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nía American Coilectïng Agency, No. 2-iO Broadway, New York. Claims of uil kinds aga-Enst the General nvermnor.f, State dover mué utj the City, of privaba par ti es, prosecuted and éöilectea ;l1 vut expciitv andr'nk Againet private, par.tlea I poesh .superior facilities for collecting claims e verywhere in tuï l'nitt-d States and Ca,nadaö, relieving niercha'nts, aHriígnfeg.ftankera, and others , OÍ til f cate il n tl ft 11 rc-ponsibtlit v - Speeial attention given to old debts, hard cases, di, :&a, wills, estiiU-s, ete. Being familiar with all the details of the " Inttrnal Reveñtíe a," I Wlllattend prótiiptty to the coilectio of drawbaoks, and taxea oven.uiil through ignorauce of thelaw. SoMreTs" pensions ,pay, and bouniy eecnrëi! forthem or their hcirs. l-'or that puppoae, and for prosecutlng claims againsi theGorernnieatj I íkivüíi branoh office ut Washington. N'o charge made unless claims uro collected. AU oï&te-rs dischargod by rea son of wounds - howover shor1. tilt; time tltey have sr?á - are ontitlecl to One Ilundred Dollars Bounty. AU soldie ra hayingaervfil twoyt&rd, Ape entitled to the same. fl6 'fhe Wghëst market pricd will be paFd for solctiers' claims , aud ottíor demanda aga4nst the General (i"Yc'rnmer.t. Information and opinión s gíven, and ihvQstfgation nvide icithout charge ,upon claims proposedto be placod in my hands. For particular, addresfi H. HÏ7NTINGTON LEE, lïOOtf u, -240 BroaffWKy', N Y THE KOOTS AND THE LEAVES Wil.L, bo for the Heallï.g ol' thR . Biile. Frof. 3Gt. O 3Lryc3Nr3s THE GRKAT AXD ClXKBR ATKD IMIYSICIAN of the TUttOAT,lXX(.;s, ItKAliT, I.1VKK AXD THE BLOOD, . Known all over tli e country is the irsTX3XJA.Xr HEBE DOCTOB1 Üf LS2 Superior Street, Cleveland, Üliio. Vvfïl visit the following plac(i, i. APPOr.VTMENTy FOR 18B2, t863and 1.SG-J. ['jof R. J. ].} uns oan bö cunsulted at the fnllowing piacpsevery niunth", viy. Detroit, Hussel i Ion se, ench month, ISthand 19ih. Ano ArbtHf, Monitor Uou8e,puch month, 90ih Jnckson, Ribbíini Houtó? cacti moDth, 21. AdrlaDj liracker House, éach month 22d and 93J3. Toledo, Ohio, Collin.s Uou&e,caeh month !t]i,25th and lifit-1 . HiiKdato, Mich., Hlllsdale House, oauli month , 27th. Cvld water, Mich., Southeru Miobigac House, ea"h month, 28th. Elkhart, fc'lkhari House, each monf h , 20th. South IVml, In.l., St. Jo. Hotel, euch mon'th, 30. Lu porte, Iud., Teo G'iuik-ii Hooa, each inoutli 31sK Wooster, ühiot Cvaudell Exohance, each month ïth andSth. ' Mañsñeld, Ohlo, Wilcr, cacli moathj 9th and lOth. Mi. VfiiKin. Kenyrm Kuuse, éaéli moiiilj ' lltli and 12th., Jfewark, Ohio, Holton House, each menth. 13th and llth, '" l'ainesville, Ohio, CowlesHmisp, each month 41h CLfcVKLAND, ollIO. IlKSIDLKOJB ANI) OFFICE, 282 8UPEUJOR STREET, Eitfit of the public square, Oftp,osite the Postofiice. Olfice daya each mouth, Ist, 3d, 4h. 5th, Cth löth Office houra f rom 9A.M. to 12 M, aiid front 8 h. M.'to 4 1'. M. OnSunday from 9 tu 10 A. M., and 1 to 2 p. M jMaximsstrictly adhered to I give such balmas ljaye no strife, Witli na.ture or the la -s of !ife, Wlth blood niy hafiflö I Rover stain, Kor poUon men toeaso th-eixriain, ' He is tt pliysician indeed, who Onrus. The rndian Herb Doof ór', li. J, LYÓN, cures the fefcWwing conipiaintdiütheiïiy.-it o!j.-;íiiltte t Ages of their BJtsttnce, viz: Diseaes of the Throat, Linies, ITeart, I.iver, Stomacli, IH-opsy in the Chest, Rheumatisra, Neuralgia, Fits. or FaUiQgSickness,an'd'll bCbeï uêrvousfleraiigements. Also alliliseasesof iho hlood, such aa Scrofula, Erysipelfta. Cancero, Fever AóieA, Leprosy, and all other coniplicated chrotiic coEüplftirits. AJJ forma of fomale difficulties attend -d to with the happiof-t resulta. It is hoped tliat no one vl despair of a eire until they have given tlir huliaii Ilcrb Unctgr'e Medicines a fail ;uid f;iithfiil trial. fl-,Huring the iraveU in Kurope, West Jndie.s, South America and the United States, he Uas been the insirunient in God's hand, t o restore to health and vigor thousands wbo wese given up an.l pronounced ijicurable by ihe most _-miiu-i(i old school pïiysicians; nay, mort, thousands who were on the vorgfe of the urave. are noiv liviog to the Indian Herb'.s Doeturs skill and successful treat ment. and are daiíy exclaimïng: [:DJessod bciheiiay when e saw and partook of the Indias Herb Doctoi-'s medieine." Satisfactory referentes of cures wiíl be gladly and cheerfully given w henever required. The Doctor piedlos his word and honor, that he ill a no f Ise, ciirectly or indirectly, inOuce or cause any Lnyalid to Ukc hia medicine without tlie strongest probabiüty oí a cure. .