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Sugar Coated Filis, vs. J?ísease- - More Evidence. MR. HILL, of the ñrm of Girley and Hill. 169 Broadw.iy, says the Sugar Coated ] tullan Vegetable Pulsare superior to any he Ivas ever tukcn. His wife has found them delightful and efficacious. Miss Douclass. comer of Walker and Liullow streeis, has been cured of pain io the head, dimness of sigiit, nnd dizziness of long standing by sheee Pilis. Mrs. Simons, of 90 Henry sircet, cured of pains and cramps, of eigbt years standing. Mr. Atkins, of 263 Grecnwich sireet, cured of dyspepsia, of seven yenrs standing. Mr. Carlock's danghter, 8 Siaple street, cured of Worms in their worst form. Rev. Mr. Bürnktt. of Brooklyn, cured ol bilious cómplaints, vvenknees, &c. We need not add more. Evidence crowds upon lis from all quarters. No Pilis ever before nccompliohed eo mucli, wüh eo littlo trouble and disagreeabl'ene8s, as Dr. Smith's (Sugar Coated) ;Im.proved Indian Vegetnble PÍÜ6." Sold at Guirjn's comer Bowery and Grand st. ; Pbilip's corper of Beekman of William streets, Everett's, 95 Hudson st. ; Mrs. Hay's, 119 Fulton streeí. Brooklyn; and 203 Greenvvich street. Examine the label - look for Dr. Smith's written eignature. 45DR. SM1TH'S(SUGAR COATED) ':IM proved lndian Vegetable I'ills," are daily eftecting some of the mosl astonishing and wonderful cures that have ever been known, in consequence ofwhich they have now becorne a shining- mark against which n!l the arrows of disnppointcd hope, envy, and uncharitableness are lcvelled without distinciion. The town and country are alike filled with their praise. The palace and poor-house. alike echo widv iheirvir-' tues. In all climates. under all temperatures, they still retain their wonderful powers, and exert thein unaltered by age or situation. They are simple in their preparation, mild in their actions, thorongh in all their operations, and unrivalled in their results. They are anti-bilioue. anti-dyspeptic, and onti-mercurial; and thoy are peculiarly beneficinl in the followmg complaints: fevcr and ague, ycüow and bilious fevers, dyspepaia. croup, liver compluint, sick headnche, jaundice. asthma, dropsy, spleen. pil33 colic. obstruciions, heartburn, furred tongue, and foul stomach, nausea, diarrhoea, costiveness-, loss of appetite. sallow colds-, and in all cases of toipor of the bowels where n cathartic or on aperient is needed. N. B. CFNo Sugar Coated Pilis enn be genuino unless every box hns on it the signature of G. BENJ'N SM1TH, M. D. Sold 179 Greonwich st . and Jlusriton &-Co., 10 Astor House, and throughout the United States. 41 -tfDyspcpsia ofte years standing. nnHE Wife of Camain Roberts, on Vine JL Street, near Water, Cincinnnti, has been affiicied with dyspepsia in its most aggravated fonn. for the last ten years. She was recomended by celebrated physiciuns of Boston, New York, Philndelphin, Bitltimore and Cincinnati to travel, as they cpuld do nothing for her. She did bo, but it done her no good. She then cotnmenced using the most popular medicines of the doy for her coniplaint, but derivcd no benefit from tlieir uee. Seeing nn advertisement of Dr. Smith's Sugar Coateu Vkgktable Pills in the papers, she concluded to try them. She sent 10 G. F. Main st. between Third and Fourth sts., Dr. Smith's Agent for Cincinnati, and purchased a box. look them according to the