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Passenge] trains now leave Detroit. Chieagond the severaldtationsin thUCounty ,as folloWB : GOING WEST. Leave Mail. Day Bx. .lack.Ac. NightEx. Detroit. 530a. M. 7.60 A. M. 5.00P.M 7.4OP.M. Ypsilanti, 6 55 " 0.10 " 6.30 " 8.65 " AiinArbor, 7.15 " 9.28 " 6 55 " 9 15 Dexter, 7.40 " T.25 " ■ ' Chelsea, 800 " " 7.45 " - - " Ar. Chicago, 6.30 " 7.30 a. M. The mail train goes only to Michigan City. GOING EAST, Leave. Night Ex. Jack.Ac. Mail. Pay Ex, Chicago, 7.15 P.M. 5.(10 i. K 7-oOa.M. Chelsea,. 5.35 A. M. 3.05 p. m. Dexter,' 5.56 " 3.35 " AnnArbor, 4.45 a. M. 6.30 " 3.50 P. M. 4.43 P. M. Ypsilanti, 5.05 " 6-55 " 4.16 " 5.00 " Ar. Detroit, 6.05 " 8.15 5.40 " 6.20 " Trainsdo not stop at stations where figures are omittedin the table. Trainsconnectat Detroit wHh the Orea t Western and Grand Trun Kaihvays al Canaca, and the Detroit an1 Toledo and Detroit and MiHvaukee Railroads1 and Cleveland Steamers. At tht Company's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Joliet and Lafayette, throuirh tickets can bu purchased toall the principal cities and towns in tho United Mates and Cañadas. LUXURIOUS SLEEPING CARS upon all night trains. Ruttan's celebrated Ventilating Apostatas upon all day trains- the best (lust preventative in use. R N. RICK,(íeneral Superintendent. M C. R. R. Office, April 17, 18C3. HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. Thisis the most delightful and extraord:nary artice ever discovered Itchanges the sun burnt face and hands to a pearly satín texture of ravishing beauty, nnpartlng theniarble purity of youth, and the dislin gne appearance so IutíUdjj in the city belle of fashion. It remove tan, freckles, pimples, and ruughness froni the Uk, twtlllg i t fresh, transparent and smootl: - it coutains no material iujurious to the skin. Patrón, ized by Actresses and Opera Singers It is wiiat every lady should have. Sold ererywhere. Deinas S. 33arnes Sc Co. General AgenU. 922mG 2O3 Kroadway, 1ST. Y. WYNKOOPS ICELAND PETORAL. Diseases of the Tbroat, Chest and Pulmonary organs are ever prevalent, insldioun and and dangerous. The properties of a medicine toalleviate, cure and nproo these ;omplaints, must be Expectorant, Anodyne and Invigorating.loosening the raucu.i of the throat, and mparting tone to the fntire systtm. No discovery in medical scienceevermastercd this class of diseases ÜKe Dr. Wvnkoop's Iceland Pectoral. It is used with the most astonishing naultt in all cases of Bronchitis, In Huenza, Whooping Cough Diptheria or Putrid Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Nervous Irra tability, &c. The Rev. J. J. Potter certifies, "I have used Dr. Wyckoop's Iceland Pectoral for everal years, myself and in my family, for SM Pulmonary Complaints, and have recommended it to many others, and never' seen lts equal.-' r j j pntt Boiaj-n, N. Y. Bundreds and thousaüda of important testimoniáis could be produce', showing ts remarkable cure and that it never faut Itis composed of pure Tceland Moss, Balm of Gilead Peruvian lïalsam, Elecampaue, C mirey, Burdock, and other invaluable expectorant and tonic ingredients. It is harmleas, prompt and lasting. Invalids and sufferers cannot afford to neglect a trial Every lamily hhould have it. It is reniarkble for Croup. Full descriptionrecommendations, and diiections accompany each bott.e. Sold by all principal Druggists Preparedby Dr. R. D. Wynkoop, and sold by D. S' Barnes & Co. Ne' York. 9iim6 AS lMEhE-iiM; I.ETTER. - MeSSTH Post fc BrulT, Agents N. Y, ianitary Society, Rochester.- Gents . I deem it due to you state the magical effect of that one bottle of People's Cure which I obtained trom you in November last. Seeing the advertisement ol your So. ciety olTering to give your medicine to clerpymen for the poor of the r parishe,I ootained a bott.e forapoor girl of my cong'regation, who had long been cearly help. lessfiom P.heunmtism,andstrange to say, tbat one bnttle curei her entirely. I write this hoping it may aid the Society in its efforts to introduce the medicina, and bless thoe win. may need Buch a rerr.tdy ; and 1 M strong terms, as I believe its merits will fully justify he most sttnei lative forros of speech, Yours, 11 spectfully , C. R. WII.KIN'S, Pastor of the First I'resbyteriao Church 9)jyl riuford, Monioe Co N. Y. Mathews' Chocolate Woim Dr ps ? NEVF.R fail to destroy and extermínate all kinds ol Intestinal Worms. Are perfectly raliable in all cases md ar superior to any n 1 all oí the Fanoy Worm onfi-ctions, nd nauseous Vermiiuges in use. Ihey may be taken at all times wilh perfect tln-v contain NO MER URY, or othur deletenous Drug.