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Dr. Tappan And His Friends

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I1 rom tlie Aun 4rboi Juurnal, Sept. 16. A subscriptiou was eirculated among ■ few of the friends of Dr. Tappau iu this oity on Mouday, and some articles purchased as a keepsake, and a testimonial of tbe regard ot the douors, aud their rogrets at liis leaving the place, and the field of labors, as President of the University, the duties whioli he has discharged witb so great ability, diguity and public usefuluess, during the last ten years. The articlus consisted of a solid lver ice creara set, aud gobiet - gold lined. The most of the donors, with a considarable uumber of ladien, assembled at Dr. Tappan's residence on Tuesday evenirig, the 15th inst. - where the presentatioa was made by the Mayor of the Oity, DK E. Wells, - in a very handsome aud pertinent address. Dr. Tacpan replied y-ery - expressing bis thanks for iiie testimonial, aud the manifestation of the feelings of the douors and of the people very gcnerally of tlie City of Ana Albor. He spoke of the very kind and affectionate marmer iu which he and his family had been treatcd by them - of the Univcrsity - of its standing and iinportanen to the city and State, and to the whole Western States - of their Tast natural resources and prospective power aud iufluence - of his dilfieultics with the Regents, aud the unniauly attnckis made upou hiuiself' and Dr 15runnow. Ha alluded to the circunistanco of hts visit to Germany aud to Boel in in 1853, and to enquire iuto the Gorman and Prussian system of education - spoke of. his engaging Dr. Bruunow to take charge of the ObsewMtory, the high testimoniáis in his behalf by Buron Humboldt, aud other distiuguished Astrouomers - of Dr. Bruuuow's leaving and go ing to take charge of the Dudley Observatory at Albany, by reason of the attacks made upou him and the treatment he received froai the llegouts - of his fiual resignation and de])artute for Europe early in July last - of Mrs. Brunnow following her husDand iu company with her brother, Mr. John L. Tappan - and of the health of Mrs. Tappau which rendered it dosirable for her to go also - and of the prospective meeting very eoon of his whole family in Kurope. Ho then bid the peop!e an affectionato farewall. Airs. Tappan left for Dotroit on the way to New York Tuesday afternoon, and Dr. Tappan this (Wednesday) afternoou. They iutend to sail for Europe by the next steamer.


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