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FIRST NAÍ10NAL BANK -OF-AulSTISr ABBOKSubscription Agency for 5:20 Loan. We are now authorïxed to receive iubscriptions for i the United States 5:20 Six per Cent Bond AT PAR for Legal Tender Notes, or New York exchange. i Interest on these bonds in payable Kuniiannually in Gold. They are alftu exempt froin t;ixnt 'n-n. C. H.WCHMOXn, ' Ann Arbor, Aug. 24, 1863. 919tf Caohier. THÜ American Collecting Agency No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of all kinds against the General Government, i State (.iovemmenr, the City, or private parties, prosecuted and collected at my expense and riek Agiiinrtt private partieö 1 possess superior facilitiea for collecting claims everywhere in thi United Stfttei and Canad;is( rolieviug merchante, assignct'K, banker, andother, ol the caie and all responsibilitj. Special attention given to oíd debts, hard cases, di, vor.iaa, wills, estaten, etc. Tïeing familiar with allthe detailsof the " Intrnal Revenu e Law," I will iittend promptly lo the collection of drawbacks, and taxes overpaid through ignoranc of the law. Soldiers' pension, pay, and bount.y secured for them or thetr heirs. For that pur pose, and for proMCUtfng claims against the iovermnent, I have a branch otïïce at Washington. No charge nmdeunless claims are col lected. All Koldiers diacharged by reason of wounds - liowever short the time they have served - are entitled to Onp ïlnndred Dollars Bounty. All soldiere having.served twoyears,ar entitled to the same. ■QQ Tïie highest marketprtce will be paid for soldiers' claimt, and other demanda against the General Government. Information and opiniona piven, and investigaron ma'le witfmut charge, upoti claims proposedto be placed in my hands. For particulars. address H. HUNTINGTON LEE, SOOif No, '240 liroadwuy, N.Y Grand Trunk and Vermont ANOTHER GREAT"rÊDUCTION ! Detroit to Rouse'a l'oint, St. Aihmn, Burlington MontpeHr and White hiver Junction, only V lietroit to Bosten in Ogdensburg or Portland .... 14 Ietroit to Boston and return 25. Persons purchainij Hos ton and return tickets can go via Montreal, Gorhnm, (White Jlcuntaios), Island Vond, and Portland. Iteturning via Lowell, Xasluut, Omconl, Burlington and Ogdensbuig, givihg the passengers the benetit of both routes Tickets good until November lat, J8C3. Through frena Detroit to Boston in 36 hou. Two exprMt tniiiiK leaves Detroit daily (Pnndayu txcepted) by Cbïfigo tiine at 6.05 A. M. and 6.20 P, JÍ. Splendid sleeping - arn on night trains atul Kuttan'a Pat ïnt VentUátora on üy traim. Tickets can be obtained atthe Grand Trunk lïailway Tirket office, l;i4 Jelfrson avenue, a few doorn above he Michigan Exchange. SLOCUM& THOMPSON', Agents, Detroit. 'PHE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES X WILL be for the Healii.g of the N-itions. Bible. THE GKËAT AND CKLKHRATED PHYSIClAN of the. T11KOAT,LUNGS, HKAUT.LIVKiï AND THE BI.OOD, Known all over the country as the CKLRHRATED XTJDTA-IST HERB DOCTOR I Uf 282 Superior átreet, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit the following plnccs, vii A?f'OIN'TMEXTiSFOH 1862, 1863 and 1864. Prof H. J. I.yons can be consulted at the fojlowing places evry munth, viz: Detroit, Hussel llcmue, each month, ISth and 19ih. Ann Arbor, Monitor House, each month, 20th. Jackson, hibbard House, each month, 21. Adriun, Bracket House, each month ''M and23d. Toledo, Obio, Cullins House, each month 24th, 25th. and 2fitii. Hitlsdale, Mich. , Hillsdale Tíouse, each month, 27th. Coldwater, Mich-, Soutnern Michigau Uobm, each month, 3$ tb. lilkhwt. Klkhart House, eacb month, 29 tn. South Bond, Ind., 8t. .lo. Hotel, eacli month, 30. Lapnrte, Ind ,, Tee (arden House, each munth 31 at. Wuoater, ühio, Crandell Exciiange, each month, 7th and8th. Mansfield, Ohio, Wiler House, ech month, 9th and lOth. Mt. Vernon, Kenyon House, each month, llth nnd 12th. Newark, Ohio, Holton House, each month 13th and I4th, Painesville, Ohio, Cowles ITnune. each month . 