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1863. SPRING. 1863. We re now opening A Laigc and Beautiful assbrtrticnt of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry doods LADIES' DRESS GQQDS in great vnriet'v,SHAWLS, XHross Trimmings, tfcc. AIso a large stotk of Goods for Mens7 Wear, Cassimeres, Cloths, &c. and a full assortment of Ladies and Children's HATS, CAPS, GROCEPJES, CEOCKERY, All of which we will sell at the LOWEST TOSSIBLE C7-A.S8XX ÏRICE! MACK & SCHM1B. Ann Arbor, March 19, 'C3. 89Ctf CITY COOPEB SHOP. Tholesaleiinrl Kctail, O. C. SPAPFORD Would respectfully announcs to Ihe cítizeus oí Ann Arbur and vicinity, that he is uoiv iranufacluring and koepsconstantly ou lind a Large Assortment of Coopcr Work ! such ns Porie and Citler Barrels, Kcgs, Firkins, Churus, Well B tickets, &c., Whiöh will be sold cheap for cash, CtTSTOM W OKK (Made to order on short nolice. Kepairing done with rieatness and dispath, ' 1 would cali particular attention to Herchants in want of Bïitter Firkins. F am manufiicturi Kg the IV w Yoïlt Stnt Firkin, which isa better Kirkin than has ever before been of ! fered inthis raarket. J would invite all whu want j kins to Cali and exanine for themselves beforepurehasing elsewhre, and I will convince you that you have called at the right place. 1 would also cali the attention of lïrcwers in vant of j BEER K E GS, I am now prepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls. in large or sraall lots, and of a Better Quality than can be had in Detroit or elaewhere. f-'-ÜPAll work wijrranted to give entirë satis%ction. Thanklulfor pistfarors and by a strict attention to business, I hope to meril a continueC liberal supply of the public patronage, tJfSL. Do notiurgtt to cali at the City CooperShop. O. C. SPAFFOED. Detroit St. Ann Arbor, Jlich. 888jl GREAÏ.GREATEE GEEATEST BARGAIKS EVER OFFERED 1859. Jq 1 859. InthÍ3City,areuow beingofferedat the CHEAP, CLOCK.WATCH, & Jew elry StoreTIIE Snbscrihnr would ssy to thecitizernot Ann particular, nnd the rest oí Wmhlennw Cnuntv inireneral, thnt hohasjust 1MP0RTKD DI-RECTLY from KUROPK.a Tremendous Stock of Watchefi! All ofwhlfhhe bindshimselftosell CHEAPEIi than can be bousht west of New York Gity. Open Face Cylinder Warches Irom &6 to $]0 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 HuntingCase do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 Gold Watehes from 20 to 150 I have aUo the CELEDRATED AMEBJCAN WAT CHES, wbichl will sen ttr 35. Evfiry Vvat'h warranttrd td perform well, or the raonny retunded. Clocke, Jewelry, Piated Ware, Fancy Gooi]s. Gold Pena, Musicalínstruments and títringa, Cutlery, &c, and infact a vari ut y of (ïvrryhiiir urfiially kept iy Jewelers can be bought for the next ninety daye at y("r O W N i' E I C E S ! Pereon buyinfï atiything at thi wei' known estahlishme ut can rely upon getling goodi) exact'y as rep resented, refundod. Oailparly and secure the best bfirtrains ever ofïered in tbif City. One word in regard to Ropairing : We nre prepared to make any repairs onfine or conv ïTion Watchee, oven to mnkingoer the entire watch, if iipcesenry. R6paiftng of Clocks nnd Jewelry as usunl. Also the manufacturine of RIN(3S,BROOCHS, or auything deaired. from CaliforniR Gold onshortnotice. EnErrayire in allitsbranchesexeented withneatnces Htiddispatch. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jan. 28th 1859. 