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The Board Of Supervisors

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Thuksdat, Oct. 22, lood. FOUESOON SESSION. Board met at 8J o'clock, A. M., and was called to order by tho Chairman. Present a quorum. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. McKernan, from Coramittee on Eejected Taxes, reported the following apportionment : Ann Arl.or City, M S 2d Wnrds, 81 31 Manchester, ? Korthfleld, ' Ymiian'ti City-lst District, 81 83 i 2d " i-a yv And recommended that the same bo reasessed by the several Supervisors, either on the property where it belongs, or on the Towns, VVards, or District, as the cabe inay be, and cause the amounts to be paid to the Treasurer of the County of Washtenaw. Report accepted, and, on motion, adopted. On motion, the Board took a recess to 9 o'clock, Board resumcd business at 9J o'clocs. Tho special order coming up, Mr. MeKernan moved tbat tho claim f Dr. Barnes, for making post morteiu xamination on tbc body of tho late John ). Dcpew, be allowed. Mr. Palmer moved tbat the bilí be alowcd at $25. Lost. Mr. McKernan's motion prevailed and ho bill was allovved. :49 Geo. Barnes, post mort. ex. 50 00 50 00 The claim of Dr. Douglass, $50 for bemical annlysis of stomaoh of John 1 Depew, and $25 for chemical and miiroeopio esaniination of blood stains, vas taken up. Mr. Gilbert moved tbat it be allowed. Motion prevailed, and the bill was al,owed. 250 Silas H. Douglass, Examination of Stomach, &c, 75 00 (5 00 Adjournod to 1L o'clock, P. M. AFTBRNOON SESSION. Board met at H o'clock, P. M., Mr. McColl in the chair. Mr. MeKernan moved that tbo vote adoptjng the resolution limiting the time for the Committee on Claims to receive bilis, be re-considered. Garried. Mr. Palmer moved to amend the resolution by striking out Fridny and iüserting Saturday. Carried, and the resolution as amended, adopted. Mr. Sheldon, from the CorersiLtee on Finauce, to ■which wasreferred the petition of the County Surveyor, reported, reconimenuing the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, ïliat a snm r.ot exoeeding one ed d"!!ars be appropriated ftsm Mie contingent fund, suffleieat to procure a copy of the original Field Notes of each and every Township in this County, from the United States Land office at Lanuing, uuder the seal of that office, for the nse of tlie Curveyors oi ihis County, and tae jeneh.t ot owners 01 Real Estáte, and upon the ÖJiog of sai'l J?irld Jiotes with the Register of the County. tbe County Treasurer is hereby iaitructed to pay therefor, a sum not exceeding one hmulred lollars. Resolution adoptec!. Mr. Palraer, from Committeo on Olaiins No. 2, reported as föQowa : Claimid. A!lowd. 251 E B. Pond, Blank Buoks, Blanks, &c. 123 00 123 00 252 G. Taylor. Boartliüg prisoners' 10 00 3 00 253 Augustus lYidenman, Coroners jury, 1 06 1 00 254 Fred Bohmid, Jr. Cor. Jury, 1 06 1 OS 255 John Beasly, " " 1 06 1 06 256 John Gerner, " " 1 06 1 03 257 Jacob Andreï, " " 1 "6 1 06 258 Jacob Zceb, " " 1 06 1 00 259 Andrew Gvunor, wit. fees, int{. 68 5U 260 Christian Heller, " " " 50 56 2G1 John Blum, " " " 56 5t 262 lleray Biermann, " " 66 5G 263 F Young, Wit, feen, Just. Ot. 3 16 í 5S 264 A. Polhemus, ' 2 20 1 60 265 L. E. Dormán, " " !' 