4th ULLVELAND, OHIO. RKBlDENCE ANU OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. 1 East of the public square, opposite the Postoffice. nfficfi days each month, lat. id, 4ib, 5tb, t5th, 15 th. - Jffice hours from 9 A. M. to' VI M, unit from fi '. M. to ' i V. M. OnSunday from 9 to 10 A. M.,aud 1 to 2 I. Ji. flÉjrMaxims strictly adhered to I give such baltn as have no strife, With nature ur the Us of Üfe, With blood my hands ï nevcr stain, Norpoison men toease their pain. ITe is a physician in deed , who Cures. The Indian Her-' J'octor. R. J. LYON'S, cures the fol [owing compiaints in the most obstinate stages of their exiak-nce, viz: Discases of the Throat, Lungs, Heart, Ijver, Stomach , Dropsy nthe Chest, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Fits. ar Fallini;S!CknesR,andaH other nervousderangementB Also alldiseasesof the blood, such au Scrol'ula, Krysiptrias, Cancers. Fe ver riores, Leprosy , aud all other complicated clironic compiaints. AH forins of female difliculties attended to with the happiest results, It is hoped that no ono will despair of a cure until they have yfveq the Indian Herb lïoctor's Medicines a fair and faithfut trial. 0,1) uring the Doctor'f , ftls in Kurope, West Indien, South America, and ihe United States, he has been ihe instrument in God'.s hand, to restore tb health and vigor thonsanda who were given up aal pronounced incurable by ihe most eminent old school phyaicians; nay, more, thouanda who were on tbe verge of the grave, are now living to the Indian Herb's Por.tor'fi skill and successful treatment,andare daily exclaiming: "Biessed be theday when tirst we saw and partook of the tndian Ilerb Doctor's medicine." atifiiactory references oí' cares will be gladly and cherrfully given whenever required. Tbc I'octor pledges bis word and honor, that he will in no wise,dirt'ctly (ir indirectly, induce or cause any invalid to take his medicine without thestrongest probability of a cure. fgg Mftdo of examination, which is entirely different from the factilty. Ir. Ljoñ professes to dísccrn dieases by the eye. He therefnre asks noquestions, oor doe.s he require pa(ientto vxplain sy rnptoms. Cal! one and all, md have thefiymptoinH and location of your disease explained free of charge. fTht' pnr shflll bf lilievally consiclered. ifcyl'ostoflice addres, box 20fi3. R. J. LYONP, M P. Cleveland. Ohin. Nov. ft. 18fi2. lvFB9 THK GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, 51 Vescy Street, New York; Fince its organization, has created a new era in the history of Wholesaling Teas in tl1 is Country, They have iutroduced tlieir selections of TEAS, and are ficlling them at not over TWOCEXTS (.02 Cents) per pound above Cos, Never dtvia ing from the ONE PRTCE asked. An-Uherpeculiïtrity of the Company ís thittthir Tka TAfTKit not otily devotes his time to the selection of 'heir TKaS ns to quality, value, and particulnr s'vles for particular Icc-'ilities bf country, bvt he helya the Tka bitye.r to chorote, nut nf their f.nnrmous stock nvcM Tkah asnrr, best adap'rdtotfieir jmrttcu'ar izante, iind not only this, but pftihti o'fl Ut )i'm the beet baig ahnt, It is easy to sce tlie incalculable adrantage a Toa Buyer has in this e.-tablifOiroent over all others. 