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AfcordiÃi tu the Post Office law, after tfié firsl of Julv i;c.!, nowspnpersnip lo be transÃnirtcd ihronnr!-, the mails ni] disrtancès wiiliin 30 miles f ron the piare of p'iblicntinri, free oà postare. This will tn.-ike n litÃerence of52 rcnis t pnch Riibpcriber wiiliin that cüstaiice. The ciicle desn-ibed y tho limit includes nll Waslilon.iw Ouniy.. huif' oi' Livino-sion, Jack.-on, Wnyiip, Lnawoo fiiul AIüiiioü, and pan tif f riu-lisin and O;il;!and. Wc f-li!l c.vnct a hngo incrense of snbscrÃb'T-s from I IicÃc Hccfion?. Will Ãiot our fVicnüs: exert ilicmÃelve.-? One Dllar n yeav iind Ãn) poslage is curtaiuly clieap cnoiigh for ihe Signal.
Signal of Liberty
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