- Mothers. should ahrays purchase them and give tiiuir shildren no other. OYo Calhariir. ivhatever, is necessary to be giren.) Each box contains '24 Drops or Lozenges. Price 2ö ts. For Sale by all Drugg.sts and Dealers iii Mediine:. C. R. WAI.KF.R, General Agent, Iy922 Buffalo,N.Y and Fort Enr.C W. HEIMSTREETS Inimitable Hair Restorative. IT IS NOT A DYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplyng the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease All instanlamtous dya are cnmposed of lunar eauêtie, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and alTord et thetnselveí no dressing. Heimstreet:s Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy proces, but givcs the hair a Hilixurlant Beauty, promotes its growth, preventsits falling off, eradiotes Jandruff. and imparts health and pleasantness to the nead. It has stood the test of time, bemg the original Hair Coloring. and is constantly increasing in favor. Used b bolh gentleman and ladits. It is sold bj all respectable dealer-i, or can be procured by them of t+ commercial agents.D.S. Barnes fc Co. 202 Broadway New-York. Two sizes, 50 eents and $1. 6m922 LYONS KATHAIRON. Kathairon s from the Greek word, ilKathro," or 'Kathairo," wlgnifying to cleanae, rejuvinate and restore . Thw article is wbat its n . me signittes. For preserving, restoring and beautifying tlie humau hair it is the most remarkable preparation In the world. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill and attention which ga%re it a saleof over one milüon bottlesper annum It is amostdelightful Iïair Drossing. It eriicicntes scurf and damlrufï, It keeps the.head cool nd clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glosty. It prevent the hair from falling off and turning gray It restólos hair upon bald heada, Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful hend of hahf should use Lyoo's Katharion. It is known and uspd throughout the civilized world. Sold by all respectable dealers. 6m922 DEMAf S. BARNES & CO. Prop'rs, N. Y. DIPTHEKIA. DR. PEGLÜBO'S DIPTHERIA SPECIFIC. CERTAIN CURE FOR DIPTHERIA AND CROUPInlhepast year over 200 OASKS OF DIPTH'iPIA in and around Rochester, N. Y., CONSIDERKD HOPELESS, have been cured with this medicine. Ñames and 1 resideaces can be givenALL THE PHYSICIAN3 THERE NOW USEIT. It never has failed to cure! Get a bottle ; it costa 50 cents. For Bale by EBERBACH & CO. Prepared and tsold by Iy9i3 W. E, SKIJWER, Rockeer;N. Y. O" TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGOjCB Mb. 0. C. BaisTOL a distingubhed Cbemist and Drugfist of the ci'y of ButTato', N. Y., invented and manuacturcd a cnmpound known as BRLSÏOL'S BALSAM )F HOABHOUXD, wliich is a perfect sriciFrc for iDUOBS, COLDS, Ol' any 1ÍE0NCHIAL Or LUNG UIFFICUI-TIEá trising froin damp, culd, or sudden change of the veather. Every person ivho has ever taken BRISTOL'S BALSAM )F HOAUIIOUND, pronounces t the .bist article ever nvented ; and so justly celebrated has it become, that hc miirkct is already full of imitations, counterfeits, md most dangerous compounds, under the name of Jalsam of Hoarhound. Therefore, alway be careful ;o cali for Bristol's Balsem, and see that hi WRITTEN rignature is on the outslde label ot Ihe bottle, Mark.- This invaluable Medicfne lias been now some ;wenty-one years before the public, and without any iffürt on the part of the proprietor, its sale has become rery cxtensive, and is daily increasing. The low prioe it which the Medicine is sold (25 CENTS) enables ALL o partake of its healing qualities, C. CROSUY, 13ÜKFAL0, N.Y. Solé manufacture!", to whom all ordeifl should bE iddrcss-d. For sale byall respectable druggists. lyeowMS PRESERVE YOUR BEAUTY, SYMMETRY OF FOItM, YOUR HKALT1I, AND MKNTAL FÓWERS, By using that Safe. Flcasant, Popular, and Spccifie :temedy knun'n as HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. Read the Adve.tiscment iu another column, and proflt by it - Diseases and Symptoms Knumerated. Out it out, and Preserve it. You may not now requirp t. But may at some Future Vay 1( It givps health and vigor to the Irame, And bloom to the alhd cheek." It Pa ves Long Sufferine and i-xposure. Beware cf Counter feits ! Cures Qiiarantccd. O" TOBACCO- You cnn buy the best ?rades of FINE CHEW1NG TOBACCO at from 50 eenïs to One Dollar SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE 3ign - Red Indian. South side Huron street, a. few doors from Cook'8 Hotel. M.DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec.ll, 1862. 883tf AG00D TREE IS KNOWN SY ITS FRUIT. So i a good rhVFician by hi.s -'uccessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT AN1 ( K1.F.HRATK1) 1'IIYSIUIAX OF THE THKOAT, LUXGS ANC CHK3Í, Known all over the poxintr; as the Olebrated INDIAN IIERB DOCTOR! From South America, will be at nis voorns, RU.--SKU. 11OUSK, DETROIT, On the 18th and 191-lr inst. , on the same date of and every subsequent month during' 18ö2and 1803, A NE.lT PAMl'HLET Of the lifo,study and extensivo trnvels of Dr. Lyons i;an be procured by all whodesire one. free rf charge. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor, Jackson, and Adrián, . as t'ollows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House 'JOth. Jackson. Hibbartl House. 21st Ailrian, Brack;-i I ñ use, 229 and S3d. Mode of Kxamisatiok.