yeur by tiickuei.s. IMPOIU'AXT.' ÏO FAUilliUS And otii'-v--, re ..rtni; hl stlii'y litfiil di-trioH,'wlor it is (i,lli--il t secure tito Stíi'XiWM of u lhysiciü. KADWAY'-i l.'.KiDY Ki-:i.n:p in i iv.Utuble, Rmuta u-el witii poiil:vea-uraiiee tif duitu good i;Hiil' caiM w'iiere iia.ii or tíisc- ■'■! i.s cyjericiiu.-d . or t evi vi(K . IS'KLUKNZA, hlPl'HEBlA, SüRÜ XHriOT, UAL doUGHS.HD ll -KNK.-S, ÜILKU'S CHOUC, INFLA M MATI- ,N OF t;;,, i.i-v. ij, stom.w.'H. lusos, i.ivku, KlnNEtfS, or witri i'-UIJ, I'OX, SCAK1.I-.T KÜVF.K, ■■-. tvt:u: i :.-. tk, üii.íoí's fkvkr, fkv u AXi) AilUK.or (h rfSSRAL!, IIKAI) Ai'HE, TIC nOLOKEUX ïivrnlM'HK. KAK .-rlIK. or witU LUUASi), I'AIN' IV TUK BACK W lllIi-UMATIiM, or with IIML:il.K CHOI.RRA MOBDS or DYSKNTERY. r with ntfRNS, SCAI.1B BI'.ÜISES, or wilh ,-TitAlN'S. CRAMP.S or SPASH3 Tlio appltcation of KADWAY'S r.KMiV PEI.IÏI1 u-t.'í cure yon o! tliu vyors uf iu.oCoo(e laiuti in a fow liüur.s. EHE ÜMATISM. f HLS pálaful Uiájaso has baÜVil the tooai skilTt pliva ciaiis an.l popular ranuiiies. Itii tlio mo. diifluuU or disca-ics to trent- yet KADWaY' READÏ RELIEF liii never failed iu air rdmg iiamudiute relief to tliesuficrcr ; and in all cosen of Acirt, Infl nnmatoiy Of Xorvons lílieuiiKitiíím, to. elïeol a permaiiüitcurfl. (In Clironic Krt(!umatïm,anit Gout, UATV WAY'S CLBANálNti SYRU!, caílcd Renovating R+ solvent, sfeouldbe takeu a uu adjuuct with the KJLUX KtJUEF.J ACUTE CÏÏRONIC RHEÜÏCATISM, ïhe folio wing is writtba by ttieNwell kaouwsi dent oí' LheNów Yoik Hira.ld,Loiidon TKnes (EiuntuiaTfiL New Orlcans Plcayune, Delt, Cüarlestou Alorcury, k?. : WM. SIDXEY MYERS, KSQ HAVANA, CUBA. HiYAXA, Cuba, Jan. 2, 1558. Mcssrs. Radwa:L Co. i Gentlemen - 1 h ue been asufcret Stom Acute Chroni Ehoumutiám Cor the last tweuty yeora of loy Ufe; my suirorings tluring Uiatpeii:.'.!, tK' i-: i-: ■■ nor )"nosvn express. I have spent n IHtle fortune oa Doctors' blKs. wüb mteriviagaiiy sybaU" uj,j ... ttucoAy lhad one of my frequent peiití itaïiack-ï. I waS very itï for a week, and tvul nöt . lept an bour afc any oii ffin A Spaniáh friend , to wliom 1 reluteJ m Buflfci :r,) UIA mo ho liud a remcJy wbioi) yould ivo me. rol: f, mii' he fclndly preseuted mo with'a iwUJc i f " IÏAÖWAY1 KKAOY RhLIEF." lthough skeptical of deriving any advantiigo f rom its uso, 1 Uut uig .t applied i írelX on goiug to bed, and, to my areafc nma-zomont,' feit rIioved.aiidpliiptsoundly. 'i'hen.'Xtniï' tTagaln rnnüM tho Rhady Rei-ü:f, a'id artnco iö ríic inonnt;.; .: _ Crta i isofl üii" ■'- ha!F ÜiQ boltle. ,' io 1 retüifl you my huinb:e acknfOwTedg ments for your bivalaabié iiiL'dioiiHï, whieh.may weii bs callcd "-a'felessHig b) nia&. ' . ' M Tbanfcingyoa,froBQ my soul, for your wontïerftü roiaedf, I liuvc tue lwuor to Bnbscribc Riysoli, ii . ■■■ ■■■ ctfuily, W. SIDNET MYFJt3v NEURALGIA, (EXl"CÏSITK iAIS.). TIC DOL0EEUX, TOOTÜ-ACHE; 5ACSACHE, SiiAUP SODDEN FAJN&, Poraoos sufTonne with Neuralgia expei ■ ieo if .iranp of excruciating paiu. Tiie paro-v-! f(iliarp ■'■■: ., plunging, staübiiig, ind'-ccl ;u-.t:iat!y- üko ju llectrw shocic. MADWAY'S ÜEADY