ÜQf Mode of oxamination , whioh is entirely different tro;: the iacult-y. Jr. I.yon professes tu discera diseases by the eye. He t&ei'efore a.ks ooqpefltlons, nor doeshe require patientsto expiain symptoaaB. ('alione and all, ind have the.syinptoniri and locatioa of your disease explained free of charge lThe poor shall be liberally con.idered. jeSSfl'ostollice address, box 2Ö63. R. J. LYOXS, M. I'. Olevehmd, Ohio, Nov. C5, 1SG2. ly880 THE GUEAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY. 51 Vesty Street, Nev Yovfc; Since its orgaaizati-jn, has created a new era in the history of Whclesaling Teas iii tHs Country, They have iutroduced their selectioua of TliAS, and are selihag Ihenï at not orar TW0CKXT8 (.62'CenfB) per poüná above Coat, Nevcr dtvkuing from the ONE PRIC-E mkcd. Anotherpeculinrify pf the Cuinpany in thattheirTK TastüR not ouly devotes bis time to ibe selection of their TEAS as to quality, value, and iiartïcular styles for particular localitics of, country, btit he hrips the Tea huyer to choose. out of their ennrmous stock such Tieas asare, beat adaptad to their particular icants, and nut only this.but poinits out to him the Üestèargains. It is easy the incalculable adrantaga a Tea Buyer has in this (.-■tablishnn'nt over all others. li he is no .judge of ïea,or the Market, if hia time i.s Tfthuible, he has all tho benoüts of a well orpanized system of business, of ap immense capital, o the jui-lgement of a professional Tea Tasier, and ttte knöwledge of ánperior saíesmen. Thirt enables all Tea buyer a - no matter if thcy are t hou sa mis of miles from this marl;et - tó purehaseon as good terms here as the New York merchants. l';ii ties can order Tea.s and will be served by us aa wcll as tbough they came themselves, being suro to pet original packages, triie reights,and tasen; and the Teas are Warranted as rójiresented. Wc issue a Price Ltet ot the Companya Teas, which will be sent to all who order it; comprising Hysoii, Young" Hyson, Impeiial, fcGuupoTwder, T"wazikay and Skin. OOLOKG, SOÜ0HONG, ORAKGE & HYSON PEKOE. JAPAN TKA of every deeeriptlon, colorod and uncoloret!. Tlii.slisi has each kind (vfTu dividedtótoFOÜR Classes, nantfly: CARGO, hirh CARGO, FINE, FIX1GST, ihar every one may u udi-iii n-i Cros) d(.'scritton and tlie pricesannoxed fcbftt the Gornpany are determtaed to undersell the whole Tea (rade V' naraniff to soll AU, uur Tftafl .it not over Two f.'cnts (_)P CKN'TSj pot pound aíovcoár, believing tliis to be uttractivt ti the ttMbny who hnvc berctofore been paymg eiinriinHis proHiHS. GHEAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, Iitiporterg anti Jobbers, 3m931 No. 51 Vtsey Street, New York. SCHOFF&MÏLLEK RESTII,LONHANDattbdroU18taail, No. 2, Tranklin Block, with themust coni];lete a.sxortnient of Books and Stationery, PEIIFUMEKIEH, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADE8, ROLLERS, GOEDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTAIN8, I-IOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Market ! and they would suggesL tothosei n pursuitcfanythingin SANTA CL A US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasfng from this stook, as purchaser gete íiE add i tional present of Jewelry, ixc , Itanging invalue iroin 50 ets. to $50. SL& Theytrufit that theirlong íxperieiir,e intiolectíng goods forthis market, and strict attention .to the wants nf Cutomers, may ent-ítle tbein tu a liberal sharc o Patronage. Arm Arbor,Dec.5. 1800 777tf Ayer's Cathartic Pilis. TH3 ALL SUFFICIBxíT THREE: THE GEEAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Knuwn na '' Ilclsiibold's' GENUISTE PREParíLtIOWS, VI Z : HEUIBOLD'S EXTRACT " BÜCHU," " " SAHSAFAIULLA, nfPHOVED ROSE WASil. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PBEPAHATION, " HICTÏLY COBCEMTUATED " COHPOÜND FLUID EXTRACT BÜOHU, A Positivu and Specific Reinedy, For Diseascs of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine iiHTeisis tlie power of DlgettloB and excitpa tlie ABSOBBEXTS" int.) healthy nction by w'likh HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHÜ FOK WEAKNBSSE8 Arising from Excespes, Habitsof Dissipntion, Eavly Indiacretion, or Abuse, ATTENUED W'ITII THK FOLLOWIM SYMTOMS : Indis po aïtion toExertion, TiOsaoT Power, Loss of Mi'mory, Diflieulty of Iireathing, We 1 1. Norvei, Trembling, Horror of ÍX'aease, Wakcfulnesa, Diraness of Vision. Pain in the Back, Universal La.s.siiude uf the Klushing of the Body. üAiSfiulnr Systefli, Eruptiona on the Face, Hot Haudfl] Pallid Countenaace. Dryaess 'f the Skin. These symptoms, f allow ed to go on,whlchthlfl medicine invariably removen, goot) follow IMPOTENCY, F4TUITY EPILEPTIC FITS In oñe of whlchthe patiënt may exphe. Wlio cun .say that they are u )t lïequently f o lloved by those "direful djse&sos," Insanity and Consumptio Many are awarepf the cause of their s (Tering, bat none will confoss. The records of the nsane Asylums and the liielancholy de&ths by Consumptiou , bear ampie witness to tho ruth uf the assertiun. THE OOXSTJTUTIOX, O.N'CK AFFKCT1CD WITII OR(ANIC VEAKXi:Sf Ilequires tlie aid of medicine to sírenglhen and inrigoratothesysteHijWhich HELM BOLU'S EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. A tria' will couvmee tiie pioet skeptical, Females, Femalos, Females, OLD OR YODNÍ?, SINGLE, MARUIED, OR CÜN TiMPLATIXU MARRIAGE, In rnany affoctiona peculiar to Females the Extract Buchu i& uuequalied by any olhcr remedy, as in Chlorosis or RetenUon, Irre.ularity, Puinfulness, or Suppressiun of the CustonMiry Kvacuations. Ulcerated ' or Schirrous state uf the Uterus, Leucorrhea, or Whitea, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whethov avising from lndiscietion, Habita of Dissipution,ur q tlie. Decline or Chango of Liiü. 8EE SYMPTO5ÍS ABOTB. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Iïalsam, Mercury, or Cnpleasant Modicine for Unjileasant aud D&ngerous Diseases. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUC1IU CüRKS Secret Diseases. In all their stages ; at little expense ; little or no changa in diet ; 110 inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and givea streugth to Urinate, therebyrmnoving obstrttctions, preventing and curinff StrictureK of the Ürelhra, allaing pain and in(lainmation, no frequent in thifl clastí of diseaaes, and expelliuK P01S0N0US, VISEASEV AND fi'ORN OUT MATTER. Thou.iands upon Tliousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE .VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who h.ive paid HEAVY FEES tobe curedina short time, havefound they weredeceived, and that tlie "J'oisun" tins,by the u.s of "Powerful Aatringents," been drïed up m the system to break out in agg;ravated ferm, and PËRI1AP3 Aftcr MAJBKIAE. Helmbold's Extract Buchu Fof all Affectiona a in) Diseases of Tlie TJrinary Organs Whether nisting in MALE Ott FEMALES, from ivhatevcr cause riginatijig, and uo matter OF HOW LOSG STANDING. Discases of these Orgaus require tbe nid of a Dicriític. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURETIC', Aad it ís certain tö havo the desired effect in all Di seaaes, fur which it is recouimeuded. liLOOD! BLÖÖD ! BLOOD! Heluibold's Highly Concentraled Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. - This is an affect;on of tbe Blood, and awuskstiu Sexaïl Orgaus, I.iningK of the Noae, Ears, Throat, Windpipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, makingits angeayanee ia tbe foiui ol' Ulcers. Helmbold's Exé-aot SarsaparlUapurifies theBlood, and remove j all Scaly Eiuptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexión a Clear and Healthy Color. It beiug prepared ezpreièly forthia elMfl of complalnt, Ita Blood-I'nriiying l'roperties are psreserved i a greater extent tuuu any preparaf ion of SarsaparilJa, HeIinbold'sRose Wash. An excellent Lotion for D11U.8H of a Syphiltic Katilre, and as an injection iu l'i.seasfg of the Urinary Orgaiu, arising from Bab-itsói' disslpution, tísed in couafeatfco wlth the ExtrftotsBuohu attdSareapArüfaj o suchdiae&see as recommeiid4 Eyihjoce of the most responsible and roiiablechacacter wül accomp;my tho medicines. CERTIFÍCATE OF CUBES, from oigtit to Iwonty yeara niandiM, with namen ksowa to SCIENCE AND FAME Por Medio] fropertieaof BUCHU, öee DispensatOry the United States. tíee PfofeBior DEWEES valuablo works on tho Practice of PbyAe. Lcnüirkü made bv t'it' laio celebmted Dr.PEYSCAPhihnl.'Iiiliia. ,y!0 reznarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM McDOfVELL, acelebratcd Fhyslcian, and liember of tbeRoyalCollego of HiirgeoriH, Iieland, and published intlieTransaction.s of the Kíug and Quoeu's Joarnal. öee Meilici) -Cirurgical Review, published by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellow of the Royal Ooilege of SurgeonB. Seeuiostof the lato Standard Works on Medicine. Extract Bichü, $1 CO pee hottle, oü six fok S5 00 iL Sabsaimhilla 1 00 (i " 5 00 iMriioVKJj oasWatUfa 50 " " '2 60 Or half a doieñ of each for $1200, which will bo sifflcient to uure tho most obstinate casea, i'p directiens are adhored to. Dolivered to any address, secutely packed iromobservation . $3F describe syraptooiJ in all communieatiout.