- The Doctor disceras diseass bytheeyes. He, Ilicrefore, asks no que-tions nor re 'ires patients t" explain symptoms. Aíllicled, come and have your symptoms and the location of your disease explained free of charge WONDERFUL BUCCEfeS. The attention aml research of the most distinguislied Chemists and Physicians vean have been devotod tothe production of a remedy for these mO6tdtstre88ing m:tl;ilies Neikaioia and Kheumat SW After long stuly and many experimt'nts, a spr.ctjic preparatlmt has been diseovered . WAÏSClN Neuralgia Kiiií ZiUer7tal Bemtdy M curibg tkousands of cases where all otlier remedies have uUeily faüed. We are aSSured that it is no mere ■' ANOilYXK," relie ving fnr the moment whilethi, cause remainü, but is a perfect SPEClFICand CURE ínr tbose pafnfal Üsínsé. TIn vast iiiimber of Linimonis. Embrocalions and Externa Medicines, which actas stlmujantn of the surfaceonlj, nitM elv tennioral V in tlieir eflt-ots aml I dmbtlul virtue 'i'he XKUHALUA K1NG the uure? of all troubie, and eflVctually bauishes the dü-ease (rom thesystem. Ir"ce_(lne Dollar per Botle. Prepared by C. R, WALKER, 1.V922 I!uiralo,N.Y.,ana Kort Erie, C. W. For Paleb" Stkhbixs & Wilkcn, CnENVii.i.K & Fl'LLER, and C KiEi-BAiH & ('o. A FEW KEASONw WH Y THE " American Watch IS THE BEST. It is made on ttie best principie, while the foreign watch is genera fay made on no principie at air. Let us look at t lie contrast. The fon ign watch is mostlj made by wonen and boys.dy hand. While their laboi ■ -,s cheap, their work is dear atany price iuch watehes are made without plan, a n I sold without guarantee. They art' irregular in constructioir, and quite as irrt-gular in movement. TJ:ey &ï' deigned cnly to.-sell, and the buyer i& the party most thoroughly sold. - Tho.-e who havbkept " ancres," "lepmeri" and"öwiss levers" in repair tur years tv il) appreciaie. the lr!'.th of our statement. The Plan ƒ the American Watch. Instcad of being made of severa 1 hundred liltle pieces, scrved together, he body of the American Watch is formed of ÖOLIIÏ P LATES. No jar interiores with the harniony of its working, and ao sutiden shock can throw itfe machinery out oí gear. Seceasion of one part trom another is unknown to its conslitution, and in r! ding or any business jn,rsuit, it ia all beid together as tirmly a.s a singlo píicc ol' metal. It is just what all machinery should be - .lst. ACCURATE. 2d. SlftfPLE 3d. SÏUONG. 4th. ECONTOWICAL. ' We not only secure CHEAPNES8 by our system, but QI'". We do not pretend that our Wateh can be bouglit tor les? xnouey t'ian the forcign malte-btlitves but tbftt fur ittí rea) valué it is sold dr one half the price OUR SM-DIER'S WATCH (nuined Wm. Ellcry) ia what its name indica tes - Solid, Substantial, and always Reliable - wairanted t.o stand any amount of Marching Riding or Figliting. OURNKXTHiGHEH QUALITY OF WATCH (named V S. lïAltTLETT) s similar in an treiieral appear anee, but has more jcwiN, and a more elabórate finish. OÜK LAD ÍW WATCH, recently brought out, is put up in a great varieiy of pat erns, many of them of rare beauty and workmanship,is quite smalt, but warranted to keep time. OUlt YOL'NG GL:N'TLEMAN'S WATC1Ï is neat, no largo and jut the Ui ing for the pocketof Voung America. THE PIIOOF of themerits of our Watcn may be found in the iact that we now employ ovr five hundred workmen in om lactorius, and that we aro still unable to supply the constan My inerefising demand. OUR TliREE-QUARTER ri.ATK WATCH in thinner and ligliter than the otfcterö we liave described. lat fine chronometer haltanee is dlicately adju. steel to correct the vanation caused b}' changeM of teraperature. Watchew are chionometncally i-att-il, and aie the fruitfl of thfl latfñt experimenta In chroBömetry and ire mde by ourbett #orkmen, ín a separate deparlment of ourfactory. Tor the finest time keep ing qualities they challOBge oomparisbn n-ith thé best works of the igosl fatttoaa Kn.rlis]i and Swlfea makers ROüBINS & AFPLBTON, Agei?is for tHï American AVn-H Compnny eowlm 182 BItOADW AY , N. Y. 33lsaolutioii. THE CopartiiL-rsliip béfetoforé existing between W W. Vinea & Daniel HUcook,.known ae iiic firm nf Wines & Co. is this day dissolvt-d bv mutual consent W. W WIXEtí, I). HI30OCK. Ann Arbor,Sept.8d186&. ropnrtneiHlp Xollce. nH ARLES II. WORDEN having bmipht the interes J of Danieillicnrk in the firm of Wines k Cn., Ui buBloetf will be ctiuiiiiiifil at old stand nader tb firm and name of Wines & Worden, huping by utric at ten turn to business to receive a continuance of the verv liberal patrocage bestowed upon Ui e olil lirm. J L W. VV. WINEö, CHAS. H. WORDEN Ann Arbor, Sept. '2d, 1862. 931 "" howTrïï'association, PHILAXiKLPaTA(PA. Dlscnnesorthe [Vrvous, Seminal, Vilnar; and Sexual SyUcfn- new and relia ble treat ment- in Eaporta oí tlie HOWARD ASSfUMATION- fcentbymftil in sealed letter cnvelopes, iree of charge Address, Dr. J. SKILL1N HOUCHTON, Howard Aasocia tion, 2 Soutb Niüth Stieet, Pbila., Ta. 916yl BOOTS SHOES ! NOBLE & RIDER, ïave just received a1 the old stand of Win. S Sautiders, ately Otíííupled by W. 9. Smith, ALARGE STOCK OF BOOTS SHOES, OP THE BEST QTJAX,ITYl Wbich they propone to se!l at LOW PRICES FOR CASH. THEY ALSO MAKE AND REPAIR, To Aceomraodate Cuslomers. Please cali and e araine their stock Before Purchasing Elsewhere. lAlVKEJiCE NOBLE, CHARLES EIDER. Ann Arbor.Sept. üth.lSCS. t(!)22. m 3STE-V7" FALL aOODS! ATT C. H. MILLEN'S. September, 1863. 