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TH ALL STJFFICIEríT THHEE. Tillí GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," G2rJUIWE PREPARA-lIONS, VI Z.: UF.I.UIioI.lrs EXTRACT " IlVCHl'," ' SAK.SUMMU.A, Iill'KOVKI) Kft;jL il. ■ II KI.M HUI. IJ'S GENUINE PFEPARAÏTON, "HIGIILY CONCENTRA TKB " COMl'ulXI) FLUID EXTRACT BUCHlï, A Positivo anl Specifie Remedy, HlsMeCfl Off t'ie BLADDER. KID2ÍEY3, GRAVEL AND DJtOPSlGAL SWELLINQS. ■m Mfdteine nw tfie owet „f DIsrentloD, nd VyAlUll'L KSLARQKMKNTSsn rcduccd j HELM30LD'S EXTRACT BUCHU FOK WEAKNESëEa Arising from Excesoa, Hnbitsof Disaipntiou, Eariy Indiscretion, ur Abuse, ATTK.VDKD WITH THE JOLLOWIXQ SÏMTOM: [udl-ipoaltion to Kxertion, Imsof p„wer ! ;;f"nnr;, lüfficuit; of Uieathing, k Serve , TriMiiblinit, Hurroro) Deit, tt'ftefnïntas, MmiWMOl v'.siun. pain In Ole Back, Lm vtM-sal Lnssitude of the Flusliin; of the Brulj-, H js.tuhir Sjsttin, on tlie Face, Hot Hand, I'allid f:ountiniiuce. i'ryiK'.ss of the Skin. These aymptttm, if nllowcd to go od whlch ibis metlicine iiiviuialily itnmvcs. .(Km folloff IMPOTENCY FiTUITY EPILEPTIC FITS [oae of whlch. the patiënt maj exi.iie. Wlio eau sny tnat tboyara n t frenaeatlj iulluwcd by tttot "direful Insanity and Consumption Manv are arar? of llie cause of thi'ir suirerinK but non -vul c„n(.,. Tl„. r(,cmii „r tho launa Asïtum uu'! the mlaacUt2r deaha iv Coasumptiim, bciam.1? ivitnass ti. .rutli uf the awertioa. I1IE roX.-ÏIlUTI IV, ONTK AFFKCTED WITI1 0RRetjinri's the ai1 of mitlicinp to stri-nKl]itn nnd in '?r theKyitem.whieh LA OLÍ 'S EXTRACT HU Linvariiilj1y duo. A tria' will cunnucr ietnubt skeptïcal, Ffmales, Females, Females, ULD OK YOUNG, i;lNGLF., MAKKiKI), ÜR CON TEMCLAliXü MAiUllAüK, In affoctiona peculiar to Fem des tho F.xtract BueliU i uiK-4u.lled bj anj dl er r.Mn.-dy, as in ismoroiiil or Itelenillm, Iriegullljity, Pninfulnc, ur Supprensiou of tlie Uuütoiuarj' KwiciialKns Ulccra'ted t MUmraii OatL of tlis Ut.Mu.-i. Leucorrhea, or ubl,r.-.!eriht;-,;uiri lor all c.Mnplainls incidí rit ti. the -ex, tïom lnducretion, UaWttof Dislpatiorur ia the Decline or Chungo ƒ Lile. SF.R SYMVTOMS AROVK. NO FAMILY SHOULD Bi". WITHOUT IT. Taken Ralsami Meicury, ,,r InpliMsant Metücinf for Lnj'teasairi mul Uangeroua Dlaeaites. HELIIBOLD'S EXTRACT lüCÖO curks Secret Diseases. In 1[ their stages ; at little oxpcnsf ; little or no chnge ! io Jiei ; nu Hiconveaience. AND NO EXPOSUHE. j It cauces fifuent i!,-n'. ami gives strengtli to Urinate, tlu-robv rnraoVM obstriu-tious, preventm and cuiiui(8tricUiri's of the l"ii:hra, a.laving pain and inüuinniatii) ■. si fr'.ut'nt in Thir. clavs of dfNeftgett. n'l pxpcllinf PnffOSOVS, DUEASED AND H ORX OUT MATTER 'HKnninls upon Thnu.saniïn A'HO Èiit E BEÉH THE VICTIM OF QUCKS, And n-lio h. vf piü.l HEAVY FEES tn be cured in a nhurt linie, hnvt' fimm! lliey wtTt' deci-ived.and Ilm; iw "Po!in"' bas, hj tli itc of "I'owerl'ul AntrinifiTit," b'en dri'd np in the svstrm, tu break out in an aggra vatetl fi:rm, nnil PBJttHAP MARRUGí:. uTe rfelmbold's Extract Buchu For all AlTectiona aud Itiseases of The XJrinary Organs' Whetlier eiistin in MALE OR FEMALES, froni wtiatever caufte urigiiiatng, ami no matter ÜK HUW I.ONG i'mniO Iiiseases of these Organs recjnire Hit aid of a DimKTic. lielmbold's Ixtract Buchu 18 TUK ORBAT DIUHETIC, And it is coríain to llave the desiwd effect in all Dl Hi-arses, for vlltob it is recommended. LOOD ! BlTíÜD ! 