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The twenty-eigh th annual meeting o Baptist Convention of the State of Mich ign will be held with the church in ■Ano Arbor, comtnenoing on Friday th 9th of October next at 10 o'clock, A Introductory sermón by E. Ander ion of Kalamazoo. Thu Board wi] meet on Thursday pievious, at 10 o'clock AM, Sermón by Rer. S. Huskell. E. S. Duniiam, Secretary. Í3C An enraged parent had jerke( is provokiug gon across his knee, anc 8 operating upon the exposed portion ' the child's person with great vehe menee, when the young one dug into hi Prenta legs with his venomous littl teeth. " Blazen ! what are you bitin me for ? Well," said the hopefu '■ho bcginned thia 'ere war ? " C3C" There is as much diflferenoe be'ecn a kiss imprinted on a cold, önblushing oheek, and one in which the fibre of love glows, as can well be imag'oed ; but a kiss on the cheek is uo more obe compared to sipping the nectar of Wfrom rosy lips than a half froztn turlip is to a pine apple IT Ifew ?tyles Cloths and Cassimers ■ C. H. MILLEN'S. i - ii i Wr French Merino? Aliáceas, and all the w styles and colors in foreign dress goods, M C. II. MILLEN'S. MT" Carpets ! Carpets ! a new "stock now "PW'ïlg at C. II. MILLEJSTS. tb, Cloalfs and Shawls for Fall and Winttr at C. H. MILLENS. Sfftml ite-_ ïiCHÏGAFTBYTÏ4L RAILROAD. Passenge] trainsnow leave Chicago, ana the leveralítationsin fchte Utiu t J . fnllow : GOING WEST. Leave Mail. Iay Ëx. .lack.Ac. NifchtKx. Detroit. 6 30 A.M. 7.50 a. M. 6.00 p.M 7.40 r. X. Ypsilanti, 6 55 " 9.10 " 6.30 " 8.65 " inn Arbor, 7.15 '■ 9.Ï8 " 6 55 " 9.16 " Dexti-r, 7.40 " P.M. 7.25 " ■ CheUea, 8.00 " " 7-45 " " Ar. Chicago, 6.30 " 7.30 A. M. ïhe mail train goes only to Michigan City. GOING EAST. Leve. NightEx. Jack. Ac. Mail. Pay F.x. Cbicago, 7.16 H.M. 5.00. M 7.S0A.M. Chelst-a. 5.35 A.M. 3.05 P. M. DextCT, 6S5 " 3.25 " Ana Arl.or, 4.45 A. M. 6 30 " 3.50 P. M. 4.43 P. M, Ypsil:uiti, 5.05 " 6-55 " 4.15 " 6.00 " Ar. Detroit, 6.05 " 8.15 " 6.40 " 6.20 " Ti-aini do not stop atstationa whereligureBareomittediu tiie table. íí;í i Train.s connect at Detroit ith the Grent Western and Grand Trunk llaihvays of Canada, and the Detroit and Toledo, iind Detroit and Milwaukee Hailroads, nd Cleveland ISteamers. At tin Company's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, .lulk-t and lfyette, through tickets can purchased toall the principal cities and towns in the United States and Cañadas. , LUXUKIOUS BLEEPINfl CAES upon all night trams. Ruttan's celebrated Ventilating Apparatua upon all dav trains- the best iat preventative in use. It N'. lUCK.Iiencral Superintendent. M C. R. R. Office, April 17 -1S63. HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. This is the most delightful ani extraord'nary artije ever discovered It changos the sun burnt face and hands to a pearly satín texture of ravishing beauty, impartlng the mar ble purity of youth, and the distingue appearance so inviting in tho city belle of fashion. lt removes tan, fieckles, pimples, and roughness from e skin, teavins i t frésli, transparent and smooth.- coutains no material injurious to the 'Bkm. I'atron. ed by Actresses and Opera.Singe rs. It is what every dy should have. ciold everywkere. Demaa Barnes Sc Co. General Agenta. 923m6 3O2 Broadway.N.Y. WYNKOOPS ICELAND PET ORAL. Diseaees of the Tbroat, Chut and Pulmonary organs e ever prcvalent, insidious and and dangerous. The ropertics of a medicine t u alleviate, cure and uproo hese jomplaints, must be Expcctorant, Anodyne and vigorating.looseningtlie miicui of the throat, and mparting tone to the intire system. No d.scovery in edical ciencejevei 'mastered this class of diseaseslike )r. Wynkoop's Iceland Pectoral. It is used w:th the most astonisbing results in all cases of Bronchitis, In uenza, Whooping Cough Diptheria or Putrid Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, Conghs, Cold, Nervous Irra bility, &c. The Kev. J. J. Potter certifies, "I have used Dr. Wynkoop's Iceland Pectoral for several years, myself ld in my family, for severe Pulinonary Complaints, and aïe recommended it to niany others, and never seen 8 equL" Rcv. j. j. Potter Brooklyn, N. Y. Hundreds and thousaflds of important testimoniáis ou ld be produce'], sho ing ts remarkable cure and bat il never faïla It s composed of pure Iceland Moss, Iïalm of Gilead eruvian Balsam, EIccampane, Comfrey, Burdock,and ther mvaluable expectorant and tonic ingredients. It haralless, prompt and lasting. Invalidsand sufferers annot atford to ncgiect a trial. Every lamily bould veit. It is remarkble for Croup. FuU. description, ecummendations, and directions accompany each bote. Soldby all principal Pruggists. Preparcd by Dr. R. D. Wynkoofi, and old by D. SBarnes & Co. New York. 9im6 4y an Intefesting Lktteb. - Messm Post & Brutï, Agents N. Y, ganitary Society, Rochester.