ilirection, and can with heartfek joy state that she derived more benefit from the use ofone box of Doctor Smitlfs Sügar Coatkd Vegeta blk Piu.s vhan from all other medicines she has ever made use of for the last ten years. The above was sent 10 G. F. Thomas, December 14th. 1844. ETPR1CE 25 CENTS PER BOX. No "3UGAR COATED PILLS" can be irenuine without ïhe m'enarurfi of the sole invenTor, "G. BENJAMIN SMITH. M. D." President of the N. Y. College of Health, upon every box. Offices devotad exclusively to the salo of this medicine. For aale by W. S. & J. W. Maynard, Drngo-is's, Ann Arbor. ' March, 26, 1845. - 49-tfDISSOLUTIOJ. rTlHE Co-partneiship heretofore existing unX der thefirm nnd siyle of Beckley & Hicks s by mutual nonsent this day dissolved. All persons indobled 10 said firm, by note or otilar w i se. are to iriake pnyment to Guy Beckley, vvho is anthorr.ed to receiv il, nnd hua become obligated lo pay all debtsdue froni snid firm. ■■ GUY BECKLEY, SUMNER HJCKS. Ann Albor, Maicb G;h, 1645. 45-3w TAKE NOTICIS. THESubscribersIicrcby glvö noiice ihnt tliey Ml continue the Mercantile bMsines at the Store recently -occupied by J. Bcckley & Co. whefe tbey will at all tirna be A'"d ready to wait on those who muy feel d.sposed to favor ihem wilh thcir patronage. SJts SRATUS, Of n superior quality mnnurnctured by tliemselves and constantly for 8Qle,whol8uleand rctail. SKiAL OlTÏLIBERTY. All business relativo to tlie Signal of Liberty will bc attcnded to by the subscribers. BECKLEY, FOSTER. &Co. Ann Arbor. Lower 'J own, Mar. C, W4f. 46-tlATTENTION CLOTHIERS! JUST rcccivsd at ihe General Depot, 'or the sale of Clotliie'8 Siock, Mncliinery. DyeS ufls, &,c. &c, Np. 139. Jellerson Avenue Detroit, the ibllowing 'nrgc, wcll nesorted. and curefully selccted stock, viz:' 100 bbla. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, r Tons o ï? in Stick, 150 bbls Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tons " ; in Stick, 50 bb!5. Wie. Wood, Chipped, HO " Lima Wood, at) " lied Wood, " l'0 ;' Grou'nd Camwood, 10 " Quercirron Bark, 500 f' Wnigalls, 10 Cnsea lxiract of Logwood, 30) Ibs. Dye. 2 Ceroon-4 Spanisb Indigo, 300 Ibs. Sumac Sicily, 3 C:.pks Mndder, 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, 5 Casks Aluni. 2 Barrels Hed Tarinr. 2 Barrels Creoms Tartar, 3 Cnriioys Aqua Fortia, 5 : Oil Vitriol, 3 !i Muriatic Acid. 500 Ibs. Virdigris. 51 " Block Tin, Teasels, Twine, Copper Kettles, all Bi'zes, Parson's Shearing Machines, Curtis' ." " Screwe and Press Platcs, Craaks, Pies? Paper, Steel Reeds, Worsted Harness, Tenter Hooke, jEiPejy, all No'8.. Olive Oil, Clc'li'ers' Jnck. Sattinett Warp, Clóthisiö' Bruphes, Shuttles. Pickers, Cord Cleaners, &c. &c. Theabove; witli a variely of other ameles belonging to the i'ade, have been purchased this summer by the subr'ers from Mannfacturers and First Hands in -ew Yórk, Philadelphia, and Boston'Markets, anJ -very thing hayingfeceived his personal nsp'écti.orf, he can with the utmo8i conrldéntee ofler them iC? purchasers as the best and. jnost complete stock in iie .oountry, and as it is his íi.xed determination (by íhe 'w ratos at which.he will sell) to prevent the neeaity of our Clothiers and Manufactures leavíiig tJ'e State to make their purchases. he would mereb" snytóihre trade, O ALL, examine the goods and ascertain prites before you say you can buy cheaper avvy ioherc eleo. He'is'iilso prepared to contract for CAR DING MACHINES made in tiis State or F.nst. , PIERRE TELLER, S'ign of the Golden Mortar, 139, JefTorson Averue. Detroit.Xo Clothiers, Manufacturéis and Mercbant. T7H72 subsoriber is now receiving at his stores, ]S tind 19 ) Jiffjrson Avenue,'Detrott, the following oarefully and well seiectéd stock of Dye Woods, -YJi Stükfs and WoOtÈN Manufacturkr's JVUu-BtNEUY'. 