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Mortgage Sale. TvEPAULT bavíng been made in the r„„j-IJ ie.tainlndertfuroof Mortgage executM h ""'I i D GoodaleadSarah A. Uoo.fale hU w fe „J"' of Aon Arbor, County of Washlenaw 1 „"i íh"Cit. M.=bigan: to Maria B. Rovce, of tl, CiTy of v U'e ' State of New York. bearing date tbitwí ,""""t day of August, to iheyearof our Lord „"["' ejBhthundredandsixty.andrecorded i„ ?J„ th"l the Regwter of Deed in and for said County „J -'t' tenaw, on the ?2d day of August., A I) lgfin W"l 27 of Mortgage.,, on page j . y which &L, power of sale contained in Raid' moitKe h! ' li' erative, and the amoucfclaimed to be dupon ■, dsnlureof Mortgage at the date of this noV'5 ) eiglit huudred anj eighty dollars, and no uit ''l eeeding having been instituted at law, or n .i " torecover the debtsucurcd by said morW. "' part tbereof : is therefore hereby ehl n "i SaUrday, fa, twenly-iirst day of Novem„r T" 1863, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of tut d " the South door of the Court House, in the City ' '; Arbor, in aid county of Washenaw and State of Ir f' gan, (aid Court House biing the place for holdin!',,1 Circuit Court 'or said eoutrty.f I „hall se!l „r 6 „ ? be boM at poHic auetfe, in foreclosure ol sai,] Murt ' " to the binest biddur th pnmisea descrlked th. " orsomueh lïereof as stlal k Bccesary io nüTUf' .mor.ntduenn xa-rf morlgage. with interes! „J J the reasonable costa, disburseBients and Mi.i-nse , Sroceed-iDjrs rolative to the foreclosure of the unu J cludingreasonahle chnrgee for attomeys' servir,.'" proyidedin sai.l ndenture of mortgage ; that i,tTí Allthat certain tract or parrol of landsituated n?K City of Ann Arbor, known, bounded, and dejcrih.t follows,viz; The Eaat half of l.ots number Seyen ! Eight, Block Tour Nortli, Raage ton East in L. und Maynayd'saddit,n." "" MARIA B. ROYCF Daied, Arg. 22, 18B3. 9,5 Estáte of William Kelly. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washten „ O At v session of the Probate Court for the Coo'm,?! Waahtenaw.lioldenatthel'robate Office, in the r, of Ann Arbor, on Wedesday, the twenty-sixth dii 1 August, in the year one thousand eight hundredii mxty-three. l'rcsent, Thomas Ninde, Judge of Probii In the matter of the Kstate of William Kellv dtcniei On readiïg and flling he petition, duly' vcrifiei Adslme Kelly, praying dfthv probate of an n,., meiilnow on file in thiscouü, purporting tobt thtki W.ll and Testament of said deceased. Thereupon it i Ordcred, That Kriday, the fighttnn day of September next, at ten o'clock in the foren be assigned fortkre hearing of said petition, and Hum! devises, legatees, aid heiis at law of said deceastj Z :M other persons interested ift nM estáte are ru2 to at a session of said Oourt, ei to bf holii at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arftoï, in Z County. and show cause, if anj there be, k,ti, prayer of the petitioner should not be granted Andit is further Ordered, that said petitioner iít, notico to the persone intereste in aaid estáte IJ, pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereol li Saï? a e"Iy of thia orrJer 10 be I'ublif-hedin'i Michigan Argus, a newsjiaper priuted and circuW 111 said County of Washtenaw, three successive irb previous to said day of hearing . (A truecopy.) THOMAS NINDE, a J Judge of Probatt Sheriffs Sale. BY VIRTÜE of one execution, issued out of th Of. cuit Court ft)r the County o.f WashteDaw ii, tl, State of Michigan, to me directed and delivered, njii,,, hegouds nul chattels, lands and tenemenin of "hu ichofer and William Schwitzer, I did on the r!itt day of tugust, A. D. 1863, levy upon and take allih ight, titleancl inteiest of the said l'eter Schafere -Vilham gchwitzer, in and to the one cerlain parcel or ot of land