General Intelligence

RevolülÃon üt Ãckaho'e.- Strange os such a fuct muy be1, it is n'ot more strnnge tliari true- By letters whieh have arriV'ed in toton this week, it is etated Ihat a complete, and bappily, a bloodlees revolutibh hadtnken place nt Jcbaboe, at the date of the Jast dippatches. 1 seems that, in the op'erátions of the first bÃx months after the island was visited, a host of ngents of supercargoes ëstablished.lhemselves on llie islands, erecÃÃng lenta and tethporury residences. In a short lime they maiÃted off the ground, and Jaid claim to all the principa] parts as their own bonafide pröpërty, on behalf of tiiernselves and their employ'ers at home, crecting loading stages, and seüing pits at extravagant pricee. Till the revolution no opposition wás made to this mode of procedure, and the consequence was that ultimately no ship, unless tlie captain submitied to the eharks, could get a 6liovel's hreadth of ground to land upon. When an agenl hada sÃjip Ipading at his stage, he purposely kept dullying with the work, unlil anotlier ship from Li? house at home would arrive to talo up the berth, tdlhough there might be tliree hundred ottrer ships surronnding the littlc island, and Mailing for access to the beach. Squab es srnall fiigts wcre of continncd occurrence, and ncreased until a sloop of-war arrived to preserve order. Her oominahder remained till hè beifèved his presence was no longer necessary. On the following day the demurring shipmasters Ãield a meeting, and it, was very 60on resolved that a general reform shonld be made instanter. There were about three hühcred ships at mooring.-, and eafch ship agrecd to send her proportiou of men ashore With gnns and boyoneis, musterihg altogether fcbout 1400 men. Supercargto town was at - tacked, and its entine population p'it to rout at the pointof the bayonef, and driven oirectly in'tJó the sea up to their chins, and thë diacoinfited landlords there nnd then mude to swear,that from that time henccforih they had relinquished all right and t'.tle lo tlie soil of lt!)uboe',afier which declnra'.ion they were pre tnitted to return to their respective places of abode. This stimmary proceedmg produced an enlire hange in the civil aÃlhirs of the is!and, and 6hips are now loadinir at the rate of flfty tons a Jay afi'cr lyiug idle for months.- Gieenock ÃbentT. Mfsttitrism - à corrispondertl has furnished us with the particiilnrs of a curioüs tneè of chirvoyance, wliieh took place iately in Covingtöh. Mr Stnith, the lecturer on Mesniersin, böfore [lis private cla-s in Covington, threw a poÃson ïiained Folston, into a ni;ignetic sleep aild afceor dihg tö reöuestj direfcied hin) 'to visit a frii?nd of his injColulhbia. The operatbr was imnoquaihtcd wilh this frrend,and lad never been in the pinte-. Mr. F. dkl us riirccti-d, and in two rrtinineü coVercd his face wilh his hnnd, béa'ved a d.ep eigtv, Tliön . n roah'j following it op Wilh ogöii'Miüg tibs, aii'l a:iy q-iantity of tears-. Tne Doclor pui liis finger on vptlention; the ttonn of ojrony immediatiêly sdbÃided inio ilie calm of deep, stibmiásive gri'ef, nnd l he su', jeat yjtclaiwed, "Pour fel'ow! he is 'dving, he will soon le;ive iiis vorl(!:he will live but a few minute." lie hcn proceeded to doi-cnbe the persons abuut the ilying tnan'e bed, their posiiiou, hc. üv etudênta meunwhilo hilviog noies. The subject was restored lo a natura! sralc, nd ns Ub'ial had no recollec ion of wlinlbad Imponed. The next. morn'mg, the mcinbers ut thccluss adttpled ihe r.ccessnry mcaMires to ut-certain ihe l'a'c.s in the caso, üid üvtry Ãwgjust so. Mr. F friend was dyiug, at the very time the magiietiKce indicated -aud actuully eceased a few minutos nftpi . â All tlie bystanders toe, had been acclirately tlcÃcribed! The cimmui:ication we liove received. givee the .lames of the Ibllowing per.-ons. as wilneses ofllie vvhole iraris.'Ction:- A.R.oss,W. B. Huil, J.B. Gray, NV. Grahatn, W. 11. G.ige, Variotis other persóps it is staled, were ulso piesent. It isa imrvelloiïs narrative.