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The Board Of Supervisors

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Thuksday, Oct. 15, 18G3. VOKENOON SKSSION, Board met at 8 o'clock, A. M., Mr. Thompson in the chair. Present a quorum. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Gray moved that eaeh Supervisor be requested to report to the Committec on Volunteers' Family Relief Fund the average amount paid to each family per month since their reports in May last. Pending a proposition by Mr. Balmer to arnend the same. On motion of Mr. Thompson the subject was laid on the table. A commuuication was reeoived from A. D, Orane, Proseouting Attorney ; Ilorace Carpenter, County Treasurer; and T. W. Root, Oounty Clerk ; asking an increaso of their salaries, and that provisión be made for tho paymeat of ihe game quarterly. Referred to committec on salaries of county offieers. A 1 L ll,n T1 ,.,ni s. net rti +li- Germán Evangclical Society of Scio, asking that their school house in Ann Arbor City be exempted from taxation. Ücferred to a special committee, cousistiug of Hlessrs, Morris, Ürapf, and Geddes. Adjovirned untU 2 o'clock, P. M. AFTERNOO.V SESSIOX. Board met at 2 o'clock, P. M., Mr. McColl in the chair. PreseDt a quorum. Mr. Palmer, from Coramittce on Claims, No. 2, roported the foüowing, recommending tlioir allowance : Claimed. Allowed. 19 Spalding & Fleming, Stove, &c, forCouvt House, 10.26 1G.2C 20 C. H. Millen, Jail suppliés, 12.80 12.80 21 I. Collar, Wit. fees iiiüir. Ct. l.:5 1.85 22 Seth Arnolil, " " " 1.35 1.35 28 Stephen Gatas, " " " 1.53 1.53 '4 James Arnoltl, " " " 1.35 lS.ó 25 E. Bentley, ' " " 1.83 1.83 2fi James EÓaoli, :i " " 1.83 1.68 27 Samuel DuJioise, " " " 2.07 2.07 28 Thomas Mark, " " " 1.83 1.83 2!) Joseph i'uller, " " " 1.83 1.83 '80 Owen Mafkey, " " " 1.88 1.83 31 Walter Webb, " "■ " J,3 Í.83 32 J. L. Watts. " " ' 1.83 1.83 83 David Smith, " " " 1.83 1,83 34 James Sweeney, " " ' 1.83 1.83 35 G. W. Freara, " " " 2-4G 2.46 30 B. A. Johnson, " " " 1.71 1.71 37 J. C. Soutlier, " " " 1-71 1.71 : J[uli C'assidy, " " " 1.71 1.71 99 II. 15. Gates," " " " 1.71 1.71 41) Peter Shulters, " " " 1.66 1,56 41 J. C. Kelley, " " " 81 BI 42 Martin Seabolt, " " " 81 81 43 George Vkris, " " " 81 81 44 Stephen Bowen, " " " 81 81 40 Alfred Werd, " " " 81 81 40 D. S. Mitchell, " " " 81 81 47 D. W. Palmer, " " " 4.14 4.14 48 Justus Watson, " " " 75 75 49 Joseph Bamlall, " " " 75 75 50 A Pulhemns, " " " 81 8J 51 Daniel Hixson, " " " 2.01 2.01 53 Weir, " " " 1.89 1.80 33 H. Bartlit, " V " ll J-7J 54 J. Short, " " " l.Ö'J 1,80 55 Joseph Bawson, " " " 1.83 1.83 50 N. Brown, " " " 1-83 1.83 57 Isaac Magoon, " " " 1.83 J.83 58 Sanford KelW, " '! " 1,83 IM 59 Hiram ArnoUI, ' " " 8.49 feéfl 00 Joseph Maynes, ' " " 2.79 ,7U 61 James Joiner, " " '' 2.7'J 8-79 02 George Leonaix], " 'f " BI 8J 63 Bobert Leonard, :; " " 81 8J 04 J. L. Wing, ''■ " " S.ÍJO 3.54 05 George Snow, " " " 3,00 3..ÜÜ êfi Norman Pean, " " " 1,08 1,F &1 ï. J. Holfin.s, " " 3.06 3.00 m Coriutha gnow, " " " 3.06 3.66 09 (ïeorgs Hoplfins, II ■ " M 2-04 70 Philip Thompsöit, " " SM Ö-04 71 Francés Thompson, " " 'M 2.04 73 Thoows J, ïloskins, " " IM i 50 73 Aun Jobnson, ' " SI 81 74 James B, Go, ■ " " 81 BI 75 E. M. Gregorv, " " " 81 81 TGN. B. ïiye, ' " " " 81 Si 77 S. Cornélius, " ' " 81 81 78 Philip Winesar, " " " 81 81 T'l Wall. " " 81 81 SO David Deime, " " " i-63 1.02 31 John üharer. " " " 1 03 M 32 Faimy Holliday, " " " 81 81 33 Samuel A. öperry, " " lfi'2 1.62 34 Wip. A, Ilatcli, ' '■ " 81 81 io Johu Speny, " " " 1-6 1.62 Ï6 D. A Woodard, " " " 1.95 1.95 37 James Gamitlet, " " " 1.71 1-71 38 B. Hathaway, " " " Mi .7l S!) Havmon Keisey, ' " " 1-?1 1-71 H0 Ira Crouk, " " " 1-71 JJ1 91 JI. C. Edwavds, " " " 1.7 1-l 02 Win. Renlmon, " " " 1-"1 1-71 03 J. R. Bowers, " " K71 1-71 ÍM Ï. J. Hoskins, " '.'