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j.ue uews irum nusECBANS is very oonflicting. He bas been reinforced, and hag not been re-inforced ; is in danger, and is out of danger. The Governmeut it is aaid has good news and " threatens to make it public." We hope it is especially good, and that the thréats will be carried out, but don't choose to get excited in advauoe. All quiet on the Rppabannoek, ar.d Meade's ariny announeed out of danger, Goodt From Charleston there is nothing out oí the usual course. England is reportod " sound on the goose,'' and dtcidely agaiust the departure of the rams. It is said Mason has been withdrawn from the Court of St James because of ill-treatment from Eussell. Pranoe is still playing the gaine of "now you see it and now you don't see it," and we must bide the little joker's timo. IW Bi-igadier General Robert Andkiison, oí Fort Sutnpter lame, Iras been cited to appear beiore the Army Eeliring Board, hits health continuing such that there ia no prospect oi his being ablo to enter npon duty. in - in JC3T" It is expected the draft will take place in this State next week. - 6,500 men are to be drawQ. iW The October uumber of the Atlantic Montlily bas papers from the pens of Charles Sumner, John G. Whitter, R. W. Emerson, the late H. D. Thorenu, J. T. Trowbridge, C. C. Hazewell, Mrs. Hopkinson, and others equally well known authors, embracing: a wide range ofsnbjects $3 a year, Address Tioknob & Fieiíd, Boston, Maes. Ë "Greg" is himself again, and under Lis charge " The Monitor " will prove a popular placo of resort. The travel ing public will be sure to reniomber him. ÏÏJ" A Detroit correspondent íurriishes US the following: Purchasers of Watches, Jewclry, Qold aud Silver Ware, Plated Ware, Spoons, Forks, and all other avtieles usually kept at a firstclass jewelry establishment, seldom fail to cali at M. S. Smith's, No. 55 Woodward avenue, Detroit. Mr. Snnth is w'ell known to the peo[le of the State to be an honorable, higb-minded dealer. His splendid store- whidi ÍS really a palace, ornamented from floor to ceiling with glitfefjng wares, manufactura! from the precious metáis - is a centre of attraction, and there are few persons that visit it who are not tempted to exchange their perishable "greenbacks" for those.inorc substantial and valuable gold and silver fabrics which are so desirable as family keepsakes. A leading feature in Mr. Smith's trade, is his agency for selling the celebrated American Watclies, the only establishment in Detroit, we understand, where these very su]erior tune-keepers are exclusively sold. They are furnishod in gold and silver cases, and of various styles and sizes, suited to the wants of gentlemen or ladies. ïhese valuable watches are ascertained, ipon trial, to be the most accurate and durable time-pieces ever offered for sale in this country, and they are fast supplanting those offoreign manufacture. There are few business men in Petroit who have manifested greater enterprise and forecast, or who have, by a long course of honorable dealing, secured a greater measure of public confldence, tlian Mr. Smith, and we can cheerfully recommend him to the patronage of all those haring occasion to pinchase goods in his line of business.


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