--C'tcmaÃà Her tild. The people of Vermont are celebrated the world over för fnoraüty and Hprigiitness--bul we were not made aware tilt laiely that even their own convicts were atnong the most trust(vorthy mee Ãn the community. The Mercury aays, a youug mm recemty arrived at VVindsor in the stage, anxl appüed for admissïoh to the Stalé Prison, i.howin the papers which entitled him to a residence therè. It seern-5 he had been convicted ai Montpèlier for eome sentenced to the State Prison for eix months, and iri order to save expense, was fitted out with hia papers, and snt to VVimlsor by stage, without sheriff or óther attendantf On rcaching Wóodstock the stage by accident feft him; but he coolly waited u day or two for the hext satge! Of 174 vessets dnmhgédby lightning in the BritiÃh Navy, 47 were line of battle cships, 49 frigatei, 17 bngs, and 1 cutter - ranainder nol specified. Sixty-eight were struck on the mammast, 5 on ihe mizzenmast, 28 on the foremast, 1 on the bowsprit, 6 on the fore and niain, and 5 on the moin and mizzen.--These eimpfe facts Bpèak volumes- not one vessel; etruck first upon the huil- what a '.estitnony - hoiv conclusive, how decUive! "Noïnstnnce' eayaihe Fighining commiltee, 'bas ever occurred of a ship 6ustuining inj'ury when struck by lightning if tlië conductor was up to the masl-head and continuity uninterrupied to the water." And they add that "eVery search has been made' for eiich cases of injury by ships fitted with conductora.'' Id 41 years, thé support of war f with only thróè years actual warfarehas coat the American nation about seven hundréd andseventyBeven millions of dollars- = an average of nirieteen millions per year. In the State of South Carolina, there are Tour newspapers. In Mr. Wise's Gongfessional District, not onc newspoper. Quite an Jlrmy - rThere are now no less tlian Ã300 or 2000 U. S. troops at the different stations on Red River,théy tfïll remain till the anncx-fition question is scttled.There has been lo the Duke of Wellington alone by ihe Bntish Governmont for his war services and his victorie., thto aetounding sum of nine mjllion, thirty-thrce ihouaand, ix bundred dollars. This would distribute one thousand dollars lo each individual of a com. munity of nine thousand and Ihirty-three per sons, and pay $GOà foi thedistribution. It is s'uid that io Ãóvva, the petrifying power of the soil is most remurkable. The body of' awom'ah, after hoving been buried five yeurs, s found lo iiove changed to ston,e, so ns to be broken üko marble B ras, insect?, and mnrty other things, are foünd to have pötrified in the same región. Chcap Land. - Two hundred ana fourteen thousand acres öf land in Tennesee are advertised Por sale at twenty-five cents per acre. 'fliey are said to aboünd in coal, iron, lime, alum, water power, &c. Twenty thousand acres are advertised in Hampshire county, Vu., excellent for farming, and weil situated, for. two dollars per acre. Such are the bligliting eflects of slavery. New License Imw. - A tfemendousexcitement has been 'created Ãn this city among the grog-shop proprietors and their customers, in consequence of the nêw license Iaw before the State Legislature. which has already passed the House, and now awaits the assent of the Senate. ït issupposed that this Jaw, which wiïl effectually shut up the grog-shops in New York, except in two or three öf the wards, has been procured by the infiuerioe of the temperance societies and temperance reformers. Be that as if. may, a most exlraordinary sensation bas been prodüced throughout the regions of drunkendom. - N. Y. Ãerald. Wisconsin Territory: - -This empire territory is 1200 miles long and 2Ã0 miles wide- about six. times larger than the State öf Nev York. It is proposed to divide this territory before it is made a State-leaving only 300 by 200 miles of !ower Wisconsin tö be incorporated into ibe Ãnion óf States. It Ãs proposed to giVé the name of Superior Xo the nev territory. Illinois. - A letter fröin 'a gentleman in the Rock River country, ÃlihoiSj to bis friends in ibis vicinity says: - "rf he southern clmttels and the Vild geëSë are going noñh in pursuit of bappinesss and a more genial climate. Since August Intit, more vhtm-fVftyxTf-rtïe ftarm" er have passed by thö underground railrond- -all hale, ahá il good condi tion'A' Of the otliei-j it does not appear that nny account is kept by the Clerk oà the vveather. A FLoülyng Thcare. - We observe by the papers that a s team boa t lies at one of the whcirves ifi this y, convcrled into a ihéalre, aild that during the summer it is lo proceed up and down our inland waters, 1 ving to at ihe principal villages for the purpose of giving the country people a taste öf the beatities of the stage! Would it not be well to get upa floating cburchj or charter one of the Pe.lhels how buüt, and follow the tlieatre during the summer, holding religiou.s exercises simultaneously with the theatrical performances? We throw out the hint for others tó think of.