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THü ALL SUFFICIENT THREE. &R.EA-T "AMERICAN KEMDLES,-' KuoWn as " Hc-likiBbltl'g-" GENUÏltfE FREFABAlinsrS, VI Z.: rfii.Müoi.ii's extractp " nrriir," SAKAlMK]l.I,A, ' I111T.0VKI) ROfck. IVAtll. Tí EI.M HOI,IJ'S GENUINE PPEPARATION, "HIGIILY COSICESTBATED " CO.MPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Specifie Hemetly, For Deseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DKOP3ICAL SWELLItïGS. This Mi'ilicinc InuTeasCfa thfl power of Digestión, and excites the ABSORBENTE Intn lienlthy which the IVATERY OR CAT.CEROUd depositions umi all VNNATVR4L ENLARGRMENTS are reduced, as weli au pain and inflammation, and is good for MEN WOMEN, OR CHILÜREN. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Fülï WEAKXESSES Arising ffom Excespes, Habita of Dissipation, Euriy Indiscretion, er Abuse, ATTENDED "WITH THE FOLLVWING SYMTOMSI Indi.sposition to Exertiun, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Dlffleoïtj of Iireathing, We-k Nerve-, Trembling, Horror of D sease, WukrCulncss, Dimnes.s ol Vision, Paip in the Back, Universal Lassttude of the Fluhhinc of the Body. Muscular System, Kmptions on tbc Face, Hot Hands, Pallid Countenance. Pryucss if he Pkin. These symptrmis, if allowed to go on, which this medicine uvariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY.FVTUITYEPILEPTICFITS Ic one of which the patiënt ma y exphe. Who can say that tbey aie nJt tïeuently iollowed by thosu "direful diseaes," Insanity and Consumptioiij Manv areaware of the cause of their suffering, but none ivill ennfss. The records of the insane Asylums and the melancholy deaths by Consumptiun, boar ampie to tía; truth of the aosertion. THE CONfeTITUTION, O.rCE AFFECTED WITH 0RGANIC WEAKNES, Requires the aid of medicine to strenglhen nd invis , rato the sy stom , which HELM l-OLlS EXTRACT BUHU invariably. doen. A tria' will eonvmce the'skejiAie:?.'Females, Females, Females, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARKIED, OR CON TEMI'LATIN'G MARRIAGE, In mflny affections peculiar to Fem'MeS thé Extract Buchu' is unequnllèd by any other remedy, as in t.hli.rD.sis or Re tention, rregularity, Püinlnlness, or Suppression of the Customaiy Eva cuatí ons Ulceraied or .chirrnus htatc of the Uterus, Leucorrlu-a, 01 Wfaitftfl, Sterihty, and For all complaints incident to the sex. whethararisjnf from lndUcu-tiou, Habits of Diasi pation, or in the Decline or Change of Lifü. SKE SYMPTOM.S ABOVK. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant and Daugerous Diseaaea. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT 11U CURES Secret Diseases. n all their stages ; at little expense ; littleor no change n diet j no incouvenience, AND NO EXPOSITRE. It causes froquent destre, and glve strength to Urinate.therebyremin'iiifï obstructiona, preventmx and curingStrioturSfl of the Üreihra, allaying pain and nlanimation, s(v frequent in this claa of dlseaaes, and expelling POISONOUS, DISEASËD AND ff'ORX OUT MATTER. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who páid HEAVY FEES tobe cured ín a hort time, have l'ouud tliey wtredeceived,and that the ' Poisnn" has, by the use of "Powerful Astringents," Men liied up in the system, to break out in an aggra vated ferm, and PERHAPS Aflcr MARRIAGE. TsTe Elelmbold's Extract Buchu For all Affcctions and Disease of Xh.e TJrinary Organs Vhethor existing n MALE OR FECALES, from cause origin:iting, and no matter HUW I.OG STANDING. hseases of these Organs require the aid of a Piubetic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, Aad ït is certain to have the desired effect in all Di seases, for which it is recommended. LOOD! BlTÏÖD ! BLOOD! Helmbold's Hihly Conccnlrated C'ompound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This is an affecVon of the Blood, and attaclsi the Sexuü Organs, Linmgs of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Vimlpipe, and othor Slucus Surfaces, making its aplearance in the form of Ulcera. Hehnbold's Kxt-act iar-iaparilla purifies the Blood, and remove t all öoaly LruptiOOfl Of the Skin, giving to the Complexión a :-iii and Healthy Color. 