1'5 tons Fus.'-icy Cuba, Tobascó, Tampico Carthagena, . 10 tons Logwoo-J, .ampeach, St. Domingo and Honduras, C tons Nicarague, ?oi'ir, Coro,; Hache and Lima, 3 tons Cnmwood, very &V ce 1R0 barrels Logwood, cut and round, 130 Fustic, " '( 100 Red Woods, ' " 12Q 'l Camwood, " fi JÓ ' Quercitron Bark, 45 Allum. 42 " Cop})orno, 3) " Blue Vitriol, 28 " Madder, Ombre, enJ Dutch erop, 3 " Cream Tartar, i2 ' Nutgalls, 3 cases Indigo, Bengal, Mamila and Guattimala, 2 " Lac Dye, 20 " ext. Logwood, 2 " Gram Tin, 300 pounds Vcrdifiris, 15 Carboys Otl Vitriol, Spirit Sea-Salts and JNitric Acid, ALSO, Copper Kettles and Cloihiers' Screws, Tenter Hooks, Jacks and Brushes, Press Papers, Card Cleancrs, Weavers' Shears. Nippers and Burling Irons, Comb platos, Pickers nnd Bobbins, ► Wirc, Worèted and Coüon Harness, Steel and Cane Reeds, Broad Power, iland Lootnsnnd Fty Shuttles, Steel and Copper Mails, Einery. &c. Parsons' Shearing Machines, 4, C, and 9 biabes. Allen' doublé and single Carding Machines i Muchine Cards, Leicsater, The above goods hiive been recently purchaeed diroctly from the iniporters and nianufüctnrers, BXci.usivr.LY fok cash, and willbe sold at the New York jobbers' prices, adding tninsportatior. only; and in conseqnence of the decline on many ot the American munufactured anieles, will, in many cases, be sbld at fiftkkn per cent i.kss than fobmer PTICE8. Thirteen years experience in the Dye Wood business enubles the sub scriber to sny to his custoniers that he is prepar ed at all times to warrant his goods of superior quality.. THEO. H. EATON. Dye Wood ann Dye Stuft' Warehouse, 188 and 190 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. The Ann Arbor Jourrml, Ypsilanti Sentine), Pontiac Gazette, Flint Democrat, Adrián Expoe itor. Marshall Statesman, Kiles Courier and Re pubíican, Gazette, Michigan City (Ia ) and the Enquirer, London, (Canada,) wül oach publiuh the above notice inside, tö the amount of threc dollars, and send copy of notice with billa to sub scriber for payment.AL.WAYS ON HATV. -y rTlFIE subecriber has regf$? moved hia Shop to Main fívC"' Sireet opposite H. Beek fL Éfar ers rick Store' where fff L )1) nc mav l)0 rinid rcady. u W "JÊ&Êk wa'1 upn a lat may s've -jJl Havingjiist receivsd direct from New York nn elegant stock of JE WELRT) and Fancy Anieles, whlch he intenda to sell iojocr than hns ever been eold west of BufTalo fjr Ready I'ay Only. Among which may bc lound a aood assortment of Gold and Common Waich Keys, Gold Finger Rings ond Bosom Pins, Guard Chains, Silver Ten and Table Spoons, Silgar Tonga. Butter Knives. Silver Pcncil casos. Silver and Common Thimbles. feil ver SpectiicIoB, Gerrnon. do.. Steel, do., Huir Drushes, Clothea d., Toodi do.. Lnlher do.. Fine Razois and Pocket Knives. Fine Shcnre and Sciesors, Lnther hoxes. Rnzor Strops. Wal leus. Puises, Violins nnd Bows, Flutes. Violin aud Bass Violin Suiiifs, Clationet Reeds. Percussion Caps. Pocket Pistola, Brittania Candlesticlts, Watches, Letter