7L4w Rifle F actor y! Beutier 8c Traver, [fluceessors to A. J. Sutherlnwi,] Manufuclurers of (nd Dealere in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pouihcs Game Bags, and Evcryother artitle iu that Line. ah u&ttrof REPAIHÏNG düae at the shorttist notici', and ID tue manner. Mfc ■ I fc' lirt , a f uil aaflortipent always kpt on liaii'l and made order. "02 Shop corner M;un uid V:isliingt'H 6 tree 1 8. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8, ?ftl. 87:Uf Trnsses ! TJUPTTTRE CAN BIC CÜRED BY A TIH'SS of Ihe IV ngW kinfl, U' properly ailed and dulyattendéd to. Th is has Ir'ími ;ibunii:intly dtmonRtrhted in InnnmeH ble mgíances by the Uhpiof the flJultipcdnl Truss of pp. Kig ilurine: the last few yêars. This Truss bt'inp covcjpd wïtri Hard Rubber, is perfecilv Mcrproof, iTiy l'c Dlfcd in bathuiii. amJ is always eïonnly as well as fndestructlble by ordinary usage. ]f not satisfactorj' after a fair trial oT sixty lays, it may bc rfturneii. It challengts comparison with any truss known. Dr. RIGGS'Ulllce, No . 2 BARCLAY Street, NewYork. 886'tf y . Tiie peculiar taint or öWU. ek infection which wo cali ■ 99 Scrofula lurks in ÍX 'K. "1C constitntions of szz. ak t4fcít mul''tuc'cs f men. It rVT-fiffü? 1 eit'K'r produces or is " I ii íi produced bv an enjirCrSï-yiLt3 leebled, vitiutcd state f'-HiiifiÈr -Éof tlie blood' wherein -y"'lfflfiSfc' íltliat fluid becomes inÍTS3&J8M % ,jÍiJ!Efs(comPct-'nt t0 sustain Mt9Ek JjjtMis'firYJtlie vital torces in their eLíX" i ï CMi'iH-nus iction, and MÉw:i,gs-ijWjg lcaves the system to -T__' "ítJrsg"rC" ' ' " nt0 disorder and deoay. The scrofulous contamination is-varíonsly causee! hy mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestión frora unhealtliy food, impuro air, filtli and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, ly the venere'al infectiun. Whatéver be its orijjin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth pcneratiun ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, " I will visit the iniquities of the fathers iipon their children." The ■ diseases whicli it originates take various ñames, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles; and fmally Consumption ; in the glands, swellings wliich suppumte and become ulcerous sores ; in the Btomach and boweis, derangements which produce indigestión, dyspepsia, and Hver complaitrtsr; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These all having the same origin, require the sarao remedy, viz. purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or rorrupted blood, you cannot have health ; with that " life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compoundcd from the most effectual antidotes that medical science lias discovered for this afflieting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any other remedy yet devised. is known by all who have given it a trial. That it daos combine virtues truly extraordinary in tbeir effect upon this class of eomplaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has mado of tfie following diseases : Kiüff's Evil or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, EryBipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Bneum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposite in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Ayer's American Almanac, which is furnished to the druggista for gratuitous distribution, whercin may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies liad failed to atford relief. Those cases are