13 LOOD! Hehubülil'ij Iliiiïy Ctjncfnlmtftd Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHJLIS. Tliis is an affecton of llie lilood, nn nttacks the xuii Orgaus, of the Nose, Eara, Throat, Wiji Ipipe, ml ulii'-r Mucus Surfaces, making its appearancein the forftl o I Tierra HelniboMV Ksttnct í?aiaparlla tho Blood, and remove all Scaly Rruptiouw i the Skin. giving to the Complexión a Cleaï and Healthv Color, lt beinff p rep red expressly for this cías i ot' cnuulain Lt, its lílood-I'urifying Properties are preerved to a, tfreater eteut tan anj oiUev {KjHbfaítSo& of Sarriitparilla. Ue!mbokI'sHose Wash. An excellent Iotion for Dtseae of a Pyphiltic Nature fin'l m ;.n injcction ffi i-íseasts of the L'rinarv Oygan' arñlíng from babttfl of aisipatiun, uscd ín coonectíon with the Kxtr.acts Uucliu and tíarsaparilliij in such dineasK as rt-commended. Kvideiici; f tho most reaponsihle and reliadle chacaeter wül icwmp my meilicinow. CERTIFICATEN OV CUKE?, From eight tg twenty yeirff tanding, with namen knovntu SCIENCE AND FAMK, Fur Medical Propertisof Ii(JCHIr, aee Bispensatory of the United Staten. tíec l'rofessor ItEÍFEES' valuablc works on tlie PrrtCiice of ('hy.-tc See m;tde by the late celebrated Dr PEY S1CK, Hüladiilphia. .Seu remarks made by lr. EPIMAIM McDOWF.LL, a (jelebraiiMl l'Uyhician, tud Member of the Hoya 1 Coi. lege of Surgi-ons, Ft eland., anrl piibUiíied iti tíxe ïrunsactioDS of KingHhd Qjet-ü's Journal. fce Medico-Cirurgicnl Rerfew, )mMilied by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, FelïoW of the Royal College of Surgoons. -'e.e most of tlie la.te Standarri Works on Aiedictne. Exthact Brniu, $1 0 pkh bottlk, ok kii fok $5 00 " Sar!apabii.i_a 1 i 0 " 5 00 Imfrovkd R.0H1 Waí-u, 50 M j 50 Or liall" k dozen of each feff ftlÖO, whích will be Mifficient to ture the munt obwtiuatc caees, i directie n are artlit.'-rd to Itelivyrud to awy adilres, secureïy packed fromobserv;, tion. fLf Jiescribe ymptmi.! in uil ewnmTiBieatioBB Curen guaranteod . A)vic prat is. A F IDA VIT. Pf-rurtiiRlly a p pon red beforo mean Alderman of tf e City of l'liiladi-tphia, H. T. Hei.mbold, who, being diily W(rn, doth .say, hin prepat :■ t odk conUin no narent ie, 110 meruury, or ollu'i'iujuriuus drugs, but are purely vegetable. II T.TÏELMBOLP. Sworn nd Pubscribed bcfore me, Ihi 23d day of Novembt r, KM, VM P. HIBBARI). Aldtiim.ia, Xiöth-sitOPt, above Knce, I'hila. Addrcss Letterw r informa tion in onfideuce. H. T. HKI,M!toi,I, Chemist Depot 1C4 South Ttnth streel ,below Chestnut, Fhil. BHVVARE OF f.iUNTERFEITJi AND t'NrKINCII'LKP DEAI.I-RS, Who endeavor to dilopie " OKTI1MKOWN" od llothr'' rticlcH cm the ie putfition attained f Helmbold's Genuine 1'reparntionH, " Kxtract Jluchn, 14 " SarHHparilla, " " Improved Roso Wnfth. Sold by all Prupgiwtp etefjirhfvt. ASK FOR HELMROLWS-TAKE NOOTHBR. Out out the ■ÜT?rtistjnDt1 nd mrd for it AÏSB 'SCIIOFF & MÍL LEK ilESTILL ONUANDatUieiroldStaad, No. 2, Franklin Block, wilh tHemo.4 compk'W aBgnrtment of Books and Stationsrj, PEHFUMEEIES, PANGT GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SIIADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. I Ever oü'ered in tliLs Market ! and the y woutil suggüBt tothosel d pursiitt of anyihingin SANTA CL A US' LINE th at tlicy eau secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purclianlng frnm ihis lock, as eaili purchaser getr iin additioiial present Ut Jewolry, c , Kaugiiig invalue from "iO ets. to $50. Q&" Tlicvtriist that tbeirl'injj expenouce insclectil:g goodnfoi thiitaarket nnd strirt nttontion tn t'.ie wants or(;uhtomers,may cntitlc tbem ti. a libeialshare o, ratroBiige. ' Ann Arbor, Pp. ft. 18(50 777tf THEBEBELLÍ3N ON mul] PR!CES FDR (TLOTHIXG, HAS COMMENCED AT THE OLO & RELIABLE CLOTHi M C EMPOEIXJM ! No.3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. IAM now ojH-nintr a Itrge umi v;iricil issdrtment of 3 riU)?anrt.-?,in]iner(}oü(la, and n view ir tlie rfebellioD on hili priues íímorallv, ni' Hkr them to inv frïend8 nurl eustiim. rk at the very'lowest figures f..r toh.rhiiseln vut of s. suuorioi artielo oi Clotbs, Cassi Beady-Mads Ölothing, WSVI, WACNER, who has just returnftt from t!ie Kast, with a largt SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS wliicli Uaveiiven purcÜused iittliclaie LOW PÍÍTCES! íind can nilcr tlinnat a ow er li.:tirc thfta evi rj before-Imonit my Assortment may be fouud BR0ADCLOTH8, CASSI.MERES, DOESKTNS. VESTINGS of all desen'ptióh, toprether with upsrlot asKoruuenf o( Hcni1y-M„.le Clnthlng, Bflfe 't ■mT1'-L'-NKj, CAlíl'ET BAGS, SSi rM.HItELT.AS, iLná llxBSïfintlcnH'n's Furniyhing aooBs, with nunifimj.s other articles usuully found in siintlnr eatAblit-bments. As an EMPORIÜM OF FASHION, the subscriber flattershimnelf, that his long experionce and pentrftl saccess, will enable liim tp ffiye the grentest satísfaction toa! i w lio may trust him in the was ol Cê Manufacturiiig Oarments ".o order. WM.WAGN'ER. Ann Arbrr, A pi il 9th 18G2. 