- N. Y. Observen Real Eslale in Iiodotl.-tye iiiidrstand prices are lisin magnificen'ly. A douple of pareéis were eoó yesterday, at auction, one al $1,36 and the ol lier at fèL,D0 the fqnare foot, which, it issaid, could liave been bought at private sale he morning before, at $1,25 and $2 rospeclively. Always take care, wlien proper ty rises too fust. - UjsIoh Chron - iele Hoto to get riek.- Nothing is more easy, says Mr. Puulding, than to grow rich. It is only to trust cobody; to befriend ïione, to get everytliing, and save all we get, to stint ourselves and everybo'dy belonging to us; to be the friend of no man, and tö have no man for your friend J to heap interest upon interest, cent upon cent; to be mean, miserable and des pised, for some iwenty or tliirty years, and riclies will come asr sure a3 disease and disoppointment. (Jotlon Goods.- The So'uthron rccomniends making mattrasses of cotton, which he suy6 is preferable to anytliing, as il is not hable to herbor insect?, to become hns no moths, and is good for the rheumatism. Cost of matra8ses he estimates as follows: Ilair, from $15 to$20; Wool from $13 to Sl5; Feathere, from $1G to 2ö Mos, O12; Slrticks, SIS: Cotton, from $G to $8 AppUs for China.- Charles Wellington, of West Cambridge, Mass. ncar Boston, has sold 2500 barrels of winter apples from his orchnrd the past aulumn. Of these 500 vvere packed for the Cantón, China market- each apple being eelected, and rolled up in a puper, like Sicily orariges. A Regular fÃeroiné.--ll is etated th'ut the daughter of Jepthah Sanborne, a judge of one of the new colirts of lowa, has shot two full grovvn bears tiie past winier. The animáis caine prowling aboul her futher's premises in the absence of nriy of the men folks, when Miss Sanborne up uith a rifle a shot them. Oh! Jepthah, jiidg of lova, vvhat a daug'hter IlÃlb-t. til OU: Col. Digby, of Philadelphin, now 64 years of age, Ã0 of which have beon spent in diflerent penilentiaries, has been sentenced to endure six more years 'o f the sarrie agrecable kind of life,The Educalion oj Hitábante. - How suggesttve is thenew year of bilis: and bil Is of keeping. It is f'earful to réfio t how many persons rush inlo matrimo'ny, tbtolly unprepured for the o wful chnnge Ãial awaite. them-. A man mny take a wife at twenty-one, j before he knows the difference bet ween a Chip and Leghorn! We wouln' no more gran? a hcense to nnybody, simply beca use lie is of oge, than a licerise, on tliat gronud, to practice as un apotliecary. Hnfebands ought lo be be educated. We should Jike to have the folloiving queslions put to young and iftexperienced "persons abo at to uiarry:" Are you aware, sir, ol the price of coal and candlrs? J)o you kiiow which is more económica), the ailchbone or the round? How far, young man, vviïl a leg of njutton go Ãn a small farnily?Uow jjiuch deuier, jiow, is il ver than Brit annia? l'lsase to give. the average price of a fourposter. Declare if ybu om, rash youth, the sum per annnrn that chemisettès, pelerines, cardihuls, bonnets, veils, ribbons, flowerp, gloves, cuffs nd eollavs, would probably come to in a lurhp. - If unable tb ariswer these nquiriesjwe would isay to liim 'go back to "school.' He Ihat would be a husband, Kliotild also kinderzo & training, physical nnd moral. He should be fQrther examined thus: Can you read or write amid the yeils of a nursery Can you wait any given time for breakfast? Can Vou maihtain your eerenity düring a day? Can yon cut your old friendst Can you stand being contradicted in the face of all reason' In a word, young sir, have you the patience of Job? If you can lay your hand npön your lieart and ahswer i:yes," take yoür license and mar ry- not else.- London Punch. The Ãashville Gazette thus hits thöse wenker brethren of the editorial corps, who are in the habit of appropriating other people's editon'als: "They are like the old preacher we henrd of when a school boy. He was a candidate for the Legislature, opposed by Jarnes G. Birney. Botli wereof the same politics, and had an appointment to áddress the people. On the day set apart for that purpose, a large assembly of the Sobereigns met together and both candidatesVere at their püsts. Birney took the stand first; and made a long and able cTcposluon oniis views upon me questlon then in ag'itatiol). After he got through, the old pi-eacher got up; he feit that he had beëii preéêfcied by a superior in every way, and so he spoke about thus--"Fellow citizens, my and myself are both of the sanie politics. Hè has made ah able argument dovering the whole ground, and left me nothing to say. Therefore à wül adojt his speechÃ"- Philanlhropist. Transport ivg Vessels on Raiïway.