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FIRST NATIONAL BANK -OF" -A-isrnsr akbob. Subscription Agency fof ü- &■ &20 Loan. We are now authorized to recoiv aubscriptions for he United States 5:20 Six per Cent Bonds AT PAR for Legal Tender Notes, or New York exchange. nterest on bonds is pagable Heini-annually in iold. They are ultio exerupt from taxatïofl. C. H. KICHUOND, Ann Arbor, Aug. 24, 1803. I9tf Cashier. Tiïe1ïooïs and the leavës WILL be lor the HeaJh.g of the Nutions. 'Bible. Prof. 3FT. LYÖKTS, THE ;RKAT AND CICI.KBRATED FHYSIC1AN of the rflROAT.LUNGS, IUÏART, L1VKR AND TME BI.OOD, Known all over th e country as the CKI.EBIUTKD TXXJDIJlSl HERB DOOTOB I üf 2S2 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. WÍ11 visit the following placps, viz APPOINTMKN'TSFOR 1862, 1863 and 1864 'rof R. J, Lvons can be consulted at the f"]lowing )lact's evxry mouth, vi.: Detroit, Russcl lluuse, each inonth, 18tli and lihh. Ann Arbor. Monitor House, each inonth. SOQi, Jackson, liiubai-d House, t-ach month, 21. Adrián, BrjtcLet Hou.e, each nionl h ü-jd ,i n'l 23,1. Toledo, Ohio, Cullina House, each month 24th,25th inil S6th. Hillsdale, Mich. , Hlllsdale House, each month, 27th. Culdwater, Mich., Southern Michigan House, each motuh, 28th. Elkhart. Klkhitrt, each month, 29th. South Bend, In.l., St. Jo. Hotel, eiich month, 30. Lspnrte, Ind., Tee Garden House, each month 31st. Wooster, Uhio, GrandeU Kxchange, each montL 7th and8th. Manjfleld. Ohio, Wiler House, each month, Oth and lOth. Mt. Vernon, Konyon House, each month, llth and tb. Newark, Ohio, Holton House, each month 13th and 14th, l'aineavillc, Ohio, CovleRHouse,oaeh month 4th CLKVKLANII, OHIO. RKS1DEN0E ANU OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. Kast of the public square, opjiosite the Pustoffice. )ffice daja eecü month, lt, Sd, 4th, 5tb, 6th, 15th.- Hücc lloara from 9 A. M. to v M, and from 2 1'. M. to 4 1'. M. ÜnSumlay from 9 to 10A.M.,and 1 to 2 P. M. Jfty"Maxims.strict]y adhered to I give sucli balm as have no strife, Witli nature or the Ia wg of Üfe, With blobd iny hands I never stain, Noi-poison men theirpain. Be is a phyñrian indeed, who Ciifes. Tiiu Imüan lier..' loctor, 11. J. I.YUNS, cures the fol owÍDg compiaints in the most obutiimte stages of their, v!z: Diseases of the Throat, Luns, Heart, I.iver, Stomich , Drop8y in the Chcst, Iilieuuiatism, N'euratgia, Kits. r FalllflgSickneS8,andaU other nerveus tlerangcments.' Also alldistisp.-io)1 the blood, Huch as ricroiula, Kry.-iinlas, Cancera, Fever dores, Le#rosy, and all other com)licate3 clironic cninphiirits. All forms of female difliculties atiended to with the lappiest result.s. It is hoped that no one will despair of a cure until bey have Kven the Iridian Herb Doctor's Medicines a 'air and faillifnl trial. Ö3iuluring the Doctor'í tr:iviln la Eurorpe, West Indies, Son t fa Ameiica. and the Jnited States, he has been the insirument in God'n land. to reytore to health and vigor thousauils who vert given up ml pronounced incurable by ihe most ftmineni old .-■(■hooi physicians; uay, more, tliousaruïs who were nn,tlie verge of the grave, are now Uring nor.unvnts to the indiHn Herb'ö lioctor's skill and successful treatment.and are daily exclaiming: "B'esredbetbvday wlu-n flrst e aaw and partook of the udian iierb íoctor'K medicine. :' .