. " IM 1-56 Ilcport accepted and tl)e plairas al= lowed, Mr. Gbilds, from tho speoial eoinmik tee to wlnch was reforred the report of tbe DraÍDage Comniissioners, reporteS that tbey bad examined said report aod found that the pvocoediugs bad beeu conducted acoordiug to law, and ríiaoáamtmi dcd that tbeir report be adoptad. Tbe report of tbe coumiittue was accepted, and on uiotion the lleport of the Drainage Coinwissioners was adopted. The report of tbe Ditch Gommissiouers thus sanctioned aud confirmed by tbe Bourd makes assessments upon property iuterested as follows : Doxter Ditdi, Xo. i- Dextcr, $1,322.10 ilodfrey Ditch, Aun Arbor, SOñ.O") " Gause Ditch, Vpsilanti, 78}, 10 " tüiicking Pitch, " & Pittsfield, S3'J.ü8 " l'aint Creek J.)iti;h, Augusta, 1.721.3U 11 Bock do do do 38:50 Tlie resignations of John B, Stark aid Joseph i'ray, Drainage ïionarE, were precented to the rioard, and severally laid ou the table. A communication was roceiyedi froifl the County Treasurer, etatiug that iw amount of orders drawn ou the Volunteers' Family Relief Fund of this ('ouaty, as reported by the Supervisors, for the inonths of Juno, July, August, aud September last, is 8087.70. Rsforre J to committee ou V oluntpers' .b'a:nüy ltelief Fuud. Mr. Morris, from specia.1 oommittee to wbipll was reforrod the petition of the Trustees of the Gorman Evaugelical Soeioty of Bcio, roported, recomuiending that the prayer of the petitioners bo jrranted. Ilejiuit acceptcd aud aduptcd. Mr. Gilbert moved tbat the consideration of the resignation of the Drainage Oommissionsrs be made the special order for 2 o'cloek, P. M., to-morrow. Carried. Mr. Palmer moved that the vote by whieh Mr. Oilbert's resolutions were yesterday adopted be reoonsidered.- Uarried. Mr. LeBaron moved that tho resolutions be laid on the table. Carried. Mr. Palmer moved that the several Supervisors be requested to report to thjs Board, on Monday afternooD next, their monthly disbursemonts froni June last to Oetober. Carried. Mr. Krapf ofiored the following resolution : Resolved, That the assessment of lots 14 & 15 in Block 4 S of Huron Street, R 1 E, in the 2d Ward of Ann Arbor City, on whieh the First Germán Evangelical Association has erected a house which ia used for a school, be stricken from the assessment roll of tho lst and 2d Warde. Adopted. Adjournod to 8'clock to-morrow morning. Fridaï, Oct. 16, 1803. FOUENOON SESglOX, Board met at 8 o'clook, A. M , and was called to order by the chairraan. Present a quorum. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Pierce presentad the petition of Betsy Ann Sellers, of Lyndon, wife of George Sollers, a private in tb e 20th Michigan Infantry, appealing from lbo decisión of the Supervisors of said Township, and asking further relief from the Volunteers' Family Relief Fund. The petition was laid on the table, Mr. LeBaron offered tbo following resol ution : Resolved, That tho members of this Board haviug charges against this county forissuing Volunteer Relief orders be required to hand their accounts to committep on Per Diem allowance, Adoptad. Adjourned to 1 o'ojock, P. M. AFTERNOON SKSS10N. Board met at li o'clock, P. M., Mr. MoColl in the cltair. Mr. Gilbert offered the following recoiution: Resolved, Tliat the Treasureroí Waslilóiiaw County, Michigan, is hereby aulhorized and directed to issue the Bonds of said county, to be