- A parnphlet has been published in England recommending the traiisportatiön of vessels across the isthmus of Suez on railroads. This is said to be practicable, particularly with iron vessels. "The glory of dpmocracy is, its unchanginir and immulable principies." - Chicago Demooot. The glory of the Detnoörutic party is, its keen perception oà color. - Cincinnati Haald. York Torn. - The new bell intended for York Minster, mamifaclured at the foundry of Messrs. Mears, Whitechapel,weighs twelve ione,being seven tons heavier than "Great Tom of Lincoln," and five.tons more than "Old Tom of Oxford." The metal took twelve days to coolj from the 13th to the SOth uit. The dapper is not vet put in, but will weigh from three to lbur cwt. A recent legal decisión makes Jt a penalty of'six cent damnges and costs,' lo calla lawyer 'sinall poiatoeó.' We suppose the penuky would be increased if the term 'Rohan potatoee' sliould be used. - Boston Bee. ON A DANDy. A dandy is u chap that would Be a younor lady if lie could; But as he can't, does all he can; Tö show the world he's not a man. Three boys, 10 to 15 years of age, have been arrested in Baltimore, chafged with setting fire lo hoüses - in sport. â % OS A petition has beeri presented to the Pennsylvánia Legislature asking for the passage ofa law to prohibit the use oà mercury in the practice of medicine. The only elave States eyliich have actually dimimehéd the number of siaves since 1700, are Delawnre nnd Marylahd. Delaware lias lost. 70 per cent; Miryland, 13 por cent. The whole increase öf 6lavefs in the Union from 1790 to 18-10, k 1,828,296, or 278 per cent. tireakfasl in Boston, Supper in JYew York. - The pussengers of the Long Island train Satürday loft Boston af seven, having taken an eurly breakfast, and fter a passage of nir.e hours anáforty minutes, were landed here in time for an equally early supper. E'ght hours and a half is to be ihe time hereafter, bètween the two 'cities. - JV. Y. Gazetlc. The nrtio'nnt of dutics per thé Conibria steatnér, will fall bul a trifie short of une kVndi ed Ihoúsand dollrtrf. Yovlhful Dapravitij.-ThcTc are Iwcntyfïve persons of the nge of fourteen,' confiried as crimináis in the Missouri Penitcntiáry.Sea-SicknesS.- There is now n tlie colleciion of userul inventiuns in the gallery of theRoynl PoJytechnic Jiistitütion, hondón, n model of a sving sofa, invcnted by a Joseph Biown, for the purpose of preveniingf ihat I drcnded malady, sea -sickness-. Mr. Brovrn's invention is at once siiiÃple and ingéüious, applyiiig itself ló thé eause, and not to aiiy empÃrica! cure of the diseaee when once engendered. Sofas, bcdit, conches-, bots, or chHJrf, are so suspended on springs, that ho wever u vessel mny ruil ond pttch, the sofa or cliair, as the case may be,is preserveu on n perfocily horizontal eqiiilibrimn. ond all oscillaiion effeclually prevented. Tlie rnotion of the ship, even during the moet tempe8tuou3 wealher, beingf thus counteracfed, those who recline or sit or the sofas and chairs are as perfectly steadied against any lurch, as if they were sitting ttr refclining on land. A number of the higher class passenger shipsj t is said, have ádopted Mr. Brown's nvention; and there enn be na doubt tliat if it efibctually overcomes the motiori, it will avert the disease. Murderoiis Pútiishméni.- Thé IÃartford Times says: - "The mode of punishment quite recentJy introduced into tho Connecticut State PHson-, viz:- hanging by the heëls-, head dovn-, nnd dashing cold Upon the prisoner - endangers the life of the person so punished. Few men can live many minutes under such treatment. - Strangulation naturally follows in a very short time, and the dashing of coldwater increases the prtJbabiÃity oï immediate death." Two Litllè Black Boys. - An interesting trial came on before Judge Fairwell. Of Sandusky, Oliiö; the other day. One 'of the boys Was 11, the other 13 years of age. They had been at Sandusky some tWö öt three mónths, when three bloodIhirsty men from Kentucky seized ihë little boys, whiÃe they Were at their enn ployer's Wörk. So soon as their arrest was known, the slave-hunters were brought before the judge ön the writ aforesaid, and returned, that they (the little boys) Were fugitivé slaves from Kentuckyj and that they had taken them to carry therri back to their master and ownër Ãn KehtUcky: . The Judge decided in favor of the boys and released them. He said, lst. 