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C. Brinckerhoff's

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Mr. BrinckerhofF. nnxious 10 make known and to extcnd the use of the Health Restormive. nnd fcelii and knowi-g that its remedial effect (by ihe favor ol Provulence) lina been the onlv aailflble means of restoring to henlth nnd life muny f'f the young nnd endeared sonsand d.iujrliters nnd ;.'most a muliimde of t lio middle aged, arcd. nnd venerable individuáis in the lnnd. now places more convenienily before the invnlid his nvnluable remedy. That dreadful scourge ol' our race. the Coñí-uinlion. wilh ite gitendant horrors have been 6We,ot waythc Restorative renewing ibe impaired vi ni oart so thormighly as to resist afterwnrd the inviious attacks ot those distases. To tho humane Wid tender hcartcd it is a plensiug nnd movins; si.'1' to view the before hopeless and dispirited silíTeio.'' TÍae from his couch of sickness and pain, nntJ tne his place amid the cares and dutics of lif'e sitn ply bvrneans of this grand Restorative of Nalure's Functions, Tlie most 6evere coughs olmost immediately yield under its influeuce, ond howcver racking or chroriic thoy mny have been, vet they vanish the moment the Restorative b'e■ïins to exert and thenmaintai its power. The Propiietor earnestly requesis nll who are affllcted with any disense of the Lungs-or Liver, Pnin in the Cheet and Sid', nnd Coughs, to commence the use of the Health Reatorntive. Despite the approbrium whioh isatinched to all advertised medicines, use this remedy nnd'be corïvineed of its power however iñcredútóns you h?ve been. The follovving certifienteis from jjv. C-hilton, the well known New YorkChom"J hílv'e ""nnlyzed a bottle of medicino called C. Blinker 'o '8 Health Restorntive,' and find that it does "nu catain Mcrcury, or any o'her metallic preparatioi; or opium in any of its forms. It is composeJ t veeeloblo maiterentirelv." James QllWÈln' D' C. BRINC11"0. „ _ Prj-onetor, N. Y. Horack Evkrett, General Aent. Principal Ofiïce96 Hudson stieet. N. Y. 49-4w.


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