RELIEF iü tho only remciy biilicrLo fcaowu, th;xt il! :ifib. cl LnimeüJatc relief 10 tllOSO wllO üUÜL'l' W.Lh ttÜS 10. L ...g CulUr nlaiut.' (In cases of chrunic Noiirylia tha clca.isiiig Pyrup.'c aflod HEXOVATIXG REjULVENT, wili expedüe tho cuie.) In recont attackd, tho RhiiY RKLIEF. applied externally to tho parts whcre the p 'in tti-ika, and a teaapoont'ul of KELtEF to a Mino t'Ias.i of water, vihoii Uie ijuruiysui.? apycar, 11 cfitjct aciirn; HOW SO CU3.S A Biï.3 CQly BETWKEi B ': 4( :.KIf Peiz A i IAT.H 'arsones Bad Cough, BilBoult Breuthing, Hoad-acbo, V..tury UlsuhargM frimv tho N'oíie and Eycá, Pain ia tlio iiiick aurl Joints, fee.f bnlhu the. 'lUro'it, Ui at, 11 i-l and Juh:U wilU llio. . l:üAI)Y KE1.IEF, and .i,kc a ," ' ... HOT EEADY RELIEP SLING, " Ry addlng to nalf % tombtor t üul wntsr, sweetenea, with migar, a dossort-spo lul of KADWAVS READY" H1.UI0I' , anit drink i : .. In a ftiT min ituá V"u -il i-r.-pi;-o ffooly. Sleep soUudly, aiid Wake ;;t ihc uiyruiu curcd of your cold. (Fi-om the Cfa'isUan AdvtH-a'e. )■ 'MVcbig to prÈSÖnt foiho ivuilcrs of the AduKaU" the Mlowing tettor addressed v Dr. Riuhvay. U'ttho. Iffltcted withWEAK LÜN'GS ANDTHREATKNEI WTTH ÈONSÜMPTION, PWMl Tho writor, Mr. .IAMK íAGK, u WU taown in MtCHiaiaj a jppular liolol-keeier."Memfiip, Maconib Co, , Mteh. , Sopt. 4, 1S0Ï. Pr. Rapwaï- üatrJUri AU i.. r.n:. .,' irs sl'ico, 1 f" vciy mnch iffeclod vritU lUSEASKB I.ISIK. My frleuiU (hoiightAadie Consumnttati IjïjH uutirely unllt fo,luvil blKJU,uiKl l:it 1.1-c: y mi ol tha 1 above ratal diseasii. unouigut,on gomg to bod.ltbuiigbt I would laico a Bweftt, aul touk your JliUiiY Rjil-iEF (in hut water) iS .1 i-timillani to swcat.liw. H 'clid s.' Tho nr.-i'ira hu was ut' a slimy subsUuice, and i-ITensivo smoll. 1 follnwcil la'iini; lbo Rbadt Rki.i r óvory oihor nigbt for four wooks,aii'l al ühj ouil of th 'titno ww fntjroly well. Thi; i a truo sutoinl t.f l'jcU, nlncli i will tostiFï ÍQ ander e ah. Vou ■, etc . J.i.M;ifS.U:!' tage'i Hoto!, fiouiyliu, M!oh, FEVER AND AGÜE. A table-spoonful uf r.AITO'AY'S RIAllY UK1.1KT, in a tumltler of Water, tikon t-voi-y moniin üi;loi-. l)(cak' la t, will prcvi'lit attac.k-i ofi'cvcr aml .pío, i f èXposi-4.". to t-i ir.ilaii:. Ir ttuizixl witli ibi c 'mjTaiut, laka ihw samo ilo.-r-, a ! I hei llio Fliütl, N rk, Iland and Spitte oiio boarbTÏIoiö tné Cn fl n ;ted ; tiiii wiU . UJ) auil U11U ÜIU WUl'. t IX'.: jmv,;. 1ÏADWAY irivos yon, for ■:': cents, i'ifilicin% VÏi 1;t W1'' Pruvi' ILd llicafy ii a íy hours, au l -CJ uesUial.oiittorUiooMliiMjr íi'1 t.-patinviU oí pUyaieuujs, wyulil lay on up for l,;i ■ ' -.t övcfy botild ís comilli'to wht-ii i'ovi . ■■ WIIXilliMP '"' KWUÏ. - :. tl f lil ■ lic .'f l'.AinVAY Jk cd. is on tv ch.i ;lrta tiliel,aiid-tli ■ Hmö!.f KAUWa? & (O. bloWIl olí til'! K 1 :t - - 'f Oai-.ll IJOttlO. 1T H SOi. II 1!V l'l'.l'CtUSI's X!i -T.jüF KKF.rptSIS . . V-ll.I.AftËA.WioW'.N [, TlUiL'NUÏIlBtATKS S)jW.iií. '■ ■ " ' ' . RADWAY & CO., ' 87 iñüduu I-aiio, X. . ■ !m by STE1SÜTNS X WTT-SON ' Ayers Cherry Pectoral


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