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==ÍO NÏTOBH Ü S B , . . K. GHKGOKY, B HUUOX STRKKT, ATílSr ARBOB, Mioh. i"ñ()ÚNTY BIBLE &OCISTY. rtíl-esITOSY o Bn.1. ana Testament, at tb, SoJ) ciety pnces a W. & .orheis________ ' TWATTS & BRO. rvFAIKRS In Clocks, Watehee, Jwelry and Silver QS iMo. M. M Bloek, Ank Atbor. ' C. BLÍSs7 neMl ti n-ks, Watches, Jeeiry al Süvev D Ware No. 22, New Block , Am, Artor. _ OH.;MILLBÑ! rWlfER in Dry Goo3s, eroeerlen, Crockeiy, &c. Se. JJ Mnin Street. Ann Albor. '"BACíT&TrERSON. -rxEAUJtó.n Dry RooJh, üroccrie Hardware, Boot 1) tshoM, &c, Main st., AimArtér. I " aTcOLLIER. -rANCFCTlTRKRiii.diilerinBpotsna, o JV1 iloor north of the Post OHImi. N. B. GOLÊT" DMMR i BoUs ■ Si,oes, RubborJ, &e. FrankUn Block, Síaiu Street, Ann Arbor. BI8D0N & HNDEEóON. DEAI.KR3 in Hardware, Stoves, bouae furniBling K0,,,1s, Tin Ware, fe , fc., Wewjflock, MawsU ""gíoTpbay, m. d. PIIVSICI VN and 3Ífgon. Eísidenca ana offise Detroit street, near Iho i'epot, öTöTspIfford. MAN'UFACTLKEIl ofall kinds of Cooojir Wofk ; City Cooper Shap. CuStom Work done n áliort (Wtice. Detroit Street, Ann Artor. A, SOTHBftLAN, AGENT tor the New York Ufe Insurance Company A Office on Hurón .tneét AUo has on band atock pf tke most aliptove 1 sewiiib' iijadimes. "" GEOB0E F18CHEB. MEAT MABKKT- Hurón Street- General ilealev in Frah and SftR Keita, Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hams: l'oultry, l.ard, Tallow, &C.,S. 7 SCHOFP & MLLLER. PEAI.EBS mi Miscellaneoua, School and Blank Booka Stationery, Paper Hanginga.&c, HlaU., Irankli jlock. „__ HI11AM J. BEAKES iTTORNEY and Counsollov at I, and golicitori A Chancar. Office in City Hall liincii, over ebster Book Siure. _ _ J ' _J WM. LEWITT, M. D. PHTS1CIAN and Surgeon. Office at bis residente, north ide of Hurón street. and second ltuuse a of División street. ' mTguïtïërman & co. WHOI.ES 4I.R and Retail Dealers and Manufacturer of BaadT-Uade ClotUing, Injpotters of Clotlis, Cas timeres, Uoeskins, &c.,No. 5, Phoanix Ulock, Main st vvm7wagnér. DE U.KR in Readj Kade Clotbing, Olutts, (.'assiroere ud Vwtings, Hat, Caps, Trucks, Carpe! liags, &c Plmnix Ulock, Main Street. ' SLAWSON & GEER. 1BGCIÍRS, Provisión and Commisalon Merchants, and U Dealers ín Water Lime, Land Piaster, and Piaster of Paria, onedoor east of Cook's Hotel. jTmTscott. íMBROTYPEand Phoiraph Jrtist, iu the roouffl l OTer l'ampion's Clothing store, Phoenix Biock. l'er{ctFitiüfjictïongiveu. O. D. rORTBR, SUKGEON DENTIST. Office Corner of llaia ani }iuron Jtreets, over Bacil & Piersoa's Store. AH clla promptly attendtd to AjjilSai) (J. B. THOMPSON. BBAI.ER in Dry Goods aai Groccries, Iioots aml Sboe lic. Produce bouglit íid.I Mild, at the old tfi rhomiHun & Millón, Corner Main ,-mdWsshiagtjo sts. MACiT&CH MID. DEALERS in Foreiun aD.-; Domestic Pry Gooil, GrO(ietien. Hits and ('ups, boots and Siioen, Cruekery, e , Corner of Main & Liberty (te. O. A. KELLEY, ■pHOÏOGRAPHKK- Corner Fourth & Huran stroef, i Aun Arbor. Cases fnuqes and Photograph Album constantly on lciad, and iit lütt er rates than can be foundclMwherc. Iy891 ""ÁÑDBEW Viïhh. D KALER ia Groeories, I'rovisions, Flour, Producaf , fcc., &c, corner Main and Washington Streets, Ann Arhor, The highest warkut piiceapaid lorcouutry jrod tiet . ■ I. O. O. F. WASHTENAW Lodge, No. U, of the Independent Order of qdd Fellow meet at their Lodge Room, ('erjr Friday Kvening, at 7JÍ o'clools. S. Soxdiieim, X. O. !'■ B. Hosn, gecy loÑGSLKY & MORGANATTOiWEVS, Counsellors, Suücitors, aud Notarios Public, havo Books .aüd Plats showing titles of all UnUintho Cotintr, andattend to conveyancing and oUecftng demanda, and to payíhg taveí an.i school inlretinany part of the state. Ollics east ol the park, D. DeFOREST. WHOLEáALE and rctail ile&ler in Latb, '' lfaog1s,8Mt, Doors, Blind, Water IJinï , Grand 'fPUstor, Piaster Pari, and Nails of all sizes. A ''lllanl perffet assortment of the above, and allothpr ii1 of building material conátantly ou haiK1 at tlie WwKsl tüïsilili' ratcp, on Detroit st ., a few rotïsfr.-un the fellroid Depot. Also operatiiri extensively ín tbo Pttent Cement Roofing. HOWAKD AÖS0C1AÏI0N, l'IIlí.AIÍKU'llIA, PA. Dlucnaes ofdie Nervou, Seminal, Uilnary and Sexual Systems - new and rclinble treatPii'Vt- 'm Reporta of the HOWAKD ASSOCIATIOV- venfby in eálf'l letiPr pnrr-lopcp, free of charïi. Urnt, nr.J. SKII.US' HOUGHTON, Iluxar'l smii la W}; Nm_2Játh XinlfcEueet, I'b:la., la. !. J


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