922m2 1863. SEPTEMBER 1863. FALL GOODS! AT Til E "Old Corneï!" I am now daily receiving a well selected itock of NEW GOODS ! FOR THE ït-X-X TRAD DE5 CONS1STINQ Oï STAPLE DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND 8HOES, NOTIONS, &c, &c Also a full assortment of Family Groceries! 11 of which were bought low and are to be SOLD CIIEAP FOR CASH. C. B. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Main and WashlRgtöO sta. (922tf) Ann Arbnr. Ayer's Agüe Cure. Bufíalo Tcstimony. the rTTDTi1 Cures PEOPI.E'S 7 U llL Rheuruatism. "I was troubled with Rheum tism for two years, suITering more or less every day. I have taken two bottles of the' Peoples Cure,' and have not had anv pain Pince I left it off more thnn four "weeks ago. I c nsu'er myself as entirely curod, and the medicine lias made me feel very light nnd good- just like a young man though I ara tsixty two years oíd. ÜODt'REY SCHF.FFEL, 40J Michigan St." "My wifehas been suff riñe from Rheumatiím of an iuflammatory charanter for about sixor seven years somctimes very acutely. Aboul the first of June last she commenced taking the 'People's Cure,' and continued to take ií some three weeks In tendaysafter she commenced, the Mvelling and stiffness of her joints very m iterially lessened, and in three weeks had disappeared altogether. "THOMAS POIXOCK, (atW. H. Glenny's.) "Buffalo, October 1, 1862," THE i'TTDT? Curc" PEOPLK'S K.J I XJ Fever Sores. "Two of our subscril one of them n fflicted with a bad Fever Sore. th1 other with Rheumatism- having seen the adveitisement of the 'People's Cure' in this paper, purchased Ihe Medicine , and now, after having thor oughly tned it, report to us.cmmonding it most heartily a a thnroitgh remedy n their case.- Editors Christian Advocate. THE fX'Xy ü' Cures Diseases PEOI'LE'S yJ XV H of the Skin. "My face hus for more than ten years been greatly dis'ligured by truptionsand bunches, which at times extended over my whole body, and once for ttree dayp made me entirely blind ; but hnving taken two bottles of the 'l'eople's Cure.' my acquaintance6 hadly recognize me - Indeed 1 hardly know myself as I am now awellmao. Letall wbo are alike afllicted try the 'People'l Cure, - the .Medicine ircpared by the ?anitary Society and 1 thiuk they will not begrudge their dol lor. "JOSEPH SOÜR, Turner, Mechanic St "Buffalo, Nov. 15, 1862." THE "TTDTj1 Cures fcScrofula & l'EOl'I.E'S .yJ ttJll Salt Rheum. "I Iiaveusd the 'People's Cure' in my f.imily with great benefit, 'n cases of Sirofula and Salt Rheum, and have rccommended itfrcqucntly to my f'iends, all of whom I believe have been benefitted, and most of them antirely cured by it. CHAS. SCHARFF, 273 Main St., up-stairs." THE Í"TÍDT7 Cures Female PEül LE'S bUlttj Weaknesses. "I have been in feeble health ever since the birth of my boy, who is no twe'.ve years oíd. I hafe had many troubles and difflculties, all this time, unfltting me for every kind of labor, and destroying all my com fort, Last summer I commenced taking the 'People's Cure,' and have used four botttea, and am HUW awellwoman. My difflculties have nearly 11 disap pearod, and I feel cheerlul md happy. ■MUS. CATHARUNE DEWALD, Dressmaker, Goodoll Alley, aboveTupper st "Dnffalo, Oct. 20.H62." THE TIDTT1 Cur?s '"■lien other PEOPLE'i lUl.VjC medicines fail "My wife has been in poor health for a long time havlDg fretiuently to cali aphvsician to attend :,cr;but she was recently very much worse. For ve or bix weeks she had no appetlte, lost all her strength, and was each day growing worse, She had niglit sweats, coughed a great deal during each nht and considera bly'diinngtheday.aud we all upposed she was going olf with the consumption, when a friend advised her to takc the 'Peoples's Cure. On taking the medicine she perccived a change at once. On the thlrd day she had receveied her appetite, and was fast regaining her strtngth. until, on the cighth day, not yet having taki-n oue bottle, she lias stopped taking the saying she was as well as auybudy could b, and she has continued o ever since. "PAUL KLEIN", üardner, 32 Pearl st. "Buffalo, October 1,1812." F.,r Sale by all Dn.giirt. ïy1 9 C. CKÓSBY, (neral Agent, No. 2.15 Mam st., Buffalo, N. Y., to whom all orders snuuld be uddrtB.ed. For Ssle by St.-.hisi.vs & Wilsox, Gbesvillb & Fülle, and C Km-.BBici. & Co. " A smile was on her lip- health was n her look, strength was in her step, aad in her hands - Plantation Bitters." S-T-1860-X. A few bottles of Flantatioo Bitters Will curö Nervouí Headacbe. l Cold Extrtmities and Feverïeh tips. " buur Sturaïtcb and Fetid Breatb. " Flatulency and Indigestión, 11 Nervous Artections. " Excessive Fatigue and Short Breatb. " Pain over the eyes. u Mental Despondency. " Prostration ; Great We 11 Sallow Complexion, Weak Bowels, &c. Which are the evi dences of IJVER COÏ1PLAINT AND DYSI EPSIA It is estiniated tbat .even-tenths of all adult ailments proceedfrom aaiseuticti aid tori'iil liver. The biliary secrt-tions 'f the liver cverflowing inio the Btcrnach jxttsoo the entiro .systen and exaibit the above symptonjs iïtQt long research, we are able to present theraost remarkable cure íor these horrk' nightinare diseases, the wurid has l. r pruü-jced. Within one year over six huudreJ and iorty Ihousand perrons have taken the l'lautationBliters, and notan instance of ceraplaint has come to our knowlcdge ! It is a most eifectual tonic and agreeable stimulaut suited to all couditions of Ufe. Ttie report that it relies upon mineral sub-stances for its active propertus, are whotly For the public satis lactiou, and thst patúnts may codsuH their physicians, we append a list of its components. Calisaya lUitiv- (..Vlebrated for over two hundred yearsin the treatmefit of imimi'i Vgie, Hypept a, Weiikness, &c. It .a.