- Gents . I eem it due to you state the magical effect of that one ottleof People's Cure which_I obtained from you in November last. Seeing the advertisement ol your So iety offcring to give your medicine to clergymen for hepoor of the ir parishes, I ootained a bottie fora poor irl of my congrugation, who had long been nearly help. esflomF.heumatism,andstrange to say, that one bottle cured herentirely. I write this hopinü t may aid the Society in its effurts to introduce the medicine) and bless those wbo may need such a remtdy ; and I use strong terms, as I beliëve its merits will fully justify he most snperlative forms of speech. Yours, Kepecituuy, C. B. WILKIX8, Pastor of the First I'resbyterian Church 93)t) Pittsford, M on roe Co N. Y. Mathews' Chocolate Woim Drcps ? MEVER fail to destroy and extermínate all kinds of nteBlinal Worms. Are perfectly raliable in all cases andfar superior to any a n.l all uf the Fancy Worm onfections, nd nauseous Vermifuges in use. They may be taken t all times with perfect safe ty, as they contain NO KEBUOKY, or othr deietenous Drug.- Motbara should always purchase them and give their chtldren no other. (Ifo Calhartic whatever, is necessary to be given.) Each box containu 24 Drops or Lozenges. l'rice 2o ets. For Sale by all Drugirisls and Dealers ia Medicine.'. C. R. WALKER, General Agent, Iy922 Buffalo, N. Y andFort ErK.C. W. HEIMSTREET'S Inimitable Hair Restorative. IT IS NOT A DYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease All inslantaneous dya are enmfoíKá otluvar cauMic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. Heimstreet's Inimitable Ccloring Dotonly restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a Ijimrlniil Beauty, promote its growth, prevents its falling off, eradiotes Jandruff, and imparts healtb and pleasantness to the uead. Ithasstoodthetestof time, bemg the original HairColoring. and is constantly increasiog in favor. Ustd bj bolh gentleman anu ladies. It is sold by all respecuble dealers, or can be procuired by them of r- commtrcial agent, D.S. Barnes & Co. 202 Broadway New-York. Two sizes, 50 cents and tl. 6m922 LYON'S KATHAIRON. Kathaironis from the Greek word, "Kathro," or "Kathairo," ignifying to cleanse, rejuvinate and restore. Thiv article is what ita n .me ignifles. Forpreerving, restoring and beautifying the human hair it is the most remarkable preparation In the world. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and i now inade with the same care, skill and attention which gave it a sale of over one million bottles per an□ ura It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eracicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head coo] and clean. It makeB the hair rich, soft and glossy It prevents the hair from falling offand turning gray It restoes hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use Lyon's Katharion. It p known and uifd throughout the civtlized world. gold by all respectable dealers. 6m9S3 DEMAS S. SARN'ES i: CO.,,Prop'r , N. Y. rjlPTHBlUA. DR. DEGLUBO'S DIPTHERIA SPECKIC. CEKTAIfí CURE FOR DI1THERIA AND CROUP. Inihcpastyear over 200 CXSVS OF DIPTH'ÏPIA in and around RochesVr, N. Y., COS'SIDERED H OPELESS, have been cured with tliis medicine. Ñames and resideaees eau be given. AU.THEPHYSIC1AN3 THERE NOW ÜSEIT. It never has failcd to cure I Get a bottle ; it costs 50 cents. For 6ale by EBERBACB i Cp. Preparad fnd nold by Iy913 W. E 8KINNTR, Roeiestr,H, V. The Great French Remedy! [ADAM BOIVIN'S CELKBRATED SILVER-COATKD FEMALE PtCLS. The only certain and Safe Reinedy for all Utcrine Obtructions, Monthly Difficulties, Irregularities, and all he otlier diseases to whicb the Wouian, Wifa and iother is peculiarly liable. Theae Pjlls contain DO deleterious ingrcdients, hut are afe and certain in their action. They wlll befoundto xert thehappiest effect in all cases of Prolapsus Uterl, n Leucorrhea, or the Whites ; they will bo found the ïasiest anti most eertain Cure-that can be found. It ia jn account of thU certrinty they shonld not be taken jy Pregnant Females (durhtg the first three mOTitks, as niscarriage is CfTlain,) to be brought on, but at othor aeriods their use is perfectly sale. N.B. -One Dollar enclosed to any auttorized Agent, irill eusure package of Piüfl by return of mail. E. CHO.-MY, Oenen) Agent, Fort Kt ie, C. V, Buffalo.N. Y. Cactio.v.- Beware of Counterfeits, the gonuine have the signatureof C. CROSBÏ, on the outside wrapper. For sale by all respectable Druggists. Iyeow92 PRKERVF. YOUR BEAUTY, SYMMETRY OF FORM. YOUR HEALTH, AND MENTAL l'OWERS, By using that Safe, Pleasant, Popular, and Specillc Remody known M HELMBOLD' S EXTRACT BUCHU. Read the Adve.tisement in another column, and profit by it - Diseases and Symptoms Enumerated. Cut it out, and Preserve it. You may not now requirn it. But may U somt. Fut-ure Vay ( It gives health and vigor to the frame, And bloora to the allul cheek.'1 It Saves Long Sa&èrfng and Exposure. Beware of Countcrfeits '. Cures G'íaraitecd. O TOBACCO- You can boy the beet grades of FINE CHEWING'TOBACCO at frm 50 cen:s to One Dollar. ÖMOKIriG from fourteen to twenty cents at M. UEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Ked India n. South side Huron street, a few doors frora Cook's Hotel. M.DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec.ll, 1862. 883tf AGOOD TEEE 18 KNOWN SY rrs fruit. So is a good Physician by his ucce.ssful Work. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT ANll CEl.EBRATEIl PHYSILIAN OF TUE THROAT, LUNGS AKD CHEST, Known all over the countr; as the CIebratfd ODIAN HERB DOCTOR! From South America, will be at hÏH rooms, RUbSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, On the 18th and 19th inst.,on the same dale of and every subsequent month during and 1863, A NEAT PAMI'HLET Of the life,study and extensive travels of Dr. Lyons can be procured by all whodesire one. free of chivrve. Dr. L will visit Aun Arbor, JackSon, and Adrián, Mtch-, as follows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20lh. Jackson. Hibbard House. 21st Adrián, Brackett H use,22d and 23d. Modk of Examination. - The Doctor discerns dieeases bytkeeyes. He, tkerefore, asks no quetions nor req tires patients to explain symptoms. Alllicted, come and have your symptoms and the location of your diseaseexplained free of charge WONDERFUL 8UCCESS. 49f The attention and research of the raot liatinguished Chemists and Physiciana for years have been devoted to the prnduction of a remedy for those mo.-,tditressing maladies NKfRALOiAand After long study and many experimenta, a specific preparatioji has been discovered. WATSON'S Neuralgia Kiii(L,an Internat Semcdy M curin thousauds of cases whereall other remedies have utterly failed. We are assured that it is no mere ' ANODYNF.," relievinp for the moment whiletlu cause remains, but is a perfect SrKClKICand CUFIE for those painful diseases. The vast number of Liniments, Kmbrocaiions and External Medicineï, whïch act as stimulants of the surfare only, are merely temporal y in their effeets andofdoubtlu virtue The NKURALGIA KING icaches tho source of all irouble, and effectually banishes the disease from thesystem. Price- One Uollar per Bottle. Prepared hy C. R. WALKER, ljL22 Buffalo, N. Y-, anü Fort Krie, O.W. For Sale by STKimi.vs &. W&QQH, GBK.Wjj,r,ïc & Fullbr and C EüEHiïACH & Co. A WORD ABOUT AMERICAN WA! AFTER A THOKOUGH TRIAL OF MORE TllAN ÏKN YKAIIS, the time pieces m.inufactured by the American Walch Co., oí Waltham, Mass., have gained a, firm hold upon the favor of the public, and now, no less than 75,000 of thero are speaking for themselves iu the pockets of the people. From a very insignificant bezinning the business has increased un til we are justified in stating that WE MAKE MORK THAN ONE HALF of all the watches sold in the Unittd States. Rt-peated enlargement of our factory building?, aud the labor of 5O0 operatives, still find us unequal to supply the constantly iucreasing demand. Ai-á we may here obgerve that notwithstanding the high price oí labor and material, we actually sell our producís at less prices than those current five years ago. We refer to these facts only for the purpose of properly int.oducing a.wther subject relative to oUr manu j facture of watchos Hïtherto our chief object has i been to make good watches for the mtllion atthelowe possible priee - foinething to takethe place ofthe make believe watches called "Ancres," "Lepines," t:EngHsh Patent Levers," &c, aunually thrown upon this market, ín countleas numberí,by European workshops - watches which are the refuse of their factories, unsaleable at home r.ná perfectly worthh'ss every where. This object we have accomplished, and now we havo to announce, that we have curameiiced the manufacture of watches of the very I Highest Grade of Chronometry, unequalled by anythinghitherto made by ourselves and unsurpassod by anythingmade ín the world. Kor this purpose we ha?e fhe aifrplest faciíities. We have erectedan addition to ourmain buiMingt; expressly for this bianch of our buamess, and have Hlled it with the bet workmen ín our service. Profiting by our long experíence, we have reinodeüed the form of our watches, introdueing such iniproveraents as havt been suggested ftndproved tobe good from time to time, and have in stitutnd new afld severe tests of isochronism, adjustmeut and compehsatioo. New machine and applianctfhavebeen constructed, which perforra their work with consummate delicacy and exactitude, and the choicewtandmoHt apprcved matt'riaU only are used. - Nothíng ín fact ia wanting either in mechanical jrinciples, material or workmanship to cnsure perfection ín the result. We continue to manufacturo our othor well-known qualities under the followinir nnmet : APL'LETOX, TRACY & CO." 1 S BARTLaÉTT." And the SoMier's Watch," "WM. ELLKRr." Thelatterthf lowest priced watch we make, ík a subntantial, relmble tiroe-piece, ced in sterling uilver - hunting patíern,and is mt Hable to get out of order either inmarching, ridintr or fiphting All the above described watches, ncluding the piest, whicli is named "AMFKir.w Watch Comtmny.' are sold by watch dealers generally tlirmurliout the country ROBBIT?TS & APPLETON, Agents lor the American Watch Company, ieow4m 182 Iïroadway, N. Y. üissolutioii. THE Copartneiship heretofore existíng betwcnn W. W. Wines ít Dimií'l HWcock, kñown jis ibé firm M Wincs & this day dissoWl bv mu(n;il oousent. W, W WINEÍJ, I. HISCOCK. Ann Arbor, Sept. 2J , 1863. Copartiici-elilp IVotlre. (IZARLES H. WOKPEN havmg bought the interest J of Daniel Hiflcofk in ftie firm nf Wines & Co., the bufiness wili be continued at ihe oíd stand untar tlio firm and name f Winea : Wcplen, Imping by tttfti aticntinn to business to receive a continuanof of tlu very liberal patronage bestowed upon the oíd iirm. W. W. W1NES, CHAS. H. WOUDEN Ann Arbor, Scpt. 2d, 1802. 