purposcly taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energie!, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Henee it tends to shorten, anid does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of Ater's Sarsaparilla, althongh it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsaparilla in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yonrself from the sufferihg and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul eorruptions that rot and fester in the blood ; purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsapariïla, that promised much and did nothing ; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed 'w this lts virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflieting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more effertual than any other which has ever been available to thein. A.-5TEE.'S CHERRY PECTORAL, The "World's Great Eemedy for Ooughs, Colds, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been s long uscd and so nniversally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by I)r. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Annlytical Ckemists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists everywhere. n,,..u. .. , .v , E:. BAMSONJ Yp-Niut, A EWlNíi, De.xtiTj U'ilKI IiON il -T l!. Chclscn. WbWe-talelV FAKRAM) SflEl.BY & Jo., Hetro'.t. C. E. COBUKN, Travelling Agent,. llNlVÊRSlE e [El! x CLOTmïïffiiilli' No. 1. Lab ;k K.vmii.y Wki.vgiïk $1.00 N(. - Mkdil'M ' " 7.00 No ï% " " " 0.(10 Ño .'i. Smai.i. " " 5 f O No. 8. 1..U1GE Hotki. " 14.(0 No. 18 Medic.m Lau.ndky f torunby ] 18.00 No. 'J2. Labgk " st(;im or 30.00 1. hiod. j Nos. 2) .anJ 3 bave ao Cog. All others are wari';uili'il. Ro, 2 is tïiesizè genèraliy used in private families., OüA.vnu Jldu, oí tlie uAmonc:m AgïcfflturiSt " says of tho UNIVERSAL CliOTHES WRINGER. 'A chiid can rcMililv fr ring out aiubfull of clotüea in ;i few minuten. ïtig ltteMy a CLOTHES HAVKR ! A TIMES.W'Kli ! oud a 83UWÖIH SAVKK I savin jí of ga' uu'iití! will alme t ii y i lu rge per etnuigo in its cafit. Vfe t Ii i ii iï thie iuacíiifte much muw lunn PA.Y8 FOR 1TOSLK KVJ RY PAR in lïte saviöft o] ...;ii u,ni: Thert' art; sc-vi-ial kinds., iu';irly ftlike 'm ieneral conuruclion but we Qonsidjw it important tJjat tlie Wringer be fitted with 'Jog?, a ipass of garmenta niay log the rollers, nul tli? rollers upon the cr;ink-ah;ilt slip anl toar the clo'.hes, or the rubh' r Sircali Ioqsö lioiii tlic :-i)ii!t. Dar "ii of the firtt make, and it is mmlv ak GOOD AS NEW after noaiiy FOüS VKAIiS' ( ON.-TANT $&R " Every "Wrin gei V7ith Cog "Wheela is Warranted in every Particular NO WRIXfiER C'ffl BE DIRABLE WITHOUT GOfi WIÏEELS. A goo'l CAN V ■" sSrMl ivaiiteJ ín Qvery.towü. (in recéipt of the pnce íVrm places wWie nn one is peiling, we will stnd the wringtr fklu lf exprfsaK ]';■ n articular-: :in-l cïrculara aditroia 9 1 rt i R C. lïlUVi.N(;, :j47 IiioruUvixy, N. Y. FOR SALE. q, ACRE-ï of pxrelh'nt timborël the . H of O'' N. W. ':i' i.C S'c.2.Twi, b N RaAg6-3 V.,ciintonOounty. Hisinagood nciglibtnilfiuil, uUuit lUur rai'en frmn PeW'itt ;iud ten Frotn I-ansihg. For term nquire at or addrsB. ■ ARÜS O1TTCE. Jan. 20th,183. - 8S8tf Ayer's Cathartic Pilis. SheriflPs Sale. BY V1RTUE of an exccution issued out of and unj the Seal of the Circuit Court foi the Cuum!