denominated "Soldiers' Volunteer Bonds," in the suin of one Imnüreuaoiiars eacn, Hearing saven per cent. annuü.1 interest, payable Feb. lst, A. D., 1866 ; said bonds to be aigned by the Cpunty Treasurer and countersigned j by the Count'y Clerk. The Treasurer of this eounty is directed to pay, in said bonds, the sum of two bundrsd dollars U eacl) man wlio shall furnish to said Treasurer tlie proper er idence that lie has enlisted and been wustered iuto the service of the United States, alter t]je passage of this resolution, and been credited upon the quota of said coimtj', (inder tl(ö j jedw)g couscription, to any sub-district io j t)i'm $mmtj, before the 25th day of October. : instaat. W ieror4erof Col. 15. H. Ilill, A. A. l'roj-ost llarsli.a.l Gener.a) of Michigan, dated Oei. "Ui. 1 863, Mr. Bulibit moved to amend by striking out " two hundred " ssd jpgerting "odö huiidred," Jjogt, yens 11, nays lg, as follows : Yeas, =iiessra. Babbit, Batcbelder, CritteöfiöP, Everett, Geddes, Martin Gny, Ki'apf, Lay, Pieree, Thompson, söd Óhairman, Jiïaii.-llaasre. Cbilds, Colo, Coon, Clark, öilbert, Haire, Joues, LeBaron, McKernan, Morris, Palmer, and Sbeldon, Mr, Thompson moved to ameud by addiug " also the like sum of $200 to every drafted man wbo bhallbe aGcsepted." Mr, Babbit moved to amend the amendment ty addiog, "andsliall actually enter the service, or luruish a eubstitute." Mr. CrHtenden opposod the amendment, Tbs goyerjimént wauted men and rooqey both, b4 200 would help the poor draffed HAB tP pay hig gomwute money. Mr, TjiOippsea pxpregsed &0 same viewg. Mr. Babbit oppoged an oppvopriation to pay the " home guará?," He TOnted to scoure men, Mr. Í3abbit'si amen4ment wae lost, Mr. Thompson's smepduiest W88 adoptod. Mr. Crittenden moved to striko out i "two hundrcd" wherever it occurs in tlte resolution as amended autl irusert " one I hundred and flfty." Lost, Mi. Morris moved to lay tbs subject on tlie table. Carried. Tho special order was taken up, and the resignatious of Jogepb Pray and -John B. Stark, Drainage Ootnmissioners, were taken irom the table, aud, on raolion, were aocepted. Mr. MoKornan moved that the Poard prooeed to a formal ballot for a Prainage Commissioncr iu plaeo of Mr. Pray. - Carried. The ballot rosulted, for James F. Avery, - - ■ 1-í Bussell Whipple, 9 Whereupou James F. Am y was de clared elopted, Mr. Mclieynan moved tliat tho }3oard proceed to a formal ballot for Drainage Ooinniissioncr in plape of John 13. Sturk. (Jarried; ïhe ballot rcsultüd, fo Prince Benuett, - - 13 Itussell Whipple, - 9 Whereupon Priuce JJeunetJ; was de pltsred ejepted.. jjr, Jones, frota öoMmiiiea to vhieh was refered rcolutiou tD purchaso Bull's Town Jjawa, reported that tliey could not ünd tbat nuy suoli book had keen published, flud askcd to bc dischaj-god. Report aocopted illl4 poiamittcc disciiarged. Mr. Thompson jiioved that the resolutiou of Mr. Gilbert, relativa to Voltij toer Bounties, be takeu from tbc table. Carriüd. Mr. Evcrett moved tliat tho resulutioD be raíerrod to a coüjuiittee of three, to report at ! p'clock thjs áffern'poo. Lost. Mr. Babbit offered the following ubstituto : Resolved, That the Board Of Supervisor autborize the County Treasurer to Usuo Bonds, of tho denomination of ono lmmlred dollars each, payable one lialf on the flrt doy of Febraary, A. D., 1865, and the remainlng one half on the first day of February, A. D., 1860. bearing annual interest at the rato of T per cent, per anmim, a snfficient numbor to pay the sum of one hundred dollars to each volnnteer mustered nto the United BtaW I service, und to each drafted man or his substitute