A Promising Place

- St. Joseph. on LnkeMichinn, oppotte Chicago, conluins nea 2U00 iffhabitontp. Ft has no district schuol no organizad chnreli or tnêeüng house. In lien tiiorenl" t hn.s iive hotels, and fif'teen pla ces for retaiüncr i.quor. A good portion o lie male inlinbiiuots amuse themselveö oi Sniiday by rolljng u-n piir. We find Uie preceding article iii the Mor ning Star, Dover, N. II. We ore sorry to have so poor an account circuÃate re.specting any portion of our Sjtate. What have yon to sny to it, Mr.'St. Josépli Commercial Bul lelin? Is this a true düScriotioTi of yoar vil- lage? An act of tlie lüte Congrcss aulliorizcs tb Scctctnry of llip Navy, i bis discretion, 8 put officere en furloug! at half pa'y.
Signal of Liberty
Old News