11 he is no judge of Tea,or the Market, if his f iir is Vluábie, !i has all the bencfits of a well orgaoized svstem if dninc business, of an immenpe capital, o the jinigement of a prulessional Tea Taster, and the knnwledge of superior salepmrn. Thif eiuibles all Tea buyers - no muiter if tht-y are thouandsof froni this market - to purchase en as rood term.4 h're as theXew York nmrr.hants. Varties can order Teas and will be served by im as well as though tíiey carne thomselvf , being uure to fiet original packages, true weights,aud taxvp; and the Tea aro Warranted as representad. We isue a Pr:ce of the Company's Teas, which will be sent to all who order t; comprising Hyson, Young Hyson, Impeiial, Gunpowder, T"warkay and Bkin. OOLONG, SOUCHONG. ORANGE A HYSON PEKOK. .ÍAPAN TKA of every deacription, colored and uncolor1. This list ha; each kind of Tea divided into FOt'R Classes. nmely: CAK0, high CARGO, FINE, FINKST, that evtry one may undeistand from description and the príces annexed thnt the Company are determiued to undersell the wholeTea irade. Weguarantee o sell ALL our Teas at not over Two Cents (_fCT CKXT.S) per pouud ahovecost, beleving this to be attructivc ti t!ie man y who huve heretofove been paying enttrmous profitu. Gil i-'.AT AM ER re N TEA COMPANY. Inipoi tvm mul Jobbers, Stn'.ïöl No 51 Vesey Strctt, AVw York. LI VÊRYrLÏVER Y Vi J. GREEN & E. BROWN, have ptirt-hased the Ilnrses aad 'arriageí of B. Green, and have also aflilt'd Kimie very fine Horses k ('arrages to the aoove Ktock. in the same barn, so that ihey cnn uii you all nu rtïasonable term.ï. Cali and See! Ann Arbor, July 14th, 1S63. em914. Oval I'icture Frames AIXSIZES.STYLKS and I'HICES just rMeivad and Ifotpale chpapat CHOFF & MILLEK'S. A FEW KEASONtí WHYTHE American Watch IS Í'HJS BEST. It is nw'e on tne best principie, wbilo the foreign watch i genera lly made on no principie at all. Let us look at the contrast. The foreign watch is moBÜy raadehy wnmen and boys, fcy hand. Whiletheir labor is cheap, tbeir work s dear at any price. EHteh watches are made without plan, and sold without guarantee. They are rrfguïfcr in conslructioi) , and quito au irregular inmovenient. They aie design ed only to ell, and the buyer is the party mt thoroughly gold. - Thoe who havckept " ancres," "lepine" nd "Swiss levers" in professsd repair fur years wil! appreclate the tr'ith of our Htatement. The Pían ff the Ariieman Watcli. Instead of bein made of several hundred little pieces, screwed together, tht bod of tbe American Wivtch s formed of SOLID PLATE.S. No jai iníerferea with the harmony of its working, and no eudden shock cao throw it H machinery out of gear. Secpanion of ono part from another immknown to ÍÍb conetitutiou, and in ri ding or any business purauit, it is all held together as tirmly ai a single pirce of metal. It ia just wkat all mach'Mery should be- ACCURATE. 2d. SIMPLE. 3d. STRONG. 4th. ECON'OMICAL. Wenot only secure CIIEAPNESS by our Kstein bul QÏJAUrv. We do not pretend that our Watch can be bought for lesfinoiipy tvmn tbe foreign makc-btlitvcê bul that fot íls roál valué it is soltl (or one half the priceOCR SOLDIER 'tf WATCH (named Wm. Ellery) íb what its name indicates - Solid, Subsiantial, and always Reliable - wairanted to stand auy amouut oí Maiching Ridinsr or Fighting. OÜRNKXT HiííHER QUALITY OF WATCH (named P.S. BARTLETT)ÍB similar in size and general appearanee, but haq more jeweln, and a more elabórate finish. OUR LA1) ÍES' WATCH, recent ly brought out, is put up in a great variety of pattern-ï, many ótlorn of rare boa ut y and Workmanship, is quite small, but warranted to íflvp time OUR YOÜNG ÖENTLRMAN'8 WATCH ís neat, not large and just the thing for the pocket of Young