Spencer, Walworth, Nelson
Mr. Spencer was nominateo to fÃll the vacnncy on the Supremo Bench, occasiorred by the dettth of Judge Thompson; but he could not pass muster. He mude a sirong antislavery speech in the Missouri controversy, and was deemed herelic on the svhjed of slavenj. Chancellor Walworth, of New York, was nominnted: hut, the Senate would not ratify ihe nominalion. He made a decisión in rvhich he clearly indica led hii oppoMÃhn tö the laxó óf Congres of 1703, -and his opinión ihat in tulc'mg away the jury trial, it was unronstilulional. Mr. JNTeto.n of New York, was Dorainated, and confirmed. In a case sorne years ago, he had suitairied Ihat saine law ihi oughout. Is comment neededT--Cin. Herald. {L- Last week our whole adverfising pnge was knocked into pf, aiid we were obliged' to irtsert some adterlisement's" i'ö two places, while othersdid not appear at all. We give ibis information for tlie satiifacttefi of all eonccrnedv â
Signal of Liberty
Old News