
In Prnirieville, the Liberty vote yas Uit lasi fall 60. Both t!ie other parties united against the Liberty arrd söccetfdéd ity a tnojorhy of frorn 12 to ts. lu Pewaufeie, botli theelavery parties cohVbined. A part of eacfr ticket was electérf. On chairman the' Liberty vote was 77Slaé' ry vote 72 The papers state that at the recenà sessi'on of the Massachusetts legislaturê, no lcss than 25 manufacturing compa nies were chartered; and the capital of four or five was increased.(E? The "Eaton Chronicle" is (hé name of a new paper recently commenced at Eaton Rapids, Mich. by Storey antf Cheney, al $1,50 in od-Vance. We do not know what are tÃa politics, or whether it has any. Newspapers seem tö multiply rapidly in' Michigan. flT5 Tlïe Hutchinsons have beert peitforrt)'ing in New ï'ork with great ápplause. The nntislavery song of "Clear the Track'' wasvery greatly applauded.The Pope lias wntten a letter to Rev. Dr. Crolly, friniate of Ireland, informing tlie Catholics that he ia entirely opposed Ão the&epeaà movement. O-Connell has Dmltetar to' thtf Bishop of Meath explaining thé réasorts oF tbis interference on thepatt of the Pope. H hos also sent a deputatioö Lo his Holiness te expostulate wilh him. Ann Arbob, April lï, látóThe Wheat market remain withbüt imich vanation. The price may be qnoMji at 7j Cen(8,butlols have been sb u high 58 78 cente.
Signal of Liberty
Old News