Araerica. THE PROOF of the meritB 'of our Watch mar be found in the fact that w now employ nvr five hundred workmen in our factories, and that we are utill unable to aupply thr constantly increantng demand. OUR THREE-QUARTER PLAÏE WATCH U thinncr and lighter than the othera we havej deccribed. lts fine chronometer ïallance is delicately adjuste'l to correct the vanation causod by changcn of temperature. These Watches are chronometrically rated, and aiethe fruils of the late&t experimenta in chrenometry and are made by our best workmen, in a ieparnte department of ourfactory. For the fineft tijWe-keep ing qualities they challenge comparison with the bei-t works of til e most faraou English and Swiss niakera. RÓBBINS &' APPLETON, AgcüTS for tHe Ameiit-nii A'ncl fompnny, eowlm 182 BHOAUWAY,N. Y. NEY BOOT $c SHOE N. B. COLB, (Succtssor to Moore S Loom! ) has opcne! n store In the FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Main ttreet, Ann Arbor, and has on hand a large ansortnient of BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, manufactured from the best materinl and warrantcd to Kve sjttisfítction, consisting of MKN'S KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, MEN-S BUI' FALO OVERSJIOESj of all deftenptions. L.ADIES' G-AITERS, Moroeco Bootees, Balmorais, Feil OrrAoe, and Rubbers. Also, Tïoy's Kip.Cnlf & Thick Jïoots, together wilh a vnrioty of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I nm also Alnmirncttirlng WARRANTED BOOTS & SIIOES. Men's FineFreueh Calf Boots Peggecl niid Scwed. Give me a cali before piirchasing elsewhere. I will sffll my üoodfi bonp Tor ca;;h. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. N.B.roI.E. Anu Arbor, Jan. 13th, 1S63. 8S7tf P. BACH Ia now recciving A. LARGE STOCK -OFNew Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOT? CASH Since the Late Fall, AND WILL BE SOLD VERYLOWFORCASII. Cali and See ! Por JE at. Mier, Uonclies, Atitfi, iïrcl Iït;1', Mot ha Iti Fur, Woolcns, ííc. Instcts on lMmttn, KohI.1, Anlmnla, &c. " Only infaltible reinedieB known." Y F ree from poi.'-ons." i( Not tl:ingoious lo the Human Family.1' ' ltatd cime out of their hole to die." j( SoM Whok-F.ilo iii all largfi c tie. 49 Pold by aïl Drugistn aud KetaMers everywlirrc. JH.ÍT ! ! f Tkaware ! ! ! of all worthlM imitutiona. jKSpp that ''Coftah's" name is mi oátli Úox, Bottle and FUnk, before vu Imy. ir AJdri' HRXitV Tl COSTAR. y-rrmcipal Pfpi4. Xo. 2S Hroadway Xftw Tart. Jold by nll the Wbo níennd Rttftïl Druggits, Ar Afbor, Mich. 9I3ru3 PAIN CURED! RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Is tin; most important medicinnl curativo- for te im mtdiatc rétiefot tha Buflforer- of all varietien of I'AlSt, ACliES and IXKIRMITIES, and the prompt cure of tka lick whero PAIN, eithor internal or esternal, ü coicomint of the disenso, thai has ever been dicoTrt IX A FEW MINUTES Alter Ihe application of the REA11Y ïtFI-IEF erfar". nally.or Uadministration int-jrmtHy , tlf? patitiiV- seiMA wrth the mut exoruciathig IMIN'S' acHK. CKAMr.% l.Hl-:UilATlSM,NF.UKAl.ülA,GOrT, LUMBAGO, FF.VE AND AtiUË, SI' ASM-;, FORB 'IIIUOAT. INFLUENZA, IMI'TIIEUIA, CONGESTIÓN or IN'tLAMMATION, will ■- Joy oadt' and comfort. RABWAY'S READY RELIEF OfcjeS safer to administer, and vil stop pain quicinr; S thai all prejmrntlnnj of O,.ium, Morphine, VraTSJ tr;n Hyosciamus, Árnica, Valonan, Chloroform sAa or Ether, undcr wliatéver mimu dlitiuguMlMd : eithor LiniMents, 1' Killers ir Soo'.hing Ltitijru, wliick merely impenda the reling of pain by bcllurabtng lh I erccptive f iculties and killing the ncrvt. Tlio n ir(Coil mtminWersChloroforrrj, Opium, c ,to ronder irn-n.lbto Ihenervfs of poruopti .n- P.AIiWAV.S RKADY HKIJKf -lnp the most excruciatmg l'ain, anti secura fhopiflni ihefullpossessionoriiisseiwci. Tbih theim'y remWjr i i general uso thaí will stop pain, so guicll, tli.