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Running Down A Pirate

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"Steer dus North !" aid ho, like ono whoae mind was elsewhere. W hile the ship was coming abouthe Sfave minuto orders to the mates and the gu ner, to enaure co-operaiion in ibe first part of the delicate and danerous maueuvie ha had resolved to try. The wind was W. N. VÍT.; he was ?tanding Nprth ; one pirate lay on faie lee beatn stopping a laak botweeo wind eind water and haeking the deck clear ;i nis brokon mast and yards. The jther, fresh, and thirstitig tor the easy prey, carne up fl'om the N. E. tj wealber on him and hang ou hia juarter, piróte fa.shion. When thev were distatit about a cable's length, the l'reah pirate, to meet the ship'n changa of táctica, changad iiis owii, )ut his helm up a üttle, and iavi) the ship a broudside, woll aimed but not dustruotive, the guaa boiug loaded wiih buil. Dodd, instead of roplying, a was espected, to.ik ndantage of the smoke and put his ship baforo ihe -.vini. By tliis unexpected wtroke the vesè!s eugagod rau Bwiftly at riht anglcn towarda one point ;ind the puat su'.v hirntílí' menaced with perils; Collisiou, wtiich might send him to the bottoti) of the sen in a minute, or a broudside deIjyeród at pistol shot dístaiico, and no possibility of miiking a return. He (ruwt either put hi.s helm up or down lie chotee tho bolder course, put his hulm hard u lea, and stond roa'ly to give broudnide tbr broactside. But ore he could brinp; liis los gima to bear, he Enust offer hia bow for ono moment lo tlie Kliip'njbroudside; and in that moment, whi-oh Dodd had provided for, Monk and hls matos ruked him iora and aft ut a short diiUanco wilh all the five guns that wore clear on that side; the carromtdes follovved and inowed him elaütwisg with grapu and caunister ; the ailmost glrnultáncous discharge ot aight gUDS made thu ship tremblf, and envelo)fd hor in thiok smoko; loud shrioks and groans were hoard frora the sohooiier; the smoke cleared ; the pinUe's muinsail hun on deck, his jib biom was out off like a carrot and thu sail struggling, his foresail looked lik lace, Unes of deud and wounded lay still or writhing on ni deck, and hig iee aouppers ran blond into the sea. The hip ran down the wind, leaving ttie Hchoonar staggerod und all aboard. I3ut nt for long ; the pirute fired his brdadside alter all, at the flying Agra, split one oí the carronades in two and killed Lascar, and inado u hole 111 the foreaail ; lliii done, he hoitited his muinhí1 again in a trice, and sent hiu woud ded bolow, fluag thu dsad overboard, to the horror ot their i'ous, yawüing and tiiing his bow jhu.sora. The lap wa siilent. She had no shot to throw away. Not only did she take these blows like a coward but n'l signs of lile disappoared on her, except iwo mon at the wheel, and the Captain on the inaiu gungway. Dodd had ordored the crew out of thu ngfring, armed them with cutlasscp, ind luid them flat on the foreoastle. - He a!o coiupelled Keneuly and Fnlalovo to curnu down outj'ii harms way, no winer on the muooth bore question tban when they went up. The gieat p'atte'pt ship ran environed by her foe.-i ; one destróyer in her oourse, auother in hor wake, followed with yells of vengeance and puunding away at hor - but no roply. Süddenly the yells of pirates on both sidts ceased, and Lhere was a moment of uilence on the cea. Yet nothiug frèSÈ had happened. Yes, this hud huppaned ; the pirates to windward and piratea to the loeward of the Agra, had found out at one and the samo moment, that the morohant Captain thoy liad lashed and bullied, was a patiënt but tremendous man. Il was not onlv to rake the fresh schoon er ti ti had put hia ehip bcfore the wind, but u)f( by a doublé daring, masterstroka to h uil tho monstur