- Cures guarantced. Adice gratis. affTÏÏTvit. Perfionally ippeared beíore mean Aldcrnifin of tic cityof rhiladelphia .t 11. T. ÍÍKT..MKOL]), who, beiug duly sworn, doth say, hia proparafiojis cmiiftiu no nnrootin, bo merüury. oOth r injuriou,-, dirige, but are purely eegetftblé. H, T.HELMBOL. Sworn and subscribed befure me, this '2'.U dat f Novembtr1854. WM r. 1IIBBARI. AL lei man, Niöth-streöt, abjve Race, Thila. Adflress Letters for information in cnfidencp. H. ï. JUíLMM()Lt),Chetniít. Pepot 104 South Tenth-street,beiow Cheiitnut, Phila, BEWARE OF CÜUNTËIU'JËITS AND UNPRIN'CirLED DEALERS, ïif endeavor to dispoae " OF T11K1R OWX n and "othör" articlcfíonthe íeputatíonattaflied by Helmbold's tíenuine 1'reparjitiouR, " Extract liuchu, , " " Hnrsaparilln, " " Improved Kuse Wash. Suld by ft-11 Druggists everyvvhore. ASKFOJl HELMBOZD'S-TAKE NO OTHER. Gul out üie advi-rtisonif ot. nnd srH ffr it áL á VÖ1D IMVOSITIOH AND LXFOSL'RLk iyOOÖ I am Bound for 1. GUITERMAN iCffSI Dispute the fact if yon can, It talcas the TAILOK after all to give appearanee to the outer man. If you wish to appfear well Yon must accordiugly Dres3 Well. Go to m. Guiterman & Co's,, There you will find thinga exactly SO. S0NDI1E1M always reacly to take your meastire, ' GÜITERMAN will sell you Goods vvith great ploasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in ihe State, Také heed - call eakly, else you are too LATE. The inducemexts are now greater than ever, Our Clerks you will find obligíng and clevei'. We will show you good CLOTHING oí our own oetting up, Filling our Store from Bottom to roí. STUDENTS especially will find it to THEIIt ADVANTAOE, Por it takes but LITTLE M.ONEY to replenish. 1500 0VERC0ATS oí Cloth, Beaver, and Bear, WarraDted for ahnost ever to wear. COATS of .Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORTAT1ON, Forvvarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you can stand up ín, or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up to EiaiiT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fietion, Furnishing avparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we say now, Therefore wa make our bow. Youra truly, ever so, M. GUITERMAN, is Co., RISDOÑ & HEÑDERSOÑ SCavo tlxo Eí TJ O TSL ES 5T 33 GRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. nPIHE VERY I.ATKST IMFRO VEMENT, aud botter thaa X ftll others; adapted to sowing Wboat, Rye, Oats, iíarley aBdGrasti Seed. lat. It hos a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will 8ow all Icitids of Qrain and Grass Seed. Zd. Nevev lunches the Grain éth. Wever hrealcs ihe Grain. 5tJi. Sows Grass Seed fovadcast ieMndihe Drill. bt.h. Has high icheeh aid long Hoes. Ith. lias long and wide steel points. Sth. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank dritts. ldth. It has a self adjustiug shut of elide. ít is neatly and substantially niaole, ïhc-r1 is hftrdly a Drill offeredin the market but can buast of more or Icsb FIRST PREMIUMS." They are aboutas iüdiacriuainately bestowed as ihe títlo of " Frofeseor," which is sometimea applied to the " jlddler '' or 'l bootblack .' ' They cease to conrey the idea oímerit. Tlte Uuckpyp Drill has boen on ExhiMtionat quite a number of Stafe and County lúiir.-, and without seeking favor at tbe hands oi' ;vny Coiuuiittee, ha received its fu!l share of Premiums. TESTIMONIALS : We gíve the fullowing uames of a few Fhh íd this vicinity wo íiave bouglit ad U36(3 tho Buckeye Drill ; Godfrpy Miller, Scio. Jacob I'ollierau& " Jacob Trompar, " Thomas White, XorthfleM Jolin örultaw, t( Christiau Kaj'jï, Kdw.'ird Boydun, Webster, Jamos Troadwell, AnnAïbor Daniel O'Hara, " " John G. Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshal w h. KdmoadR, vüliü?, (Jeorge Cropse-y, Green Oak, Lir.Oo, We arealso Aponu for the Ohio Reaper & Mcwer, [icknowledged tobo the very best ia ue. "We are just iu receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Wiiicli we vriti sell Clieap. Also alargeasfiortment o Grrass Scytlies. Aud the largest and best aelected stock of BE]NrT STUFF FOR CARIÍIAGESever beforo offeresl im this market . We aiso koop a largeaud ful! NAII-S, GLÁSS, PUTTY, FATNT,ana I.1NSEED OIL. A coaipletc ansortment of STOVES, TINWAEE, AND F.AVK TROUGHSalway on hand anil put up at the BUortcst uotict". FÜSMN.