848tf W'MWW'IWMIWLtilUIKtWjaHTOaiM'IIHWIaTéiiiá O. BLZ9S Would take tbn method of iafurming bis oíd friend.s antl pátrdQS and all others whn may favor him with thcir paíronape.that he has grcatly his hlock and Assortinent ! and h&vfpg adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTÍI IN BCYING & SEIJJNG is preparad to sell Gooda t HeawonatXO lErl.O&mt, U stock conslstüin j)art 01 the foltowing: jj AMKRICAN AND OTIIER Ör Watchcsl fc 4Jil The Celrated Wfelaafêfi!S RRTHTIIOMAS CLOUKS! Fine Jewelry etfs GOLD CHAINS, TABLE AND POCKET OUTLEUY ! Pazors, PïiearH, Scfxpr.'ainl Brushes, 1ÏIIGKRS P LATEI) WAKE, the best in markot, Gold Pens, Steel Pen3, Pencils, I'APER and ENVELOJ'ES, Musical Instruments, Slrings f Bnoks for Instruments, spect acLaa, of Quid, Silver, Sleel, and Platea, with PE1MSCOPICGLASS, a superior articlö. Pêrson.i haviag rVifBcult watehes tofltwitli glasnes csn be accornoiïnteiT, xs my stock 3 largtí'antí complete. P. S. Tarticular attentiou to tlio oral! Iiinrts of Bne Watche, such Making und Setting new Jewels, Piniimt, Sr.nfft, and Cyliiidert. Alio CLOCKS, Sc TEWELRY ni-atly mpaired and war-antcd, at hig old standeast siilcof Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann rbor,N"ov. 25, 18C2 Ei26ti For 8ale. Two Dwelling Houses ! I TITO STOI?YFRAMKnWKI.I.rN0 HOUSE and I.ot ' 1 4 x S, now necupwd by J. H Burlefon. Tossession givon()rt. 1, 1868. y, STOI1Y FRAME DWELIJNfl HOUSE, HAKN and I I.UT, 4x8, now occniiied by D. R. Kclley, pouemiua I giv-n April lst, 18'4,gm.d ci'llnrs, cislorns ind out bnildijif:8 about the jTem'scs. l'rojierty adjointiig tbe house of L. C Riidon on Wilüam treet, Ann Arlor.- For flurtuer particuinr inquire pf ANDRKW ÜEI.L. Ann Arbor, May 14, 1863. 904U Toba eco ! Tobacco ! I A5I SKI.I.1NG GOOD FINE CÜT CHEWINO TOBACCO At f ram Fifi y cents to % per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 1 cents to 20 cents per pound at rctail. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Mich ., Dec. 17, 18(52. 883tf Ayer's Cheny Pectoral, L aró Bcund for LLJ?f- 1. GUITERMÁK I CO'S f Dii-pnto tlie tVu-t if' yon can, h tak'jë theTAILOll after alí to giv íippcaranee to tbe ontcr in:m. tf jou wisU to aipear noli Tciu umst accordinglv Uresi Wcll. Go to 51. Guiterman & Co's., There you will fiod things exactly SO SOIDHEIMülwíiys ready to tak ynnr rriensure, GÍJITERMAN will sell you Good with great ploasurc, At figures LOWER than you will find in ho State; 'J'nke lieed - call eaülv, else voa ar too LATE. Tlie inducements are uow grüatei' tha e ve i', Our Clerks you wilí fiad obüging anc clover. I We wíl] show you grnod CLOTHING ol onr own ckttino up, Filling our Store fiom Botto.m to roíSÏÜDENTS ospecially will find it te THKIIl ADVANTAfiK, For it takes but LIÏTLE MONEY ty repleoisb. 1500 OVERCOATSof Cloth, Beaver and liear, Warranted for almost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of ou own import ation; Forwarded through our New York re latione. ProHi England, Culgiuin, Gei'inany anc F ranee, Such as you can stand üp in, or wbar at the dance. Pauts ! Pauta ! 1 Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERE8 and DOE SKIN of cverv grade, We sell them íroin ONE DOLLAR up to EIOIIT, VETS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fiction, Fuminhing appakels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. Thi8 i al) we say now, Therefore we make our bovr. Yonrs t.ruly, pver so, SI. GÜITKKMAN. fe Co., Rl8Düx & IJ TËiN DERSO Xlavo ilxo 13 XJ O ÏL 223 ■S' 33 CRAIftJ DRILL, and Í4 1 trt Manufacturod al Spiingfiold, ühio. fpHEVEKTLATE8HMPKOVEMENT,sitd brtteithan 1 all otliers; adaptad tu somng Wheat, tint. Barley &n Gi-rsk Seeil . xt. lt kas a Rotary Feedtr. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. Sd. Never buneJiev the Grain 4th. Never breaks the Grain. hth. Sows Grass Seed broadcast lehindthe Drill. otJi. Has high wheels and long Hoes. 7th. Has long and wide steel points. 8th. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9Ú. lt Aas doublé and single rank drills. löth, lt has a sclf adjusting s7mt off slide. lt is neatly and substantially made. There is hardly a Drill oílüred u tlie raarktt but can boast of mole or lesa FW8T PBEMIUM8." They ave iboutas indiscriminately bestowed a.-i the title of " Prof ce or,'' whicli is somctimew appUed to the vfiddler r or ■ ' bootblack ," They cease to convey the idea of merk. The Buckeye Drill has been on Exhibïtion at quite a niimber of State ind Couuty Fairs, and without seeking fiivor at the han in of auy Commitlee, lms received ite f uil sluire of Premiums. ÏESÏIMONIALS: We grve the following üamoa of a few Farmers in th's vicinity wjohavebought aad used the Buckeje Drill ; G('!frcy Miller, Pcto. Jacob Folbernub " Jacob Trempcr, " Thomas WUite, NorilifieM. John Brokaw, ' Christian Kapp, " PMw-ird Iio)den, Webster. James Treadweil, Aun Arboi nanifllö'Hara, lt John G. Cook, T,fidi. 0. A. Marshall, " L. Kdmon 1b, Snïfne.. George Croppey, Groen OaK, Lít. Co. "We arealso Agents for the Ohio Reaper & BEcwer, acl;nowledged tf be tho very best in use. We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Clieap. I 89Í153OIO V i Í L„7 ï. r;C Also alares-Rsortracnt o Grrass Scytlies. And the Uirgest and best Belected stock of BEISTT STUFF FOR CARRIAGKPover bffnre niTcred in thla market. Wi' also keep ahirge and full KAILB, GI,ASS,PUTTY, PAINT,an-l LTN3EKP OIL. A complete assurtraent of STOVES, TINWAEE, HU KAVK TR0üEIIF.aliviiTs on liftm] n(i pnt lip ut the ;hoi test nitlice. ... RISIion & HK.VDF.RSON. ái,v h,, Jmim;KK. te' i 1863. SPEING. 1863. We ave now opening A Largo and Beautiful assortmeii't eí STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Ooodsl LADIES' DRESS GGOOS in greflt variety, SHAWLS, rk. IBB OKTS, -Oiossí Trimrainss, cfcc. a kirge stock of Goodsfor Mens' Wear, C'as.simeres, Gloihs, &c. and a íuH assortruent of Ladiee and Ghidien'd ÍIATS, CAPS, GKOCETÏIES, CROGKERY, All of wliícli we wil] 6ell at tlie LO WEST TOSSIBLE CASH PRICB! MACK & SCKMID. Ann Arbor, March 19, '63. SOGtf CITY COOPER GHOP. Tholesale n-i J; all, O C. SPAFFORI) WouM rcspoctfully announce to tbe citi.ons oi Aon Albur añil vicin.ty, th.-it lu' s uo iranufactunu.' i amí kcepsconstautly on hsnd a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! such ns Por!; aml Tlari-tU, SCcijs, Firkins, Ciinrns, VVell Bnckets, &c, VihWh víili beftpífí rbeap for ctjsto iwr -vr o e. k: Maile to unicr on shurt doííco. líepairinír ilune witli Jii-atnesñ and dipatcU, I wnuld cali particular attention to Mcrchants in waut of lïutter FiiJkins lainmanufactiiring the iiwïoik Xatv l'li kin .vlncli isa bitter Kirkin than l,as evtr bi-rore btcn of i tored inthia markot. I wuuld invite all who waut ' Uina to Cali and exanine for themselves bofrre purchasing: olwwhri', I will convioce roa ! tbt j-ou have calle.1 at the right place. 1 would also culi tbe attention of Brewer io want i BEEK KEGS, I ai noir prep-l tu. manufacture ights, Quai ters and half Bbls. inUrge or small iota, and of a Better Qaality han can ' !iid iü Detroit or elaov.-bcro. SAll work warranted to give entire satis'action. hankfHlfor p st farors and by a strict attentinn to ' )U?iDH I liouc to raeril u coutinue libenil luiíply oí ae publie patronage, T - Bu uot luryet to cali at tbe City Cooper Shop O. 0. 8PAFF0RD.' DetroitSt. Ann Arbor, Mich. BSgyl G&EAï.