
The Washington correspondent of the N. Y. Jourual of Commercc, says that it is generally ünderstood at Washington, that the government of Texas will rejcct the propositions embraced in the joint resolutions, which originated in the House. The president must, thercfúre; proceed to acconiplish the object under tho Bentonian proviso. The president wül )robably appoint three commissioners to nogotiate the terms of annexation with Texas, and the project thus framed, will be presented in the form of a Ireaty, to ihe Senate, at a special session of that body. - Jour hal. We have seen this intimntion in several of the Democratie papers, but it is entirely unsiipporÃed by ihe bilÃ. That bill did not give the opiion, under any cireümstances, to the government of Texas, to choose between tlie two inethods of procedure. It only gave to the president of the United States the option ó proceed bv nrgotiation, in case he shouk think it expedient not to communieatethe House plan to the government of Mexico. This option, however, was fully exercised by president Tyler, who adjudged, as he had the.right to do, that it was expedient to send the House plan. The matter is therefore res adjudÃcala, a trus that lias been executed by the U. Stateb authorities, and Ihe only alternative now before the government of Texas, is to accept the offer by'Brown's bill, or nothing. IC Texas rejects that offer, that is the end of the Lili. Mr. Polk can indeed negotinie, if he picases, but it will not be anejotiation under that bill - it will be a negotiation under the ordinary general powers of the executive. There is evicently a great anxiety among the nnnexationists as to the result. The Ãew York Herald says that President Jones's opposition will nöt be allowed to defeat annexation, Vhen it can be soeasilyneutralized in a land of B'otvie knives! The New Orleans Bulletin has a column of pathetic entreaty to the people of Textis, not to reject the invitation of the United States to a unión. FTow basely humiiiating, that a great nation like the Unitec States, shoukl thiïs be supplicating th basest of communilies to accept our fa vors! - Emancipalor.Great Politica! n.ktf Movenimi in JVu York. - Tlie lemli.'-p Wliiy paper in New the Tribuut', luis cuaui iil w i'.h tle ex traordjnarr pfopósitioñ liwt th whrgs of the SuitesliuÃl dissulve as a party, iiÃÃil nnite with tli e übo'iiion'sts. The proposiiion hs pro dueed grent excitpment, Diid is dorjuiiñced n strong lorms by the ÃJpufief and Enquirer, as t reasan to tlin conn'ry. Tt is bolieved such a propoi-ition wmil.'l t.-ike vi]l jn hjg S:a:e. - Many leacling wl)ig8 are sbfc of' tlieir pnrty, and arè ready to nbaiicinn it vvhfncvor tliev con ftnd n Creeping-out hole, ond the nbolii.n-n prly is ihc only oue thal feels anxious to rcceive them. Héhcë wc bein to ece niovements t!;at way, nnd fcóbrtófilps; Fonn tlie coali'.ion, gpn'.lemen, the flemocracy will nog you bolh. - JYiles Rrpublican. So far as the prccodin' art ele has refrene to the Libeity pirty, il:e Editor of ihe Rpub lican haf aliogether niisiafceñ (fie matter. - The Liberty party are very far froni 'Teelin rtnxioub" to receive the Wliis os such, rr to "forma coaliüoo" vt'itlr thoirr. We tish to receive none froni any p:iiMy bnt as LibiÃury men. No "covrtsh'ys,"' however urgent er persevering,will induce ony euch arrngemeht Nor ate we able to sce any thing very tnlic'mg in the manner al' the "courtr?lii])'J uhich we havo roceiverf. We ptreeive no enchini1mentin the fnjsehoods and forgerics ei Culated respectin; us before elcciion, nor do we consider the editorinle of the'N. Y. Tribune or Detroit Advertiser, siiïce thnt pprior], lo be of a nature calculaied to produce a very warm affection on onr part. Henee we .judge tlint no "coalition" will be formed, and therefore the Democrats will José the pleasnre anticipaled by theui ot' "flogring" us in that capaciiy.Q55 There are indicatiötis in the Eastern States of a general riseof prices. - The Bangor Whig has the following: "Ãn looking over the Ãew York and Boston markets, we notice a strong and almost unprecedented upward tèndency in prices. Pork, beef, molasses, strgar, and iron have advanced in price for the last six weeks nearly equal to tlñrty-three per cent. Tl ere is a general, though s'malÃ, advance in most kinds of goods, flour and grain ericepted. We hear that in Boston andsome othplaces in Massachuseits, there is a general advance in the price of roal estáte."
Signal of Liberty
Old News