Í; UENDF.RSaN. AnnArbor, Juno 391): .1802. tVStí 1863. SPRING. 1863, We are now opening A Large and Beautiful asaort inent of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry (x o o ds ! LAD1ES' DRESS GOODS in great vaiïoty, HZS2B ONS. -Ox-oisis Tr:m:EKj.i:sxg;s; efeoAlso a largo stock of GoodsforMens? Wear, Cassimeres, Cloths, &c. and a ínll assorlment of Ladies and Ghildren's HATS, CAPS, GROCEEIES, CROCKEEY, All of which we will sell at the LOWEST rOSSIBLE O-A.JS3E3C DE n X O E Í MACK & SGHMIO, Ann Arbor, March 19, '03. 89(3tf CITY COGFER SHOP. 1VhoIe-su,Uiaml Reptil, O. C. SPAFFORD WouM respect fuITy annmmce to the citfcena ol Ann Arbur and vieiüity, that hé i-s now icánñfacturing and keeps eonstautly on bind a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! such as PovU and Cldcr Barrels, Kos, Firkins, Churns, Well Buckets, &c. Which wlU besold cheap for cash. CUSTOM "W OBK Made to order on short iioüce. Kepairïng ilune witli neatneás aiid disputen, 1 would cali particular attention to Merchante ín want of Bvitter Firkins. lam manufactu ring the Ntwloik State Fiikin, which isa betícr Firkin tlian hasevt-r before been offered nthis uiarket. I wuuld invite all whu, Yant Firkins to Cali and exanme for tbemselves béforepdrehesing elsewhre, and I will convïnce you that you have culied t tUe right njace. 1 would also cali the atteutiou of Bicwers in want of BEER KKGS. I ara now prepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls. in large or smalllots, iaüü of a Better Quality thíin can be had in Detroit or elaewherc. liF'All work warranted to give entire satis aenao. Thankfu)for puat favurs and by a strict attention to businessvl Jiopo to merii a continue liberal sunply of the public patronage, ■ Vo notfurget to cali at the City CooporShop. O. C. SPAFFORD. Dvtroit8t. Aa Arbor, Miei. 8f?vl GREAT.GKEATEE, GREATEST BAKGA.INS EVER OFFERED 1859. )18, InthÍ3Cíty, areuow beiag offered at the OHEAP, CLOOK, WATCH, & JeTV elry StorerpHESobBcriber would say to thecitizensof Ann ArL particulnr, and the rest of Washtenaw County in general, that bühasjust 1MPORPED DJRECTLY from EUROPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! All of vrbich h bind hiraself to eell CHEAPER than can be bought we3t of Kfiw York City. Open Face Cylinder Watches trom $6 to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to al Ilunting Case do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylindor do do 9 to 28 Oold WnteheBfrom 21) to 150 I have albo the CELEBRATED AMERICAN WATCHES, which I will sen ttr 4U.1). Every Watch warranted to pwforin welï.or the monoy rciunded. Clooke, Jeweïry, Pinted Ware, Fancy GoodsGold Pens, MusicalInstruraentH and rftrings, Cutlery, &c, and in fact uvariety of every thinir uuüöliy keptby Jewolera can be bought for the next ntnety daye at your O W N P 11 I C E S ! Persom buying auything at thia wei? known eatablistme ut can rely upon setting good) exactly as represented, ortheinoriRy relunded. Callcarly and öucure tho best bargaiua ever offered in thi City. One word -in regard to Repairing : We are prepftrod to malte any repairs onfine or coinmon Wctches, oven to niakinpc er the entire watch, If nftceseary. Krpairing of Clocks and Jewelry as usual. Also the manufacturinc of RINGS, BROOCHS, or aaything desired, from California Gold onshortnotice. Engravire in ajlitsbranchesexeented withneat nes anddispatch. J C. WATTS Anu Arbor, Jan.28thl859. 7$4w Rifle Facíory! Beutier & Traver, [Snocy.s.-nr.s to A. J. Suthi-rlitinï, Manufacturera of aud Dealers in Guns.Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Poiêihes Game Bags, and Every other article iu tbnt Line. Allkiurtiuf donö ft t the whortcst notie p, and in tne best menner, a full aR!ortniout always kf it nn Jiaml and made oivh-i'. ftV;, Hhnp corner Main aml Witshingtcn stiocts. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8, 1364. 878tf Truses ! fJÜPTÜBE CAN BE 'UREI PY A TKl sy of tin? TV ngbt kiml, if properly Hited aml luly attended 1i. Tliis han been abundanllv demonstra teil in innúmera ble instances by the use of the Alultlpcdnl Truss of Dr. Ríí;j;s. ilunn the last few yours. Thïi 't'rnss beinp covie'l "vith Hard Rubber, is perfect ]y waterproof, niay be aited iit bfttiïmft, ;i"(l ii ;la s oleanïy ns well art indestructible by ordlnary usage, If nol ÉKtlb' faetory after a fair trial of sixtdays, it tnay be ríturned. It challengi s comparison with auy trusa Ir. KI0G3' UÜice. No, 1 BARCLAY Ütrcet. New Ycrfc, eSf J) . The peculiar taint or "&V r infection which wO oall ■ 4 iS Scroflt.a lurks in ? Sk jL&!