0il HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DI sen es ofthe IVervou, Semlnnl, TJrlnnry and riUAlSy-ittniM - new ana icliabie treat meut_in RfcpoítÉ ot the UOWAIU) ARSOCUTION- tent by maíl in ealed letter envelnpes, Irce ofchargn AddreKíi, Dr.J. SKir.I.IN 1IOUGHTON, Howard AttRncia toa, No. 2 South Ninth títreet, Phila., Pa. 916yl Ayer's Sai'saparilla. BOOTS SHOES ! NOBLE & RIDER, Have just received at the oW Und of Win. S Saundtrd , ately occupied by W. tí. Smith, ALARGE STOCK OF BOOTS tt SHOES, OF THE BEST QFALITY I Which they propoBe to se!l nt LOW PRICES FOR CASH. THEY ALSO VAKE AND REPAIR, To Accommodale Cusloraers. Please cali and examine tlieir tstock LJefore Purchasing Elsewhere. LAVKENCE NOBLE, CHARLES KIDKR. Ano Arbor.Sept. 9th.lRC3. t!922. FALL 3r O O X l ATT C. H. MILLEN'S. September, 1863. 922m2 1863. SEPTEMBER 1863. FALL GOODS! AT TIIB "Old Corner!" I om now daily receiving & well selected stock of NEW GOODS ! iem the CONSISÏINÖ OF STAPLE DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TKIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, &c, &c. Also u f uil assortment of Family Groceries! all of which were bought low and are to be SOLÍ) CIIEAP FOR CAS II. C. J3. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Main and Washington ets. (922tf) Ann Arbor. Ayer's Agüe Cure. ] ( Buífalo Testimony. THE pTT O V Cures PEOPLE'S U IVJJ Rhenmatism. "I WftB traubled vitli Kheiuii tism fot two years, milTering more or leas every dny. I have taken two bottlea of the'Feoplea Cure,' and havo not hal any pain pince I left t ofí more thnn four'weelís ago. I c milder myticlíati ontirely cu red, and the medicine i lian mude me f?el very liglit nnd good- just like a young man th'High I am sixtv two y cara old. GODflíEY LCHEFFLt,,402 Mir.hígan St," I i "My wife lias been suff ring 'from RheiiniAti&m of an inda inmuto r,y cha rae, ter lor libo ut ni or se ven yeam sometimes VWy acutely, Afeoui tliefirst of June lant she cemmeneed tafcing the 'Penple's Cure,' and continned to takp i; soniu tluec weeks In leu days after lie commenced, the swelling and utilTneps ot'her jointti ( very nriterUWy le se raed, and in three weeka had lisapptari'd iltogetbcr. 1OMAS I'OI.I.OCK, (atV. H. Glenny'i.) ;nuiralo, Üctober 1, 1802," the TTDTi1 Cures PEOFUÜ'9 V U l Xlí Fever Sores. "Two o f our ril itA- o no of tfiem afllicted wítli bad Fever So re. thfi other with I'.lieumatism- having een ibe adveiíisemerit of the 'Peopte's Cure' n thi inper, purchfised ibe Medicine , and nov, after having htr oughly tricd it, report to us,cmríi(índing it most íeaitily as a thoroujfb remedy in thoir caso. - Kditors Christian Advocate. THE rTITí Ï7 Clires I)ist-'IlfiOa PEOPLES Vy U j llá of the Skin. "My lace has for more tlutn ton years been greatly di.síignred by truptiniis and b linchen, which at timeH extended over my whole body, and once for tl ree day? mude me enlirely blind ; but hnring tñkon two bottles f ihe 'l'eople's Cure.' my acquainfances hn-dly recognize me - Indeed I bardly know u 1 m ikjw a well íiuiQ. Let 11 wbo are alika añlicted try the 'Péople'8 Cufft, - tli Medicino repared by the ïanitaiy Socivty- aDd I thiuk they will not begrudge their dol JOSEPH SOCB, Turner, Mechanic St Buffalo, Nov. lö, 186'." T11R fTT T3 T? Cures ScrnfuK & l'EOI'I.K'rf L U l JCj Salt RJieum. "I have usïd the 'People'a Cure' in iny f;tmily with great lirtiefit, ii ca -es of S"rofula and Salt Iiheum,and have recoramended it frequently to my f-iends, all of wbüiu I believe havu been beuefitted, and most of thtin entirely cured by it. CHAS. SGHARFF, ÜT3 Main St., up-ataira." THE ' TÏ TJ U Cures Femalo Vfm LK'S UUll lli Weakuessef. "I have been in feeble health ever since Ibe birtb of my boy, who is dow twelve years I have had many troublesand difücuHies, all tbis time, un fitting me for every kin i of labor, and destroying ftll my ci-m fort, Last summer I cuinnienced taUing the 'People's Cure,' and have irsed lour bottls, and ftni now almost a well woman. My difïicuHies liave nearly ftll di.iap peared, and I feel ciieerin! and happy. "M1ÍS. C.VTHAKINE JïEWALP, Draismaker, Goodell Alley, aboveTupper ut "Bnffalo, Oct. 20, 1Ö2." THE fTT'DTV ClirOfl when otber PEOl'LK'S V U J li medicines fail "My wife bas boon n pooï health for a long t ime ha ving fireqm ntly to calla phy si cian to attend ïier; but she was recently very niuch trorfie. For five or Rx weeks she had noapfetite, lost all her strength, and was each day growing worsft, yiie had night swpats, cougbed a great deal durin.Lt each nfht an i conttideVAi bly dming the day, and we all upposfid she WAñ gAog vlï wilh the consumption, when u rrfend advised her to take the 'ÍPeOpTM'a ('ure. On t ik ing the nfèdfeno bo perceived a cbange at once On the tliird day he had recovei ed her ajipitite, und ms Jast jegaining her h. uirtiJ, on the eiphth day, not yet liaving Ufi ken o.iebottle, she bas st( pred ïaking the medicine aayingshe was as wí-ll as anybody could be, and she bas continued so evt r i'ince. "PAUL KI.MNjCJardner.Si Peatl i. "Buffalo, October 1, 1802." 