í WasïMóaV án4 Staie dr Michigan, hearing datin. eeond da, of September AD. 1863, and to ni echi . ml de ivored nga.nst !:,■ gondsand chattles and f0 ,?. want thereof land., i;n.i tenenienta of John l-usrnh l defendant tlio-clB narned I d.d on the 4tl, I ; Suata ubu A. I). 18. :j, levy Upon and seize all the r,.íl titlcand interest ofthesaidJohn Busenbadi in aïïf ï ■■ tlio fóllowüig detcribed land and prernists toiwii ■ u" the north east ten (10] acres In z. fü.uare fonn fn m"u nortñ-east corner of the jreat half of the north „ quarter of se ction number thirteen [13] in townnh" number one south range five east in the Cgiiiuv WashtenW and State of Michigan, which preraS-, shall exposé for Kale at public suction as thelawH,, V il the front door of the Court Birase, ín the City uf ! ' Arbor, that being the place tor holding tl,e fr. ., Cnnrt for the Couritj of Washtenaw, on Saturdáíik 2tb day of October nest, at elevfn o'clock inth.' forenoon df .sakl day. e IIIII.II' WINEGAR, Pher. Dated, September 10lh, 18C3. .vB2l Chancerj Notice. STATE 'OF MICHIGAN, Fonrth Judicial Circuit Chancery. Suit pendingiu the Circuit Court (offc Counry of Washtenaw, in Chancerv, wherein Harri.i Hillman is comniainant, aod Benjamin HiUman is j, lendant ; at Alm Arbor Citv on the lOlh day of Seniím' ími , 1868, 1! satierfKtorily earing to me, the ml, scriber, one of the Circuit Court C( mmissioneri „ said County ol Washtenaw, by tlic affilavit ol Í Powell, Solicitor fur the coniplainant ín the above ét that the said defendant, Benjamin Hulmán, is nol .' resident oS the Stele of Mioiiigao. : On nu tion of L u Puwell, SoUcitór for the compla nant. it is SaTc aífenfent. Benjamin Hulmán, canse his appn, anee to be entered in said cause wlthin tw i mpnths 'rJ the (tatú pi this urdor, and that in di-i'nult therert tJ b 11 of cninplam! . (Itíd in said cause, be taken as confejed by said defenrlan!. And it s lutther ofdered t within twenty days said complainant causeacopynf this to bc 'piiblished in the Michigan Argüí', nivspaper printedand publish(d in the city of AnuAt b(Ji-,ii: satdCounty of Vashtei:aw,andthat said pub catión be cêntfnueef once in eaeli week lr six succes live weeks ; th;it said complainant cause a copy ot tbis order ".o be [jersunully served on said defendant i Least twenty days bêïore the time prescribid for hú appearance. :i:o. riAXFORiH Circuit ('curt CfimmissioncT, Washtenaw Co., Micl I..M l'nw Ki.r..Comp's ol. Utcd.Sept 10,1863, 6it922 Mortgage S;i!e. DSP4ÜLT"haVing bn máde n the conditicnuofi ceitain Irtdenlure of Morlga e xe -uied by ,-peEwt I. Coodale and Sju-ah A. (;jo1íiíi his wiTe, ol lllt; ijlv of Ann Arbor. County of Wajnfnaw and State i Michigan, to Mari lí . Kovce, of tl e Citvif .n-u,„ State of ft'ew York, hearing i'ate tlie"twenty-i day of August, in the yarol (.ur Lord onei thoiisid eiïht hundred and sixty, and reeontrd in the offiiï , the liegislcr i f lleeds in in.l fur said County of VVa.l' tenw, on the 22a day of Augus, A. I). 1860. in Lfl il of MifrtAges, on pag-e Ig2 . by whioh default 11, ower of sale contained io said moitgnge became ■ erative, and the amount claimed ti, 1. ,iue on i-aid 1, (lï of .Mortgage Rl the date of this notice biinr (ight h indivil and c! ty do:iars,and no suit or i,. ceedipg UavtagVëu mslHuted at la or in chancm torecover Ihedebt ucured by said nmi-tgage or u! j part tliereot: Notice is thererore hert-bv given tha'. u Saturday, the twenly-flrst day of Niivember, A. D 18113, at ten o'clock in the furenoon pf that daj i' the Soátfi d.,,,r f,f the Court House, in the Cily ef ia Arbor. in said