11 being prepared expressly or this clans of cnraplaints, its l'urilying ï'roterties are preserved to a greater extent tau any uther preparation of öarsajuirilla. Helmbold's Iïose Wash. An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a SypWltífl Nature, and as an injection in Uleefts of the Urinary Organs, irising from habits óf dissipation, used in connection wilh the Extracts Büchu and Savsaparillaj in Such dis(í;isos as recommended. Evidence of themost responsible and reliablechacacter wül accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATEN OF CUKES, From eight tf twenty years standing, with namen known to SCIEVCE AND FAifE, For Medical Proper tlea of BUCHU, sce Dispensatory the United State. Sec Professor VEWEES' valaable works on tho Practice of Physic. Sec remarlsmaiJeby the lale celebrated Dr. PETS1CK, PhilitilüliihiiL. Keu remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM McDOWELL, a celebrated l'hy.sician, and -Member of the Koyat Colleee of Surgeons, Iteland, and published ntheTransactions of the Klngald Quccli's Journal. See Medioo-Oirurgical Review, pnblished by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellow of the Koyal College of Surréoal. See most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. FXTBACT BUOHtT, ÍI f 0 PEB BOTTIE, OR IX FOK $5 00 " SjiBSAPAnn.tA 1 (10 " " 6 00 Impkoveu Rose Wash, 00 " " 2 50 Or half a dozen of each for $12 00, ivhich will bc Midicient to cure the most obstinate cayes, ir directiens are adhered to. Uclivered to any address, securely pneied trom observation . X Pescribo symptom3 in all Communications. - Cures guaran teed, Advice gratis. A F I' 1 D A V I T . Personallyappeared before mean Alderman of the city of Philadelpli1a,H. T, Hei.miioU), who, being duly sworn, doth say, liis preparatioiiK contain no narcotic, no mercury.or other injurious drugs, but are puroly Vegetab'eH.T.HF.LMBOU). Sworn and subscribed before me, thiw 23d day of Novembtr, 1854. WM HIIÏBARD, Alderman, Ninth -sheet, above Race, Phila. Address Letters for information in confidence. H. T. HELMROf.D, Chemist Depot 104 South Tenth-street , below Chestuut, Phila. BEWARE OF COUNTEUFEITS AND UNPKINCIPLED DEA IERS, Who endeavor to dispone (í OF THEIR OWN ' and "other'' articletíonthe leputation attained by Helmbold's Genuine Preparations, " " Extract Buchu, L ' " Sarsaparilla ( (i Tmiroved Rose Wash. Sold by all Öruggists every where. ASKFOR HELMBOLD'S- TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out the advprtisement, nd efrd for it, 4 NI AVOW IMPOSITlOiï AND EXPOSURB, JyiW SCHOFJF & MILLER A UESTILL ON11AND at theirold Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Bleek, witli tliemostcumplele aasortmeut of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, CÜRTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Market ! and they wouldsuggest totlioflein pursuit cfanythingin SANTA OLA US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchaslng from tliis stock, as forh purc-haser getfi an ailditional present of Jewelry, &c , Ranging invalue iroin 50 ets. to $50. 4(fg Th py trust that theirlong experience in selecting goodsfoi thibmaiket.andstrict attention to the wants ofCuf-tomera,may entitle tbem tu a liberalshare of Patronage. Ann Arbor, ï)e. 5. 1860 777tf THE REBELLION ON HIGH PRICESFilRCLOTHING, HAS COMMENCED AT THE 0L0 & RELIABLE CLOTHINC EMPORIUM ! No.3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. IAM now opening alnrge and varied assortment of Spring and SunimerGoods, and n view of the rebellion on highpricesgcnorally, will offer them to in y friendo andcustomers at the very lowcst figures for Cash. - Those in want of a superior article oí Cloths, Cassimeres. or Beady-Madc Clothing, -will cali on'WWI. WACNER, who has just returned from the Kast, with a large SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS which have been purcliaBed at the l:ite TjOW PRTOES! and canoITer themat alower figure tlian ever before-Araong my Asaoftrilent muf be found BROADOLOTHS, ÜASSIMERES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of all descriptinns, tnethr with a superior assortment oí Rcady-Matle Clothing, 0KVTTftTKUXKS' CAK1ET BAGi:: liEalïiïnlIcnniii'rt Furnisfeiag GrOODB, witli numeious other articles uaually fouad in similar tablishments. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, the subscriber aattOTWiwU, tl.nt experience and generalsuocess, will eniblolmn to give the greatest ,Urotlontoallwhomy trust blmfathaï ol EP Manufaeturing Garments to order. P WM.WAGNEñ. Ann Arbor, Api il 9th 1862. M8tf % C3. BXiISS Would take this method of informing bla old friends and patrons and all others who may favor him with :heir patronage, that hehas greatly enlarged his IStock and Assortment ! and having adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYING &SELLING 8 prepared to sell Goods at IRoasonA" "3l Prioe, Hs stock coDBlsts in jart oi the following: f-. AMERICAN AND OTHER o%x "Watches ! J19S 4jfc Tlie CeIebrte3 SbbFvÉP SETH THOMAS ULOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setfs GOLD CFTAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLËRY ! Pazors, Shears, Scisnorfianil Brusues, ROUERS PLATED WARE, the best in market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and ENVKI.OPES, Musical Instruments, Slrings i( Books for Instruments, SPBCTACXiBS, of Qold, Silver, Steel, and Platcd, with PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Porsonn having difficult watches to fit with globes can be accomodated, as my stock is large'anü complete, H. S. Particular attention to the of all kinds of fine Watches, such as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, Staffs, and Cylhiders, AIso CLOCKS, 5c rE"V7"E31.I"5r neatly repaired and warranted, at his old standeaBt side of Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann 4rbor,NoT. 25,1862 826tl For Sale, Two Dwelling Houses ! 