8 10 1 58 26G Jacob 3hultz. " " " 56 56 ■2f,7 O. T,_ Burt. " " " 56 öu 268 I. B. Hitchcock, " " 1 16 1 16 269 J. Robtñns, " " " 1 16 1 16 270 Ï. Youiig, " " " 1 1 22 271 Levi Dormán, ' 1 22 1 32 Report aceepted and claims allowed as recommended. Mr. Batoheldor, frora committeo appointed to examino journal and order books, roported. Tho Coinmittee found aniount of unoalled for orders, as follows : Signed by Clerk and Chairman, 109 50 " " Chairman alone, 207 43 Eeport aooeptod. On motion of Mr. Palmer, so muoli of the report giving list of orders 8gned by both Cbairman and Clork be published in Michigan Argus, and State News for three weeks. Mr. Gilbert moved tliat the Clerk be requested to report to this Board, upon the order for $107. SG named in above report, to D. A VVise. Curried. Mr. LeBaron, from Coromittocto settle with County officers reported as follows : AnnArbor, Oct. 21, 18G3. The Committee appointed tosettle with the connty offlcers, bec; leave to report tliat Ihey have settíed with HoraceCarpenter, Treasurer of the County of Washtenaw, and have examined the vouchers in bis hand and the trooks n bis office and find them correct, and they also flnd the balance doe from him to the County of Washtenaw to be four thonsand Uiree hundred and tl rty-two 82-100 dollars as per statement hereby subniitted. Jan. 1,1863. Dr. To Ualance received from ExTreasurer Orisson, $21.352 01 " State, County, Ditch and Kcjected Taxes, ''8.803 03 11 Primary School Mouey, 5.8b4 50 11 Fine Money, 32 00 " Taxes and Rodemptions, 932 90 " Excess in Asscssnient Rolls, 331 87 " JJiscellaneons Epcei))ts, 1.597 78 " Proceeds of Waslitcnaw County Vol. Family Belief Loans, 22,100 00 " rremium on the same, 69 08 ?1 31 ,076 23 L8G3 DrBv Miscellaneous Disbursements, $48,112 05 ■' County Orders, 10,878 29 " Poor Orders, 7.26 12 " Juror's Fee, 5e ' Diteh Orders, 6102 58 " Volnnteer's Family Relief Order, .. 48,022 55 " Primary School Money paid Treatmrers, 5,S54 50 ■' Fine Money, la9 00 " Compensation to City & Town Treasurers, L " Balance due the County, 4,rfd öz $131,076 23 d. libaron, ) MARTIN GRAY, V Committee. L. H. JONES. ) Accepted and adopted. Mr. Sheldon offered the following preamble ahd resolution : Whtreas, By an error in the oseeaament roll of the 3d, 4lh A 5t!i Wards, of tho City of Ann Arbor, for A. D., 1862, ui exceej of 342.87 over the amount required was raised, which amount wa paid by the County Treaourer to the State Treasuror, and credited to WaBhtenaw County, therefore, Resolved, That eaid amount of $332 87 vnth interest, $23.30, mnking in all 356.17, be deductcd bom the State tax afU-r the apportionment to naid 3d, 4th & 5th Wards, and that Ihocomniittoeon ipportionment of State and County tases be hereby icstructed to report the amount of State tax for said warda le3S the above amouut. Adoptod. Mr. LeIJarou, from (Jommittee to set;le with Cüunty officors, further rejorted : Tour committee would repnrt, that in their etUement with the Oounty Treaaurer, they niVe in aecordance vilh n. re.olu ion adopte d oy íh8 Board, taken possession of all evidentes pf paid indebtedness tbat enter into the prc6ent settlement, ftnd presented to ui as fouchoi-8, and would recommend, that all orrlcr now in oar posseesion and dra-wn rs County orderB, Family Volunteer Relief orders, and Ditch orders, be destroyed in the presonoo of this Board, and that recoipU t'rom Stilte Treasurer's office, reeeipts for Primiiry School Moneys and Fine Motfeys bereturnad tothe custody of the Oounty Treasurer. D.IíeBARON, ) L. H. JONES, Committee. MARTIN GRAY. ) Keporfc accepted, and Mr. Krapf moved that the Committee be instructed to provide fortlnvith for burning the vouchers. Carried. Adjourned to 8 o'elook to-morrow morniug. Fridat, Oct. 23, 1863. P0KKN0ON SESSION. Board met at 8 o'clock, A. M., Mr. McColl in tbe chair. Present a quorum. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. LeBaron, frnm oommittee to settlo with Couuty officers reported as follows : ïhe Committee to settle with County oificers would report: That in their settlement with Robert J. Barry, ex-Clerk this County, we flnd as follows : R. J. Barry to Washlenaw County, Dr. County Fees from Oct. 30th, 1862 to Jan. Ist, 18(53, 18 cases t', $36 OC Jury Fees, 4 0( Balance froin oíd account, 33 6' $73 63 Cr. Paid for Wood for Oourt House and Clork's office, $16 37 Paid Postage frora Oct. 1862 to Jan. 1. 