mustered into the United States service, that is requirod to ill the quota of thiï county under the late diaft ordcred by tfa United States authorities. That on the presentation to the County Treasurer by any volunteer, drafted man, r his substitute, a cerliücates from the Provosfc Marshal or mustering in officer that hs i mustered into the United States service, he( the County Treasurer, is authoried to paj sucli persou one of tho aid Oue hundred dollar bonds. Tho substitute was lost. Mr. Thompson moved to further amend by adding : " and shall bo mustered nto sorvioe, conitnute, or furnish a substituto who shall bu accepted and mustered into service." (Jarried, yeas 13, nays 10, ag follows : Yeas - Messrs. Childs, Cole, Coon, Clark, Crittenden, Gilbert, Haire, Jone, Lay, McKernan, Sheldorj, Thompson, Cliairmau. Nays - Messrs. Babbit. Batohelder, Everett, [Geddes, Martin Grny, Kmpf, LeBaron, Morris, Palmer, and Pierce. The resolution as amended was thea lost, yeaa 11, nays 12. Yeas - -Messrs. Childs, Cole, Coon, Clark, Gilbert, llaire, Jones, Lay, MoKcrnan, Sheldon, und Chairman. Nays - MessrF, Babbit, Batchelder, Crittenden, Everctt, Geddes, Martin üray, Krapf, LeBaroD, Morris, Pieroe, and Thonipson. Mr, Krapf moved that the Board rlslt the Poor House this afternoon. Lot. Adjourned to 8 o'clock to n)orr0Tf raoruiDg. Saturday, Oct. 17, 1863. Board met at 8 i o'clook, A. 11., Mr, McColl in the ehair. Present a quorum. Journal of ycsterdaj read and approved. Mr. Palmer from Committee on Claimi Xo. 2, reported, reoommending ai follows : 95 Freeman White, seryices in Smal! poit case, 62.f".0 52.60 90 C. McCormiek, do do 13.55 1S.S5 97 Mrs, H. Sloore, JS'urse in grgall pox case, 83,00 60.00 pg F. Asbley, services ifi gmall pox e, 67,00 67.00 09 ïl, W, Mooe, services ia Smal! no case, 68 88 (00 C, & E. King, SH))J)iiö (Of Small mx case, 6, 6 i,Q5 101 Dean & Co., Gas flzturei, i I.75 11,75 102 John West, Slioes for prisoner 1 .63 ÍX3 103 Win. Hiscock, Justjceon i)(j. 3.39 3,33 104 B. W. Waite, gupt. of foor, 9.98 Ü.W8 J05 Andre' Peil, " " " 12,08 12,08 Report aocepted and claimt llowed as recommended.Adjourned to 10 o'clock lionity ïporning. Mosday, Oct. 19th, 1868, IfÚRBSOOÍ SPSSION, Board met at 10 o'olock, A. M., hüd was called to order by the phairRjan, I'resent a quorum, Journal of Saturdsy resd an4 j. proved. A comniuüiealion was reeelved f rom C. 8. Woodard, County Surveyor, iet ting forth the impossibüity of niaking correct surveys from any notes or dat wjtjnu reach of our Surveyor, Bnd ask. ing an appropriation of $]00 to procuró cortified copies of the original Field Notes for every Township of the Couutj from the United States Jand O&qq at Lansing, llcferred to OonjinittPS du Finano, Aujourned t,q % o eloelf, Si ISoard met 6t S o'elopk, M., Mr, MpGoU in the ehsir, Present a quorui,, A comammoatiim was received from Cuuaty ïi'fiasurer, enclosing estímate of tif0WQ# of thö uoiinty for coming yeui, neeessary ío be provided fpr by thi Board. Laid on the tqMo,The special order coming up, Ml'i Gilbcrt moved that Messrs. Krapf, Lay, aud Cliilds be a committeo to exainine the reports of the several Super visors, to the Gounty Treasurer, of their : disbursemcnts fiom the VolunteerV Family Hclicf Fund, aud report to this Board the ñames oí aDy Supervisor wlw have not coraplicd with the resolution pf Mr. Lay adoptcd in May hist. Mr. Childa moved to amend by requirlng cach Supervisor to procuro liis reports from thu Troasurer'g office, und present thera to this Board. Lost. The motioa of Mr. Gilbertwas carriod. Mr. Cole, from Coinmittee on Claims, íío. 2, reported as follows : n.