ÜR2AfER GEEATEST bakga.iks ever offered 1859. JLq185& I n tlmCity, are now beïng offerecl ty thr OHEAP.CLOCK.WATCII, & Jeyelry Store. TH"iStjbscrlberwcra]dsay tothecitizennol Ann Arbor,i' particular, lid the rest ot Wnihtenaw Cnunti in general, tbat he. hajut IMPORTED Dl. RECTLY Trom KUROPE.s Tremendons Stock of Watehrs? All ofwhichhfi binda himaelf te aell OFÏEAPKIÏ tban can be bougbr west of New York Otty. OpenFnce Cylinder Watchea Irora (6 to $]0 do do Lever dn do 8 to 21 IluntlngCase (io do do H tu 35 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 2g Gold Watfthes irom gü to 150 1 have alBo tne CELERR4TED AMEPJCAN WAT CUES, irblch I wlll Ben ttr 3". Rvery Vvntc.h warraatbd to perforra wefl.orthe monoy relunded. Clock., Jewelry, Plated Vure, Fancy OooHs Gold Peni, MusfcaHtïStramcnta aDd Strinca Outlpry, c„ and in fact a rarïety of evcrybina uaul?v iirpt yJcw elora cru bp bnusrhtror; be uext ninety dnys at vfur OWN 1' RICES! Pfïraona buyine niiythinfï at thia wfíi' known atablisdrao uti-an roly upon srotling xnctly as rep roaentPd, orthrmonpy refundpd. Tállparly and se cure the best bariraitis ever offcred in thif (;ity One word in regard to Rcpafring : We are prepared tomskeany rnpnirs onfine or common Wntfhpa. fren trj mrikinfro er the enttre watch f neceasary. RepRirln? of Cfoeita and Jpwelry aa' usual. AIpo the mannfHcturin? oí RTNCTS, BitOOrHS or auythine dpsired. from California Gold on hort 110tlee. F.nirrnYiM In allite hrancheefixeented witlineat. neas and diapatch. J C. WATTS. Ann Arbor, Jan. 28th 1859. 7E4w Rifle F actor y! Beutier & Tra ver, [Successors to A. J. Suthprland,] ilanufacturers of and Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Aramunition Flaslcs, Pomhet Gamt Bags, and Evcrjother article il tlmt Line. AU kinds ,.f HEPAinïKTG doue at the sburtüHt notice, and in túebest manner. & fail asorfmontiilwiiys kopt n ham] andmadenrr. tïrï, hop sorttCr Mam and WashingHiu gtrepts. Anti Arl)Or,ct. 8. IÍW. 873tf Trufes ! KUPTURE CAN BK CURKD Tty A TRUPs of tde ritflit kind, if pwipwtj ihted iml duly attwiJH to. This haK been abuBdantlj dfmovFtrhtad in Innúmera ble nslanccd hy thèUHAOftlië 31 ui ( i K tlal Truss of Di. Klggs, dunner the Innt few yenr. Thi.s Trau boinp: cfvpied with Iferd Fnbber, in porfpetJy waterproof, may be. usod in bathiiiR, and h lwys ch-milv m wc!] :ts inlpstrnctiblc by ordinary usage, if not RatisÍHctory sfter a fair tri:il of Mxty das, it may bt' r - turned. It challenge compatrón with any trmt known. Dr. KIÖCS Üfflce, No, 2 EAKCLAT Btrwt. New Jh v TnH peculiar taint or jv iiifcction wiiicli we cali &3 Cs-fl Sckofula links in -f? the eonstitution? of síZ, ah fá"- '"nltitiules of men. It V viM Ji eit'K'r produces or is -"jHXÏi A produecd by nn cn_?2Sí25!ÍLí!'""5_ fecbled, vitiated staie ts' rffimmEA -r ;- "'' tl!' ')looil whcrein =7H! i,'':rt!i:lt fllliil '''■omes inÉS30Bk $ ,uKyESs5'omlït't('Ilt t0 sustaiu ffiT iïSwv f$lËblllïl]!'il; vila' kwes in their EirfcïplL' 'JtíIkÍ12!lI vi?Qi'ous action, and Ui ífj j_ " . " 'cim's 'hc systcn to 'C'i?' Z" 1" 'nt0 disorder and vsad- deeay. The serof 'ulous contamination ipvarionsly eansed" by mercurial diseiise, low living, disordercd digestión from Bnliealtliy fooct, impure air, filtli and (ltliy habits, the depressing vices, and, ahove all, hy the vcnereal infection." Whatevcr be its origin, it is hereditary n the constilution, descending f froin parents to chiidren unto the til cd and fbvtrth preneratiiin ; " indeed, it scems to he tho rod of Him wlio snys, " I will visit the niquities of the faihers dpon thcir children." 