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"the State Of The Country."

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1 lollowingresolutions on the " state of tbo country " were adoptcd at the recent session of the Detroit CoufereDCO of the M. E. eiiurek, at Romeo. The tone ïs somewhat iinproved frora former years, and the " Afrieaji " introduced into tlicm of a " subtlued color :" Resolved, That we reoognize, vn the civil war now raging vu this country, the o!d sbrusgle bctween freedom and oppression, which lias sliaken every uation sirice hisiory begaji ; and,, as the eyes of the w.or.ld are now turued toward us, we are encouraged by the thouglit that the prayers of the oppresseti of all nations, like sweet incensé, oontinually ascend to Almighty God in our belialf', and, as God is just and inerciful, we believe they raust prevail, and this free goverument, as au asyluin for thu oppressed, will be peipetUiUcd. Resolved, That we deetn it our du(y, in this crisis of the war aiid oí &or natio:al existence, to unite all our influence to sustain the gwernwent,. a ui],, discarding all partisan strife ourselves, aud refrainh'sr from all unnecessary and discouraging criticisms upon the adni nistsatiou at Washington or the Gonerals in the field, we will give both the one and the otlier that huany conlidencc! and co-operation wliich is so indispensable to their success ; we will gie up our sons, ponr out our treasure, :md tly our.-reives, if need be, to the rescue of our bleeding cnnntiy. liesolvcd, That we will cow aud ever offer up our heartf'elt ascriptions of thanksgiving aitd praise to üod for the successes lie lias already vouchsufed to us in this terrible oontest ; it 'm His Causé, and, as he leads lis on to final victnry, His shall be the elory of our Cual triumph. We congratúlala the uatiou upon the evident disposition, on the part of the govuruiuerit, t& return to the acknortlodginent of tke suprcinacy of the Most High, to reeogniae a supenntend ng Providenee in all our affiair-t, aud to rely upon the God of na.ti.on for erevy uccess in this struggi. We liave learned our dependeuee upo+i hiui by a severe disciplino; may v2 a3 a nation never forget or disregard this lessou. ty John McKiuney, ex-State Treasuror, bas been pardoced out of prison by Gov. Blaih.


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Michigan Argus