-alisfactory referoncesof cures will be gladly and checrfully givcn "henever requircd. T 1 1 - Itoctor pledges his word and honor, that he will n no wise.directly or indirectly, induce or cause any nvalid to tak-e bis medicine without the strongest probability of a cure. ,e Mude of examination, wblcfa ís entirely different 'rom the faculty. Dr. Lyon professes to disetrn diReases by the eye. He tberefore asks noquestions, nor doeahe reqnïre patientsto explain symptr-ms. Cal! one and all, ind have tbesymptoms aml Iocation of your disenso exphtined free of charge. fPThe poor shall be libernlly considered. fiÉS-Postofflee address, box 26fï3. R. J. LYOJÍS, M. r. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. Só, 1862. ly88O UNIVERSAL WARRAKTED! (7IT H i siZl. :. Tu tijg- " COQ7 WHEELS! CL0THB8 WRINGER. Q No. 1. Lar;k Family Wkinger $10.00 No. 2. Medium " " 7.0) No 2 " " l 6.00 No 3. Smaix " " ... 5.50 No. 8. Ï.AJtüK HiiTEL " 14.00 No, 18. Mkuium Laundky ( torunby ] 18.00 No. 2-2.I.AIIG1Í " - steam or 30.00 { hand. J Nos. 2X ind 3 bstve no Coge. AU otherá are warranted. No. '2 is the sizo generally used in private families. UriANuic Jlüd, ol the uAmeric:in Agriculturist " aaya of the UNIVERSAL CL.OTHES -WRINGER. "A chiid can readily wring out a tubfull of clothes in a few minutes. It is iu re;ihty a CLOTHBS ÖAVER ! ATIMIÖAVER1 andaSTKNGTH SAVER ! The saving of gamients will aliñe pay a large jier centage on its eost. Ve think the machine much inore than FAYS FOR ETBELF KV] ■KY VKAK in the saving of garments! There are scvoial kinds, nearl}7 alike in general cinuruction but we copfiidcr it important that the Wringer be iitted with Cog?, otherwi,se a mass of garroents rnay clog the rollers, and the rollers upon the cranU-ehait slipand tear the cloihea, or the rubber break loose from the 6haft. Our own is one of the first make, and it is uenrly as GOOD AS NEW af ter nearly FOÜK YEABS' CONSTANT ÜÖE." Every "Wrirgei -with Cog Wheels is Warranted in every Particular. NO WRINGER CAN BE DURABLE WITHOUT COG WHEELS. A gooci CANVA.8SER TODted in every town. f On receipt of the price from places where no one is Eelling, we will stnd the wringer krek gf expense Kor particulars nnl circulara ad'lress 915tf R C. BROWNING, 847 Broadway, N.Y. jjissolution INotice, rtlHE FIRM OF''H.V1'IN, WUOD & CO-, wns diisolvod Xjaniiaiv 10, 16t'l, by mutual consent. C A. Chapín amt A. 8. -Wood will etilo the accounts oX thelïnn. C. A., A. B. Woon, Cah.n, Y. WElS-S. Ann Arbür, June 24, 16(53. Coparl uersblp. TTE ÜNDERSIGNJÏD entored into partnership Jan. 10,186!, by the linu name o( Uhapin k Co., and will contiuuu the business of luanufacturing piinling anti irrapping paper. C. A. Chapín, N. Cuaimh, V, Chapín. Ann ArSor.June 24, 1868 910tf. Tobacco l Tobacco! I AM SKI.UNG GOOD FINE CÜT CHEWING TOBACCO At from Fiftn cents to $1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From H cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ann Arhiir, Jllrli., !),.■. 17, 1862. 883tf HOWAKD ASS0C1ATI0N, i'iiir.AiiiiLriiiA, F.i. Dlrncs Bfthe. Merrona, Seminal, Uilnnry and SfXuaLSjwtcmak- Bew and roliable trsatiifd'.- jii.Kcp.ifts oí the U0WA1U) ASSOCUTION- int Uy mail iu sealed letter eyjglopw, ftafl of charge Acldress, Dr. J. SKII.UN HOUGHTON, Howard AssocTati6n, No. 2 Souih Ninth Street. Phila., Pa. l916yl savEinn liveryi ! J. GREEN & E. BROWN, have pupebased the Hnrsps and "nrrijif;e8 of B. Greon, anfl have also adiled smne vpvv line Horses h Oarriages to the above stock, in the same barn, so that they can buíí jfou all on rcasonabln tcrm3. O all and.