'I he diseases wliich t oriuinatcs take varwras names, aecordinfr to the organs it atlacks. In tho lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption ; in the glands, swelluigs which Buppurate and become ulcerous sores ; in the stomach and howels, derangements which produce indigestión, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruplivo and cutaneous affections. These all liavino; the same orijfin, require the same remedv, viz. purification and Invigoration of tlie blool. Purify the blood, and these dangcrous distempers leave you. With fecble, foul, or corrupteil hlood, vou eannot have health ; ïvith that ' life of the fiesh" healthy, you cannot have serofulous disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compoundcd fi'om tho most effeetual antidotes that medical science has discovered for this afflietintr distemjier, and for the eure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any other remedy vet devised. is known by all who have priven it a trial. That it does combine virtues tnily extraordinary in their eñect upon this class of complaints," is indisputab.y proven hy the p-ent muUitude of publidy known and remarkable cures it has made of the followiiifr diseases : King's Evil Or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Biotches and Sores, Erysipelas. Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Eheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposit? in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impnrity of the blood. Minute reports of imlividnal cases may be found in Atkr's Amkhicas Almanac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distrihution. wherein may bo learned the directions for its use, and pome of the remarkable cures whic h it has made when all other remedies had iailed to attbrd relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader lïiay have access to somc one who can sjcak to hira of its benefits from personal experienee. Scrofula depresses the vital energies. and tlms leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Henee it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average durntion of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend j'ears in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to ts cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of Ayer's Sarsapakili.a, ahhoiifrh it is con posed of ingredients, sonic of wliich exceed the pest of Sars'iiarilla in alterativo power. By itsaid you mayprotect yoursejf frow thesuffering and danger of thesa disorders, l'urge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in tho blood; purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will foliow. By its peculiar rirtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which, lurk within the systera or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsiiiana, that promised much and did nothing; hut they will neither be deeeived nor disappointed in this lts virtues have been proven hy aliundant trial, and there remains no question of its sm passing excellence for the cure of the afflioting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been beibre the people, and is far more effectual than any other which has ever beeu available to them. ATEK'S CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great EemecJy for Cougbs, Colds, Incipient Conaumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so Ionr nscd and so universally known, that we neetl do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to best t ever bas been, and that it may be relied on to do all t has ever done. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aykr & Co., Practical and Aiwijlical ChemistSy Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists everywhere. . , R. Al-nv, ijj-i;i u. KW Í.- v-, llfi i , u IMiN' Í: H .T 1! ■i-ls..a. 1V!h. ;, K.M.RAKDSIIH.BY !:Co_ Hettoit. C. E. l OI'l'l.N. Travell n ABwit. ünïvkITsIl" o ___ o t50 ál ' LUNIVERSAL? H J-LOTHES Wringer fl (3LOTHES VVÍíTnGER" 0 No. 1. Lar:k Family Wkingük $lri 00 No. 2. Mkdium ' " 7.o No '1% " " " (i.oo No 3. Smaix ' i 5 s0 No. 8. Laiu.e II tel " 14. 0 No. 18 MKDIÜM I.AINDKY ( torui; h IS (!0 No. 