& multitudes of men. It "IvH 1 Clt'icr produces or is 'ryÊjA pi'odiiced by an cn■9SLËmiÊ(fc0yL" 'S. of ''ie l'looil, whcrein japÍ0 jgthat fluid bccomes iuvigorous action, and HEcíHá.vfSfc 'oaves tlic system to íjj--" _?f f'all into disorder and - ----Sjb. - decay. The scrofulous eontamiiiation is-variously rau'eel by mercurial dlsease1, low living, disordered digestión from unliealthy food, impuro air, filth and filtliy liabits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the vencreal infection. Whatever bc its origin, it is hereditary in the eonstitution, descending " froin parents to children auto the third and fourth treneration ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod &f Him whó says, " I will visit the iniquities of the fathers tipon their cliildren." The diseases which it originales take various ñames, according to the organs it attacks. In the langs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally ConBumption ; in the glands, swellings which suppurate and become nlcerous sores ; in tho 6tomach and bowels, derangements which produco indigestión, dyspepsia, and liver complaints ; on the skin, eruptivo and cutaneous affections. These all havmg the same origin, require tho same remedy, viz. purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, ruid these dangorous distempers leave you. With fceble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health ; with that " life of thé flesh" heaitliv, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual antidotes that medical science has discovered for this affliethig distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitnde of pubücly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases : KÜlg'S EvÜ Or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Eose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rhemn, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposite in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of tho blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Ayer's American Almanac, which is furnished to the druggists-for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learaed the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all, othèr remedies had failed to aftbrd relief. Those cases are purposely taken froin all sections of the country, ín order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Serofula depresses the vital energies, and thua leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal ïesults than are heahhy constitutions. Henee it tends to shortcn, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. 'The vast importanee of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfècting a remedy which is adequate tü its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of Ayex's Sarsaparilla, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsaparilla in altcrative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the sanering and ctanger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in tho blood; purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We kuow the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promisea mucii and did nothing ; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed ip this lts virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is inteuded to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more effectual than any other whkh has ever been available to them. ATEE'S CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Bemedy foff Ooughs, Colds, Ineipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consmnptive patienta in advanced stages of the diseaae. This has been so long used and so universallv known, that we need do no more than assiiro the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemistit Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists everywhere. STKBBINS WIljfON Aun Arlmt, I'. 