5" ForPale by all Drug$i#t. 922yt C. CRO3BY, (iuneral Agent, Ho. 255 Main ut., Buffalo, N. Y , to whom all orders shuuld be addressed. For Ssle by Sïmïehns k Wilso.v, Grxyiu.X Futir and EiJRB-AC# k Co. í( A smil wai on her lip - health wil in her look: trength was iii her iep, and in her hands- Plantation Bittera. " S-T-1860-X. A few bottles of l'lantation lÜUtirs Will cjreXervoui Headache. l Colü Extremitiu and Feveriub Lipi. tuur Stoniacb and Fetid Rreatk. ' Fhitulency and In-Jjgestion, " Nervous Affection. 14 Fxcesfiive Fatigue and Short Breath. 14 Pain over the eyen. Mental Pespondincj. " Prostration ; Great Weakuess14 ' Sallow Complexión, Weak Boweli, & Which are the ovidence of LI VER COMPLAINT AND DYSFEPSIA. It ia estiniated that seven-tenths of all adult ailmenls proceed from a discascd and tor pid jliver. ïho biliary secritions fthe liver cveiflowing into tlie stcmach poison the ent i re system and exnibit the abovo Bymptoms liter long research, weareable to present themostremarkable cure íbr these horri? nightniarc diseiue, the world bas ever produced. Within oue year over lix huudred and forty Ihousand perrons have taken the l'lautatiou I3iiters, and not an instance of complaint has como to our knowlcdge ! It in a inoht cUectuul touic and agrotabl itimulant suited to all conditious of life. Tlie report that it relies upon miceral substancei for it8 active proporties, are wliolly fake. For the public satiwfaction, aud tbst patu nu muy consult tbeir pliyaiciftUH, we append a list of its colnyohf.int8. Calida va Bark - OlebraUd for over two bundred yearsin th trtatnu'ñt of Fever and Igue, Dyspepsia, Weufcuetfi!, kc. It was intriJflued into Kuiopö by the Counteds, wifcof the Viceroy'on'eni, in 1640, and aferwardssold by Uie Jcuits for the cnojinouê price of U uiL7t tccijht in silvr, uudtr Ibe name of Jtsuii'a Poxoders, aud was fïnally made public by Louis XVI, Kiug of Fraude. Uumbolt makes siecial relercnce to its i'ebifuge qualities duiiiig liis tíouth American travelfl. CaöUakïlj-a lÏAfii - Fox Laarrhoea, colic and diücases of the títtimnüh and bowels, DaaOülion - For iniiamniAtion o; the loin.s and drop Bical affection. CHAMuMiiJt fLüwKKS- For enieebled digefition, l,AK.sDt.K FtOTTWW - Aromatic it.mulunt aud tonic - higüly iuvigoratiug in aervoiu) debiiity. Vi.tkk(bki:- - ïüi scrofulii, iJieumatit-ni, &c. A.mhk- An uromatio canuiuaüve , creatiug Ütish, muacle and milk ; much aed by moihers uuruiug. AUo, elove-budá, cmiügtij carravvay, coriander, ünakeroot, JKc. S- T- X. Ai.other S'onderful ingrediënt, of Spantfh irt-igin, impariing beauty to the ci-mplexionand bnlliancy to tbe m.nd, is yet uuknovvu to the cunimerce of tho world, aud wo withhold its name for the presentIMPORTANT CJÜtTITlCATKS. Rockester N. Y. Decrmber 28, 1S01. Messrs. P.II.Dkakk xi -1 have been h great utfer er Irom l)yspesia tur three or four yeara aud had to nbanttou my profussiuu . About tliree months ago I trib.l the riniitatiun Bitters, and to my great joy, 1 am DOW nearly a wull inau. I have recommeudeü tliein in tieviral cases, aiul,a.-, Uir as I kuow, always with riigual b7aiB'reRpectfuilyyour.s HFV J. S. CATHKON'. rhiladclpfda, 10íA Montk, llth Z?ay,1862RKfiPtCiKD 1'i;ikm : - ijy üaughtt r lias beru much beuetiited üy the use l tliy flanUtiOfl Bitters. Thou wilt end dij two boules more. Tl,y Krieud, ASA CURIUX. Shcrman House, Chicago, lll. Ftb. 11, 1862. Messrs. P.H. Okakk SCo.. - Fleae send us inatlit-r twelve case of your Plantfttion Bitters. As n moraing appti titer, they ppar to hare hupercoded uveryiliing elrie, a ml ace gre;iily estoeroed. Yours, &c. GAGE k WA1TE. Arrangeroenis nre now completed to supply auy demand for tilia artick', which from laek of govornment slumps has not heretofore been possibk'. Tnt public may rest aBBured that in no casa will Ui perfectly pure tundan! f the IMnutation Bitter bc departed f rom . Evcry bo'Ue bcart the fnr. simile of our tignature on a stiel pLtte r.tigruving, or il cannut be genuine. Loltl by all Prugists, Grocprs and DeiierB through out the counlrv. P. H. DRAKE & CO. 9C;m6 M2 I'.KO.MlWAY, K.T. JJissolution TN'otice. ml!R FIRM OFCHAl'IN, WtlOI) Í: CO, was dissoh cd ljnniinrï W, Ifiia, bv mutual consent. C, A. ('hapiu and A. B. Wood will settle tlieaccounts of the firm. C. A. Chapi.v, Wood, V Chapw, E. Weli. Ann Arbor, June 2, 1P63Copar' uershlp. rpTE UN'IlKUSIüNKI) eiitcre'l thto rnrtnorship Jan. I llï, 161, by tbe fino n'ime rf Cb:i[iin k Co.,RTid will cout-inue the busiuoss of niunufactiiring piintiug and B-rapping paper. C. A. Chípiv, N.CiiAPrw, V. Chapix. Ann Arbor, June 24,1883 91 f.1. FIRST NATIONAL BANK -OF" Aisrisr aeboe. subscription Agency for S 5:20 Loan. Wo ar now auttaored to recoiTO subscriptions fcr ir'nitod States 5:20 Six per Cent Bonds 1 PAR for Legal Tender Kolea, r New York excb&nge. ntoreat nn Ibm bon.lH ll pagable hemi annually iu oíd. They are also exempt froni tuxtiiii n. C. Jl. H1CII51ONP, Aun Arbor, Aug. 24, 1S63. 