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By Whom The Eggs Were Laid

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F rom the Chicago Times. It is a favorito term of reproach by tho aholi t ion news papers against Charlen ln that it wiis the ' nest i)f rebellion." It' it be true th:it it was the nest her the eggs oí reoellioD ere hato.hed. it is nut true ihut it is the nest where the eïïfgs "f rebellion were 1 id. That nest was simated oarisiderabl.y, tn the north east uf Charleston, in the región populai ! v known as New England and tgg ut rebeüioii wore !aid in it as lontj igo as 1812, by men assemblee! at Hartford, in the State of' Coni'eotiout, whose conclave is historica! by the name of tho '' Hartford Convention." Other Bggs weru laid in 1844. when tho LegiMatUl'0 of Massachusetts resolved that the ann xation ot Thxuh would be cause of dissolut'on, oí the Union. A greut inaiiv more eggs havo been laid in it bi a great maiiy liien and a great manv public, óiéétinptf, both in and out o( New England. Here io ütw 'laid by Wende!) Phihlips: " The constituí ion -of our fcit'hers was a mi take. 'l'ear it in pieces and inake a better Don't say the machino is out of order: il isinorier; it does what its frairior.-i intendad - proteots slavery. Uur cl;iiir is dlsnnion, breiuking np ot the States! I haveshown you thatur work catniot be done under ourius.itutions." Here is one laid by Win. Lloyd Garrisuu; "This Union ia a lie! The American Union is au imposilion.a covenant with detith and a agreement with he 1 J I áín tor its overthrow ! Tip wilh the flag oí disunion, thiit we may liavu a froe and glorious repubüc of onnmn; and when the hour shall come, the hour hall have arrived that shall wiuiess the overlkrow of sluvery." Here is another laid by Garrison : " No act of ours do we regard with more cotiscienlious ajiproval or higlier sati-faclion, none do we snbmit more conüdernly to tho tribunal of Ileavisn and th mora verdict of mankind, than when, severul yeais ago, on the 4lh ol Julv in the preiiisncé of a great assemb!y, we committed to the Hamen the constitu ion uf the United States." Here ia one laid by Abraham Lincoln, the sarae who is aow President of theJnitid States; " Any people, anywhere, being inclined and having tlie power, have the nt;tit to rise np and hliake o ft the cxistiug goveinmuiit, and forin a nevv one tha'l suits (tieni better. Nor is tho riglit coufii od to cases where the people of au exisiH'.Lf government may choose tci ösebcise it. Any [lortion of such peopie that can may revulutionize, putting down a iiiiüority intermingled wilh or Döar about the), who may oppose thein." Here is another laid by Lincoln : " I believe this government cannot 'endure pennaneiiüv, hall slave and lia!f f.iee." Here are three laid by the American Anü-Slavery Society at nu of its anliiversary meetings : liesulied, That scession from the United Statos government is the duty of every aboütionist, aince no one can lake office, or deposit hiu vote und-er its constiiuüon without vioiating his antislavery principies, and rendering hirnself an abettor to the slaveholder in his csiu. Resolved, That years of warfare ag'ai'rtst th slav.i power have convinced UH that evei-y het done in snppoit ol tlie Ataericah Union rivets tho chain of the sluve - that the ouly exodus ot the t-hive lo freedoin, uuless it bo one o blom!, must be over the remains f tlie present American clmrch, and the grave of the present Union. Resul 'i.ed; Tnat the abolitionists of tlii? cuiailry should aiakn it one of the priu.ary olijeuts of this aííitation to disBulve the American Union. Here is one laid by the present Assi.stant, Sei'relary of llie Treasnrv - Frinria E. Spinner - during the Fremont camp'iign : " Sho'.ild Uiis (tlie eleciion of' FreiiiDin) fa.i1 nu irue man would lie auy longer s ife ht-ie trom the asfaults of tlie arrogant slave oligárchy, who then would rule vvith an iron hand. For the irte north would be left the choice oí a peacelul dissolution ot tlie Union, ;i civil war wtiich would end in the same, or an iincoridiuónul surrender of everv priri iple held dear by freemen." Hdra is mie laid by Jas. S. Pike, lonti editurially coi.necled wilh the New York 'tribune, and now Minister to the Neihei'lands : '.' I have no doubt that the freo :ind slave Stales onght to gepn rafed . The U;iion is not worth supporting in connection wjth the Sonth." Here is one laid by Wende!! Phillips shortly after the ortranization of the repuliiican patty. He was speaking of thnt party : ' No man has a rightto be surprised at this state of things. It, is just what wo (aboüiionists and diauniinisls) havu attempted to bring about. It is the eectional party ever organized in this country. I' does nit know its oivn lace, and eiUs itself nuti nul ; but it is not national - it is necliona!. The re publican parly is a party of the North piedtn'd against the Soutli." Here is one laid in 1850 by the N, Y. Tribune : THE AMUIUCAN FLAO. " Teir down the flauntins; Lie ! Half-mast the Ftarry flag! Insult no sunny fky With hate's jiollutctl rag! Dostroy it ye who can ! Deep sink it in tlie waves ! It bears a fellow man ïo groan with fiillow-slaves." Here is ono laid by Williuni Lloyd Grrison about the Famo time : Here is miother Ilúd by tbe samo Tribune in December, 1850: ' The repnbliean party rroulding public #tfn iment in tbe right direetion for the specitío work tho ubolitionists are stiiving lo ace mplish, viz: Tho dissolutina ol the Union, and the abolition of lavery thrnughout the Union." ' Whenever a portion of this Union, lurge cnovigh té fonn an ifidependeiit, st,l!-siistuinmi nation, shall ea aulhentiually to the residue, ' we want to gij awiiy from you,' we Hhal! say - and we trust self-respeot, if not priociple oí nelt-governinont, will constrain tho residue of the American people to sav - Go!" These aro siinply npecimen egg-i. - Thousaniis more lik'e tliern wero isid in the same netst, and by the same Boít of .pooplo. It was these egss whr:h Cliarltston hatcfied. Whon she did so, sh' did u gigantic crime, but it wus Lilliputian by the Bicie of the crime of the men and the party who laid the


Old News
Michigan Argus