-iiino'!. Mlavtú, 106 A. DeForest, table for O. H., 5.00 5.OQ l()7 C. Krapf, Rep. on Prob. Office, 1.75 l.fO ,0 N. B. Nyo, County Canvnsser,l 62 1 62 00, í. 53. H.iiul, ' do do 1 G? } 2 10 John Uediles, du 4a '2 10 9 JO S} fhoBias liuel, do 1a 3 Si % 64 ha Newcomb Bpowntlo dfi 3 90 3 SQ li'í fv luiif, uu uu j'i í4 Uw. ÏSuss. do do 3 18 3 18 i 18 N. ShWdon, do do 3 00 SOR Jjfl do do 2 94 2 M !l7 0. Ularkj' (o do. 3 'JO 3 90 il8 P. Ooon, do do i C2 4 ÖJÏ ltn P. McKernan, do do 2 18 0 4ï 120 E. LBAiken, do X ) 8 S 22 121 John Peebles, do do 'I TO '2 TO lÍ2 Martin Gray, do Jo 3 4a ? jo:; C. S. OrehJry, cü do 3 70 2 O 124 .]. Ew.ruil, " A li :1 9 :í ít0 12.", Win. i'.ar, do do 2 58 2 58 jO6 J. 0 Dpev, do do .'! "S 3 78 127 11. IJcColl, do do 2 -t) 3 4 128 James Lawrenco, do 'A 30 3 30 I2it Isaac Urano, do do 2 70 S 70 130 H. W. Moore, dp do. 9 70 271 131 C. Yost, do do 20 ül( 132 C. WpVtfeúff, do do 2 70 0 7(1 133 C. W. Gl,,vur. do do 1 i 1 J 134 W Benhum, T-oh. 9-.U 00 HJV i'L' K. &8jin8U; Biií-.feei Jus Ct. 1 i 1 ,4 130 W.V.jíí)i. Postni(vt?ni,ex.l00 5 00 17 J, HaWvIis. frii. peP, .lust. ft. "■ 04 ü 02 1 6 Ir t; Hitcheock, ctu do 3 1)4 2 012 l'9 J. ÏIutr.,tfitU;;-, H.rk a, Ct. 11 . ,24 87 J S7 140 fc.Downer, Vit.f.i, J'ust. Ct. 1 58 158 MI t Young, do do ,!u do J 58 ] 58 142 I. ii. HiielicBfck, do do do 152 152 143 Martin WarBj-Coroiirrs ffir[., ■". " 4 02 141 Ï9sih FuHer, wit feas du í 81 '■ 8] 14") I!, y Smiiii. Corüiwr's Jmy. í 19 S (2 146 J. C, M.iíi i;., do do' 2 12 3 Vi 14í R. Matthpws", c'o do " 12 2 12 148 W. F. Ruth, do (o i; 12 a 12 149 AnToí .y-.'íid, ,'j do 2 12 2 12 160 V?. Thom.i, da do 2 12 2 12 151 V. 15. Siuith, Witness do 112 1 12 JatwBarber, Witiifss Inquest, 50 66 153 C. II. Pinnov, do do 56 60 1 n t j. t. Wilcdxsdn, d- 56 66 155 Thompsun & Sun, Refresluncnts tor Jury, 7" 75 Report acecpted and claims aliowed as rtícomuieudeJ. Aleo rteommetided tliat tho claim of Wm M. Sinclair, Cor Water Üooler, $10, be rej oted. ReooíRiuendatiou agreed tb. ; Mr. Oilbert moved tliat Mr. Krapf' bo appoiuted upou. Commitioe ou CLiims, No. lv ■ CaVried, Mr. Krapf moved that this Board visit the Poor II o usé to raorrow morninp; at 9 o'clock, Üarrted. Mr. Morris moved tliat a comuiittee of threc bo ip'pointed to procure couveyanct-'s for the Board. Carried. Mesara. Ki-apf, Morris, and CriUenden wero appointod. Mr, Pierce, frotn Coinmittee on claims No. 1, reported as follows. 156 S. Dullois, l'ost Mortem Ex 5 00 5 00 137 C. II Tisdale, Just. fees, Oria. : Cases, G3 88 63 88 158 W, Hunter.Wit. fees, JustCt. G8 08 1M K. Hiinter, rio do do du 68 68 l'0 L. Hibner, do do do do 68 68 ltíl II. Hibner, do do do do 68 68 162 Newooinb Brown, Jus tice lees. 4 C5 4 (,í 163 E H. Spnklins, cío do 1 5ü 1 50 161 P. McKernan. Defemling Ctiui.10 00 10 00 'tío J. S. Casé, Constable ices. 3 71 8 71 1(J6 G. Banfovtb, C'ir. Conrt Com. 49 72 49 72 'Report accepted and claims ailowed as rccüimnended. Mr. Morris extended to tbo Board, in bcbalf of members of Medical Faoulty au invitation to witnesn same chemical experiments ou Wcduesday evening. - luvitation acceptiid. Adjourmd uutil 8 o'ciock to-morrow morning. TfESDAY, Oct. gO, 1868, li'.nrd níet at 8 o'ciock, A. M., Mr. McCíoll in tlic chair. Present a quorum. Journal of yesterday rcad and ap proved. Mr. Krapf, froin Commitíee No. 1, on Claiina, reported tlie lollowiag, recomrnending tbeir nllówance. 