Öee ! AKJ7bor,JiíJ}',líih-í33. ' tttXi. a Ayer's roa T a.VKDY SCEOrtJLA AND SCEOFTJLOUS DICTASES. From Emery Edes, a well-known tiíerchunt qf Oxford, Alaine. " I have sold large quautities of your Sarsaparti.i.A, but liever jet one bottle wnieb i'ailed of tlie rtoired effect and' lul 1 satiefaction to tlioie wlio took it. As fitst as our people try it, they aree tbere haa been uo meilicine iike it before iu our oommuuity." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotohes, Pustules, TJleers, Sores, and all Diaeases of the Skin. From Ilev. Bobt. Stratton; Éristol, England. " 1 only do my duty to you and tlie public, when I add niy testimony to tliat you publinh af tlie mes dicinul virtues oi'your SaksAi'auilla. My dnughter, uged ten, luid 11 afflicting liunior iu her cars, eyes, and bair tbr yeara, whicti we were unable to cure until we tried your Sarsavarilla. Sbe lias been well for eomo iuoutUs." From Mrs. Jane E. Hice, a léellknovyn and muchesteemcd lady of Denninville, Cape May Co., N: J " My dauglitur bas sufl'ered for a year past with a KCrofulous eruption, which Was very troublesome. Kotbiugaflbrded nny relief until we tried your SahBAPAlilLLA, wbicil soon completely cured her." From Charles P. Gage, Esq., af the widely -known firm qf Gaye, Murray S; Co., manitjacturers of enamelied papers in Nashuu, -Ar. II. " I had tor several years a very troublesome fittmor in my face, which grew constantly worse until it distigured my features and became an intolerable afllictioii. 1 tried almoat everything a man could of bbth adviee and medicine, but without any relief whatever. until I took your Sarsapauilla. It immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might for a time; but in a few weeks the new skin began to furm under the blotches, and coiitimud until my face is as smoolh as anybody'8, and 1 am without any symptoms of tlie disease that 1 know of. 1 enjoy perfect health, and without a doubt owe it toyour Saksapaiulla." Erysipelas - General Dobility - Purify tha Blood. From Dr. Ilobt. Sawin, Houston St., iv Y. .Dr. Ayer: I seldom'fai! to remove Eruptions and Scrqfulous Sores by the persovering use of your, and 1 liave just now cured an attack of Malignant Erysipelas with it. No alteraüve we possess equalsthe you have suppliecl to the prolësslón as well as to the people." FromJ. E. Johnston, Esq., Waleman, Ohio. "For twelve years 1 had the yellow Erysipelas on my riglit arm, during which time I tried all the celebrated physicians I could reach, and took hundVeds of dolíais' worth of medicines The ulcera were so bad that the cords became visible, and the' doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I began taking yourSARSAPARii-tA. Took two bottle, and fiomeof your Pills. Together they have cured me'. ] annow as well and sound as any body. Being in a public place, my case is known to everybody iu tbis community, and excites the wonder of all." From Hm. Henry Monro, Al. P. P.. qfNewcastte, C. W., a leading memier qf the Canadian Parliament. "I have used your Sarsapakilla in my lamily, for general debititi, and lor purifying the blood, with very beneficial results, and leel coufidence in commeuding it to the afflicted." St. Anthony's Fire, Hose, Salt Bheum, Soald Head, Sore Eyes. From Harvey Sidder, Esq., the able editor qf the Tuncljiannock JJemocrat, Pennsylvania. "Our only child, about three years of age, was nttacked by pimples on bis iörehead. They rapidly spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered hia face, and actually blinded his eyes for some days' Askilful physician applied nitrate ofsilver and other remedies, without any apparenteffeol. For uiteen days we guarded his hands, lest with them he should tea'ropen thefestering and corrupt wound which covered his whole face. I ing tried every thing else we had any hope from, we i began giving your Sausaparilla, and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as you direct. The sore began to heal when we had given the first bottle, , and was well when we had flnished the secoud. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and he is now as healthy and fair as any other. The whole neiehborhood predicted that the child must í die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. FrortDr. Hiram Sloat. of St. Louis, Missovri. . "I find your Sarsaparilla a more effectual remedy for the secondary symptoms of Syphilis, and for syphilitic disease than any other we possess. The profesaos are indebted to you for Bome of the best medicines we have." From A. J. French, M. D-, an eminent physician qf j Laiorence. Mass.. who is a prominent member qf the Legislature of Massachusetts. "Dn. Aykr - My dear Sir: I have found your Sarsaparilla an excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of the )rimary and secondary type, and etTectnal in eome cases that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. I do not know what we can employ with more certainty of success, where a powerlul alterativo is required." Air. Chas. S. Van Liew, qf New Brunswck, N. J., had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse ofmercury, or mercurial disease, which grew inore i and more aggravated for years, iu spite of every remedy or treatment that cóuld beapplied, until the ] persevering use of Aveu's Sarsaparilla relieved i fiim. Few cases can be found more invetérate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen bottles to cure him. Leucorrhosa, Whites, Female 'Weakness, are generally produced by internal Scrqfulous Ulceration, and are very often cured by tlie alterativa effect of this Sahsaïaeilla. Some cases require, bowever, in cid of the Sarsai'arilla, the ekiifui applicatiou of local remedies. From the well-kïwivn and vlidely-celebraied Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. " I have fouud your Sarsaparilla an excellent alterative in diseases of témales Many cases of irregularity, Leucorrhcea, Iuternal Ulceration, and iocal debility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis, have yieldcd to it, and there are few that do uot, when itseffect is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, unwilling to allow the publication qf her name, writes: " My danghter and myself have heen cured of a very debilitating Leucorrhoaa of long stauding, by two bottles of your Sarsaparilla." Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dyapepsia Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when cauped by Scrqfula in the system, are rapidly cured by this Ext. Sarsaparilla. ayTrö cathahtic pills possess so many advantages over tho other gatives in the market, and their superior virtuea. are so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their qnality ia maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co., Lowell,. Mass., and sold by SÏKüBINtS ü WltSON, Aun Arbor, E. SAM'ON, Vp'ilanti, A BWING, Deïter, WHEKDON k HATCH, ISieUwa, Wbolesaleby FAIiHANDSHIXüY i Co., Ie trolt. C. E. COHURN, Travellinff Agent. WONDERFUL SÜCCEBS. The itttention and research of the most dstloguisfaeO Cbmists and Physician