-. introdued into Europe by the Countess, wifeof the Viceroy ui Peru, in 164 , and afterwardsaold by the Jevuils ƒ u. cnormous nc of its uwn weight in silotr, under the name of Jcsuii's Fovderst and was linally made public by Louis XVI, King ot l'iane. HumboH .. akes .special reference to itsfebnluge qualities duriughis tíouth American travels. CAsUJ-hiLLA 1ÍABK - For Diarrhcea, colic and diseases of the stinnuch uud boweiá, LtAAUrjLiu.v - FttT iutUuiuiition o. the loins and drop sical aUectiuns, CiiAMu-Mii-ii i-LowKKS- For euleebled digestión, IiAKvit:K Fi.oWfcKs - Aruirmtjc htimulant and tonic - highiy iïivioratuig in nervous debility . VVimkkikek.- h'vr sciotula, rlieumatism,&c. Amíík Au iiruinatic carmmative ; cieating flesh. murcie and milk ; much u.sed by mothersnursing. Also, clove-buds, oi-duge, cairaway, coriander,analieroot, &c. 3_T-1860-X. .Another woudvr.ui .u,f i? of Spanish ovigin, impartiiig beauty lo tbti complexión and briliiancy to tbe inind, is jet unknowu to the commerce of tlie world, aud we withliolu its naiuti ior the present. IMl'OKTANT CKHTIFICATES. Rochester N. Y. Decrmier 28, ie61. Messrs. P.H.Dkakb &Co - I have been a great suffer er frum Dyspëpsf for three or tour years and had to abandon my prufes'" . About tiuee niouths ago 1 tried the l'liintatiop linter, and to iny great juy, 1 am now nearly a wi:ll man. 1 have recommendeU {hem in sev ral case, and, as lar asi kow, always with sigual be!'am"reSi!ctfuiIyj.urs, 11FV J. S. CATHKON, Philadtlphia, 10(A Month, Vttll Day,'kcibi Fuiknd : - ;iy daughtt r bs betn mueh benulitted by the of thy l'lauiation Bitters. Thou wilt seud ui two buttles more. Thy Frieud, ASA CURKIN. Slurman House, Chicago, III. Fib 11, 1862. Mossrs. P.H. DBAKI "■ Co. - I'leae send usanothcr twelve cases of ycmr l'laulation Bitters. As a morning apputizer, theyappear to have superceded everylbing eist, and ave groally esteemed. Yours, &, GAGE & WAITE. Arrangemenis nrenow completedto supply aDy demand for tbis article, whicb frora laok oí t'overnment tuamps bas not heretofore been possible. Ttit public ui:iy retit assured tbat in no case vill the perfectly pure standaid of the Plantation Bitters bc departed froui . Every bears the fac simile of our signature on a slítipldte eitgraving, or il cannot be gatuine. Sold by all Uruggists, Grocers and Dellers tbroughout tbe country. P. H. DEAKE & CO. 922m6 202 BKOAPWAY,N. Y. Dissolutioti INotice. mHE KIRM O1'"CHA1'1H, WUOD &' CO., was diss&Wed -IJanuary IB, 18''3, by mutual consent. C. A. Chapín ar.d A. 11. Wood will settle tbe accounts of the firm. C A. Chapín, A. B. Wood, V Chapín, $■ Wbils. Aon Alibar, June 3+, 1S63. Coptiriuership. TTE üNIlERPI'iNKI) entcred into partnership Jan. 16,1863, by the flrm name of Chapín & Co., and will continue the business of manufacturing priuting and wrapping paper. C. A. CaiW, N.Catriir, V. Cbajix. Ab ArVir, JaU, 189B !. FIRST NATIONAL BANK -OF" ■A-HKrUST AEBORSubíoriptioñ Agency for IJ. 5:20 Loan. We are now authorized to rcccive subscriptions for :he United States 520 Six per Cent Bonds &T PAR for Legal Tender Notes, or New nterest on these bonds ia payable nemi-annually in 3old. They are also exempt from taxation. 0. H. RIOHMOND. Ann Arbor, Aug. 24, 1863. 919tf Cashier. ?m American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of all kinds against the Genera. Government, State Unvern nent, the City, or private parties, prose;uted and collected at my expense andrisk Against pfivate pftrtiea I possess superior facilities for collecting claims everywhere in thi United States and Canada, reheving merchants, assignees, bankert,, andotherw, oí the caie and all responsibility . Special attention giveu to old debtH, hard cases, di, voras, wills, estatus, etc. líeing familiar with all the details of the " Int' mal Revenue LawtJ I will altend promptly to the collection oi drawbacks, and taxes ovL'rpaid through ignorauce of the law. Soldier' pensions, pay, and bounty secured forlhem or their heirs. For that, and for prosecuting claims against the Government, I have a branch office at Washington. No charge made unless claims are col leeted. All oldiers díscharged by rcason of wounda - liowever short the timethey have served - are entitled to One Hundred Dollars Bounty. All fcoldiers havingserved twoyears,are entitled to the a;iine. The highest markef price will be paid for soldiers' claims, and other demands against the General Government. Information and opinionn given, and investigation made without charge, upo a claims proposed to be placed In my handa. Forparticulars, address H. HUNTINGTON LEE, # 900tf No.40 Broadwuy, N.Y . Grand Truiik and Veimont ANOTHERGBEATREOÜCTION! Detroit to Roase's l'oint, St. Albans, Burlington MontrieHer and White hivr Juncticn, only $V Detroit to Boston via Ogdensburg or Port ia ad .... 