
The Riclnnond Enquirer publishes the following extract of a letter from "a gentleman of intelligence and high standing" at Washington: "Gentlemen :- Letters receivcd by ibis evening's mail, direct from Texas, and from those fulty acquninted with the state of things there, leave notthe least doubt that an extraordinary struggle isgoingon in Texas, bet ween the friends of annextion.and the English party, headed by Gen. Houston. Every possible inducement is held out by the English Minister & agente, tathe people of Texas,to reject the proffered terms. Magnifieent oiFers are made, a re-action has taken place, and à feel warranted in saying that the issue is doubtful. trust the President will heed your suggestions, or we may yet lose the cotintry; and, if lost now, it will be lost forever. Mark it." - Free Fress,Qr The Democratie papers are giving much credit to Mr. Polk for removing the Surveyorof the port of Bnltimore. - The sum of the story is, that Mr. Lloyd, the incumbenf, was a Tyler man, and had made sundry eflbrts to induce Mr. Polk to continue him in office, and as a Instresort, hesent to Washington a five hundred dollar horse, and had him placed in the stable of the President, without his knowledge. As soon as the fact became known to Mr. Polk, he returned the horse, and the next day Mr. Lloyd Was removed. (tT3 We learn from the New Jersey Frecman that arrangements are making for the publication of a Liberty paper in Newark, in that State.
Signal of Liberty
Old News