The Latest Mare's Nest

-The Rochestermenean, a JYalivtg. organ, quotcs frotn en. bolition pnper to convict Gor. Seward ofa esign to join t'ne "Liberty Party,", nnd to riv as mnny bthurs with him as he can. liis absotd cliarpe is eageily copii-d by the ative papers in this city, and jjravely published thcir readers as another powdei plot. The nttie ic'lé story was put in circulatioh by these abticalors iinmcdiately after the Növctnbèr eciion, and wos rromptly nailed to thecouner by Gov. Seward hinise)f. This has not eterred thern ho wever, from reviving i lisÃale ow. tliough it wil! prevenc auy but insane )er6om from credüing it. Albnny Evening Journal.The Journal has nlways been Gov. Seward'd rgan, and loubt]oss epcaks in this case ag ïeretofore, by autbority. We thought when be story was Kp beforo, and was so promplly nd firmly con'radictcd by Gov. S.,that our riends wonld now be satisfied, and let him aoiie. Why keep up this excitemont about Gov. Seward? He is not one of us, nevef was, and ia not very likely to be. The Liberty party is ïiot going to be built up by conyerting ex povernors and Ihat eort of people,' but by opening the eyes of the yeomanry, the handed nr.en in the country. We shoulá of ceñirse be grutirieu at the accessjon of Gov. Seward to tlie Liberty raijks, as we should of any othcr man - because his tote will count one. Butthat is a)Ã. He coüld briÃÃg ho ó'ther atrenglh to the party than bis individual voÃe and inÃluence as a mnn. IIïs poeition as 6 party leader is i;oihing to üs, for he couid bring nothing of it to us. His talent6, experiencc and sagacity, would be valuable to usj if Jieartily enlisted, as one with the rest of ijs, and thrown into the common stock. But tliid ia counterbalanced on the other hand by thë P'-ilitical prejüdice which necessarily ottaches'lo one wbo has been an okl leader and a marÃà to be shot nt.How liltle have oÃd politicians slrejigthened us! Sorno have even concluded that it is better for us to have r.ono of them, but to make up our tickets and manage oüt affairs vvith entirely nevv tnoterials. We 'oeg our brelhren not to allow themselves to stand still, gnzihg and gaping to see Gov. Seward come over; but go to work and brihg in the peopl, nnd we sÃmil not wanl hÃm. It is due to hit, furtlier, to reecive hie ovvn explicit dcciarutioriá, that he is a Whig, and noeans tnr rnmain oi:e. It is üisrespecÃful lo report that
Signal of Liberty
Old News