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Dissolutiou. THE Copartnersh-p heictofore existing betwen W, W. Wines c Daniel Hiscock, known as ihe firmeí Wines Co., is this day diasotved by mutual comea!. W. W W1NE3 D. HISCOCK. Ann Arbor, Sept. ti 18 W. Coparttiershlp lotice. PIARLES H. ORDEN having bouKht the ftiimil J "F Daniel Hiscock in tlie ira of Wines k Co., üi buaines will be cuntinueil at tlie oíd stand under thi rirm and name of Wines & Worden, boping by strict atteution to business to receive a continuance of thi very liberal patronage bcstowed upon the oíd II rm W. W. WINES, CHA-5. H. WOKDES Ann Arbor, Sept. 2d, 1862. 9J1 SlierWFs Sale. BY VIRTUE of an execution ssued out of and unte the Seal of the Circuit Court foi the Counlv of Washtenaw and State of Michig-an. bearing date tte second day of September AD. 1863, and to me direcW and delirered against he goodsand chattles and forthl want thereof landsand tenements of John Itaseobuk. detendant the'ein rjanud I d.d on the 4th dy o( Septttnber A. D. 18f3, levy upon and elle all tbe ngkt titleand interest o f the said John Busenbark, in and the follüwing described and and premisesto-wit : Bcit tbe north east ten (10] acies in a square form from tbt north-east corner of the west half of the north-wei! 'liiarter oí. section nuinher thirtecn [131 In towoihip DUmber one south range ftre east in tlieComityol WaahtenaNr and State of "Michigan, which premiseil Bfaall exposé for sale at public auction as thelaw directi at Uu Iront ioor of the Court House, in the City of Ad Arbnr, tbat beiug tbo placa tor bol.Iin? the Circuit Court for tbft Countj of Washtenaw, on Saturdaytln !"4tb day of Ostober -next, at ele.ïtn o'clook ii tbe foreaooB of said day. PHILIP W1NEGAR, Sberiï. Dated, September lOth, 1863. Tw921. Chancerv Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit, il Chairéery. Snit pending in the Circuit Court lor tbl Connty of Waahtenaw, iu "(iiaucry, wherein Harriel Hiilman ia complainant, and Benjamin Hillmau is delendant. ; at Ann Arbor City on the lOth day of Septem ber,1863. It siitisfacto'-ily appearing to me, tbe subBcribor, one of the Circuit Court Commissionyrs fot said County pi ÏVasb-tenai, by the alüdavit ol L. !l, fun til, SolTeitor for the complainant in the above caie, that the said defendant, lúnjamin Hulmán U not i reSWeBt f the tftale of Michigan.' On potion of L. if. l'uell. Solicitor furtho complainant. t is ordered thil said defendant, Benjamin Hilliuan, 'cause hifi appeManee to be ente: ed in said cause within five montbs trom the date of this order, and that iu deiault thereof thi billof complamt, tiled in said cause, be táken as eoDÍaft e.l by said defendaut. Aud it is :'urther ordered thil within twenty days said complainant causeacopjf! thisunlor to be nublished in tbe Michigan 'Argul,l uowspapei printedand publislu-d in the city of Ann Ar bor,iL Mid County of Washtenaw, and that said put catión be continued once in each week for &U succei eive weeks ; orthat saidcomjí;uuaat cause a copj of this onier lo he personally served on said defendant ' U-ast twenty days before the time prescribed for hiJ. appearance. GEO. ruXFORxH, Circuit Court Commissioner, Washtenaw Co.,MidiL.M Pm-jLl, Comp's iol Dated, Sept 10,1803. 921 THK GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, 51 Vesry Stiett, New Yurk; ínce it.s organizatiun, has croated a new era in the htf top nf "Wholesaling Tea in tl-is Country, Thej have tutroduced their selections of TEAS, and art selliug them at not over TVOCEX1Y! (.Oí Cents) p(r pound above Cost, Never dtviaiing from the ONE PRICE asked. Anntlior peciilni rity óf the Cumpany is fhat their Tr Tastiok oot only devotes hts time to hc Helectibo "f heir TKAS as to qiiiility, value, and partirulnr 8tyW for particular locftlitifH ofeountrj, but he helps1 Tka bityer to out aftkeir rnnrmous stock sucï Tï-lS as are best adaptedto their particular wants, and oot 03ly this, but peiats oxt to him the hesthaigams. It jeasf in -n' the iucnlculable ;i'lv:tnt;i;re a T Buyer has in this estHblishment over al) others. 11 he is no jtidge nf Tea.or the Market, if bis 1 is valuable, be hn ál) the beoefits of a well orgaoi system of doio v bh, 6f un ñnnieiiííe capital. ■ the judgement nf a f.nilpsisional Tea Taster, ap ''? ksovlÁdgé uf Buperioi a!efTtiè. Thisenablps all Tea bofr-Bo matter if'tW thouoandsof r.ii.c-i from tlii market-to pnrebasec? as i"" terma heraan theÑew Vork inerchanta. I'aj-ties ta-u m-iU'r Ti-;is and will be sei'ved by " u wallas tbough theyoame thenwelviSj beiog sure w get origina I package, trwe Weignts, and taxe?; and toe Tea i are Warrant ed as represen ted. . . We issue a PrïceLïst of the Cmpany's Teas, wl)' wfll be -rut to all who order it; comprising Hyson, Yonng Hyson, Impeiial, Gun' povvrder, Tvrankay and Skin. OOLONG, SOUCHONG. ORANGE A BÏSON PfJKOK. JAPN TEA of cvery dt-acription, colored and uncolThis liat bas eacBlïind ófTtea dividédmto TOVR Cl es; namely: CKStGO, hfgli (WKCO. FINK, möT.IJJ t-vttrv one may understa-nd from description ww u' p rices annexed tboi tlie Company are determiQM undersell thewholdTÊa (ra-le. Weguaraatee to sell ALL our Teas at not ovvr iJ Centa (.02 CUXTSi per pound abovecosc, belíeyoj tb3tóDeattra(ivoto the many wliu have heretoffJ been paíog em rmous profita. QHEAT AMERICAN TEA COM' PANY, Tmporters and JFobbers, 3tnO31 No. 61 Vtsey Strett, Séu 'Sof'


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Michigan Argus