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MICHIGAN CÉTBAL RAILROAD. fë?X 'rS f. f ' ■ ■ ■!LL& -g - - iL%L& Passengei trains now leave Detroit .Chicago, and the several stations in tliis Cmmty ,as follows : GOING WEST. Leave Mail. Dav Ex. Jack. Ac. NightEx. Detroit. 5 30 A.M. 7.50 A.M. 5.00 p. m 7.40 F.M. Ypsilanti, 6 55 " 9.10 " 6.30 " 8.65 " inn Arbor, 7.15 " 9O8 " 6 55 " 9 15 " Dexter, 7.40 li V M. 7.25 " ' Chelsea, 8.00 " " 7.45 " " Ar.Chicago, 6.30 " 7.30 a. m. The mail traingoes only to Michigan City. GOING EAST, Leave. Night Ex. Jack. Ac. Mail Day Ex, Cbieago, 7.15 P.M. 5.00,. u 7.Ü0 a. m. Chelsea, 5.35 a m. 3.05 p. m. Dexter, ' 5 55 " 3.25 " ' Ann Arbor, 4.-15 A. M. 0.30 " 3.50 P. M. 4.43 P. M, ypsüanti, 5.05 " B55 (t 4.15 " 5-00 lt Ar. Detroit, 6.05 " 8.15 (i 5.40 ' 6.J0 ' Ti-aimdo not stop atstations wberefigureareomittedinth table. Trains connect at Detroit with tbe Western and Grand Trunk. Raüwaysof Canada, and tlie Detroit and Toledo, and Detroit and MiJwaukee Railroad&k and Cleveland Steamers. At tbt Co rapan,}' 's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, JoÜet and Lafayette, thvourh tickets can be piirctaased toatl the principal cities and towns in tbe United States and Canadiis. LÜXÜRI0Ü3 SLEEPING CARS upon all nigbt trains. Ruttan's celebi-ated Ventilating Apnaratus upon all day trains - the best dost preteütetive in R N. RICE,ííeneral Superintendent. M C. R. R. Office, April 17, 18C3. PRESERVE YOÜR BEAUTY, SYMMETRY OF FORM, YOUR HEALTH, AND .MENTAL FOWERS, By using tbat Safe, Pleasant, Popular, and Specifii; Reniedy Lnown ;is HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. Read the Adveiüsement in another column, and prolit by it - Diseases and Symptoms EnumeratedCut it out, and Preserve it. You may not now requiro it. But may at sovu Future Day " It givps health and vigor to tlie frame, And blowm to the alud cheek." It Pa ves Long SufTering1 and txposure. Beware of Counter f 'tits ! Cures Guarantced. A CARD T0 THE LA DIES. DR. UUP0.WS GOLDEN . PULS FOK FEMALES. Infallible in correctlng, regulating and removing all obstructious, irom wliatevei cause, and alwuys successful as i preventive. The combination of ingrediente in Dr, Duponco's Golden Pilis for Females aire perrecflj h&rtnlsa. i'bey have been used in Uie private practice oí Dr. Duponco over 30 3'ear.Sjaud thousands of ladies can testiíy to their great and nt'ver failing success in almost ever.y case in correcting irreularities, relieving painful und distrehrtiug menstruation, particalarly at tlie change of Wie. Krom five to ten piln will cure that conimon yt dreadful complaint, tlie U'hites Npnrly every female in the land nuflfera frjn this complaint. The bove Pillhaa rmanently curp.d thousan{Ss, and they willcure jou ifyou use tbem. They can not harm you; on tlie contrary. they remove all o,struc.tims, re store nature toiis proper channel, and invigomte the whole syatt-m. Ladics whose health will not perrait an ncrease f family, will lind these pills a successful preventive. Ladis peculiarly situated. or thoe sup. posing theip.'elveh po, should not ufe these PiJls during the ivrst three montba, as they are certain to produce miscamagt, "after which admonition" the pro. prïetor assumes no reaponsibititv, altbough their milduess will prevenían injury to hualtti. The ingfedients composing the above PiHa are inade known to evcry Agfnt, and they will telt you they are safe aqd wíl! ptrform all claimod lor them. Price $1 por box old in ANN ARCOR, uy STEBBINSA WTLSON. Druggisi W. A. HUNT, Druggfgf: Ladies living at a distance by sending them $1.00 tbrough theiVnn Arbor Poit'ilici', have the Pills sent (confidentially) iyflwii.toauy part of tiie country free of potftage. y, B-- Beware of a base counterfeit of these Pilis.