Stamps, Steal Pens and Tweezers. Snuffand Tobacco boxes. Fine conns. Dressing do.. Side do.? do.. Shell do.r Needies and Cases, Water Paints, Toy ""W KidDolls, a great variely ofToys too numerous to mention, Beads, Necklaces, lancy Boxes, &.C & C Clocks and Watchks of evcry dejcnpnon repaiícd and warrantcd, also, Jewelry on .hort notice. CALVIN BLISS. N. CH paid sor OLD GOLD AND dii VFR AnnArbor. Oct. 24, 1844.ANN ARBOR OIL MILL. PTUIE subscribcrs would give notice iliat they X are engagcd in mannfacturing LINSEED OJL, and are prepared to furnish oil of the beet quality to morchants and paimers, chenp ne ij c.n be obtaine4 from the East. Oil exclisrigecl for Flax sced atthe rato of a gallon of oil lora bushei of Flax seed. Cash at all times paid for Flaxsecd. puLCIpHER & JUDSON. Ann Arbw, Lower Town, Sept. 6, 5 844. J ]y. Blank Deeds andiHortgases, wBOLESaNEDY,RTIè!(f"icry March20, J8.15.ALLEBASI'S MEDICINES. THESE MEDICINES AREefTecting such astonisbing cures in multitudes of oíd cases long aineo nbandoned byPhysiciansandSurgeons B3 utterly hopeless, that' no medicines, whero these are kuown, stand so deservedly high. They conaist of TUK BLACK, OR ALLEBASI'S SALVE Price 25 Cents. Which cures almost ttniversnlly. Fever Sores of the inost malignant kind, Felons, Ulcers Áb sbcesses, Tumors, Fractures, Cuts, Punctures Burna, Scalds. Sore Throat, Childlaius, Quinsey. Dropsy, Inöamatory Rheomatismlnflammalions and SweHings cf every description. Scald Head, the Face, Nervous Tooth ?Ache Ague in the Brenat. Broken Breast, &c. SC ' ALLEBASI'S HEALTH' PILLS, 25 Conis These Pilis have acquirecï a popukrity within the last yenr or two, which no other Pilis possess. The rejsonaare obvioua to nll who use them. They cure nll Bilious. Scoilel and other Fevers. Fevcr and Ague. Dyspepsia, Bropsy" Acid Siomnch, Disorderod Bowel. or Stpmaoh Jnundice, Hond Ache. Dizziness in the Head' Wonns, Livor Complaint, Heart Burns, Cholic' Bowel comjihunt, General Debility, Costivones' &c. &c. TJieirpurify the fntire pyetem. leavó the bowels in a viorous and heultliy eonditioa &,c. Seepnmphlet. ALLEBASI'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS Price 25 Cents. Wil! cure nn ordiuary ense of Tooth Ache in-i frorn three to ten minutes. For Ncrvons aria'' other kinds of Tooth Ache, see Pamphlet ALLEBASI'S POOR.MAN'S PLASTER Price, 2ó Cents. Are warranted to be superior to any other Piasters in this or any other country, for pain or weakness in the Bnck. Síde, Cheet, líowcfu Loins, Muscles, and for Rhatimatism, Lung and Liver Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Asthmn, &.c. See pamphlot. N. B. - Picase to ask the ngent for a pnmphlet which gives all the iniormntion necessary respecting the uses of ihe Medicines, ihe virtues they possess, etc. Please to ollow direction ia the usu of the medicines, and you.may rely wpon nll that ispromised. A libera1 discount made to merchnnts and others, who buy tos'ell again. LY&AR W. OU BERT. Propriefor, Wholesale Drüggist, 2J4, Fukon st, N. Y. (C7For sale by the Siiligcriié}-", who has been appoink'd general ngenf for the Ci:y of Detroit and its vi'ciflily. Country dealers 6upp{i?d on liberal terms, C. MORSE, Mifchigtrn Bock Store. The nbove medicine pre for enlo r iba BookStore of Wil. R. PERRY In Ann Arbor, Lower Villace,December 9. 