167 J. R. JJowors, Jus'k-c fi-?3, 8 8.1 8 S4 168 Peter Tui'o, lo do 59 03 59 03 169 J.McVee. Witness do 81 81 170 Edwin Hnrris, do do 2 12 2 12 171 A. J. Braman, Coust. feos, 19 75 15 68 172 Jas. Arnold, do do 23 08 23 0a 173 J. H. Harlow, coffin for pris'r, 3 00 3 00 174 J. M. Forsyth. Dept. Sheriff, 23 85 23 33 175 J. Foibeá, do do 15107 14812 176 J. Miller, do do 39 20 39 20 177 Wnlter Webb, Juít.. feos, 26 75 21 75 178 T. Oeuel, Just. & Wit fees, 19 68 19.68 1.79 G. W. Smith, mend. shous for prisoiier, 63 63 1B0 Hull Goodyear, Just. fees, 10 37 8 64 181 E W.Wallnee, Const. fee=, 23 38 23 08 182 N. Jí Aokiey. Wit. do 13 50 8 82183 T.J Coykend'aU, D'pt. Sh'ff ftes. 24 92 11 08 1Ê4 T Markey, Witaosa fees, 4 96 4 96 1-fñ E. W. Wal lace, Const. feos, 110 1 10 166 T. Fulter, (fe ,h 3948:204 187 E Bent ley, Witmss do 4 60 4 60 188 Jaravs Hoaeh, d do 4 60 4 60 189 Owi'ii Markey, do do 2 2U 2 20 Report Receptad, and ckiais allowed as rt'comtuended. Mr. Sheldon froin Coinmittee on Financo, made the following report; Tbe Committee on Finalice to whom was referred tlie comrnnnication frotD tbe Auditur General on the subject oí the co-unly hulebtdness to the State, would respectíully report that they have had the sanie ander ooijsideration, and íind that the said indebtedness amounts to fatir thousand six hnudrèd and twenty-four dollars and seventy-six cents, to July tirst, A. D., lS'i.1?; and y'our committee would recommeud the above amount (o be raised at this session by this Board, wiih interest to Feb. Ist, 1864. N. SHKLDOX,) J. GEDPES. Committee. D. LeBARON. J Report accepttd and adopted. Mr. Morris moved that the amount duo the State, as leported by the coniinittee,.be raised by tas the present year. Adopted. Arfjourned to 2 o'cloek. P. M. AlTERXOON SESÏtOX. Eoard met at 2 o'ciock, P'. M., Mr. McColl iu the chair. Present a quorum. Mr. Lay, froui Committee No. 2 ou Claim?, reported the followiiig, recotnmending their allowance : 190 W. L Stoweir, Jurwrin Just. Ct.l 00 1 00 191 J. A. Lynch, do do do 1 00 1 00 192 M. Goodyear, do do do 1 00 1 00 193 W. T. Concli, do do do I 00 1 00 194 P. B. Miller, do do do 1 00 1 00 195 Ambrose Arnold do do Ho I 00 1 01) 196 Rjchmond & Baokus, Boik íor Probate Oflice, 14 CO 14 00 Report accepted, and the claim, on motion, allowed. Adjourued to 8 o'ciock, to-morrow jnoruing. WeDNsday, Oct. Sist, 18C3. Board met at 8 o'ciock, A. M.. Mr. McColl in the chair. w Present a quorum. Journal of yesterday read and npproved. Mr. Palmer, frora Committee on ! Claims. No. 2, reported the followiiig : 197 N. C. Goodale, Justice's Inq. 3 12 3 12 l'J8 IUther Palmer, Juror 011 Inq. 1 00 .1 0 lJ'J 1. A. Palmer, do do do 1 00 1 CO 9'Ml II E. Peters, do do do 1 00 1 00 901 Ociando Hoskins, do do 1 00 1 00 202 Wm. WilleLs, do do do 1 00 1 00 203 A. D. Crane, do do do 1 00 1 00 204 J.Henley, do do do 100 1 Oo 205; Brown & Green. Livei y Bill, 3 00 3 00 206' C. Morris, Wit in Cir. Conrt, 179 1 7!) 207 M, Clark, Coroner's Inqucst, 5 ]fi 4 l(j 208 11. P. Leonard, do Jury, 1 06 1 06 209 G. T. Brown. do do 1 06 1 06 210 J. Vandewarker, do 1 06 1 06 211 B. Thomas, do do J 06 1 06 212 II. Itower, do do 1 06 1 06 S13 II Carpenter, do do 1 06 1 06 214 H. fi. Warner, wit. fees, inq., 56 5'' iö W. Rogers, do do do &6 56 316 E. D. Kinney, do do do 56 56 217 Mrs. M. Meese, do do 56 56 18 Dr. Voorhies, do do do 56 5Ü ! Report accepted, andj claims allowed as recormneuded. Mr. Childs, f rom Committeo on Volnnteers' Fauiily Relief Fund, reported follows : ■ Vonr Coiüinittec 011 Volunteers' Family Eelief FuHfl. would beg leave to report as Present indafctedneNs of the Pund $7000 00, loaa amhoi-jzeil bj th Board rif S ipfivisors ia Octolxr ISflá, for three Years, which wri] uoiae (l.if on tl. e iiit of April, 1--65, t!io interest en whicli amoUiits to, for ono yoar, J40U 00 Bonds aulliarized tobUsnedfrntn (im to time, and payabVe Pet. lit, 1 ' 13,100 00 ■i o:i the same, 50S 80 ir:i!