fnr years have been devoted to the irr.iuctíon oí' a romedy for these most dlfltreaalng malttdièa Nei'üaiuia and Khkvmat ai . Af ter long sUiJy and many exiei imL-rits, a speciic pre.parat'wv has been disooverod, WATSCN'S Neuralgia Kiiijí, in Internal Remedy, curïng thou-tands of casca whereall other rcnifilics have utterly failcfi. We ure assured thatit i no mere " ANODYXE," relievin for tbe moment wbitetbo caqae remains, but a perfect SPKCIFJCand CUBE fortbose faloful dficniM. ïhe vast number of IJuiments, Kmbrooauons and External Medicines, wliich act as srimulíints of the surface only, are nierely fempowiiy in their eíTecfs and oí doubt f ui virtue TUe NEURALGIA K1N3 reachoíi the source of al trp.uble, and efltiu&Uj büuishcs the disease from thesysteyi, l'rice - Óue Dollar per Bottle. Prepared by C. K. WAI.KER, Ïy887 BufFalo,N. Y.J(ind Fort Krie, O.W. TIIL American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, Noy York. Claims of all kimls atrainnt the Genova: Government, State (i'vnrn m'iit, 1 he City, or priva tV partios, prosecuted and coÜected at my cipenxc and ritk Against private parTies posyess triiperior f;icilities for colloctin: claims r vi vvlu-ie n l'nitcd Otates and Cana. Lis, reiu'v a% uieivhant f, issinoes, bankurs, and "I, lierrf , ol tha cai -■ and a 11 ■ responsibility . Spt.'cial a(tentiou given to old defeta, hard cases, dl, vorAS, wills, estates, etc. BeiiiK familiar iritb alHlio dtailsof the " Int mal Revenu Law,' I will aítenú jn-omptly to the collection of drawbacks , and taxea overpaid tbrougb ignorance of the Uw. SoMii'iV pensions, pay , and bouaty srcured for them or their heirs. Vor that purpo.-;i.', and l'ur pro sec ut lig claims ;tpiin--t tlit1 (JovernniiMit. I nn'e e. brauch oilice at Washington. No charge made unless claims are col[epted. AH soliliers iliscliiiiurd by ÍCaaOt) of - lioWever shor'i t he tfmethöy h;tve bWvwI - are eatltted to One Huudred öoliat pótonty. AUuldiers liuvingRcrved twoyer8,art eotitled to tb.e same. ■ifSi liii_'Jiest makd price ffill be paid for soldi. rs' cliiinis, ii nd other deuiaudn agaiust the General Government. Information and opinions pi ven, and investicr.ition ma'le without charge, njioo claims proposedto be placed ia my hands. For particulars. MdAreM , H. HUNTINGTON LEE, 9C0tf No,240 Broadway, N.Y Truses t RVVTURp CAN BK CUREO BY A TBÜB8 of the wght kind, if yroju'rlj' fiileil %nd öuly al te mi cd tg. 'Di is luis beeu abundan t ly demonoi t% ted in InBtmera b!e instaiipps by the use of the Alu]1l]U'cInl Trusa 'of !■. Kifííísi 'liirini' tin' !;il,few yt-ar.i. This Trnsi beinp covcicd with 11a rel Rubber, is perfect) y va ter. - pro()f,"máy b useil in bathtn, and is nh ayi clean ly ira wrll ;is Indestra ctible by onïinary usage. ]f not satiffactory after ji fnlir tri;i! oT sixty 1ayp. it ,nifty br v - tnrneii. It challenge a orjparjson . with" nv.y tfsfl Dr. RIÖGS' ufijfte, No. 2 BARCIAV U-i, Nev.' York. ■ . ' SS&tí ' DR. RADWAÏ'S PILLS, NEWLY DISCOVERED PflINCIPLES IN PUR6ATI8HDI!. RADWAY'S I'ILLS ARE THE BEST PURGATTYi Pilis id tho World, and the otily Vc-getablb SubUlH for ('íi'omel or Mcnury ovcr díscovered. , , , . Compoawd f Vegetable Kxtract ofCnm, Plnnt, 'Htxba, líoots nnd Flo+eis. Tliey l'iirge- t'lcaoso- L'urify- Hcal- Soothe- Cali-. Slrengtheu- InvigoriUe- and Kegulato tbo Syslom. ■ mjt svnoEjr ittcií8 of INFLAMMAT10N OF THE BOWELS, BIIíIOUS CUOLIC, BILIODS FEVER, ERY"íáll'ELAS, CONGESTIVE FEVEE; SlíAL'L POX, MEASLES, SCARLET FEVER, SIS TO BIOHT