14 Detroit to Boston and return 25. Persons purchaMng Boston and return tickets can go via Montreal, Gorham, (White Mountains), Island Pond, and Portland. Keturning via Lowell, Nashua, Concord, Burlington and Ogdensbuig, giving the passengers the beneiit of both routes Tickets good until November lst, 3 863. Through from Detroit to Boston in 36 liours. Two expresa trains leaves Detroitdaily (Sundays excepted) by Chicago time at 6.05 A. M. and fí.20 P. M. St)lMidid rileejiing ( ars on niglit trains and Uuttan's Pat' nt Ventilators od day trains. Tickets can be obtained at the Grand Trunk Kailway ricket office, 1-Í4 .lelTerson avenue, a few doora abovc the Michigan Exchange. SI-OCUM&TIIOMFKO, Agonts, Detroit. THE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES WILL be for the Healii.g of the Nations. Bible. THE GRKAT AND CELEBUATK1) PHYSIClAN of the TliKÜATjLUNGS, HEA1ÏT, lAVh.R AND THE BLOOO, Known all over tliecountry as the CKI.EIÏIÏ.TKD iosrr)iL3sr xïejrs dootori Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, ühio. Will visit the following places, viz A?POINITMENTSFOIil8ti2, 1863 and 1864. Prof R. J. Lyons can be consulted at the followïng placCHeverj' month, viz: Detroit, Bussel House, each montb, 18th nnd I9th. Airbor, Monitor House, each montb, 20 th. JacKKon, hibbard House, inch month, 21. Adrián, Brackct House, each month 22d and 23d. Toledo, Ohio, Collms House, each month 'J-itli 25tli aud26th. HilUdale, Mich. , Hillsdale House, each month, 27th Coldwater, Mich., Southern Michigan, each month, 2Sth. Elkhart, lilkharf House, each month, 29th. South Bend, Ind., St. .Io. Hotel, each month, 30. Lapnrie, Ind., Tee Garden House, each month 31st. VVooster, Uhio, Crandell Exchange, each raonth, 7th and8th. Mansfield, Ohio, WHer House, each month, Oth and lOth. Mt. Vernon, Kenyon House, each month, llth and 12th. Newark, Ohio, Holton House, each month 13th and 14 th, Painesville. Ohio, Cowlep House, each month 4th CLEVELAND, OHIO, RJE8IDEN0E AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, East of the public square, opposite the Postoffice. Office days each month, lst. 3d, 4th, 5th, Oth, löth. - Office hours frora ü A. M. to 12 M, and from 2 P. M. to 4 I. II. OnSunciay from 9 to 10 A . M.,and 1 to 2 P. M. 4-Maximsstrictly adhered to - I give such halm as have no strife, With nature or the la-s of Üfe. With bloodmy hands I never slain, Norpoison men toease tltcirpain. líe is a physxíian indeed, icho Cures. The Indian Heiv Doctor, R. J. LYONS, cures the fol luwing compiaints ín the most obstínate stages of their existeuce, viz: Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Hcart, I.iver, Storaach, Dropsy inthe Chent, Rhemnatism, Neuralgia. Fits. or Fallí ngriickness, and all other nervousderangementB. Also alldiseasesof the blood, such as Scrofula, Erysipelas, Cancera, Fever dores, Leprosy, and all other complicated clironic complaints. Alt forms of female difficultics ntrended to with the happiest results. It is hoped that no one will despair of a cure until they have given the Iodian Ilerb Doctor'.s Medicines a fair a ad fait h ful trial. üjji,luring the Doctor'f travels in Europe, West Iridies, South America, and the United States, he has beeu the instrumeut in God's hand. to restorc tu health and vigo thousands who wort given up aa'l pronouuced incurable by ihe most eminentold school physicians; nay, more, thout-ands whüwereonthe verge of the grave, are now living mor.uments to the lndian llerb's Doctor's skill and successfu 1 treatmeut,aiid are daily exclairaing: "Blessed be thetlay when first we saw and partook of the TndianHerb Doctor's medicine." at ir f actor y relerencesof Ciices will be gladly and checrfully gi ven is henever required.' The Doctor pledges bis word and honor ,4hat he will in do wise.directly or indirectly, induce or cause any inv;ilid to tak e bis medicine without the strongest probability of a cure. Mode uf examination, whicli is enlirely different from tbe faculty. Dr. Lyon professes to diseern diHeases by the eye. He therefore asks noquestions, nor doeshe requirt patiënt to explain symptoms. Cali one and all, iml liave thesyroptnms and location of your diseaseexplainedfree of charge. EpThe poor shall bc liberally considered. Kg-Postoftlce address, box 2063. B, J. LYONS, M. T'. Cleveland, Ohio.Nov. 05.1862. ly88Ö THE GREAT AMELIO i TEA COMPANY, 51 Vesey Street, IVew York; Since its organizatiun, has created a new era in the history of Wholesaling Teas in tlüs Country, They have iutrodnced their selectious of TEA8, and are setling them at not over TWO CENTS (.02 Cents) per pouml above Cost, Never devia'. ing from the ONE PRICE askid. Anotherpeculiarity of the Company ia thattlieir Tea Taster not only devotea his time to the selcction of their TEAS as toquality, yalue, and particular styles for particular loealities oí country, but he hc.lps the Tka buyer to choose out of their enormous stock siici Teas asare best n da piedto their particular