6 18 " Gas Bill, Oct., Nov. & Dec. 1802, 7 00 $58 55 Due from R. J. Barry, to Oounty, $15 08 We have aiso examined the books and accounts in the office of the present Clerk and find correct, and after deducting iïom his accouiit against the County for incidentals we luid a balance in favor of the County of J107.8Ö which we recommend be deducted (rom his salary for the current year. D. LkBAKON, ) L. II. JOKES, Coramittee. MARTIN GIIAY. ) Report was acceptod and adoptod. Mr. Picrco from committee oa claims, No. 1', reported the following : 272 Q. V.T. Fream, Const. fees, 10 25 10 25 273 G. W. Amhrose, Justice fees 19 59 19 42 274 N, H. Pierce, Const. fees, 27 10 21 82 275 J. Joyner, " " 50 88 49 77 276 John Ryan, " " 9 68 9 0G 277 Gco. W. Fream, " " 35 39 32 00 278 G W. Fream, Dept. Sheriff, 27 83 27 83 279 C. McCormick, Const. fees,14O 5a 126 T 280 J. C. Taylor, Justice fees, 2 73 2 73 381 J. Om-penter, ■' " 39 2(5 37 44 282 G. B. Gillett, " " 6 93 6 53 Report was accepted, and claims allowed as recommeuded. Mr. Gray offered the following reaolution : Resolved, That a Comittee of two be appointed to wait upon tho Sheriff of Washtonaw County and report to this Board the numbor of prisouers sent frora this County to the Detroit House oí Corrcetion, and the amount of indebtednees to said House of Gorrection for board of prisoners, and amount expended for conveyance of prisoners to said House of Oorrectiou. Adopted, and Messrs. Gray and Palmer appointed such counnittee. Mr Lay oti'ered the following resolution : Resolved, Tliat we, tho members comprisiny iv.iu linm-rl nf Smiervisors of Washtenaw County, extend our Iieartfelt sympathies to the friends of the late John C. Depow, forraer]y a membér of the Board of Su)ervisors of this Oounty, who was brutally murdercil oear his residenee in the town of Sylvan, in this County, on or about the lOth day of September last. Ketolvei, That on account of the increased amount of crime in our raidst, and frora a sense of duty we wve to oursclvea to our country, and to our God, wa pledge ourselves as public oüicers to exert Qur influences for the Buppression of crime in. our midst, and also use all reasonable means to arrest and convict all suilty violaters of law. Resolved, ïhat the papers of this Oonty. and also of Detroit, bc retjuested to publisli these resolutions. Adopted. Mr. Gilbert from committee on Equal ization reported. lleport accepted and laid on tlio table Mr. Geddes moved that Mr. Woodard County Surveyor, be authorized to pro cure the Field Notes provided for by resolution already adopted. Carried. On motion tho Board took a recess for one half hour. Board resuraed business. Mr. Jones, from committea on per dient ' allowance, reported as follows, for ■ tending meeting called by Draft Commissioners in Feb. last : 283 Orman Olark, 2 days, 20 miles, 5 40 284 Elias Haire, 2 " 16 do 4 92 285 N. Sheldon, 2 " 13 do 4 5b 286 J. H. Morris, 2 " 1 do 3 12 287 Jolm Gilbert, 2 " 9 do 4 0 288 J. C. Depew, 2 ■ 16 do 4 92 289 Augustus Bond 2 " 14 do 4 6 290 S. G. Johnson, 1 " 7 do 201 E, D. Lay, 2 " 11 do 4 3 392 C. Krapf, 2 " 1 do 293 M. Thompson, 2 " 13 do 4 5fi 394 J. Everelt. 