county of Wash'enaw and State 'nf Slichi gam, (said CourtHoufe being the place (or holding tb, Circuit Couri'or said c.iunty ) I shall se!l or ca ún b be sohlat public; auction in forecloaureol said Mortgu, to the Irghest bidder the premises deseribed tlifr orsomuch ihereof as shal be Bccessary ti satislvlli amount 'lui. nn sad mor Ignge, with inierel, Iní'i : reaeonablecosts, disbursemenls and expenses of ill pcoceeflings relativeto the foreclosure of the snmc,i e'u.liriï reasonable char'gee fur a-tturnevs' services, n provhled in said indenturé of mortgage ;"that is to n ■ All that eertain tract pi paroi-l of land situated intlii i iiy of Aun Arbor. known. boundcd, and describeJu foltows viz : The Kast half of I.ots number Seven u Kight, lilock Kuur North. KaDge tjn East, in Lanreia and Mayuard'fi adoit.on." MASSA B. KOYCt. Dated, Aug. 22,1863. 9;ow litote of Wilüam Kelly. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw.s.t At a sessinn ol the Probare Court lor tbe ( Waalitenaw, holden at the l'robate Ullice. in the C' of Anu Arli.T, on Wedesday, the tiveniy-Mx ■ August in the year, one housand eight huiulredini sixtr-three. Presint, Thomas .Vinde, Judge of Probit! lu the matter of the I.slale ol William Kelly,deceiii On readingand filing the petition. duly verifled,!: Adaline Kelly, uraying 1. r the probate of an inttt mentnow on file in ihiscouM, purporting tohe the lul 'ill and Tistanifiit of snid decewed. Thereupoo it is Ordered, That Kriday, theeighteull day of September next, at ten o'clock in the forem be assigned fnrthe hearing ofsaid petition, andtliattit devises, legalees.and heirs at law ofsaid deceastd,rf all other persons inierested in said estáte are requmd to appear at a sessinn nf said Oourt, then to be holta at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. in ui. County. and show cause, if anj there be, whjft pril ver of the petitinner should not be granted . Andit s further Ordered, that said petitiooer gin notice to the persona interested in said estáte, el th( peudency of said petition, and the hearing thereof,bi causing a copy of this order Io be pubhshcd inlb Michigan Argus, 'a newspaper printed and circulatiij ÍD said County of Washtenaw, three successive previous to said daj" of hearing. (A lruecu]iy.) THOMAS NINDE, ai'-' Juilge of Probate. Sheriffs Sale. BY VIRTUF. nf one execution, issued out of the Cir cnit Court for the County of Washtenaw, iii Iti State of Michigan, to me directed and delivered. a gaioit llM'Lrnods an-i cbaltels, Jands ard tenemenis of PetH Schafer and William Schwitier, I did on the seTuli dky of uïust, A. 1). 1?63, tevjr upon and take si! rigbt, title and intei est of the said J'eter Schafer an! Wilham fcxhwitzer, in and to the one cerinin puree! lot of lai;d known and described as foilows : tituairi in the township of Manchester, county of Washtenrt and State of Michigan, bemg the parcel knoMii as Ut ptóperty of 1 ett-r Schater and used lor a blacksmit hop, hminded nthe west by the lacas of K. A. Vit rtdge, ou the nonh by thelands ol'Coaklin,and on tlifeid and suuth by iands of í.. A l'artndge, beintí ferty feet': wiJth ironi n'-rth tosoudi and sixty feet in lengtlt eill and west, beingina square form ; said land beiug mon particularly deserjbea as foilows: Being part of frt . tiiin number one in township four south and range thw east, ín the btate oí Michigan, beginning at a stake tl" rods and two links west of the blacksinith shop, ecce]ii'-d in 1855 by Conrad Butler, in the Village of fj'! Man-liester, running thence ea.terly parallel witb tb south line of land heretofore owned by (iranger anJ FranU sixty feet.thence N'orth to said south line fory !