wants, and not only this, hut pnints ovt to him the bvMbaigains. It is easy to see the incalculable advantage a Tea Buyer has in thi.s establishment over all othcrfi, 11 he is no judgo of Tea,or ihe Market, if bis time is valuftble, he htra all the benefits of a well orjfftolzed system of doinp business, of an immense capital, o the judgement of a professional Tea Taster, and the kiimvlclge of superior Ralemen. Thif eMbblM all Tea buyers- -no matter if they are tbousandsof from this mark et - to purchase on as good ieftiii here as the New York nierchnnts. Parties can order Teas and will be served by us as well as tlumgh they came themselvfs, being surc to pet original packnffes, true weights, and taz6f; and the Teas are Warranted as represen ted. We issue a PrtceList of the Company's Teas, which will bc fient to all who order it; compriüing Hyson, Young Hyson, impeuai, u-uilpowder, Twankay and Skin. OOLONG, SOUCHONG, ORANGE & HYSON PEKOU. JAPAN TEA of every descriptiou, colored and uncolord. ThislUthaseach kind of Tea diviricri iiito FOt'R Classe.s, uamely: CARGO, high GABÖO, F1KK, KINKST, thnt every one'may uaderstand from descrtption aml the pricesannext-d that the IVmipany are dotermiDe! to undorsell thewholeTca trade. We guaran if e ió sell ALL our Teas at nnt over Two Cents (_2 CEXTtí) per [hmhhI aJbvecosc, believing this to be iittractive to the many wlio have heretofore been paying enormous profits. GR KAT AMEUrCAN TEA COMPANY, Importers anti Jobbers, 3m931 No. 51 Vesey Street, New York. LI VER Y 1 LI VER Y! l J. GREPN & E. BliOWN, have parchased the Horses and "arrinffe?! of B; Green, and have also added sonu very fine Horsei & Carriage to the above in, the same barn, so that thej eau suit you all on reasonable tenas. Cali an d See ! Ann Arbor, July 14th, 1863. 6m914. Oval Picture Trailles ALLSIZBS.STYLES and PRICES just received anfl forsale ohpapat CHOFF & MiLLER'S. lSeO.Die.J4, J80tf Hl PAIN CUREDÍ RADWAY'S READY RELIEI 13 the most important medicinal curativo- for the immediate relief of the suflerer- of all varietics of PAIN8,ACHES anti INTIHM1T1ES, nnd the promp(,cure o( Cha Blok whcre PAIN, either icternal or etternal, Ib a coucuujiiant of the diseaso, that bas ever rceu discovers. IN A FEW MINUTES After the application of tbcRKADY BEtW ei'-' naliy.oritsauministrationinternaily, tho patiënt- seize.l witb tlic most exeruciatlog PaISS, ACHES. CRAMlv-, RHEÜMATISM NEURALGIA, OOÜT, LUMBAOO, FEVES AND AGÜE 8PASM3, 8ORE THROAT, INFLUENZA,P1PTHERIA, CONGESTIÓN or INFLAMMATION, wiii cnoy ease aüd comfort. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF odE)S safer to artminister, and wiU sliy pain quiclcer, M Hun all propnratluns of Opium, Morphfne, VcraÍS7 trine, IIyosciamua, Árnica, Vaicrian, Chlorofbrrrl, & or Ether onder wbatevor ñamo ílstlngttlshM ,- enherLiniments, Pain Killers oraK!kingJjititms,vh}:ll jncrcly mspends tlie feeling of pain by benumbing tho iwooptive facultiea and killing tlic nenies. ïlie snrgeo ádmintetersCliloroform.Opium.&c , torenacrins-a,iW toe nervM of peruepüoñ-RADWAY'3 KE.VDY l'.fturr.í stop.3 the most i-xcruciating pain, and secura Oio p.Uieat the full posBesaiiai of hu ensea. Tliii is tlio oniy reinedy ■i general uso that will stop pain, so qnick, til it i freo from Opium, Morphino, or some other Ulndrud drug,hurtful t tho gooeral health. E25 1X7SSB IJ TïME. Coard against Bioknoss. On the flret indiuatinn pi paU or u.R-uMness, If In tUó STOMACH or lDWl-X"!,; íake a teaspoonflil ut tho KKADY UKI.lliK in a Witltj lasa ol wator. If in the UMB3, .lOiXl'S, HUAU, TIIl'.OAT, CHEPT. BACK, or olh'r paris of the bndy, appft tne UiI.IKt' kxtkkxaixv- i a few mtriuta alt paih and diioomfort wiU aa.e. Tliis simple appliuati.iu may break npaformldsblfrdUfWie. It i-i much oaiior tD incvaut diácaio than to cure il. WEALTH FOR THE POOR. MEALÏH i tho wnrking man's capital ïhc poóf man can III iilioal to bour llio burdens "fji1" nessorpaydoetiir'ibill. ON'E'IWENTY F1V8; CEN t BO1TLEOF RAUWAY'SREAOÏ UEI.IEP wlll ifsiok cure liimquick.audeiiablohimto resude ha bbora without loss nf time- and , if iwed w'aen pain is firsi experienred, willstup it immodiatcly. Keep fhUReniody always in tho uouso.ánü use it when you fbulpaiu ;'yuu wi.l iiot loie Bue day in a yoar by SIckDMW IMPORTANT TO FARMERS' Andntherrf.reHdíiDíiusparselyseuleddUtrtcn.wlioro it is ditlh'.ul! to souui'Q tlio servicoa of a pUyaiciap BÁDWAY'd REAUY RELIEF is iuv.üuablo. It can uj ued wlth positivo a-suriuico of doing good in all casos wbore oai'nor discomforl is oxperionwd, or if seized idiíA IVKLLKNZA, HPrHERIA, BORE THROAT, B+ü CÜÜG11S H(.REN'1'S,BILIOUSCHOLIC,IXFLAMMA Tt.)N Ol' THli BOWEL-3, SÏOMACH, I.UNliS, LIVKR,' KIKN'EVS, or with SMALL POX, SCARI.ET Fl-.VEIÏ ■ MEASL1-S. TYPHOID KEVER, BILIOUS KEVER, F[-.Vt.R' AND AGÜE, or with NEURALGIA, IIEAD Al'IIE, Tig nOLOREUX, TOOÏHACHE. EAR-ACFIE, or with I.UMBA8O. PAIN IN THE BACK or RHKUMATBM, or wi DIARRHOEA, CHOLERA MORBOS or UYF.N "}-'' with BÜI1NS, PCAT-D8 or BRUISES, or wilh f-TlUWS, CRAMP.