-,-l expenses for November, and December 16Gu, Hiid Jan. 1Í-64, 3 montlis, at 4000 00 per moiil'.i, 12,000 00 Interest on the same, ,126 68 To be piovided for by tax, 23,125 48 To provirio for the expenses of the year. comiaencit, Seb lst, lSb'l, or soouer il' the aboya ajjproj)ïiation foriNov., Decauil Jan. f-liouKl be ihsOfficiouti it is reoonmieiuled tfcat tho Cóunty TréasuTer bovrow früm Iftae fo time, a sum not to exeeed L16,000, and iasue the bomïs of the comity therefor, at a vite oí :;ü i'.it. nol. to exLved T prr cent. ; said bonds to be solï at less than th'éir par', aml not to run pi ore Iban 3 years. Aftc.' the $10,000, tlms raised, liave been expended, tho Treasun'i to !: aulhorized to borrow on the Bonds ei the county, from time to time, so Bi'ieh as is necessary to provide for the rcauireruent of the Fund until the Board o? "Supervisors shall meet ia Octobet lCi ; but tho amount so borrowed shall not exoeed f20,000, tho Bonds to beat seven per cent. interest, and payable Feb. lst, 1865, and uot to be gold below par, all of which is respecU'ully submiitcd. AARON C1I1LDS, E. D. LAY, CONRAD KRAPF. NEWTON SI1ELD0N. Report was accepted, and on inotion of Mr. LeBaron, was adopted. Mr. Palmer oflcred tbo following: Resolved, Tbat tho several Corumittees on Claims be requirod to refuso to roceive nny claims aftcr Friday uoon noxt. Adopted. Mr. Krapf offerad the following : Re sohed, Tli ;tt the Board of SvperTisors of Waehtenaw Coonty inslruct eocih and every Justiee of the Peace to show in tb )ir several bilis agninsl tilia County, tlio names of the Constables who attended tothe several cases; nd to instruct each and every Deputy Sheriff and Constable who present elaims agninat this County, '.o give tlie niuno of the Jnstico of the Peaee before wliom suc'.! cuse Iris been t rijd, :ind the town, villagc er city on whieii aucli cae has been ti'icd, and tho date of every item so chai ge d. ' Adopted. Mr. Palmer moved that .Mr. Lay be esoused f rom serving on spesial committeenppoiuted to examino Supervisors' repoctg of disburscinents froiii the Volunteers' Family lielicf Fuud, and that Mr. Everott be appoiuted on same, Garried. Mr. Krapf offcred tho folio wing : Il-isoked, ïhat tliia Board resoiüd the resolution relative to strikiiit; frorn the assesment roll of tho lst and 2d Wards, kits 14 and 15 on lllock 4 s. of Huron sireet, R, 1 E , and add the same to the roll again. Adopted Mr. LftBaron offered tho following : liesolved, That the Couuly Treasurer be authorized to procure and f urn ia h to each Supervisor, as may be called for, blank order books of the form now in use for the issuing of orders ou Voluuteer's Family Reliuf Pund. Adopted. Mr. McKernan moved that the communication of the officers of the Agricultural Society bc taken from the table. Garried. Mr. LeB'aron moved tïuifc the tax to be raised for the uso of the Washtenaw County Agricultura) and Hortieultural Society, be l-40th of a mili on the dol lar of tha equalized valuation of the Gounty. Carried. Mr. Palmer offerej the following : Resolved, That a comrnittee of three beappomted by the Chair to examine the journal and order books, and ascertain and report to this Board, the number of orders, und the dat and amouvit of each order in the order books uncalled for, and to wlioin drawn. Adopted. Messrs. Babbit, Morris, and Batchelder were appointed such committeo. Adjourned to 1 1-2 o'clock, P. M. Ai TElïNOON SESSION. Board met at 1 1-2 o'clook, P. M., Mr. BIcColl