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-Tbe Londoa correspondent ol tn iNew i urit limet saya : "In England we are in a flutter oí delighlful unlfcipation and apprehension bout a certtiin important event, involving the health and happiness of lier K lyai Highness the Princeos of Wales, wif'ü of the pale young gentleman, dow gunving rat her stout and puffy, whom you iïiay have een riding Lip Bioudivay one evening with Fernando YVood, and diHiuiiig ;it the Academy of Music. Tho Princese is not aetually deulured to'be in a delicate situHtion, hut I copy the following paragtaph [ron a loyal conservativo wutskly paper to show hosv Engli.-hmen esprois ibetuselve on such oc USloTls. " Princusses ara munal; and are just ns subject to the condiiions of their inortality as otlier [leople. And considurin" tho relationship in which her Royal Highness stiuids to the Crown und tlytiasty of Eh'gland, every trua Briton will rejoico to find her taking the best caie of her health and strength, and v-ill ghully fofegt) any personal which her preitërice and sinilcs niight impurt, in the interest of her physical weltare. A lndveo fair should uevcr know hitigue; a prineess ro pure sh'Uld be well proU'ded from puin; a predostiüed Queen rnuther so exalted shonhJ eTtpUsttftárst'H lo no puril of body or of niiml. Her hnppiness giveH tha whn!e nation joy ; and we ure well pleunod to oliservu that, in tlie exubarauce of lier {jeniul sympathies with the poopla who have :o (juiekly Icurned to lovo her with a proud md patriotio ove, she retaitm a fiise ut' her responsibïltties to the throne we hope nhe will one day graoe, to the irinütiitions of whieh SKé luis bccotne i living jiilhir, and to thoso unbrrn geno' of a noble race of wluch hei' mms huil, in dufe cnur.-e, beconie the Kings."


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Michigan Argus