1 TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE nnd I.ot 1 4 x 8, nowoccupied by J. H Builoson. Tossession civpn Oct. 1 , lBfiS% STORY FRAME DWE1.I.ING HOUSE, BARN and LUÏ, 4x8, now oocupied by D. R. Kelley, possession givcn April lst, 1804, good cellar, ctsierns and out trafMtng about the premises. Property ndjuiiiing tbc house of L. C Risdon on William utreet, Ann Arbor.- For lurtber particulars inrinireof ANI)REW fc_ Ann Arbor, May 14, 1863. 904tf Tobacco ! Tobacco ! I AM SEI.I.1NG GOOD FINE CUÏ CHBWING TOBACCO At from Fifti cents to % per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From H cents to 20 cents per pound at retaïl. M. DE VAN Y. Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 17, 1862. 883tf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral I ara Bound for IGÜITERMÍCO'S! Q Dispute tlie ñict if yon can, It tak es the TAILOll after all to give appcarance to tlje outer man. If yon wish to appear wcll You must accordingly Dies'? VVelI. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's., There you will find thinga exactly SO. SONDHEIM always ready to take your measure, GÜITERMAN will sell you Goods with groat pleasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in iho State, Take heed - call early, else vou are too LATE. The inducements are now greater than ever, Our Clerks you will fiad obliging and clever. Wo will show you good CLOTHING oí our own cettino up, Filling our Store from Bottom to rop. STUDENTS especially will find it to THEIR ADVANTAGK, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 0VERC0ATS of Cloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for aluiost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORTATION, Forwarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germanyand Franee, Such as you can stand up ín, or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Faticy CASSIMERÊS and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them from ONE. DOLLAR u tO EIGIIT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will find it so wiihout fiotion, Furnishing apparei.s From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This ia all -we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M. GÜITERM&N. & Co., RIS DON & HEÑDERSOA 13 TJ O E51 E3 "S" 3E3 CRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. rpHE VERY LATEST IMPROVEMENT, and better than J. all others; ai-lapted to sowing Wlieat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Grasa Seed . lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d.' Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. liever bunches he Grain tíli. Never oréales tie Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed hroadeast oehindtke Drill. Qth. Has MgTi wheeh and long libes. Ith. Has long and wide steel points8fÁ. It has a land ijieasure or 'Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. 10A. It has a self adjusting sliut off elide. It is neatly and substantially made. There is hardly a Drill üffered in the market but can boast of more or le.8 "■FIRST PRFMITJMSP They fire about as irnliscriminately bestowerl a the title of ll Professor," wltich ís sometimos applied to the "Jiddler" or " bootblack." They to convey the idea of merit. Tlie Buckeyc Drill has been on Exhibitïon at quite a number of State and County Fairs, and without seekiag favor at the hands of any Coramittee, has received lts full ahare of Premiums. TESTIMONIALS : We give the foUowing Daraes of a few FarmerR in th's vícinity wao have bought and uaed the Buckeye Drill : Godfrey Miller, Sclo. Jacobl'olheraus " JacobTreinper, " Thomas White, Nortbñeld. John lírokaw, " Christian Kapp, " Edward Boydeo, Wettstor. James Treadwell, AnnArboi DanielO'Hara, " " John (í. Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. Edmonris, Saline. George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv. Co. We arealuo Agents for the Ohio Reaper & Mówer, acknowledged tbe the very best in use. "We are jnst in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Clieap. Also alargeassortmcnt o Grrass And the largest and best selected stock of BENT STTXFF FOK CAKRTAGE3ever before offered in this market. We aiso keep a largeand full NAII-R, GI.ARS, PUTTY, PAINT.and LINSEED OIL. A complete assortmeut of STOVES, TINWAEE, AND EAVIÍ TROUCtlIPalwayn onhand and put up atthe sliortest notice. RISDON ti [IENDERSON, Ann Arbor, Jineaotl-.1S62. 85atf


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