919tf Collier. TIIK American Collecting: Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claimi ó nll kinds ngainnt t lio General Oovernmor.t, Stíte (íoíernuient, the (ity, or prívate partios, proneuted and colleeted ut my ezpcvae and risc Agninsfpriwitepartfea I poraew uperior facilitics ior collecting claims eveiyolicrc in tbs L'nited States nd Canmlas, relíeving mercliant, asignee, Imokerb, iudothers,of tliecaie and uil yespiiiisilj.lity . Special attantion given to old dubt, hard oAsei, dl, vor.:;s, wills, cstíitcK, etc. Being familiar with Uth dotailsnf tlic " Inl mal Rntmiic," I will atlciul pronlptly to the c.illic'i.iTi of drawbacks, and Uxes orevpaid thiough inoraiici; if tbp law. s.jldiius' pensions, ray, and bounty secnred forlhini or theirhelr. For that purpiwn, and for pTOWCUtijii claims agalnfH the Govemrot, I nnvea brancb dflice it Washington. No cliargo made unlcss claims are col lected. All Boldiera dlnctrarged )iy reajon of rouons- now ever hort the tlmethey liaye scrirejj - are miiiir.l to One Ilundreil Dollars Bounty . All soMiers Imvingserved twoyears. nr: entltled t( the Barae. au ïlie bigbent niarket price will be pai'l for scildiérH' claims, au3 otUer demanda against the General Government. Information and opinions given, and invfstigation made without charge, upon claims proponed to be placed in my hands. For particularH, address H. HUNTINGTON LEE, gootf ÏTo, 240 Hroadwuv, N. Y Grand Truiik and Veimont ANOTHERGREATREDÜCTION! Detroit to Kouse's l'oint. St. A i ba na, Iiurlingt n ! Honlpelier and WWite lüvr Junctimi, only $12 Detroit to Boston tÍh Ogdenaburg or Portiaad ... 14 Detroit to Eteston ü tul ru turn 25 Persons purchahtag Bosten nd retutn tickets c;in gO vía M on t real, Gorham, (White Mountalnn) Mand Fond, and 1'ortlanfi. Ketnruing via Lmvtl!, N'ashua, Concoid, HurlinKtnn an.l Olcnsbuig, giving the paasengert-iB benefit of botb routes Ticl els good un til November lst, 1803, Through from Detroit to Boston n Ü6 hoam. Two exprosH trains leavcd l)f troit daily {Huncas cxcepted) b.v Chicapo time at 005 A. M. and 6.20 P. M. Slendid sleeping cara en niglit trains iiml Kuttan'a l'at nt Vtíútflatbra on úay tia'n. Tickftscan be obtaiued attlu1 Gran-1 Trunk Railway Ticket nfiict', 1V-4 JeffeiOl) avonue, n TeT doors abovc the Michigan Kxchangt-. SLOCUM II THOMPKOtf . Agcnts, Di'iroit. ryilE KOÜTS AND THE LEAVES X WIl.Lbe for the Ilealii g of tha Xationn. Prof. II. iT. IjYOUS, THE GREAT AN'I) C1ÍI.KHHATKII PHY8ÍC1AN of the TllKOAT,I.UN'i:S, HKAUT.UY'l'.R AND TUK BI.OUD, Known allover thecountry as the CET.KIÏliATri usrr)i-A.2sr hebb doctor i Of 282 Superior Street, Cloveland, Ohio. Will visit the followmg i]aci?M, viz APPOINTMENTy FOK 1802, lSOSand 1S64. Trof R. J. 1-jim.s can bü conulted at the ffejlowing places every montli, viz: Detroit, líus.vfl lluune, fach month, 1 8 1 1 nnrl 1Ü h. A nu Arbor, Monitor Houae, each month, ÜOth. Jackson, llibbarrl Houtje, racli nimitii, Jffl, Adrián, BracKet IJouEe, eacli moñth 22d and 23d. ïoledt, Oliio, Colhns Houüe,each montlif 24 th , 25 th, and 26th. HilUdule, M iuh. , HHlflfïale House, cach month ,27th. Coldwatcr, Micli., tíoutnern lichígan il'use fach munlh, 28lh. Klkhart, Klkhart Hon,sp,cach month, 29th, Botitti Bond, lnd., St. Jo. Hotel, oacli month, 30. L aporto, lnd ., Tec Garden Hop 86, cach month 3! st. Woostor, Ohio, Crandull Exchangi', euch montk 7th andSth. Munbfield, Ohio, Wiler House, each niunth 9tli and lOth. Mt. Vernon, Kenjon Houbo, oach month, 11 th ant ISth. Newark, Ohio, Holton House, facli month 13th and 14 th, I'ainesvüle, Ohio, CowUp Hoiipp, ?acli month, 4th i.LLVtXANO, OUIO. RVBIVMX2K AND OFFICE, 282 SUPE1UOR STEEKT. KaBt of tho public square, opposite tlie rostofïïce Office daj-w eacli month, lt ; 8d, 4th, Btb, Cth, löih.- Office hours from U A. M. tu VJ. M, and froin 8 1'. M. te 4 1'. M. Onüunday from 9 to 10 A . il-, and 1 to 2 1'. M yiMaxirnstrictly adhered to- I give uch balmttH have no strifo, With nature or the lawn of !ife, With blood my handn I nuvr htain, Norpoisun men to.eiuü theirpain. Tic it o, physician Í7tdeed, wko Cures. Tbe Indian Hero Doctor, R. J. LYONS, euros the fol lowing compiaints in the most obstinate stages of tlnyi exiBtence, viz; DiseaBes of the Throat, Lungs, Heart, Ijver, Sioinach , Dropsy in the Chest, Rlieumatism, Neuralgia , Kits. or F&IlÍQffSÍckD6BB,aQdal] other uervousdürangements. Attio all aiaeftSds of the biood, such as Sorofula, ryeipelas, Cancers, Fever Öorea, [eprusjr, and all uther complicated cfirotiic complaintB. All forma of fenialo dilTicuItiea attendod to with t'ie bappiest resalta, It is hoped that no one will despRlr of a cure unti! they have given the Indian llerb Doctor's Medicines a fair auil faithful trial. $Qï_l)uring t!ie Doctor'. travels in E'urope, West Indip.s, South America, and the United States, he Iibh been the instrument in God'a hand, to restore to health and vigor thousands who were given up and pronounced incurable by ihe most eminentold school pliysíciana; nay, more, thnuaands who were on the verge of the grave, are now living moLum?ntB to the Indinn Herb'a Doctoré skill and successful treat ment, and are daily exclaiminp: "B'pseed bethf day whtn Brst e saw and partouk of tbe Indian ïlorb Doctor's medicine." atisfactory referenees of cares will be gladly and cliccrfuliy given i henever required. The Doctor pledges his word and honor, that he will n no wise.directly or iiulirectly, induce or cause any invaltd to tfckö hi medicine v thout thestrungest probability of a cure. ,6" Mode of exarniuation, which s entirely different from the faculty. Dr. Lyon professes to discorn difteases by the eye. He therefore asks noquestions, nor