FILL# Will purge the discaso from Ule system la SIX HOUES. If seizcel with cilher of iu! above-named dU&iiea, lt fix or eight of Dr. Radwáy's 1'ILL.S bo takou t euefc TTill singlé dose WiU carry tilo pttient out of dangtr. rheir Cüuüuued uaej in smaller doóOü, will work a tiur.. COATED WITH GUM, ■ rhcy are pleasant to tako. Thcy opérate pleasadtly, lurally, and thoroughly Erery lose that is taken imparts'stremjth to the enfoeblcd system. Borag ptrKt purgatives 'tlruy do nut leavo tbo boweU costive, or tü jiatícnt wealC' i ONE OR TWO OF DR. RADWAY'S FILM Will secure a good appetite and healtUy digestión. TO THOSEWHO TAKE PILLS, )R. RADWAY'S PILES will bo fouud an Improveznent ' til uurgattVtí or catliartic pilla in use. One or two pill ïül bo round sufflciont to koop the bowels regular ; n4( in casos where a brisk opíiratlon u doairod, SIX lo QGJTT nill in six hours tliorouyhly purge. 't ( ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL CURE COSTIVENESS, DYSrEPSIA, OONSTIPATION, MKASLES, CONGESTIÓN, - MELAKCHOLT,. HEART DISEASE9, HYSTERICS, DISEASES OF KIDNEY AMENOR.RHCE,. AND BLADDER, FAINTING, i DISEASES OF LIVER, DIZZINESS, B1LI0USÑESS, EtíSH OF BLOOÍ T TYPHUS FEVER, THE HEAD, SHIP FEVER, OBSTRDCTIONS, MALIGNANT FEVER, KETENTIONOF üftW' LOSS OF AFPET1TE, DROPSY, INDIGESTIÓN, ACÜTE ERYIPBLAI, INFLAMMATION,; HÈADAOHE, PAtPITATIONS; BAD BREATH, SCAELET FEVER, INFLAMMATION Oí' BILIODS FEVER, THE ISTESTÍNB, JAUNDrCE, AP0PÍ.EXY, CONGESTIVE FEVER, ÉNLARGEMENT 9T SLEEPLESSNESS, THE SFEER, GENERAL CEBILITY, SQDRVY, DIMNE6S OF S1GHT, WH00PINQ COÜOK, FITS, W0RMS, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, BAD DREAMS, QÜINSEY, TLEURISY, Ai alio all Complaliíts of AVomen, vaA ai IIytiia, I.eucuiilíoea or Wliltes, Weakm" Ing Dlicharges, Chlarosis, Irr-gulrltle, Supm-cssioii of IHe Menses, InñíinnutlM. olí licj Womb or Bladder, DlIHciUt Menstruallon,and al otber Diseases or Coniplaiuts prodúced by cïco-isivodiichargoj or supprossidn of the Mcnnoe. Ladiea who desire to avoid t)ie suOerings and Ib. Tenii-ucos of tiloso Irregiüaritioü, or orgauio bslrÜmi should not omit to rogulalo their lyelonv y mwn'i of 0:10 or two of RADWAY'ö I'Il.Iá.oncs or lw4 a weck and thm bo freo from tho many and grat kiconveuioucea to which laJie aro genorally ubjudl. WEIGII FACTS. DOCTOR RADWAY invites tho attention of tbo lntUV. gent reader to tbo fads hero presented, sbowinf t biiperiorlty of bis PILIS, as purgativei, oror II thtr pilla or purgative mediciues in use. THEIR GREAT C0MBINATI0N& Thcy are Apericnt, To'aic, L-ix-ttivo. Ait.Tiitiv, Svja lant, Couuter Irritant, Sudonílc. AS EVACUANT3, They aro mouo certi'n an[ thoroii-li than Oie DrasU Pilla of Abo-, or Crotón an 1 Hartem OH, or Llatsriuua ; and more soothiug and he;iling than Sum,or Khubarb, or Tamarinds, or Castor Oil. AS ALTKRATIVRS, Thcy oxcrciso a more powerful influence orer the Htm. an i ita secretioti3 than calomel, mercury, bliie]i]II,heQ their importimcoin cases of Livor Complaints nnd Splea DifQculiies, Jtiundice, Dyepepsia, Bilious AttitckSj Haadache.