'il. Larüe " ■} steam or o0 00 t hau.l. j Non. 2}L and 3 have no Cogs. All aro warrantcd. No. 2 is tliosizo iTpni'rrvllv usi-d :n prvafe families. ÜKA.VGü Jldi, oí the "Americ'iu vigriculiiiribt :) says of the UNIVERSAL CliOTHES WRINGER. "Achiíil cnn re.idily wring out a tubfull of clof hou in a few minutes, lt ia in red tv a CLU'l HEiS SA li '. ATIMEÖAVfiBa aimÁFrfiXRTH ha'J-:k ! The Baving of gaiments will i:iy ;i I;uc j er maffe on its cost. W'e think the luttphfueïnuck inore tlüio l'AY.S FOK JTfiELF hVKllY VKAi; in hv ;1ilí of gannrnts! There are f-vpial kiii'l. nearly alifeti in ■_■■( ral cemtirucUon but we c ti-hut it impoit nt that ihe Wringer be fltted with Cngt, pther . -o a masa of ;rmentrt mar clog the tollen,1 'nd Che foliéis upon the entnk-sbait sli]):tnfl tcar ihe do lu-s, r tfttQ rublx-r break loóse frum tlie sliaft. Our umi is ,.iip of the first make, inI it is nearlv as GO.QI) AS NTE npiirly Ff)L' i YKKSM'íTAT L-i: '' Every Wrirgei -with Cog Wheels is - rauted in every Particular NO VRIGER CAI BE DURABLE WIKT COfi WÜEBLS. ! A gooi GANVArii-:!! y, nel ia ■v--vy lown. Vn rccoi t t iiftiic ti' htttü pftrtWi wbero no one is eelliug, we will stnd the wringer pree üI j Kor particiilar.s :in 1 circulars n-l-lross Kfttf K C. HHiiWMNli, ;.4T lïrotd wn y, X. Y. FOR SALE. f)j ACRE of cx'Tlhnt tiiulirrotl Taiirt- thr . '.: nf 3' ' N W. X of Sc ■ -■ Towii s N IUiw 3 W. , ('hnon Oounty. li is in a orni qeighborhnod. about four ui es fnm PeWitt and uu f ruin taaaïog. For terms ïquire at or address. ÁRGÜ OFFICE. Jan 20th,18f3. HStf Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, SUeiiTs sale. T Y VIlïTl-K of an .xccuti, n fc.u.d o.t of ,n(1 „,, l'tlie of the Circuit Court f.., tf,e rñ, ' Wubtenaw and sta. e „1 Michigan bearU ' "' and nVlivered a.ns, .,„■ ,,,,.,„„„,, !,attl,,?'rr":l' wam thereof land. „d t.nemeni n ..r J„i , u L"'" n.t, mber A. I.. 18, 3. 1-vv ,„.„n „„,, Miw „4, fi ! titlemic! interest of tin; Busenr,,,,,, 'M tlio Wloto(raeciibed tand and ptcbiIwXw.JÍ14 6he norlb ast ten (10] acte in is,,,,,, lo„„ ' '! iorth-east e. rner oi the reat huil rf tl,. „„„., "" cjuarJercf wctioanumber tlilrteen 1131 n , "' number one soulh ranse flve eaH in the CW, ■' Wahtenav and State erf Michigan, which i,r,„ '"! hall ,xp„M rr ate al public nctlmu thefti-fc ,"" '""' '1 ■ "f 11 Cm Sou,,, „ thé c, odi' ' Mb.lT. tl,;,t berag 11. place l..r holding tl, ( ■ ". ■ C"rtf..i 11,, Oountj „I WMl,toaw, ,„,s„ tonia? "Wtl " e'eVn 3?Sft B.t..i,Sep,tMlborio!„!TgI.!:1I.PW'xroAB,- Cliancerv Notice. QTA-UE OF Mlcnw.iN. Fonrtt Judicial Ciremt i '■ Chani!. .uïl pendinj-IntlieL-ircuit Court I, r' 1 Pounty ol a-htenaw, in Chanc-rj-, wh,,i„ L'h' H'ilm;in 1 .mpiainanfjmci Bt-njamin lli],lmil , 1" Smlanl ; at .v„A,l,.„ dt v ..„ ,h. ,0:1, dav ,! s Pl l' bei .,;. Il „utr.c.-il, apring ,„ „„,, „J" cnh..r, ,.,.! .,[ ihe Circuit t'cjrt e, m.,,i„n„ r v„.iC,,u„ j „1 n.!,;,,,,;,. h. ,„, .fli,,lvU „, 'nt i?1",',' S"n?''"í ''"r I1"' "1"l"-"l"inl il, tl.e aWte „;■ Hial Un' 8j,l , lei,, al, 1,1, li,.„j„m.n ll,llmn is?,M' re-Ment M the i-fa,, of jfiidiiga'n :. On n„ tion of? l nfl11Dt, Beniamin Hiílnmn, cause 11,,,' i date .01 ,i„ ,,-.,,, u„ .),„, ,„ ,;,.,„„„ „ K b liol eonjplaiflt. lik' 1 „ S!li,l c:,u-, lakn a ,„, ,„' .■dnv.-aHl dftW,i„„,. m„, u , mrthc ordnidfi .vul,, 11 :,,,. v daya ,.,i, cause a cow j Wiianrder tq be yubJished ia tbe McUiran Asi iiMFapapd prinicd and i.iAlulic „ in il„. ctj uf Ann i bor.U aa-idCouniyof Wauic,na.w, anil tnat aid „{i" catim, bc oontinutd ,..(-e ,n c-icl. weet 1. t six ,, íive weeks ; orthat -mA cpigDlainant w c,„ , Una order :o be personajly ervéd on aid dffendsit ■ ea tritj rtays Iwidrc the prescribe,! fork' kDjearance it h„ ( imnt Cc urt C mmissinncr, Wtoliteua Cü.,Ky Ali)ltiiige Sare. DEFAl"I.ïl,avinp b,in m n the cr.Diütiownf ceitiiinl, lientttrsol Horlgape xe,.u-tl. hv ■„.,' i' ,..i, A (;,,,Maí, bfevrjfe, Pi IWtS of nn ;rtor (,„1, of W11)jlfIll„ and „P Ufcwa i'5li.Kc,}ce, t,t c.ily,, K(T '' f"",?'" Y"k. beáring , ate 11,. tenlv,.fri' ■l:,.v,.l August, m J-.i-varol ,ur U-d ",ee IhoiZ it.Ik h„„.h-..,lan„,i ree ,1 n ihe „th'u, RW'f " Ui"'fiTiaidContv „f tfcï lena ..,, the áil dav , f A„gu.