-! or SPAÍMS The anplication of RADWAY a READY REIIKF will cure you oL tae worst üf tiloso Complaiuts ia a few hours. JUiEUMATISM. fUS paiuful discasc bas baffled the most skilful phvsici ins anl popular remedies. It is the rnó-t diffloult of diacaéaj to treat- yet UADVaY'S RËADY KEI.IliF bas uever failed in alTird,ö iratneaiate relief to the suflkror and in all cases or Acuto, Inflimmatory or Nervous Rnoumatism, to effect a pertaanenlcure. (In Cbronlc Hh-umatism and Gout, RADWAY'S CLEANSING SYRUP, calloil Raiovaling Uisolvent, sbould be Ukeu ai au adjunct witk tUu P.KADÏ p.liLIEl'".). The foilowing is writton by the woll knowo cnrrespondeiit nr iheNow York Herald, London Timos (England), New Oiieans l'icuyune, Delta, Cnarlestoo Mercury, &o. :" VfiU SIDNEY 1IYERS, ESQ , HA VAN-A, CUBA. KitlNA, Cuba, Jan. 2, 1S5& Messrs. Radway C Co. : . ■. Gkmlemk.v I h ivo boon a sufferor from Acute Chrouio Rheumatism fi the last iwcnty yeara of my lift ; my ü'Ssriligs during lluit period , noilhcr tuuguc nor pen can express. I have spent a liitle fortune ou Doctors' bil1,' without derivinganysubstantial benefit. Kccently Iha.l ono of my frequent perioilical atiacks. I was very ill' for a week, umi had Hot slopt an liour nt nny Olio tittlK' A Spauish friend, to wliom I rlated my suttermgs, told me he had a remcdy whioh would give me relief, and he kinrtly presented mo with a bottle of " RADWAY'3 RH'ADY ïil'l.IIOF." AHbough skeplical of deriviug aajr advantage from its use, 1 that ïiig-.t applied it frecjr on going to bed, and, to my great amazement, feit relioved.andsloiit.soundly. ïhe noxtnyht I agniu appiiei the Heady Beuef, fuid awoke In the morning Irec from pain having only used about half tho bottlo, He irtily do I return you my humble acknawlodg. mout.? for your iuvaluabló medicine, which nuy w-ell b callr.d "ablossing ti mau.1' . Thankiugyoujfrum my sosl,for your wonderful remody, I have ttio honor to subscribo inysolf,, . W. SIDXF.Y 1IYKRS. NEIJR ALGIA, (EXtTISITE PAIS,) TIC D0L0BEUX, T00TH-ACHB; FACEACHE, SHAUP SüDDEN PAINS. Tersonü suiTering with Neuralgia experionco. tho Scltto cf excruciating pain. Tho paroxyams are sharp,Stiddn, plunging, stabbing, induüod iu=Umtly- liko an clïctriü ehock. MADWAY'S READY RELIEF is the ,oujy romody bitherto known, that ill afford immediate relief to those who Euiier with thts tojturing Complaint. (In cases of chrouic Neuralgia, the clcaiising Syrup, rallod REKOVATING Rfóot-ENIr, will expedilo the euro.) Iu reoent attacks, tho RliADY RELIEF, appliod oxternally tb tho parta whero the piin strikes, ánd a teaspoonfnl 9f RELIEK to a wino glasa oí water, when tb.o paroxysms appear, will elleot a curo. HOW TO CUSÍ! A BAD COIiD BETWEEN liED-TIMK áSB SUNRISE. If seizod with SORE TIIBOAT, Hoarscnos?, Bad Cough,. difflcult Broathing. Head-ache, Wtery Discharges from the Noso aud Eyes, Pain in tho Back and Joints, &c, batho tlie Ihroat, Chcst,' Hcad and Joints with tbjj' KEADY KEL1KF, und taulH it HOT READY RELIEF SLING, Hv addinc to half a tunibler i .-t hot water, swcetoüted w,lh sugár, f dessort-spoouful of RADWAY'S READY Rl'LIEK and drink this on going to bod. In a few minutos you will perspiro freely, sleep soundly, and wako iu the moruing cured of your cold, (From (Iu: Christian Admca'e.) M We beg to present to tho readei3 of tho Advocate tho followiug letter addressed to Dr. Radway. Lat alllictüd with WBAK LUNGS ANU THREATENED WIT1I CONSUMITION' , read Tho writcr, Mr. JAMES SAGE, ia woll knowu ia MlomaÁN as a popular hotol-keopcr." MEMrms, Hacnmb Co. , Micb., Sopt. 4, 1862. Dr Radwjy- i)av Sit About four yoars sinoe, I was vory'much nffected with DISBASED LUNGS. My friend.3. thought I had the Ciwisumpiio. I was entirely unlit for bUSiltCSS l'UISOa l)100U,IUIU HUU uvu[ ƒ ƒ iiíjviui ui "" above fatal disease. Onenight.on goiug to bed , I Uvught I would lako a sweat, and tooit your Readt Reue fin hot water) as a xtimulant to sweat roo. It OW so. The porsplrannn was of a sliray sutaftance, and oflensiv smcll I i'olluwod ta'-ing tho Hkuct every othor nieUtfor four weeks, and at tho cud of that timo was entiroly well. This is a truc statement of facts, which I will testify to uuder oatb. Yoon.Me.. JAMEd SAGE, Sago's Hotol, Momphis, Mich, FE VER AND AGUE. A taWe-spoonful of RADWAY'S BEADY KKL1EF, In tumbler of water, fciken evcry moniing befoie break, fast will prevent attacks of Kever and Aguo, ifexptisert to ite malaria. Il' seizod with this oomplaint, tako tha same doso, and batlie the Iload, Nook, Haods and Spine one hour beforo tho Cliills are expected ; hïs witf break up and euro the wor t forma of Ague. eeTi. RADWAY iivcs you, for 25 cents, a medicine rffjlsy tluit will provo its cfHcaey in a few hours, aai mui euro you . f iilü discases tWL9.4W tho ordiuary Ja' troatmeutof physicians, would lay you up for day.s, weoks and inimths. too tha every botito is complete when you purebase, and purchaso no RF.ADY RELIK1'" uultws lh facsimile siRiiature of RADWAY & CO. is on the outsirta label, and Uv namoof 1ÍADWAX & CO. blovra on the glass o( each bottlo. TT IS SOl.D BY DRUGG1SIS AND sTORKKEEPERS IM EVKRY VIU.AÜE AJU lOffN IN' TUE UNIl'ED STALB5 AND CAÑADAS. BADWAY Í5 CO., 87 Haiden Laño, N. Y. For Sale by STEBBINS& WILSON Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


Old News
Michigan Argus