nhip bodily on ihe other. Without a foresail he could nevor get out of his way. Her crew had siopped the leak, and cut away and uuemippèd ihe broken m'i3tf, uud were stopping a now one, when ihey saw a htrge hip hearing down in firt) sail. Nothing eaisier ihan to sliji out of her way could they gut the f(reall to draw; but the time was short, the deadly intontion maniioBt, the o.miing destruction svvift. Alter tliat Boloiah silence ciime n stormjof cries and curses, and their seamen went to work to ñt tile yard ahd raise the sail ; "whiiü their fighting men soizod their matclilocks and trained llio guiiH. They vvero well oomm mded by a heroic villain. Astern ihe cOriêort thundorod ; but the Agrut resjionso was ;i uuau sneuut) muiu awiui man broadsidus. Fiir thee was seen with what rnajesty the Anglo Saxon fights. üoe ol that indornitiible race on the gaugwuy, one at tbö i'uremast, - two at thu whoel'. con'ned and stoered the t?reat ship rliiwn mi a lunirjred inatch'ou :s and u giiiiüin" bruadido jost ;S t'iev oukl havo Goiinc'i.1 utid aloercd tier into a Britirfh Imrbor. " Starboard ! ' ciiod Oodd, ín a dufcp calui voict', wilt) a iiki.í n ui ihu hand. " Starboard t i." Thu pifütü wriggloil lihu;..! n littfe - The itiiiii iorvvaid mado a i 1 o i j t signa! to Dodd. " Port !" said Dodd calmly. "Portiti.-s." liut ut this eritical moment the pilot tutorri ent a nriscWtevTuóa shot, and krtbtikéd lo atoiiis ono 3Í the nioii ut the w!ei;l. D"dd waved hishand withouta word, and ai:oihor man afose from lliu neok.j téik p!c ÏD sÜcncnrd ar! hia shakened hand on the whuel stainfed iv i h ihat man's warm blood wboiv place hö took. The high ship was nnw scarce aixty y;irda d atant ; the leemed to knot; ah rnared her lufty figure head with ewlul hola in th air. Bot now the pantíng piratea gat their ne foreaail hoisted with a joyíul shout ; it drew, the eohooner gtherd way, and their turiuuM coD8r)rt close oa the Agra'i heels just tben, scuurgeá her dook with giape. " Port!" btiid Dudd, calmly. " Port it is." The gUnt prow daited at the #(!& ping pin.te. Thai ucre of coming canvu3 took the wind out of the swift suiioonar's lüresail ; it flapped : oh, thetf shu was doumsdl Thut awful moment [jurttid tlu ruóos ou board her; the Pupuana und Suolooè, their black faces livid uud blut with horror, leaped yelling rato tlie ea, or crouched and whiinpered tha yei'ing Malay und th Browu Portugesü, thutigh iJanched tw ou color novv, turtied on deulh üke dy ing panthers, fired two cannou slnp ÍD' 10 thu ship'ï bows, aod napped their inuski'ta und matchlbtflu ut iheir oli tury ecu iouer on the ahip'H gangway and out flew their küiviü) üke crushad' wusp stiugb. Crash ! tha Indianiao' cut water in tbick beat in the sch'ioner'u broüdsideü ; down went her must to Ieward üke tisriirig roda whipping ihe water-; vi)'d ioniw leaped off on the Agra, and were hacked to pieoe almost betore they réuched the deck - a surge, a chasin in tlie sea, fillüd witb. an instant rush, engulphing waves, a long, awlul, grating, grinding noise, never to bo Forgptt'fi iu this world. all along under the ship's koel - and th fearful raajéstic tnohater pas-.ed over the blank he had made, with a palé crew standing süont and iiwe struck od her deck a cluster of flild headn and staring eyubuüs hóbbing like corks n lier foaining wake, solé relie of the blo ted do-iroyei' : and a wounded man slaggöriug on the gangway, with iiabds üpTifted and glaring eyea. Shot in two place-), the head and bt e:ist. Wi.h a lood cry of pity and dismsy, Sharp. Fullulove, Kenealy, and othefs rusb.ëd to catcli him ; but Ore they eould get near, ths Oap'ain of the triumphuuc sihip feil down on his hands and kneos, hi head sunlc ovur the gangw'ay and his blood puttered in th inidtit ol them, on the deck ho had


Old News
Michigan Argus