'The law of 93 wás unconstitutional.' That will kill Fairfield for being a Judge of the Supreme Court. It killed Chancellor Walworth for so deciding, trary. 2d. That the proof was defectivo, id not producing the Common Law prbof Ihat slavery was legal ïn Kentuckyi The Judge would not presume that any State was so Wicked as to sanction slavery, without strict proof. 3d. That the claimants had not shown by proof that the little boys had not come into Ohio with thöir master's consent. - Fie was bound to presume that they did so come therëj and that alone Would free them. indeed, all the presumptions should be in their favor. The three scoundrels who took the boys were then held to bail in $lDö each for a breach oÃ4 peace and riot. They ought lo pay enough to teach them that such as theirs is a loosing game; O? The Odd FelloWs in the State of Maryland, according tó their last report, numbered 3,337; contributed for the relief of families the past year, $8,895 71. Too much Palavér.- The Europëan practice ol beslavering every body with praise who perforas any fünction in a public assembly, ought to be kept within straight boünds in this i-epublic. The twohousésöf the Michigan legislature, passed solemn votes of thanks to their respective clerks. Why not to the pages and messengers? - Boston Chronicle. Educallon in Michigan.- By a look at the Catalogue of the University of that State, we learii that students ia that institution number as followsiA tèlaéc Bill. - The Weslcm Cilizen, pub1 sheú at Chicngo, Illinois, says: "We onderstand that the bilà before our Legisloture, rrtnkmg it n Penitentiary ofFenco to assist fiigitive elaves to escapo frórh iheir masters, had psssed bolh houscs nnd becoine a luw of the land. This we snppbsc is the fruit of ihe brave promises, cspnciully from (he Wliijrs, mode before elcction ihat the Black Lavys" shoukl be repealed. We think it will be n long time before this law will takc efJcct. Some ''q'iiecr rTsh1' al Si. Louis, ifi'aJlosicyi to the "bill for the benefit of nmrriod women," now before the Miásouri legislature, asks i(" it wouM nol be better for the rnembrs to do sometlung for Ihe benefit of the single ladies, and nbt trbublë tliëmselves about ofÃier men s icii'cs? In GuÃcinnati a chain gang is formcd of cririiinálá, aÃid'they are' com'pellcd to work on Ihe' public higlnvriye.'Horrible. - Thcre seettÃft to be a dreadfnl 8taleoi dcmoralisation in the city of Phiindelphia. The Ledger say, the rioting propensiües of Ihë mJulta seehi tu have extended to tlie childrety and daily blrages are perpetra ted by gaugs of Aois,ujön one onytber,with impunity. A party oftevcrnl yoiing mobiles met willi a mudesr, unobti usivo liitie Urd, bctween ton and eleven years of go, Vvho was relurning froin frchool, and accoale.i liiin u-ith ili-? inqnry, 'ure jou for llie Ilyiums or the Snappers?' Befo re he could cepJy, lie we? knocked down and kickcd in the lower pan of the fibdoniti) by thice of tht-m: the litlle feüaw knew his assailnnts by sight only. The pour child has died of kis injuries. Trtily the city of 'Brotherly Lovo' ia oammg a mosà ünen-,4--ii)le ilotoriöty. - tiangman. Upwards of Ibrty new lead mines have been opened in the mining regiems upoii the Upper Mississippi during the last wihter. The mineral lands of lowa &, Wiskonsnn are supposed to be tnore productiveofthis metal than the tohole of Europe, with the oxception of Grëat BHtain. Whnt has the Church. to do bilh Slavcry? â - ttev. Dr. Richard Fnller, win is wriliiïg letters in reply to Dr. VVayland, in defence of slavery, is the owner of from 75 to 80 sla ves: lie says he dont know exaclly hoxv rnnny.- Iïe affirtü3 tliat slavery is aanctioned by the Pather, Son, and Floly Ghost; that if you would prove slavery a in, you must have u new Bible. - Liberty Press. ÃP1GÃAM On Morse, the CeraHnograpJier - JYalure Complainhg oj lier Son's Spoliations. What, daring men! cries Nature, wilt ye spare? See FrankÃn force :he ciouda their bolle to biiry, The suri resigns his penci! to Daguerrë, VVhile Mor6ö the lightning mokes hia fecretary. ïhe Missionary Society of the American Board, in 1843, rpceived intö its trëa6ury, upwards of S3in,000. üf this sum, the free States contributed $303,000, and the "genetsus" South, S7,000.
Signal of Liberty
Old News