184-Í. 34 ly lotice to IHerchants. THE Subscribers encournged by the pnironngo they hnve hitherto receivcd in the wholesale department of their busines?, wil! the first day of May next, open the siore now occupied by Geo. Grenville, frontingon Huron streetr and connecting their present store in the roar. exchisivoh' for n WHOLE SALES ROOM, where they will keep at all times a full ossortment of DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES CARPENTINO, HÁTS, CAP8, TAPER HANGIXGS, BONNET, CROCKKRY VY THE CRATK, HARDWARE, AND GROC.ERIES, (ScC. &C. &C. nll of 'wltich will be sold on as good term as n uiy pointthi'sside of New York" City. G. D. HILL, & CO. Awn Arbor, Match 26, JS44. 4%YfíCAWT BE BEAT! NEW BOOT, SHOEJHVD LEATHER StOBE, Ann Arbor, hower Town. SQ FELCH hm removed O bi?;JeítnhfÍHÍnieM trom the Upper tú the Jaower VilJüge, IJo. 4'" Jhiron Blurk JBhg& wlitíre he holiis huncell in gpg readiness !o 'dT&eii the '-í?í- derzLtndmgs" ol'evèry Mnn, i. Womon uncí ChjfÖwiio wi)l; s9 give liim a cali. in th-hcatestr and best manner that can be done in Michigan LKATMER and FIND1NGS of atï fcnidi.conatantlv on hand. WANTED, Cash and H!de', in any quamUtie3. lor which the highest prices will be givèn".OZfLc none purchase until they have called it Feich's. No. 4. Hnron Bloeit. Ann Arbor. Muy 4. 1844. 3-ly The Birney Portrails. THE Subscribers h;uo on hand n quantity of ihee lnrge and splendid engrr.y'ngs, beautilully executed on eteel plates, by an excellent uriist, from a painting by E. W. Goodwik, Esq. nf Albany. N. Y. ..The are a striking likeness of Thk Man, and meke nn elegant ornament for t'ie parkf. For sale, wholesnle ond retail, at $8 per dozen, or $1,00 each, by A. WcFarren, Bookscller, Dejroit, and by BECKLEY. FOSTER, & Co. Ann Arbor. Nov. 4, 1844. 24 f CHARLES H. STEVVART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND S0LIC1T0R IN CHANCERY,. JEFFERSON AVEXUE DETROIT. 49-tf.R. & J. _. BAVIDSON, TTAVE now on hand a complete assortnicnt o FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHELF-HARDWARE, 4-C. fyC. which they will sell cheap for ready pny. The highest market price paid at all times lor Pork and ;ill other kinds of produce. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nov. 20. 1844. 13 SHcci Shears, OF a superior qunlity for snle by BECKLEY, FOSTER fe Co. March20, 1845. _____ Wcsleyan Books; THE Subscritjors have just received ú good sunply of Wesleyan Books irom the Depoaitory at New Yo. Those wishing t .prchase will picase cali and examine íor them3ClveS" BECKLF.Y & HICKS.. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Dec. 6, 1844 MRS. C. BUFFÍNGTON wou ld respect ful ly inform the Ladies of Anti Arbor and iuvicinity that she has received the fall and winter fashions. MRS.C.BUFF1NGTON.. Nov. 14. 1314ïive Gcesc Fealliers, OF a superior qunliiy, for sale by BECKLEY, FOSTEB, & Co. March 3, 1845. Z__LSTOREN, F ROM the Subscriben, obout íour weeks since, a black sntin vest. It aupposed. to have been tnken by an intêmperate man, ■ atronger whu was about liere at that urne, ana has probRbly pnwned t eilher for money or liqor. Any onewho w.ill give information concerning it, at tkis office,, is informeel ihat I J r deern the vest and amply r.ewrViVnVVN MarchSI, I4&. _______-- ■ "TaÖoTbs. Geesc Fcatertó ÖFfirst rnte quaü.y for me by the ponnd or hun.lred weight in qanuuea to suit purchotr 143 Jcffcon Avenue


Signal of Liberty
Old News