doeshe requirfe patientto explain symptoms. ('alione jiii 1 all, nd have tliesymptoins and locatiou of your (ïiscase explained Tree of charge. JgP"The poor símil be liberally conaidered. jSyFostofllceaddress, box 2663. R. J. IArOX?, M. T. Clcreiand. Ohin, Nov. Sfi. 1802. lyP80 THE OREAT AMEftlCAN TEA COMPANY, 51 Ves-y Street, New York; Sinco it organizatíon, has created a new era in the hiato r y of Wholesaling Teas in tl'is Country, They have iutroduced their selections of TKAS, and are Belling tbeia at not over TWOCENTS (.02 Cents) per pound abnve Cost, Ifcver deviaiing from the ONE PRÏCE askid. Another peculiarity of tbeCompany is that their Tra ïahtbr not only dc-vottH time to the selection oi rheir TKAS as to quality, valué, and particular styles for particular localities of country, biu kt keipt the Tka bnyer to chonae nvt of their mnrmous utoc.h svck ïbab as are best adaptedto their particular iranís, uid not only tkïs, but pnii.ts out to Inm tlte best bni gaine. It tl easy to see the incalculable ndvmitage & Tea Buyer lias in tilín et.iblishment over all otherf=, II he i no judge of Tea,or the Market. if liisliire is vnïuablo, he has all the benelHn of a well orgnaizo (iystem of doing bu.siness, of ;m nunonse CAplfftl 0 tlie judgement of a professional Tea Taster, and tlu krowletige of superior palesmen Thie enables all Tea buverfi- -no matter if Un-y are thoiif-ands oL m Les from thi market - tb purehane on as pood terniB lieie as tlie New Vork merchnntfl. l'arties can order Teas and wül be ser ved by na a well aa though theycamc themselvfR, bcing surc t( pet original packages, true weights, and taxep; and the Ten are Warranted as rejiresented. We issue a Príce List of the Company'.s Teas, whiel will be sent to all who order it; comprising Hyson, Young Hyson, Impeiial, Gun powder, Tvrankay and Bkin. OOLONG, SOU0H0NG, ORAKGE & HY SON PEKOI5. ÏAPAN TEA of every degcrii'tion, colorad and imcnlared. This lint bus cach ktad of Tea rtiviricd into FOV'lï Cnmrs, nnmrly: rAKCO, hifrh TAKOO, HNK, KI VEST. tliat cvery une inay nnderMautt f i om dcscription anti ttw pricesannexcd tb;it tlw Cnmpany are doUirininM to underaell thewhlcTv Irsulc. Vefiu;ir:nite 10 so ALL uur Teas t not ovet Trro C ntK (.02 l'KV IV) per pounrl hmr rom , beIÍ6TÍBL tbin ti tttracüvc to ttif mnj wlio have Iicrctofoi-1 bfeen paying norniotfs irtiliu. gki-;a'J'amkhiíi n I'.a.comI'ANY. Importe rii and Jobbers, iïin9:il iVo ñl Vesey Street, AVii 'ofk. LÏVERYI LI1TERYÜ J. GREEN & E. ÜUOWN, have purrhaard tbc Ilorrs anti "nninitOR of B. Grcrn, and liave aKo aildeO ome very fipe Hovses k Carriagei to tlit1 ftbore stock In the same barn, so ihat lhj cao Buit yóu nll on roanonablo tírins. Cali and See! Ann Arbor, July 14ih,1863. fen4. Oval Picture Frames AUflMQtnQH and PUICKS just received and forsivio cltrapat CHOFF & MILLEK'S. 1860. Díe. 25, 78Otf DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. NEWLY DISCOVERED PRINC1PLES IN PUR6ATIWI DR RADWAY'S PILLS ARE THE BEST PURGATTVTt pllli In tho World, anii tho only Vegutablo Substituía for Ca'omel or Mon-nry cvor discovcred. Composed of VtRetnfolc ICxtrncts ofGim, Plnnts, Herbs, Root luid Flower. Thev ['urge- Oleante - l'urify - Ilea] - Soothe- Cal- Streiiglheu- luvigoratc- and Hcgulato tbo System. y mjt sunoEjr aTTtcKs of INFLAMMAT10N OF THE BOWELS, BIU IOUS CHOLIC, BILIOL'S FEVER, . SIPELAS, CONGESTIVE FEVER, S11ALL FOX, MEASLES, SCAKLET FEVER, S2X TO 3IG3T PIIiïi Will purgo tho disca-o from tho systcm iu SIX HOURS. Ifseizcd with elther of tho aovo-namcd dlsoaiei.M six or uigbt of Dr. Riiüway's POAS bo takcu o no. This sinnlc dose will carry tho pntioQt out of dangar. Iheir contiuued use, iu smaller dosos, will wurk a oure. COATED WITH GUM, Ihcv aro ploasaot to lako. They opérate plcasantljr, na[ura'llv au.l thoraughly Evcry dosc that is tlkcn - tartt Utmglh to tho onfeeblcd, systctn. Bcing perfat purgativa thcy do nut loavo tho tuKieh costive, or tint pUent weak. ONE OR TWO OF DR. RADWAY'S PIIXS Will secure a good appelitc and hoalthy diguliou. TO TIIOSE WHO TAKJE PILLS, ■)R RADWAY'S ril.l.'í will ho foundau improvcmenta ill 'pursitivo or calhartlo pills iu uso. Ooe or two pillij ..vill be found Biifflotent to koop tho bowcls regular ; and n cases whcro a brisk oporation b desireü,bl W ii(Hl will iu six hours thorougMy purgc. . ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL CIRE , COSTIVENESS, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, MEASLES. CONGESTIÓN, - MELANCHOLT, ) HEART DISEASES, IIYSTERICS, DISEASES OF KIDNEY AMENORRflCKA, ( AND BLADDER, FAINTING, DISEASES OF LIVER, DIZZINESS, B1LI0USNESS, ' RUSH OP BLOOD TO TYPHÜS FEVER, THE HEAD, SHIP FEVER, OBSTRUCTIONS, MALIGNANT FEVER, EETENTION OF ÜBIKB LOSS OF APPETITE, DROPSY, INDIGESTIÓN, ACUTE ERYSIPKLAS, INFLA-IMATION, HEADACIIE, TALPITATIONS, BAD BREATIt, SCARLET FEVER, INFLAMMATIOÍÍ OT EILIOUS FEVER, THE INTEbTIKM, JAUNDICE, APOPLEXY, CONGESTIVE FËVER, ENLARGEMENT O SLEEPLESSNESS, THE SPEEN, GENERAL BEBILITY, SCURVY, DIMNES3 OF S1GHT, WIIOOPING COÜOB; j FITS, WORMS, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, BAD DREAMS, QüiNSEY, PLEURISY, As also nll Complnlnts of Women, nek M Tlysttrla, LeacoiTllica or Wllites, WwkM' i,,K Di-.liniges, dlloro--ls, IricgularlU, Suppicsioi. of lic Mciiscs, Inflummallo of li.u Womll or Bladder, Dlfficult Menstruatlnn and al other DteedseS or Complaints produced tf ■xmÁlra dúcharge3 or Bnppreaskw of tho Mensca. 