8AMS0W;;Tnt KWINS, Dext.r. WHEKDOK IIATCH, ih.'Ura. Wliolaleby FAP.KANDSHKI.IiY & Cu., Dotrwt. C. E. COEVRN, Travelling agent UNIVERSAL _J _ V'trWBl I - :a ÏLOTrowiiiR Xo. 1. L.ik;:; Faiiiiy Wki.vuek $10.00 No. 2. JlKi'lrM " ■' 7.00 No. -2'j " " " 9.00 Nj. 3. Smail " " 5.50 Nb'; 8. L-Mii.n II.ii.t. " 14..0l)i Xo, IS. Mkiiii'm I.aisoky ( torunby ) 18.00 So. -Ji.Litciü " - sttam or ■ 30.U0 (. hand. J Nus. '2' iin 1 3 havo no Cogs. All others aro warrantud. Jüm. -1 is t!n" siïe generally uscl iii private families. Okange JulD, oí the "Americau Agriculturist " says II f tllO UNIVERSAL CLiOTHES WRINGER. ''Acluiil can rc-Hilih' u-riiu 'nt a tubfull oL e! -tliis minutes, ft a lareality a CLOTHES BAVEB I A il.MIJSAVKKi an.laSÏRNGTH iíAVER ! Thé sa iog of ga) Qienta will alune pay a large ler centage on its cost. We think machine. m ucli more tlian l'AYS i-'OK IÏ8ELF 1.V1 RY YKAK in tlm sá Ving of gurments! There are sevrral kin-1 :. in-iily alike in peneral conBiructtop bui we c ni'ler it iropoitant tliat the Wringer be atted vith Coge, otlierwise a jnas.s of irarnxMits may cloir the rollers, nnil the rollers upon the crauk-sliait aüjf and tear the cIiHIh-s, or tliw rubber brrak toose ironi the Bbaft, Our o 9 of the arstinake anrl it is nearfy as flÖÓfi AS KÈW alter nrarly POUil YKAKS' CONSTANT UiE." Every Wringei vrith Cog Wheela is Warranted in every Particular. XO WRINGER CAN BE DURABLE WITHOUT COG WHEËLS, A gooil CANVASSEIÍ waateü ín every towij, I 'ii reeipt of the jirict' from piaèea wbcre no ■ ii. be st'llíiifr, we will senJ tho wringer vhkë of kxl'EMiK For partieulars anl circulara mlress 915tf ït C. BROWNING, 347 Broaway, N.Y. J. GREEI-T & E. BROWN-, liíiví' piirchaseil the üorsc-; aml Carriages of B. Green, ftpd lüt -'v alSO ;nl'!cii ROBX6 vi vy line Hiirses & Carviages to i'n.' abnv.' stftck, in th.e BfOM li;;rn; :-o that tbcy eau iuií "'t all uri roiisniiable terms. Oall and See ! Anu Arbor, Julyllth, 1S63. 6n:-M. SherWPs Sale. BY VIRTUEof un execution issued out of n,i the Seal of Circuit Court fw the C Washjeuaw and State of Michigan, bearm Sí second day of September A. I). 1863, an.l to me Sf M and ilifJiveredagjiiaritthegoüdsandcbaUlebanri ■ 4 want thereof íands and tenements of John BnLÜÏ. defeñdant theroin named. I did on the 4th ■ September A. 1). 1863, levy upou and em. an t, uí title and interest of the said John Buwntart in bl tho descríbed land and premia to wit iu the north éast ten (10] acres in a square form ?!f north-east corner of the west half of the north qu&rter of section number thirteen 11 ] jn towvl numhör one south range five east in the Coi p Wa.htenaw and. State of Michigan, which SÏÏÏ anall expuse for na Ie at public auctionas the Uw d at the front dour of the Court House, in the Citr of?1' Arbor, that being the place tor holding thé r Court for the Countj óf Washtenaw, on Saturd !!1 24th day of Qctober noxt, at eleven o'clock íÍ!l forenooa of said day. intl PHII.I1 WINKG AR, Sheriff Datcd ,. September lOth, 1863. 7921 Chanoerj Notice. STATE 01' MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit I Chancory. Suit pending in the Circuit Court foM)'" County of Washtenaw, iu Chancery, whereia Hart ! Hillman ia complainant, and Benjamin Ui liman u feudant ■ at Aiuji Arbor City on the lOth day of Septeto ber, 1863. It sjTtisfactorily appearing to roe, the gnK scriber, one of the'-Circuit Court Comoiisnioaers f Bttid CoTinty oí Washteuaw, by the aflldavit oí L v' l'oivell, Solicitor for the complainant in the abore ca!' that tho said defendant, Benjamin Hillman, is a ' resident of the State of Michigan : Ou motionofj, y Powell, Solicitor for the complainant, it is ordered ttnaaid defendant, Benjamin Hilliuan, cause his apt' anee to be entered in saiel cause witbin two monthsirf-j thodateof tliis order, and that in deiault tliew of (h billof complamt, iiled in said cause, be taken as confe.' ed by aid defendant. And it ia lurther orderci ifc ',' within twenty days said complainant cause a cupv thia order to be publiahed in the Michigan Argm' newflpapei printed and publib'hi d in the city of Atm i, said County of Washtenaw, and that said puf catión be continued once in eacli week for a!x oUCc,(" sive w(M;kíí ; rthit ,said complaiuant cause 3, copr r thi.s order to be per-sonally served on said defendanï 11 least twenty days before the time prescribe! for [-. iipliearanco. GKO. DANFORïB, Circuit Ccurt Commissïoner, Washtenaw Co. jci ï.. M. PowKLL,(;omp'a 5oJ, lnted,Sept 10,1863. 6w925 Mortgage Sale. DEFAUIiT having been juadc in the conditioniof, cettain Indenture of Mortgage executed by Speit,, I. (joodale and Sarah A. Goodale hig wif0, of the Qti of Ann Arbor, Count; of Wanhtenaw and State Michigan, to Maria B. Royce, of the Cityof XewbDi( of New York, hearing date the tweDty-üeCOs' hiv of August, in the yearoí our Lord onee thouini oight hiindred and sixty, and recorded in the oöiw , the Register 1 ƒ Deuds in and for ?aid County of Wit tenaw, on the 22d day of August, A. I). 