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MONITOR HOUStí, BY - - . K. GKEGORY, HURÓN STREKT, AISTN ARBOR, Mioh. 924 Stray Colt. QTRAYED or stolen from th; Village . of Pextei , on Friday evening, Sept. iUVw - ;- lOth.a largesized, gg T% Two Year Oíd Bay Colt, JjT T. Oeldhlg - a star on forehearl and botli hind1 feet white. A libeial reward will be givin for Ih return ot said Colt, or for iuformation whieli will ensur, his recover. Inlormatiouniiiy be given Lo JOHN I100DY, or JOHN CO.-TEI.LO. Dextcr, Sept, 22, 1803. 923w4 BOOT SHOE fe; WSÍ1 N. B. COLÉ, Succfsor to Slooi'e & Looniia.) has opened a store in 6 FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, fain street, Ana Arbor, and has on baad a large asBOOÏS, SHOES & RUBBERS, ïauufactured fron the best material and warraated to ffive satisf'action. consistiría of MLN'S KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, 1X1UBL.E SOLED MEWS BU t FALO OVERSUOES, of all deRcyptitm.s. LADIES O-AITERS, Morocco Bootees, Balmorals, Felt Overshoes, and Rubbers. Also, Iioy's Kip, Oftlf & Tiiick Boots, tnether wíth a vnríetv of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. X nm nlso IIanufarturlitg WARRANTED EOOTS & SHOES. Men' Fine Freiirli faif Boets He-gt'd and Sewed. fiiveme acall before purchasing eïsewhere. I will sell iny uondfj rheap l'or caflh. REPAIHING NEATLY DONE AND ON SHOÜT NOT1CL. N.B.COLE. Anu Arbor, Jd. 13th, 1863. S87tf ÏO THE LADIES OF AMERICA! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD!: MORE VALUABL.E THAN GOLD! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOL&! ï)r. JNO. L. LYON'S FRENCII PEBIODIOAL DROPS, FRENCH PEBIÜDICAL DROPS, f R EN (3 II PER1ODICAL DROPS F R E N C H PERIODICAL DROPS, FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, Su (Tering from Irregularity, or Obatruction of % Mensos, from whatever cause, IT IS SURE TO CURE f IT 1SSUÜE TO CURE f IT IS SUKE TO CtTRE r IT IS .SURE TO CÜTtE! it is mpossible to enjov the bloom of health, uj vivacity of spirits, unless the Mensos are regular iifo the tin, ttte qjiuntil'v, and Whtn the iK obsiructed, -ature mak-s her eijbrts t) obtainfor sume olhcroutlet, anti, unless these efforts of nalur are iiüëisted, the p&tiunt usually experience Kejpoi dency, NtirvousBfciS, and tinally CONSUMPTIOX ,h sumes its swa.y, nd prematurelj termina.Us a iuiíett ble life. IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! IT REMOVKS ALL OBSTKUCTIONS! IT REMOVES AIX OBSTKUCTIONS1 IT REMOVES ALL OBSTUUCTIONS! IT TS A PERFFCT REGULATORI IT IS A PKIíFECT REGULATORI IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR' IT IS A PERFECT HEGULATORI BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, THAT I GUARANTEE ThAT 1 GUARANTH TUAT 1 GUAKANTKE THAT I GUAKAMTEE My DROPS TO CITTtE Suppression of the Menses fna whatever cause, thuuph care should be taken to uai tainil j.regnancy bethf cause, as these IIROl'ti oull be stire to produce mbearriage ; they wil] also cer'ainlf l'REVE.NT conceplion.if taken two or thrne dajsbtim the monthly period ; therefore, I wish it distinctlj ffl. derstood. that 1 do Dot hold myself tesponsible ïrlm used under fiuch circumstances. BUY THE BEST I BUY THË BEST I BUY THE BEST! BUY THE BEST! BUY THE SAFFST BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SURFST BUY THE SUNEST ! BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST ! WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS, WHTH IS LYON'S DROPS, WHICH IS I YON'S DROPS, WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS, THEY ACT LIKE A CHABM, by strengthening nnd nvigorating, and restoringll systcm to a heajthj conditkm. It moderates all eicel!, and remoTes all obstructioníand a speedy cure míj U relied on. TO MARIÍIED LADIES, They are peculiarly adapted, as they bring on íltf monthly period withsucb perfect regularity. SURE TO DO GOOD ! SUKE fO DO GOOD ! SURE TO DO OOOíD I SUKE TO DO GOOD ! CANNOT DO HARK; CANNOT Dü HARS1 CANNOT DO HARJ11 CANNOT DO HABM' I could furnish any guantity of testimoniáis ofi efficacj from mj nwn patients, but the practict! panding buught and Bctitioue ooes beforo ttie pubüi' so prevalt-nt I do not deern t advisable My objetl to'place niy medicine bcfore the public, not aluoeH makc money, but t do g. od It is proverbially lrui the American Ladies, thatnotten peiíectly helltty ones can be fouxLdiu auy oue viciuitv. BE WISE IN TlHlBE WISE IN TIME! BE WISE In TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME! lt not discase destroy y.our coastHution. Ui' bottle ofroj PEKIOOICAI. I KOIS. and you will f BatisBeu tliat I am no mpumr. Teil jour aOn friend what restored th bloem of healthtoyourche, and thereby confer a favor m u e valuable tban goliFor painful or scanty SJenstruation it is just the thinf. Ihavenowinmy mind an inatance of a lady whol' been sufïering flrom painful inenstruation two ortbr years, confininp: her to her room ech time ; die! applied to several eminent physic:ans, without rfl when one bottle of my DROPS entirely cured her,.. ONE BOTTLE OÜRES ! ONE BMTTLE CUUES! ONE BOTTLE CURES I ONE BOTTLE CURES!: Iu almost every case. DO NOT BB MPOSED ÜPOf DK) NOT BE IMPOSED i'POKl DO, NOT BK IMPOSED UPOÍí' DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPO' But cut this out and send t to your Drugjisti1"" he has not got it. make Jaim buy it for you ; or, itmW b obtained of Ihe General Agents for the United St" C. G. CI.AKK c CO, WlIÜLESit-K VXVG01SM New Havex.Coxn. For sale by all respectable Druegists. P""1.?,1'! per bittle, and by Stebbins & Wilton, GrenrH 'ullor, Eberbach &Co. - PrpredbyJíio. L. Lroí, M. D "'


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Michigan Argus