- You can buy the counterftitaiticle at ahy priccfrom 25 to 70 cents a box (dearat that). Ladies yourítves and health are of too much valué to be tri Sed' with . 1,. de beine irnposcd upon with a worthleas article. Therefore, any one offering you these Filis for less than $1 a box, avoil them as you woald ])oison. They arebogus. None aregenuine unless the name of S. I). HO WE is on every box which bas recently been added,ou account of the Pills being couterfeited. Sold a)so, by KINNE k =IMTTH, Ypsilanti. BLIS3 k BEEBEJackson, andby one drugpist in every village and city in the United States, andby FARRAND,SHEELEY& CO. .General State Ageuts, Detroit. S. D HOWE, SoleProprietor, 867yrs2 Nkw York. AGOOD TREE IÖ KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. So ia a gpod I'hysician by bis uccessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, TIIEGREAT ANH (Kl.KliliATKll 1'IIYMIÏAX OF THE T1IROAT, I.L N'GS AND CHliiT, Kuown uil over the countr; as tbo (,!'hr:itel INDIAN HEEB DOCTOR! From South America, wil] be at hiü rooms, RÜSSEIX ÏIUL'SE, DKTROIT, OnthelSth and 19th inKt. , on the fiame dale of and every subsefuent moDth during 1862 and 1863, A NEAT PAMPBliE Of the life,stu(ly and extennlve travls of Dr. T.ynns ran be prociired by all whodtisicenne, free of charge. Dr. L will viriit Ann Arbor, Jacksou.and A'Lian, Mtch. , as fbllovi : Ann Arbur, Jíunitor I}on:p. COth. Jaekaon, Hïbbara House, ui"! A'lrian, HiaüUett H' use, 2d and 23(1. M.iiK 'ik I':.amin.tion. - Vbè discerní ditíeases by thiM'ys . Jtf, ikercfore, aBK uo que-tions nor req ires patients fco explain symi(t,(.ins. Alliioted, Mimo and faave votlï yinptonis ant] tbe luciition of your disease explained fliee H cliarge 33= TOBACCO- Yim eau l)uy the best grades of FINE CHEWWG TOBACCO at from üO cen;s to One Dollar. SJMOKIifö trom füurtecD to tweaty cents at M. UEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Red Iiiiliaii. South side Huron street, a few doore from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec. 11, 1862. 88tf 0 The Great French Eemedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CEl.EBKATED SILVER-COATKD FEMAI.K PILLS. The only certain and Safe Remedy for all Uterine Obstructions, Monthly Diflicultiea, lrregularities, and all the other diaeases to wliich the Woman, Wife and Mother in peculKirly liabli'. These Pilis eontairj no doleterioua ingrediënt, but are safe and certftin in tlieir actiën. They wi 1 bofound to exi'rt thehappiest affect in all caseh of Prolapsus Uterl, n I. -.;.■„ rhi'ii, "r tint Whiti's ; llii-v '11 Ijü found the easicstand most certain Cure that can lie lound. It is on -u-eoiint of this certrinty they should not he taken bj Pregnant Fomules (during the firsl thrcemoiitlis, as vmcarriage is certain,) to be brought on, bvit at other Mrtodfttheii ase Es u-iTectly sale. N. B. One Dollar enclosed to any auttorized Agent, will endure package of Pilis by return of mail. O. CROaBY, General Agent, Fort Kiie, C. W., Bu(Talo,N.Y. Caition-. Beware of Countorfelts, the genuine have thesignatureof C. CROSBY, on the outside wrapper. tot sale by all respeclable Druggists. lyeowSS? HEIMSTREET'S Inimitable Hair Restorative. IT IS NOT A OYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplyin" tlie capillary tubs with natural sustenance, impaired by age or dl?0Me All m f tantán coun dyts are composed of binar Mustio, nestroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. Heimstn-efsInimitableOoloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy proces, but gives the hair a Luxurlniít Ben ut y, promotes its growth, preventsits falling off, eradicates Jandruff, an.l imparts hoalth and pleasantness to the nead. It has stood the testof time, being the original HairCoIoring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Uscd bv both gentleman ana la'lies. It is sold by all respectóle dealers, or can be procured by them of Hi commercial agenti.D. 8. llames k Co. 202 Broadway New-York. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1. 6m894 TIPTHBKIA. DR. DEGI.UrJO'S DIPT HERIA SPECIFIC. CEETAIX CCRE FOR DIPTHERIA AND CROUP. Inihepastyear over 200 CASKS OF PIPTITÍEIA in nnd around EochMter, X. Y., CON'SIDEKKD HOPELESS, have been cured with this medicine. Ñames and resideoces can be given. ALL THE PHYSICIAN9 THERE NOW USE IT. It never has failed to curel Get a bottle ; it costs 50 cents. For sale by EBERBACH & CO. Prepare.d and sold by Iy913 W. E. SKINN'ER, RocVester, N. Y. A WORD ABOUT AMERICAN WATJES ! AFTER A TH0R0UGH TRIAL OF MORE THAX TEN YEARS, thï time pitees mamifactured by the American Watch Co., of Waltham, Mass., have gained a ftrm hoM upoa the favor of the public, and now, no less Ihan 75,000 of thero are speaking for themsclvt'S in the pockets of the people. Frora a very insignjficant beginnmg the business has increased un til we are justiGcil in stating that WE MAKE MORK ÏHAN ONE HALF of all the watches soM n tlie Tnitid States. Repeated enlargement of onr factory bnildings, and the labor of 500 oporatives, still find us unequal to supply the constamiy Uicreasing domand. nd we may here observe that notwitlntanding the high prioe of labor and materials, we actually sell ourproducts at less pricesthan those current five years ago. ye refer to these facts only for the purpose of properlv intioducing another subject relative to our manufacture of watches Hithcrto our chief object has been to ma.te good watches for the million atthelowest possible price - Enmeihing to take the place of the make beheve watches calleü "Ancres," "Lcpines," "English Patent Levers," &c, annually tlirown upon this market, in countless nurabers, by European workshops - watches which are the refuse of their faetones, unsaleable at homernd porfecUy worthlesa everyvher. This object wc have accomplished, and now we have to annouacc, that we have cnmmenced the manufacture of watches of the very Hxghest Grade of Chronometry, unequalled by anythinghitherto ma-le by ourselves and unsurpaasod by anythingmado ín the world. For this purposewe iia?e 'he amplcst íacilities. We have erected an addition to our niain buililin;s expressly for thi brarieh of otirbu mess. and have filiad it with the best workmen in our service. Prnfiting by our long expertence, we have reinodelled the form of our watches, introducing ïsuch improvements as have been suggested and proved to be good í'rom time to time, and have instituted new and aevere tests of isochronisra, adjustnient and compensation. New machines and applianctf have been construcied, which pèrform their work with consummate delicacy and extictitiide, and the choicestand most appri veil materials only are usedí - N'otbing in fact is waatiog either in mechanical princi pies, material or workmanihip to ensuro perfection in the rtsult. We continu to manufacturo our otber well-known qualities under the following oapiet : "APl'LETOX, TRACY k CQ." "P. 8 BARTLETT.1' And the "Soldier's Watch," -'VM. ËLLÉRr." The latter thi lowest prict-d watch wc mftkO,ÍO a substantial, reliable time-picce, cased in sterling silver - hunting pattern,and is not Hable to get out of order either inmurching, riding or lighting All the above described watches, including the fin est, whicii is naraed tlAMERiCA.N WATCH Comimxy," are sold by watch deal ers generally throughout the country ROBpiNS 8c APPLETON, gents tor ttc American Watch Company, ieow4m 1'2 Bkoai)wav,N. Y. Giand Tïuiik and Veimont ANOTHER GREAT REDÜCTION! Detroit to Rouse's Point, St. Aibans, Burlington Montpelier and White Mvt-r Junction,-only $12 Detroit to Boston via Ogdensburg or Port tand..,. 