&c. In the treatment of Fevors, either Bilioit, Yellow, Typhoid, ana other re-iuci! g Fevcr-4, they r superior to qu-lnine. Their fufluence extends over tb entlro systetn, controlliiig, stronijtlieninií, and braclnf up the relaxed and wasting oergies, and regulating uil the secretions to thc natnral riorformance of their dutioi. cleanáiug and purifying the bIooJ,and jiurging f rom ih lystem all diseased depoaits and impuro huuurs. THE CAUSE OF PILES. A Iarge dose of the Drastic Pilis will, by irritating tb tnucous mcmhraue, produco a viol'üit expulsión of tb con ten ts in the buweïa, hut in so ctoing othcr secretiooi, are suspended. Iti such etised, tbe atoóla will bo founi. tobolight-coloredaiKlwat('ry,;in tnttonüed w.thcrampt, griping pains, nausea, sicktiess. Hy t:is increaseil unnatural action of the h wéls. tho secretiona of tho kidneys and pancreas are dlcainiábed , fullowed hy iifloctiona of the kidneys, bladder, urethra, pilo.í, tenesuiu, general proátration, codtiveuesSj and iadiedtion. Why Eadway's Pilis Cure Small Fojl, In Sraal! Pox, Sc.irlet Fevor, Erysipelas, Yellow, Typhoid aud othcr reducing Ftcers, pürgation ia kighlf asm'.ial. Uut to adtninister a doso at Drastic PHii th. irritntion tliey woulil jiroduce, aud tho leluxation and depletion that would follow, would bo likely to prov fatal. If physiciaus, in thee caseá, wonld give RADWAY'S J'ILl-S, they would always cure their patiënt. In these üiseases a mild, sonthing, hwiling and geutiy stimulating laxiiivo is required, wuiob ia Ëccurcd br iADVAY'á PUJA Wüy Imperfect Pilis Gripe. The cause of {ñipíng, nausea, Bicknean, tenesuius an debility, that is indtu-ed by a doscof drastic pills, is ow!ng to their imperfect operaliou. lf witii tho facea, tf diseased humors, leftcirculating Ín the system, wcre cxpelleii by theso jtills, there wnulil bib;;t little puin r griping. It i,s the ahsonco u.f Uto balo and otber humors which the imperfect pills fait t,' purge out of tho ayètfia, that occnsioud tho ptrn. liy ex-iiniuifig tho stotria ev&cuated after severe griplüg they will bo foumt thia aa watery, THE TRUB PILL3 TO TAKE. The onïy safo jrf'lla to take are Dr. Radwoy'd. becaust lliev aro ttio only pills tbat sqcuro pnrpüiou without dtr plction, and expel uiseaíed humors fronthe system. CASE OF DYSPEP3IA CTJRED. For many years I have beeo alliicted with our n (fonal complaint, called Dyspepl i - iny sulferiugs bavo b-eii a constant succession of horro.-s. I "havo spent thousands of dollars wiüi t'io hope uf reaiizing a littla cornfortand tr.uiquillity. All rneÜicaUon f.uled to relieve me, until I commenced to act np.m the jinlicious advlc you gave me on tho 6tn of April, 1858. Aud uow, aftor i siiu; your Pilis, I feel lik e a now man. God bless yoo, and rnay this letter induce olhgr "'■■■■ ing victinu to thia agcyrsed Eaalady,to try thone laVaaá. Yuurs forveutíííj Y CARPENTER. Carpístbrtillk, N. J-, Api il ICth, 1859 ' Messrs. Hadway & Co., Ñ, Y, lüy. Letter from Dr. Salmón Skinnen Nkw York, Jauumy, 18(50. Dr. Radway & Co. : 1 huve, dúnng Iho past four years, used ftÁSr rom-, dies, and havo recoauneuded thera to others l'or Bu vvm Complaikts, Indigestión, Dyspkp.-ia, c. I considor ihe Ready Relief and Regulating Pilla upcqualcd. ■ Tho Rcgulating Pilis aro mild in their operatiuua aud thorougfely effectivo. Tho flrst dose should bo largo cno'iph to purge, sy fonr or fl ve, and each yticcessivc dose bo diminisEea oopill, until reduced to ouo, and ilien rejieate t overy day for a wook or tou days., A peemauont curo will suroljr follow. Yoitrs, &0.J DR. S. KCftn. Dr. Radvrny'a Pilla are oltl by Drngglsts and Si ore -Keepers In general. Each Box con taina 30 P1U. PileO Í25 cU. per Box. n ; For Sale by STE13BINS & WILSON Oval Picture Frames ALI.Sl7.ES,STi'[.KS anrirVjCES just r jtfMrflMa fórsále chèppa t OHOTJF & M1LLE7S"S. T(io.r(b.2s. i8o: 4yer's Q]: v Pectoral


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