The Texas Resolutions

As thenroposiüon for Antiexal'on made by Mr. Tylcr to the Texan Government doe? not ceern lo be very favorably received by Lhera, and as there is a possibility of ite rebelión by the people of that country, it is proposed by some papers, that i n case of its failure the other alternativo ofth; bilà - Ãjinexation by negotiation - should be oñered to the Texans for consideraron. This, hovvever, i. not authorized by the ResoJutions for AnneX atÃon . The addition made by th Señale re'ads thus: "And bo it furl her pnacted, Tlmt if the Fres ident of the Uni'ed States sliall, in hisjudgment and discreÃion, deern it most odvisuble mslcad of proceeding to siibmit t Ite forgoing resolution to the Repüblic of Texas, an overtnre on the part of the United States for ndmiesion to neirotiaïe with that Republic - then be il resolved," &.c. However, we cannot expect thal those 'who rftle the whole Constitutien for the sake of annexing more sïave territory to tbis nation vvill hc very scrupulous as to the means ol accomplishing it.
Signal of Liberty
Old News