■■ 1 . thene alotlgsaid south line westcrlv sixty ft thence suuth fui ty feet to the p'aee ( f In g'nn ng, incli cintieishp aforesaid. Which s;iid i igbt, li; : tert-st I shall exjiise for sale at public auction to.! highest ï'idleron the seventb dcy of Octuber next.i1 ii'H'ii. at the front door of the Court House in the Ci( of Ann Arbor, in said county of Wasiilenaw. PHÍL 1' WINEGAit, Sheril. By PyiTBiCK Wjill, Under Sheril Ilatrd, August lSth, 1863. Estáte of Michacl Dillon. CTTEOl? MIOIIKiAN, .of Washtenaw, ski Al a session of the Probate C'ïuri for the Countfi Washtf naw, holden at th. l'iubaie Office in tbe Cily nn Arbor on Tuesday r tlie ifrst day of Ö owjit.i . llie yzar one. thnusand eight hundred am'.sixty hree.Prtssenq Thomas NTndé,.Tudgè of l'robate. in the matter ol the F.tate of Michael Dillon, de sed. On reading and filing the petition, duly verifleij. f Margaref I'illtn. praying for the appoin tment olas'' ïiiinislralor on the e l.ttr of saiQ fleceasérll Thereupon it is ordered that Friday. the twenij lifth rlav of September 1H"3, at ten o'clock in th8 ft noem, be assigned for the hearing of said pelitien," 'that the heirs at law of said deceased, and other persons interesled in said estáte, are reqüi Éfl apppar at a ession of sfiid Conrt. then tobe lioM" at ihe Probate Office, in City of Ann Arbor, in Mii County. and show eáase, ifnny theré be. why the pra?B i of Iht' pel i t i 1 1 1 1 slidulil nul be granted: And it is fnrther ordered, Iliat said petitlo - 1 v i ■ niHice io the persons interested in sai't ea the ]H'ii''eiuv ui said peiitii n , a lul the hearing tlierWl b] causiQga copy of this Or dei i" be published in Michigan Ars s, a uewspaper printed and circuUtftj in said County of Washtenaw, tliree suceessive previou.s to saici day oí hearing. (AtrueCopy.) " THOMAS N1XHK. 920 Jufjge of Probatf. .... -■ j- FAIRBANKS' Jri Standard C_SCALES! iÊgisMSU OF ALL KINDS. fST _..4Lffi .4!-o, Warthouse Tructe, Ldter Prosa, Kairïiaiiks, Greenleaf & Co 172 Lake Street, Chicago. Sold in Detroit by FAR.IÍ D & SIIEI-'?''' LQjBe oarefnl to buy onlv the genuine.-aLft sDissolution. TBE Coparlnership heretofore existiïg betweon W. Vin. s & Punid Hiscock, known as ihclirn" Wipea Í; Co., is this day dissolved bv mutual ■■ oKÍ' W' W WINrS, D. HISCOCK. Ann Arbor. ?ept. 2d, 1863. Copai-tiM'i-Flilp IVotIcc. p IAUI.F.P II. WORDEN' havmg bougbt the in!"1' J of Daniel Hiscock in the ri-rin of Wines & O., j luiinoss will I e eont'nued a 1 the old stand unler 11 rm and name of Wines i; Worlen. hoping by JJ atlention to b-isiness to receive a continuance of " very hbeialpatroLage bestowed upon the old firm. w. w. WINK. „ CHAS. II W01H1" Ann A'bor. Pept. M. l02. 31 IIUWARD .ASS0CIAT10N, i ■ 1 1 1: m KU'in i, p i. Disensos of IVervoiM, Seminal, TJrl"? Riul Sranal System.- nw and relia ment-in Re HlWARD ASSÓCIAW"'' ü by i:iai: in eakxi !,:;,-■■ melopep, Iree ofclm'F' d-RS, I r.J. -iKU.I.IV HOrilHTON, Hoivard AJ"? lio, N',). 5 South Vinth Street. Phila., Pa. 9W For Sale. QK ACRES of very choice land. ivithin huif '''. ó O f the ci'y of Ann Arbor, ahuut half of 'j " proved andencl'osed with a g"d fence, tbe MJ1timbered, and well watered. En iuire at this otieeüin'J 3.


Old News
Michigan Argus