1 a lies Wllfl Icsiro to avoid tho suuerlngs and iuco. cnicnco "( these irrcgularitie, or .rgDl Dr lioiw shoiild not omit to rotúlate thcií eyatenu J m "uh of ümoo two of RADWÁ VS lMI.Id,oncortwk a week, üM ttim be free from tho mm Ud groat 1 convouieuces to which ladlfa aro geuerally subj.oL .■ WE1Ü1I FACi'S. DOCTOR RADWAY invites the nlteiitidi of Iba lnUM gent reader to tho fac's here presonted, showiug tIM fiuperiorily of his PILIS. ÍM purgativo:), ovor all Uur pills or purgativo meaiciueá iu U30. THEIR GREAT COMBINATIONS They aro Aperient, Tonic, Tix .tivc. Alterativo, Stly lautj Oouuter Irritant, Sudonlic. AS EVACUaNTS, They aro more certain and thoroiuh than tho Draili Pilla of Aloe-, or Crolon aii'l Hfinloi OU, r I atariuai ; and more southing aud bealing tüun Sonna, or KhuW, or Tamarinds, or Castor O1. AS ALTKRATIVFS, They exercfso a more powo; ful inllurncc over tlio Hvar ahl lts secretions than datóme!, morcury, tlieir impoi lauco iu cases ui Livor i'imiplaiiili aud Splea Difncullios, Jaundice, Dyspei'SU, Bilioiu Altieka, Hoa4ache.feo. In the trcatment of fcver, eilli.T Uilioui, Yellow, Typlioid, and uther relucí g Fever,th;y ar euperior to quidfne. Thoir Influence extewds over th eDtiro systoin, controlliutf, ranffthvniog, and bracio up the relaxed and waslin-í ene kk-.í, un 1 regnlati'ig Ml the Boereüons to the natural performance of t! immK, cleansing and pmifylng the Il1ooj;aud pnrgm? IVoji U System all diseased depoiu uu 1 impuro liuiu ;m. THE CAUSE OP PILES. A larga doso oft!ie Drostio Pilis vrlll, by rritatinj! th mucous membrano, pro luco i vitilelrt expuUion of lh contents in thc btiwels, but in so liolng other secrclion aro BU.spcnded. Iu sucil casoá, the tjtooU vriil be fouud to be light-colorod and w.ik-ry , iiud attpmlert with craniiw, gripiüg pains, nau-va, siokness. liy t is increased unuatural aclii'n of tho b iwela. the secrctions of tho kiilnoysand arodiniiil.-hod,follovoil by affuctioni of the kidneys, hjjulder, nrcühra, piles, tonesmiM, gaaeral prostratiOQ, cojtivcucss, and iudgcsUcm. Why Radway's PiUs Cure Small Pox. InSmall Po, Süirlfl KcviT, Krysipehs Yellow.Typhoi I aud otliLT reducing Feoert, 1'i'iiu.iTio.v ia hi'jhlf asen'ial. Bnt ta admlnlstcr ñ dose ot Drasutc I'iila tho irrilation they wouid pod'.ice an-1 the cUxaüon and deplotion tliat wviiid fullnw, wniild bu IJftoly ti proi fatal. If phys.cians, in Ihwo o;iscs, would givo RADWaY'S PÚAS, they wnul4 Iwiys i-are their paüeutí Iu these diseaes a mild, sñnlhmg, HimlInK and geutly BtimulatinE laxiiivo'i rút.rM, w.iicli i.i scuureii bf ívAUWAY'S l'IUA Why Imperfect Pilis Gripe. Tho canse of gipi"K, naiiü'.-i, sukiH'á", t-ni-Miias au deb lity, llmt is i'idU'-ud bj a d.we "f diaauo pills, ia owing to thfclr tmixjrrúot opraHmi H w t the facta, thé diseated humaré, Icftlirculating i" thc; syston, wc-ro rxpelle VfiMááé pflls, Ihftie wi vi!-l bu but ltttlo pain or griping. It i-i the llhBOllco oí ihe hile and other linmorí which the impcrfoit pills íail t ■ ; urge mu. of the ïyrtim thnt occisious llic líü". Hy examiinng the !-t.nila evacuatedaftor severo gripl"í ''■'' tt'" b0 r"mii tWa mi watery. THE 0RUE PILLS TO TAK.E Tho on'y safo pilli to t;iko aro Dr. ftulvntj-'í, bccaun they aro th1! only piíU t'iat seciir.' ])iiivatinn withoul dplction, aud cïpi.1 Jise;ised humor from tho Kystcm. CASE OF DY3P3KIA CÜED. For many joars I havo beqi alll.ctod wiih our nation:d complaínl, caliu I iyspnp. i- my 8nlTi:riiig hnvu b-en a cinsunt successioü ul ltuno.s. I h ive gpont thousandsof dóllwtwiiU t-.o how ul rcaliliuj a Imlo onml'ortand trnuiuillily. All me liiuitl 'ii f.ulo.l to ri'lioro mo, until I oommsnced 1 1 .-ict :ii n tho ju h'olou advica yon gavo mci im tho tilh of Apnl, 1S?8. AnU nnw.nfier i.Kinu your Pilis, I fcel hkc a cw lann. tioá l obb yon, aud may ch is letter induce othor sialm i.g yictinn lo Uiw accursoJ malady, to try tlie same m iin. Yours fervontly, W CAP.PENTER. Carpentküviixi!, N. .1., April lOt'i, 185J. Messrs. Uadioay Co., A'. Y. i Uy. Letter from Dr. Salmón Skinner. Nkw VctüK, Ja:nuiry, 1860. Dr. Radway (f: Co : t havo, durnig uio'pail rmr years, M your romodies, and ti.ivo reoo:iwuill thum lu otber f r Iii;iorn COMI'IAINTS. ]M)H:i!iTl 'N , PVüWP IA. &C. I iim-idoi' til lteviy Relict nul Kbiirtkting l'ill.-i unrqiialc.I Th HosuliitinK l'lils .'irc 111, H in liii'ir oior;itiun.s Uthl lli'irouskl cffective. The rit doao ghoulij lio brgo cnfl'ich pareo, f or llvr, nul fïic'i succossivc !)■ -:i uini ht'si ona pi 1, nnlil riMutvl t" imio, nul roiwatc I .-vcry dr a wuok or Icn days. A pcnjwnoiit i'-i o Wll "'lf follou". ïourt. Su., IUl. S. SKIVNEI!. l)r. tlottwiiy" PlH rtrc oltl } Dnuplsts niil Siort -Ki i-iü I ?;"m l. J'.noi Box coiitalns 30 Ftlls. Piii-e '3r .ts. per l.x. For Sulo by STK15BINS& WILSON For Sale. O CÍ ACUES nf vi-ry clínico laniK witlult laK milft OU of tiiè city 6ï"Anri Arl.or. lihlmf h-ilf ..f it improvul indondos-d willi n renco, Uil' hal-inco tim!M-c!, n .i wHI ivutored. Knquire at tbt office Cr-11 3 Ayer s Cherry Pectoral


Old News
Michigan Argus