ít :. fr fmm üpinm, Moi-pti ne, or sumj olber kúidrtl drug, Uurlíul to Ule gílierül hualüi. C.imrd against sicknoss. On Ihn flr.-t indlo.llnn í pa i or unua-.njo.M, if in Ü1J .-TOMA' II or DuW!, lako a tcaspoonful of llio REAliY BEUEF ín a #ip Kdwa of water. If i'.l the 1.1MB-!, JOINTS, HKAÜ, THKOAT, CHK.-iT. 1!A' K, or o;A-r jaríi o thc Mjf. apply tlio Uil.lEF KXnauMUT- ia a no minuitt all pain and discomfort wtll cease. 'i tibí dimplo applicatío muy broak upa di-i'iiao. It U moej úiar tu prcveut disca-u thau to curo ti. WEALTH FOR THE POOR. MKALTH i.í tlie worklhg mis's capit.i? Th por man iil allord to liear 1I1.1 bunlens "fi KnMaopaydoctor'ablli. O .Ki'WKNTY FIVK CKNlHüiTI.KOFRAi'WAY'.SKKAnYliKI.Iltf will, itöick, cure liimquick,and ouaUlelliintü reíui. hi labore uithnut louqt time - anI, i f used wíieu pain U firii experienced, will Stilp it immoJiati'ly. Kop Ihií liFDiadjr ulwaysin llie hou=io,;mil use itwhen you feel paia ; jra' wi.l nt loso o., e d.iy in a year by sickinv. UIPORTANT TO FARERS And tithon,resHingln spir.seiyettled di-trict.s.whmr it U d.fnit'il to sor-upo tlio pevieM oí a phTmciau, KADWAY'd KEAllY RELIEF h i.,valuablo. It cmW u.íed wilh positivo aísuranco nf íloiní g "d Ín nll r.fcM wliero jian or disco.nfort is oxpericnwd. or if leited wük INi'Ll l'.N.A, I II'l'lIERIA. SURf: THKOAT, BAU COWJHS HO VREN'R-3, BILinUS GHOUC, IN'FLAMSÍA. TMK OV THK BOWtXS, STOUACII, I.UNOS, UYK.R, KIDNEVS, or with PMAI.L FOX, SCAItl.ET FKVtR, HKASl.l'K, TYPHOID FKVRR, KII.IOU.S KEVER, V'kTtK AND AGUF., or wth NEURA1.UIA. IIEAI) Ai HE, T1U [)Ol,0KF.lX, TOf)THACHE, KAR ArITK, or with LUMBAGO, I'AIS' IN THE BAOK or RH1UMATISM, or wl DIARüHCF.l, CIIOI.KÜA MORBOS or DY.'ENTKKT, r with BülíNS, SCAI.IB or BÜUISES, or wlth.STKAWl. (■mP or SPASMS Tho applic.alion of RMWAY1 REAUY REl.Ii-F 101ÍI cure you of the wort or tuo OtnplainU Ín a lew hours. EHEÜMATISM. fllIS painful diseasa lias baffled tho mojt iltllfa plivsioiuus an I popular remedies. It ií lllo mtt difllcult of.danes to ticiit- yet RADWaY'í RKADY REUEF has nevor Hule I in aTirdiaj mnieiilatfí relief to thesuflerer ; and in a'l cásea of Avut, InfUmmatory or Nervous Rhoumalism .10 effect parraaiient curo. (In Chronic Hh-umalism and Gort, HKOWAY'S CI.EAN.S1NG SYRUP, called Raunatine B+ 10'vent, ühould bo taken ai an adjuDCl with lUt ltiAUT UtUEí'.) ACÜTE CHRONIC E.HEÜMATISM. Tho fo!lowing 3 writton by ttui well k-nown cirrouixi. dent of the New York Ilcrald, Ijndon Times (Enzln4), Now Orieana Picayune, Delt.i, Charleston Mrcurj, Jw. i WM. SIDNEY MYERS, KSQ , HAVANA, CUBA. KVWIM, Cub, Jn. S, lili ilatrs. Eadwa'j tl Co. GEX7I.KMSN- I hive been a RulTerer from Acute Chreni Rhcumatism f. ir tho twenty years of my lifa ; ry aufferings during that period , neiiber tongno nor icn cíwi express. I havo speut a liitlo fürtune oa Dictord' blllP wilhoutdei ivinfíanysnbtantial benefit. Kecenlly I hd ono of my frequent periodical atacks. I wa-s very iU for a week. and h:id not Hlept an bonr nt any oue tim. A Spanish friend, to whotn I re'üle 1 my si Bbring.