Ministers, Hounds, And Runaway Negroes

the. Alabama Baptist, on the subject of Ministerial support attnbutes the unwillingness of the peoj)le to support iheif preachers, in part to the teaching of thé anti-missionnry ipiïiistesi And he represents one of these? riding ihrough the' county wilh a Ãrain of about twenty houn'ds, and wiili a brace of pistols, and a Bovvie knifc projccting out of his pockot. showing a handle wliich would make' a bluiÃgeon, as his informant told hiirÃ,: "large enough lo kil] the d ], and thus fully armed and equipped, he makes his excursions, hunting runaway negroes'''The Missiönary of the Alabama Associa-tion goes on to say: - "WFiile it inay be righl and proper' that some olie should keep such dogs, and follow such a vocation, we think it does not fitly become the ambassadors of Christ. Let ihe churches then awake to the subject of Ministerial suj- port." Think of tli Ãs. Tlie Albaiï)'a Assöciil' tion supports a Missionary who concedes thai Ãiouñds ought tobe and' rncii employed for the purpose óf Ãiúnting runaway negroes. It is wrong for a minister to do it, because it is not his vocation. aud the cluuches ought to suppoffi him so that he may not need it. I know' not which most to be astonished at, the auti-missionary preacher who liïrnself does such work' , or the1 missionáry who admits the piopriety of the vocation in others than professional ministers. "O
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