1860, in Ub' 27 of Mortgages, on page 182 , by which dri -. ] o of sale contained in said moitagö bec; erative, and the amouut claimed to be dueon hU danture of Mortgage at the date of this uotice tfL cight hundred aud eigiity üwllars,and 110 nuit or }l ceeding haring been instituted at law.or in caance-, to recover the debt sucured by aaid mortgage or aCV part thercof : Notice la therefore hereby given thitu Saturday, tho twenty-fnst day of NorcmbtT, A, 1363, at ten. e?a!ock ia the forenoon of that day, 1tlie outh door öi tJEiöCaurt Tjouse, in the CitvefAsI Arbor, in said aanty of Wasfeenaw and State of Mtl] gan, (said Caurt House being the place for holding iU Circuit Coujt for said county.] I shall sell orciuFt. be sold at puUic auction, ín foreclosupeof saidMor! to tlie hïghest bidder the premises doscribed then;i or so much thereof as shal be ïieceösary to satisttth miimmtdueiiu .said moiigage, with interest, and;1' the reasonable coüfs, di.sburseinents and expenses ofi'; u-oecc-dings relativeto the forectosure of the same, 'i c!uding reayonable charge i&s attorneys' semces.u providedin eaid indenture of mortgago ; tluit ie to sij, '; All that certain tiaci or parcel of land shuated iotb't City of Ann Arbor, kown, bounded, and dcKCfit.ij follows, viz: Tlie EastÁalf of Latfl auwibcr Seveaul Eiglit, Elock Four North, Raage ten East, in Ijrirrtaei and Maynard's addition." MARIA B. ROYCE. Dated, Aug. 22, 1863. 9l9j; Comtnissioners Notice. STA'iL OF MICHIGAN, Coustï of 9 The undersigned having been appointed ljyth'P bate Court for said County, Commissioner tu rectiit, examine, and adjust all claims and demands of all pe: ons agaiast theestate of Michael Dillen, late of ii Tovrnihip of W&fcste-r íyí pa& vwtïy , deceased, btftki 'give notit-e that iix monlhs from date, are, br ori of the Probute Court, allowed for crditors o tlieir '-laitnsagainstsaid deceased, and that thrj ■ 1 meet at thu residcn?e yf Mrs, Jiargaret Dillon, . Townahip of Webster, in paid County, on Saturday,:. Twenty Sixth day of December, and Thurnd Twenty-Kourth day of March nest, at one oMock, is the afternoon of each day,to receive, exainiue, and 1: just said claiius. iSSnIS WARNER, { CommïlsioDt:i Pated,i?opteciber 25lh, 1863. Miti FAIRBANKS' ijTj Standard LSCALES! cJEMhINM of all kinds. --ÉÊÊ '5Í' K'arfíicíusí Trueles, Ltttir Preïtn, ï. Fatrbanks, Greenleaf & Cu,, 172 LakeStrpet, Chicago. SnliMn Detroit by FAURAND &SHELET. jSÖBHe careful to buy only the gi'iiuine.ffifc 88St - m , _- Por Bats, Mlc, Roaews, Ans, Bc4 ft Itlothg In Purs, Woolen, Sic. Inscctl Plants, Powis, Anlmnls, Sic. " Ony iafallible remedies known." 41 Free fiora poifions."' " Not dangerous to the Human Family." ' Rats come out of their holes to díe." Sold Whült-sale in all large c'ties. Sold by all Pruggists and Retailers orervirhtf ! ! ! Bbawíbe ! 1 ! of all worthles imitetiml S&f See that "Costak's" name is on each Boi, tle and Fiask, before vou buy. Address HBSÍRY R. COSTAR. Principal Depot, No. 428 Broadway New I JT" Sold by all the Wholesale and Retail Dmg? Ann Arbor, Mich. 915m3 O. BLISS Would take this üwthd of informing his olí t ;inil patnmsand all others who may favor bm " their patronage, that he has greatly enlargcd lii Stock and Assortment! and having adopted thO CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYING &SEUP is prepared to seíl Goods at floasiOll'1 Tolo IrioeW oc!e conslstsini or the fuHowlug: F AMERICAN AND 01$ ppi. Watches! CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Set] GOLD OiïAINS, TABLE 0 POCKET CUTLERY ! Fazors. Sheara, Soissorsand Brushes, jj ROG-ERS PLATEDWARK, the beslin"11 Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencil PAPER and ENTELOl'ES, Musical Instrument' Strings Sf Books for Instruments, SPBOTACIiE8 of Gold, Silver, Steel, and Plaid, PERISCOPIO GLAS&) a superior article. . Persons having difflcnlt watchefi to fitIth g can be accouiodated, as my stock ia large.a" plete, P, S. Particular attention to the o 'all kinds of üne Watchea, wuch as i Makhig and Setting new Jee'f Pinions, Siags, and Cylmdirt. Al" CLOCKS, Ss TE-VÍ11, neatly r.-paired and "7ar'anted, at his ftW ' side of Main Street. - - C BLISS', Ann Urbor.XoT. 2S,lR(i2 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


Old News
Michigan Argus