14 Detroit to Bostun and return 25. Persons purchaiing Boston and return tickets can go via Montreal, Gorham, (White Jlnuntaíns), [slund l'ond, and Portland, üetiirniug via Iowell, Nashua, Concord, Burlington aml Ogdfiisbing, givïng the passengers the benefit of both route Tickets good until November lst, 3863. Through frnm Detroit to Boston In 88 bourB. Two expreafl tniins leaves Detroit daily (Pumiavs pcepted) by Chicago time at o'.Oö A. M. and 6. 'IK) P. M. Sèleudid slooping t ars on night traint and Ruttan's Pat %nt Ventilators on day trains. Tickets can be obtaiued at the Grand Trunk Railway Ticket office, 1.Í4 Ji'tfi-rson avenue, a few doors above the Michigan Kxcliange. SLOt ÜM & THOMPSON , Agents, Detreït. F_A.PIM FOJR SALE ! A small Farm for aalt or ezchang'e for city property, ir, Ann Arbor or Ypsilanti- tliis f:u m is sïtuated on the middle Ypnlanti road, about M milo f rom the University, and about 80 rods f rom 1 lic city limmits- a goud Two Story Dweiling House, lï;irn umi out houses, and a choice varioty of fruits - For particular tnauir of Jghn N. Gott, Aon Arbor, or Q. H Philips, on the premises. tf913. For iiul-i, Mlce, itoaclms, Ants, B-d Btijs, Mot lis In I'uis, AVuoU'iis, &c. Insccts on Planta, Fowis, Animale, üc. " Only tnfallible remedies known," " Free fr.nm poii-ons." " N' t daiigiious to the Human Fami'.' " liats corae out oí thcir h.iles o ',ie.!i Sold Wholesale in all large cí iáéh.V ' ■ jfëS Sold by all Draggteta nn litulors evorywhere. O&r ! ! ! lawABK ! ! ! ofall worthless imitations, jgtjf Se that "Costau-'s" nium": is on e;tcii' Box, Bottle and F laak, b f ore you bny. jjyAddress IIKNRY R. COSTAR. ifS-frtncipal Oepot, NV 43 Proalwiy ew Vort.' grfold byall tbeWhoïéSalaand RetaU lïruggitts, Ann Arbor, Mietu 9i5m3 1863. May. 1863. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT TEE "Old Corner!" I am now receiving a well SELECTED STOCK OF NEW GOODS, ron thk Spring and Suramer Trade, CONS1STING 01 STAPLE DKY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND 8HOES, NOTIONS, &c, &c. Also :i f uil assortment of Family Groceries! iil) of which were bought low and are to be SOLD CHE AP FOR CASH. The bighest Market prico paid for xkr o o x, i C. B. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Main and Washington sts. (904tf) Ann Arbor. "caIrp e t s OILCLOÏIIS, CANTÓN MATT1AGS, Largest & Best STOCK in the city, Just Received at ÏIENION & GOTT'S. Ann Arbor, April 23, 1863. 901 tf. For Sale, Two Dwelling Houses ! 1TW0 STORY FRAME FlWEIXINO HOUSE and Lot 4 x 8, now occupied by J. H Burlefon. Possession gtvenOct. 1.18B3. 1% STORT FRAME DWEU.INO HOUSE, BARN ná LUT, 4j 8, now oceupied by D R. Kelley , ppssession -irn April Ist, 1'i-l. gooi celiurs, cisterps and out buildings ubom the pvei&UeB. PropertJ adjolning tte houneof L. C. Ri.sdon on W lliam street, Ann Arbor.- Kor lurtber p;u-ticularxmnuiryoi' ANWÏF.W BF.I.L . Ann Arbor, May 14, 1863. 90411 ., FAIRBANKS' 1 r Standard SCALES! Br-4J5p5 AUo Warehouse IruxU, Letter l'resses, SfC. Fairbanks, Greenleaf St Co., 172 Lake Street, Chicago. Sold in Detroit by PARRAÍD &SHE1.1ÏY. É5Be careful to buy only the genuine.'igJSL 885y] GOOD One Shilling per Pound ! Eight Êhillings per Pouud ! BEST KEROSENE OBL 4 SRILLINGS PEE GALLON! CHOICE ARTICLE OF COFFEE, Preparad of ColTeo and Chiccory fresh gronnfl every il;iv, ;i tut uurranteil superior to anythï!iLiii tlits marlíe or tho myiiey rei'undcd, AT 2 SHILLINGS PER LB. CROCKEEY, GLASS WARE, TABLECUTLERY ZAMPS, FRUIT' CANS. i)d rfll othir gmodg at about olfl prkes. A.DcFOREST. AnnArbor, June 2a, JBC3. OIOtf. For Sale. O LC ACRES of very choice land,' wjthin half mlïe O fj of the city .of Ann Arbor, abuut h:uf nf it 'im jirovcl aad fencloárd wjtb a good fence, the balauc "tïiaberèd. assd wéll vratered. Enduire at thls oüico.


Old News
Michigan Argus