known and described as follows : SitaU nthe township of Manchei-ter, county of Wathteui and State of Michigan, being the parcel known 11 tl, property of Teter Schafer and used lor a blacksmiii hop, bounded on the west by the lards of E A Pin dge.onthenorlh by thelands ofConklin.and on thetu and south by lands of E. A Partridge, being fortj reet is niflth Iromnorth tosoulhand sixti feet in li-nithtut and west, being in a square form ; said la nd beini; m larticularly dusenbed as folloivs : Heing part of tion numuer onein township four south and ramrethw east, in the itale of Michigan, beginning at a ítake tn rods and tvvo links west ol the blacksmith shop otci piedinlSSó by Conrad Butler, in the Village of tip Manchester, running thence easterlv parallel witb tb south hnc of land heretolore owned by Uraneer ni Frantz sixty feet, thence North to said south lineforlj feet, thence along aid south line westerly sixty ft thence soutb foityfeet to the place ifb.gnnngiort cing the shop aforesiiid. Which said , ight titleinÜ! terest I shall expose for sale atpublic auction to tin higheat biader on the seventh dy of October ineitjir noon, at the front door of the Court House in the tin of Ann Arbor, in said couuty of Washtenaw PHIL P WINEGAR, Sheriff, „ . . , B7 P-vraicic Wali, ünder Shtrii. Dated, Augmt 13th, 1863. Estáte of Timotliy Eiley. OTATE DF MICHIGAN, County of Washienaw 11. O Ata seseion üf the Probate Court for the Conntio' Washtenaw. holden at the l'rubate Office in thecilíif Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-e.ghth day ofjjlj. m theyear une thousand eight hundred and siítj-lbm Present, Thomas Ninde Judgeof Probate In the matter of the Estale of Timcthy Riley, latt I said County, deceased. On reading andfiling thtMtition.dulj Terifieii.of Elizabeth Riley, praying tortb appointment of an adniimstrator on the Estáte oí ui deceased. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the tir.ntj. foorth day of August next, at ten o-Iock in the fortnoon, be assigned foi the hearing of said petition ici that the heirt at lair of aid deceased, and al! óthn persons interested in said esUte, are required to ijear ata sesnion of said Court, thento be holden itthr Probate Office, in tLe City of Ann Albor, and ihof cause, ïf any theie be, why the prayer of the petilnntt should not be granted : And it is further ordered tbit said petiti(;ner give notice t the persons ntemW in said catate, ot tho ptndency of said petition andtW hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this Order to bt publishediu the Michigan Argus, a newspaper prmtH and circulating in said County of Washtenaw. thnt successive weeks previous to said day of hearinK. (A true eoaj) THOMAS NIXDE. 915w3 Judge ofProtat. ÑIVTCOODS! NEW GOOÜSÜ DRESS GOODS, PIAID SHAWLS, SILKG0W HOSIERY, G10TES SKIRTS„ PARASOLS, CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, Domestic;s& Groccriesí These goods were purchased at much reduced rt, ieldTt S0W f"r bel the priMS they hlretlMli HENION & GOTT. B A C H Is now receiving .A LA.IIGE STOCK -OFNew Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOB CASH Since the Late Fall, AND WILL BE SOLD VBJRY LOW FOR CASE Cali and See f Trusses .' Rl'PTURE CAN BR CDRED BY A TRVSS of tbf right kind.if proper] fiited and duly attended tO' Thishas been abun.hiBtly deinonstrated in innúmera dip instancfsby the une nfthe Multlpcdnl TrnM of Dr. ItltiS. tlnnnir tlie last few ymn. Tliis Tru! beiDfrcovt'icit with Hard Rubber ia perfcclly w!1 proof, may be use.l in bathing. and is alwavs clennly wen as iodeatructible bj ordinary usage, if not atiifactory after a fair trial oí sixty dayi, ït mij bc turned. ]t challenge s oomparison with nr tr known. Dr. RIGGS' Omj, No. a BAHOTAY strei. V-4


Old News
Michigan Argus