-,. ,1 U. ,S6U. i„ 'L -, "I M r._aLMS n„ ,,„g,. ] whii-h „kï owcrnf .!,. cnum-din sart m(llt b, -ti,H..dU..'am,.ni,tcla.u,edl, lü ,„e,„, s,,,l J ■■■ r-Mortg.fs..-l dale of thi nnliie b,io. ngh h ,,:,,,: n,l eiglfy i,W.nn ,.,. sint or „,' ceeim.g hHvfOKDb.. l„,l ,.,„! at la,v.„r „ rl,„n4" tlll': :1h-'!i1! .ncyred ■.,■ .,„! m,.ngae, .tui r""1'' ■■ '■"■■■ Ihi-rcli.r, l.irel.v !,, tb " "",'-" '.'■' "r ""■■ art V'iivo, nthe Ci,v,,r.,n" Arbcr . iii i-ïii.l conntjof V„shenaw nnd Stale",,T5(5 fn' Si,' "-' " ■'■'■ iH-üiü-tl.C], lace f„r 1,,,!,, ,b, be s..l,,.t fubbcnuciirii iMI,.r(.f:,,s„re,lai,U!„rW, f' 'M lirgnMt l-.M.-r tfie premie dcriWd tbJw "rM 'cl' ilireuf shal be Mcewaiy t. utiilr fhl .,ffOuniiue„B s,,! m,„ ,,,,,. u„ ,, .„„„j, „„j ,, t!.v riS„nible m'...Hííw ment „scl ex),ente nl , !r"idl"S-cl!ill"! il,.-'„n-cl„„r,. „f lherm. ,. c u, linjr rpau,aln ch' run f. ..- ftcnir.' .,iK.u provi. e,l to ,! imie, l,„e „f mortgaga ; thl , t„ ..,, Alltl.a: Jc-rtl 1, trad ,., parwlof kuH siluated i,,l, 1 V „l .1, n,„r, I im, boun.kd, „ml de.crib.ln '-■'■s m : Tl e Eat half of Lot number Sei i;..i Kiglu, I.I..0 .,.„,. „,.h, Jang(. U.n Last n l, 1,111 Maviia-il s ad .il.ou." Dated. Aug 82, 1ÉKSÍ. 9 9,[j hiTiffs Sale. Y ViRTUK of oa execulion issued out of the fir. l c.iil (■„„,tl„r ,e Cm.nry ol Washt..:w. „ lk, Mate of .l,cl, pin 10 .Inectcl an.l deliv.-rnd, Itaul ll,i.g.o.1s an-Vchattel a, d lenemenl ti'rvq SchiferaiKl ttilüara .-■ I ivil?er, l dirt on ihe fuuU 'lay „f „rust, A I). 1MQ, l,.Vy upon and tke aütkt 'ILJ '" ■ ,' ,,ite n-.-i o, the sa,d i'eter .-cbnfer a4 y illnn. tchwitwr, in and to tl.e one cenan, p.rcf] ■ l"l .il liu.d bo.i „rl Beicribed ■ !o,lo, : .itmlrt in the townsliip of Mand, etter, countv of Watlituu ■"■■" Miciri an, beim? the pafcel knon m tb property of . 1 1 r .-chait-r nu„ ued or .x blackmiH "nop. boumled ,n 'he west by Ihe laLils of K. Á. Pirtriilge.cmther.oni, bl tlwlauris ol 'C'onkljn, and onthil and south l.y landg of r.. A Partridge. being fortT ful ih trotan irth to.-o„il, and aiitj feet in Nrtk and west, beins in a sanare fono ; Raid !ar,d Vine mon pnrticularly denib0 :is talloos: Kuiag f art of ■■ tii'l, one in township four BOutt and rangfthr eat,m-tl,eftaieol MUl.igan, beginning at a itakt in rods and tui, links iv,-st uf tüe tilack.-milh shop, occi[rtedin 1-856 by 1 „urnd Butler, in the Villaje of Kilt Uanshealer, running tlience eaterly parallel with Iht ürtntf, liaeof land hiTctotorè ovmpd by Uranser nl FranlZKistj 1. .1 . Iheni-e ...rlii t said soutï lixkl) ieet, thimi" alone ,,id sriuth Ifne waKrly r xtr fil tiience sputb f ,ty feet te. the p ace .f bi g nn nj, iVI iilf.' l!,tl,Pf :tf..res.,id Wlm-h said igt", tille a' i ií'i-list I nliall expuse lor sale at public anclion to ti Inghi'st '-d.'er 011 the svroïii di.y .,f Octóber the Iront door ol be Court Mi, use in th. Ci? of Aun Arbor, n said county nl sl.trnaw I'HU. I' VlXKi;AR,fherII. By Patiick WjüI Uttder Sherií Dared, Ut, 18C3. f-FAIRBANKS' Jj J i Standard LÁSCALES! "■■;P" -lís" H'arehmtK Truc), letter Presses, SpFairfoanlis, Greenleaf & Co., 172 I.akoStrtt, Chicaeo. fiM n Detroit by PAItfl VM),4 SHELKT. -CLsTBr careful to bu' an!y tlie-pt-mine.-5 S85yl P. BACH ís now receiving a. lívtige; stock -orMew Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOP CASH Since the Late Tall, AND WILL BE SOLD VERYLOWFORCASE Cali and See I Por Ituts, .Uice, "■aiHis, Ants, B I Bf Motil? In Pms. Woolens, &■. Inítctt " Plnnís. Fovvls, iilmnls ic. 'iiii'.y mflinil r"erae3ies knosm.1' '■ Fnf 'm poion.-í.'1' " Not lurg-ious lo the IIiimaD Family." "lints come out of ilierr hlrs to die." Sol.l Wholesale in all larw c ties. fokl bv ;i UriiL-ists n n.l Rrtailers frerjnr"" ST ! !: Ü.VWK í! I of all iTorthli'ss imitiiti"'"' íarSce tlint ■■l'OBTAíi's" name is on eiic Bun,0' t o and F.'.isk, berorp vou luir 3-ampss iiENnvnrosTAB. Principal Pepit, N'o. 438 Droadwa; Se" "'l rjSf SoW by al' tbc p!f.slnd Bftail Vni& An:: Arbcr, Mieb. ?15m3


Old News
Michigan Argus