-f, lold mo ho had a remedy wuich wouid givu mo rehef, wi'l he kindly pi -esuniod mn wilh a bottio ( f " ÜADWAY'i KEADY UKLIKK." AHliough. sko)ticil of deriving ■ advantage from ita use, 1 Ihat nigiit Bppliod it fuslf on going to bed, and, to my great amnurmut, ftlt fÜevcd , and slept sound ly. The next ni„'li 1 1 agiii .1 pp!l4 tho Keady Rsi.reí, and awoko in tho moruiag lrw fro pain, having onlv used about ha!f the botUe. Heartily do l'return you my humblo aclitiowlJ( menta for your iuvaluable medie. no, which may wU bs called " a blessing to man." Thanking yon, from my soul, for your wonlerful ramadjr, 1 havo tuo honor to subscribo my.soif, Yours, respccllu Iv, W. S1DNEY MYFJ. NEURALGIA.. (EXQTJISITE PAIS,) TIC DOLOREUX, TOOTIT-ACHE, FACEACHE, SHAHP SUDDüN l'AINS. Persons Boflerinfl with Neuralgia experlwico the leu of excruciating paiu. Tlic paroxysms aro sharp,su!(Jur plunging, staubing, iuduced iiutantly - liku an olctri shoclc. MAWAY'S KEADY RELIEF W the only remn hitherto known, Uiat w ill ;t!To 1 immedlale reliif to tlKMO ■ lio suíTer with this torturin Complaint. (In cases of cbronic Neuralgia, the clea.ising Syrup, (klled REN'OVATING RESOLVENT, wlll expedito tho curo.) In recent nttacks, tho RKADT RELIEK, applied externally to the parts whero the j 'Mt ttrUces, and a teaspoonful or KK1.IEK ti) a wine glasi of water, whea the paroxysms apilar, will cíTect a curo. HOTO TO CURE A SAS COL BETWEEN BKD-TIMK AXI) SUNHI3E. If seizert with SORETHROAT. H rscnesRiil Congh, difflcult Hreathing, Hcaii-aclie, V..tery Discuarges frum the Nose and Eyeá, Pato in llio üiok and .lotriu, Ac, batlm tho 'üiro'at, Cüist, Hoad an.l JoiuU witll A KEADY iíEi-IlCF, and ni ke a HOT EBADY REIJEP SLDTO, I?y adfling to half a tumbler i 1 Lint water, iAMHd wilh gngar, daisertopupiifljl of ltAIHVAV'8 READY KF.LIEH', and ilrink this ou gtiing to bel. In a ftw minutes yon will pcTspi-o freely, sloep soundly, and wako iu the moruing curel of yuur cold. (From the Christian Advoca'e.) f' We beg to present to the roadera of the Adreaiê the followiug lotlcr addressed M Dr. liadway. lel th6 alllicted with WKAK LUSGS AND TIIKKATKN'KDWITH CONSÜMPTION', re id The writer, Mr. JAMlvS SAJUIC, m well kuowu ia Michioan as a popular hotel-keèper." ÏIrmpiiis, Macomb Co., Mich., 3cpt. 4, 1SÖ2. IR. Radway - Dtar Sir: About foor year.s sil ce, I wu very much aflocted with ltlSKASEl) I.UN;s. My frieudi thought I kwl the Coiisumption. I w.i entirely uutit fo busiucss, raised blooil, aud bat! every symptom of thii abovo fatal diseasc. ()nonight,on gomg U) bod, I thought I would tako a Bweat, and took yonr Rsady Rklkv (in bot water) ns a timulant U BWcat me. It did lo. Tho porspira iin li of a slnny Rubskincr, and offensiT mel!. I followed ta. ing the Rkadt Rkm f every olhr night for four weeks, and at lbo eml of tint tune wiui tirely woll. Thi.i i a trno Bfatemeni of f icu, which I will t05tify to undor oath. Vniif, ele , JAilfcü SAüt, Sago's Moto!, lomphii,Mich, FEVER AND AGÜE. A tilble-spoonful of RADWAY'S HEAliY Rffl.rKF, In ft tumbler of water, taken evory niurning beforo lirnaltfaüt, wilí prevent attacks of Kever and -gne, if expoil to its malaria. If seiy.ed with thi.-t coDIpbúnt, take th Baroe (lose, and batho Ihü Hoad, Neck, llalld and Bphitt ono hour befortï tho Chilla are ex;' cced ; thU wiU break up aud curo lbo wor t fortns ol Aguo. airt. RAUWAY gives yon, for C5 conti, a míicli J[l V ihat will lírovo itt cltieacy 111 a few hoiirn, tul ftïQffl Cliro -v"u ' "'ll 'ilseiV;t's thal, mider the (trdinry ísry treatmrntof ihytci;lUS, woald !iy yuit ttp for day, weeks and iumihIis. íeo til t every lxt ! is cora pido whea yon purch ise, and purchiso no RKADT KELIKF unlass lh fue similr. ni;naluro of HADWAY k CO. i-í on tho outsi'iü label, and th ■ ñama of KALíWAY A OO. bluwn on tho Klaas nfSflch Hoúln. ITISW)I.DBV DRUGGISTS AN'll .-TnKE-KEKrF.nS IS FVERY VII.I.AGE AXÜ loWM [N THE i NI1K1J .STAm AMU CANADA BADWAY & CO. 8T MaiJon Ijme, N. T. For Sale hy STEnBIiS& WILSON Ayer's Cberry Pectoral


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Michigan Argus