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Ifemesí? gutctotg 5=JÓüÑtybiblb society. rpíl-lionv of Bibles und Testament at the So P .et, pnces at W. C. Voorheis'. ' jCWrA;rTS"& BRO. „IMS lu Cloek, WatcheS, J'welry and Silver f) j;r',. No. 22, Nevv Block, Aun Arbor. ' 0. BLISS. rvFlIER n Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver [) Ve NT'. S2i New Block, Ann Arbor nEtLKR in nry Goods, Grocerics, Crockery, te. &o. J)In Strceí, Arm Albor. ""■""TJlcBT&rpïË r s o n. TlliliHS in Dry Oondu.Grocerles Hardware, Boots j)t3boea, c., M'n t., Ann Arbor. " ' o. colliiírT" ifANWACrURERand dealer in Boots and Shocs, one yí Ml norlh of the Pol O.Uce. N. B. COLE. DEALER ín Boots & Shoes, Rubbers, kc. Frankiin Block, Main Street, Ann Arbor. RISDON & HENDERáON. DEU.URS in Hardware. StovM, house furnipliing (Ooit, Tin W ire, Sc , &c , New Bluck, Min st. GEO PRAY, M. D. PHV?ICHN' and Surgeon. Residenc nd offico on Detroit street, near ihe . epot. 0. C. SPAFFORD. MiNOFACÏUKEK of all kinds rr Coooper Work, Citi Coopcr Shop. Custom work done on bhort aotice. Dttröit Street, Ann Altor. A, J. SUTÖERLAND, iGFNTfor the New York Life Insurance Compny. A Oifice on llunni streek Also ha oq iLaüd a stock of the must approve sewing machines. S85tf GEORGE FISCHER. MUI MARKKT- Huron fneral dealer in Fresli and Salí Meats, Beef, Untton, Pork, Hauis, foultry, l.ard, Tallow, &c &C. ÖCliüFr & MLLLÜR. DEALERS n Miscel:inous,Scli"Ol and Blank Books. átMioneryPitptrHuBgiugSrfcc. , M;uiiüt , Fianklin ilotk HIRAM J. BEAKES ITTORNEV an.l Counsellor at nd Solicitor in A Clumcerv. Office in City Hall liiock. over Webster's B.s S-nre. _ WM. LEWITT, M. D. PHYS1C7AN and Surgeon. Office at nis resMence, nijrth suJc oT Huron street. and second hou-se west cf División street. ,M. GUITERMAN & GO.' 1FU0I.KS U.K and iletail Dealera and M;ui.if;icturers I ofiiruly-Mii'lr Clothing Importers "f Clottan, Cas Kmercs, Doesklns, &c, No. 5. Pnceoix Biuck, M;iin st. WM. WAGNER. DB.lI.ERin Realy M.i.le Cluthinfr, Cloths, Cassimeres, anii Peatlngs, Hatf, ':is, Trunkfl, Carpel Bags, &c, Ftenix Block, Main street. SLAWSON & GEER HROCERS, Provisión and Commission Merchnnts, and Uilealersin Water I.iriv, Laad Plnster, and Piaster ' Paria, oiiediinr ea-t of Cook's Hotel. f. B. FliEEMAN. BAtBËR and Fashionable Hair Dresser, Main strest, Aun Arbor, Mich. Hair Frouts and Curlskept con■lialljonhand. J. M SCOTT. 1OTROTYPE „1,1 Photogiaph Artist, in the rooms ƒ1 ovurCampion's Clothing store, Phoenix Block. Per: 'HWrihtiUlOD-yiveB. ü. B. PORTER. CORGEON DENTIST. Office Corner of -Main and Huron u itreets, over Bach & Fierson's Store. A!l calis PWnptlyatti-ml d to Aprl.859 J R. WEBSTER & CO. TpI-ERSin Uw and Medical Books School Books, üUink linoks. Miscellaueous Bunks, pens. ;nk. anti "írjmictyofSUtnmr.v, Hurúd st, City Hall Block. C. B. THOMPSON. TjUl.ERin Dry GímmIs and Groceries, Boots andhoes, " t Pr.Kluce Iwuglit iin.t suld, at the old stand of Uwmpion k Sullen, Coruer Maiu and Washington sts. MACK & SCHMID. fjEALERS " Foreign and üomestic Dry Goorl, Grocey 'Ki. tiit.ïaud ('u[i, Boote anJ dhoes, (Jrockery, ■, Corner uf Main k Liberty sts. O. A. KELLEY, P"OTO(3RAPHK1- Corner F.jiirih & Huron streets, a .Vrb'tr. Cases frames nA rhutoraph Atbumn Hlttftitlj ea hand, and at lower ratu.s tlian can be "MeUewhere. 1}891 ANDllKW BELL. nLRR iQ QpQoeries, prOTiaionn'. Flour. Produces; " "'-, ka., oopner Main and Washington Stree s, Jw Ardor. Tne hiehest market prioespaiü lorcountrjr praüuoe. 8b6 I. O. O. F. ASHTENAWLoilge.No 9, of the Independent Or'ler rtf O UI IVllows meet at their Lodge Boom, T Friday Kveninft, t 7 !4 o'clock. " i5tMBH, N. U, P. B. Hosc, Secy KINGSLEY & MORGAN. ATTOHNEY3, Counsellor, Solieltora , and Notarles liM 'll'ic' h!iv(! Books and Plat showing titles of si! ,0,j s? ho 'Jountv, an'l attend to conveyancing and - ectmg Iemands, a nil to paying taxes and school in"timny part of the itaie. OIBcc east ol the park. D. DeFOUEST. WHOLESALE and retail .lealer in Lumber, Lath, : slll",'les, Sash, Doora, Blinda, Water Lime, Grand iMMlr. PUftev Pans, and Nails ofaltsizes A ï'M f "rr"ct iisorlm'?nt of the atiore, ani) all other lo,,Ytblil'lng.niterials constantly onhatí at the { PJ5itl cates, on Detroit st., a few rodsfromthe hXr pot' Also operatrng extensiTely in tbe ul uement P.oofing.


Old News
Michigan Argus