in the chair. Present a quorum. Mr. Batcheldcr from committee on salaries of County officer.s, reported, reeommending that in view of the increased labors and cost of living the salaries be establishcd, as follows : County Treasurer, SI. 000 " Clerk, 800 Prosecuting Attorncv, 800 lleport accepted and hid on the table. Communication was reccivcd from Judgo of Probate :ii?king au appropriation of S60 to parchase Records. Kefcrred to committee on Claims No Mr. McKernan moved that Mr. Krapf be excused from special eommittee on Volunteers' Relief Fund Reporta, and Mr. Geddes be substitnteded in his place. Garried. Mr: Krapf, from Committee No. 1 on Claims, reported as follows: 219 W". W. BrowH, Dejrt. Sheriff, 3 82 3 S2 280 Kvliu Shephenl, i'cnstau:., lllfi 8 41 $1 WfUiam Hitnkey Jjistüïe fe.?, 3 31 331 ''2 Jerémïah-ïhrwett, C'oniitable, 6 4t 6 44 t& Snicia f. Sclmfer, 17 53 jq 71J 2ï4 .1 M. I'orsylli. " CO 09 5b 16 225 H. A. Pmith .Inslico (tv, 10 67 10 67 226 ünniel J.Finn, I)eit. MicriH, 8 24 0 64 227 James Reide, .htice fees. 3 26 3 26 22H Is:iac Lovejoy. Me]. services al Jnü, 32 Cl 3-2 01 29a Toel Neges. Coat table, 34 19 10 69 230 Cliarles Boylau, " 112ÍÍ 1129 Report accepted, and claims allowcd as recommendcd. Mr. Gilbert was called to the chair. Mr. Lay,' from Committee No, 2 en Claims, reported as follows : 2; KoisuiiSlielilou. C!:u.O. Canv.affcrs, o CO 3 00 23'2 T)r. !.-. W. VoorhhM, IVst Mortero f.x. ö 00 3(0 2'3 Orsririüe AFuHcr, Medicine fe Jil, 194 1 !4 Ï-'U ''. KvK.r. Ki)i:nri'ii .'iiíl, 55 07 50 07 235 Htnry Hall, Juntics on Inquest, 3 73 3 73 Me O. I!."t1kiiiwih Ut. (ei Ct Uouneic. 6 00 sou 237 PirauelDuBofs, Media,! Vit on Tnq. S no 121 SiS Snmuel riiiHoU, ftvicC, 5 00 a 00 a 9 Webb, Juítioe onlnqiu'at, 11 10 6 8 2-10 John Twamley Juror on " Í 0 150 1 H. A.Glenn, ' " " ' S0 150 24? P. Wutt", " " 1 .-L 50 343 JohnL.Watt, ' ■ 150 1 L0 244 .luhn Holmes, ■ " 150 150 24.", Piüïom 1'i'ris, " ' 130 160 24H Snir.ucl DuBois, Witncsa 'n Inquost . S 0 50 217 l!i!it)(ri;Traver,Rep. on Ct. Il . & Jail 18 SS 38C8 248 F. Sorg, nnd Cl.izing, 24 55 24 58 Report accepted, and claims allowed as recommended. Mr. Colé, from same committee reported bill of Dr. Douglass, $75.00, without reeommendation, and moved that it be allowed. Mr. McColl moved that it be laid on the table. Carried. Mr. Cole also reported bill of Dr. Barnes, for post mortem exatnination on body of J. C. Depew, without reeommendation, and moved that it be allowed at $50.00. Mr. McKernan movod that it be made the special order for tomorrow morning at !U o'd'jck, Carried. Mr. JLcCöll moved that the claiio of Dr. Douglass be tokec frota tho table and made lbo Special order for lOo'clock to-morrov morniug. Oarriod. Mr. Krapf moved that the petition of Betsey Ant! pellers, asjcing further relief frota (ho Volunicera' Family Kolief 1 Futid. Carried. Mr. McColl offered tho fuílowing: A't-socfá,That tho petition be referred to the Supervísiir of Lyndon witli thereíjuest to pay saiil ]ietilioner jtlio aniount necessary in Ma ! opinión Cor her Mipport. Adopted. Mr. Crittenden moved that the report of the committGC on_ salaries of Coutity ofíiours be taken from tho table, Cor ried Mr. MeColl moved that the report be adopted, and that the salaries be fixed at tbc s'.nns reüommended. . Carried. Pleroe offered tho Resolced, That this Board roquest Mr. Clark, of Lyndon, to pay to Mrs. Sellers $SÖ back pay on Yolunteers' Family Belief Fund. Mr. MoKernan moved to lay the resolution on tho table. Oarried. Adjourued to S 1 2 o'cloek, to-morrow' morning.


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