2 " 21 do 6 b 295 Tlios. Gray, 2 " 17 do 5 04 29G R. McColl, 2 " 8 do 2 40 297 E. M. Colé, 2 í' 12 do 4 44 298 P. McKernan, 2 " 8 do 3 96 299 D. LoBaron, 2 " 20 do 5 40 300 H. M. Mowry, 2 " 5 do 301 A. Crittenden, 2 " 10 do 4 20 The report was aecepted and adopted, and the several Supervisors allowed the amounts named. Mr, Childs offered the following : Resoloed, That the Supervisors of the several townships in wliich ditches are located and I are under contract, and for the payment of which assessments have been made by the Drainage Commissioners of the County of Wa.slitenaw, be and they are hereby commanded to charge said assessments upon e.ich piece or parcel of land set forth in the report of said Drainage Commissioners, and ;hat the proper Township Treasurers be directed to collect the several amounts so áiarged and pay over the same to the County ïreasurer as the law directs. Adopted. Mr. LeBaron moved that the report of the Committee on Equalization be taken f rom the table. Carried. Mr. Krapf moved that it be adopted, whieh uiotion prevai'ed, and the report was adopted as follows : Your Committee on Equalization to whom was referred the Assessment Rolls of the several Supervisors of the County have had the same undev consideration and would most respectfully beg leave to report the following as their Equalization tor the ensuing year : il is -.-i -1 ! U II it il P & i Augusta $149,110 $ 32,270 S181 .389 $169,000 im Arbor Town, S60Í795 69,020 429,815 417,1100 City ls2Wards 547,fil6 133,086 730,701 635,000 jo J4t5 " 384,470 93,300 483,770 449,000 Briileewater, 800,855 60.975 361,830 828,006 Iletr. 214,385 36,957 261,292 280,000 Freudom, 218,953 38,425 953,375 251 ,"00 Lima 275.435 58,040 331,476 803,000 Loili, 837,670 72,005 4119,676 414,000 Liudon, 137,870 25,540 l"'3,410 153,1.0 Manchester, 300,555 122,707 423.21:2 853,000 Novthfield, 270,590 S0,6'0 330,210 319,000 Pittsfield ,450 65.5C0 485.010 450,1:00 Salem 639,805 10,615 410,420 405.000 ado, 453,175 107,905 561.160 527,OrO Superior, 354.4.0 64,360 418,8'.O 411,000 Saine 427,8?.O 182150 610.000 512,000 Sylvin 2J0,73 TO.ÜSS SU .861 278,(100 Sharou, 273 240 63,150 33(i,S90 307.000 Wenster, 297,110 42,730 339.40 339,000 Vork 347,8i.O 70.570 418,400 375.(00 TpeiUntiToWB, 407,702 77,855 485.117 434 0 0 City 1 2 & 3 Wind, 360.130 151970 512,100 é61,00Q Do 4 Si 5 Wards, 223,760 09,090 2S3 750 330,000 7,837,796 1 ,S24,796 9,462,592 8,750,000 All of wbicb ia respectlully submitted. JOHN" GII.BERT, 1 MORRIS THOMPSON, ALLEX C8ITTENDEN, Committee NEWTON SHEI.ION, PHILKTUS COON. J Mr. JoDea from committee on per dwm allowance, reported. Report accepted and laid on the table. Adjourned to U o'clock, P. M. AFTERNOON' SESSION. Board met at IJ o'olock P. M. Mr. McColl in the cbair. Present a quorum Mr McKernan prosented account of L. B. Smiíh, and A. Green, of Detroit, constables and detective officers, for expenses ineurred in arrestiug Henry D. Cleveland, charged with the murder of the late John Ö. Depew, and moved that it be allowed. Mr. LeBaron moved that it be referred to Committee on Claims Carried. Mr. McMahoD, in behalf of Superintondents of Poor, presented their annual Report as follows : To tbc Ilon. tho Board of Supervisors of the County of WnshUn:w : We, the umlevsigned, Superintendents of County Poor, for said county, in compliance with the statute in suoh case made and provided, Respectfully report the whole amount of indebtedness ineurred during Ihe fiscal year to be $4,932.32 Wliich sum is composed of the following items, towit Amount ineurred at the County House, $2,768'57 Temuorarv Relief, 1,845 42 Transportation, 68 53 Supervisors' Services, 122 05 Burial Services, 127 75 $4 032 32 The item of temporary relief bas been incurred in the following named towns and cities ind in the amount annexed to each. nn Albor City, $82149 " " Township, 34 00 Ypsilanti City. 394 34 " Township, 48 40 Sylvan, 158 93 Nojthfleld, S3 00 York, 43 50 Scio, 38 84 Manchester, 17 07 Sliarou, I" 00 Augusta. 38 50 Lodi, 20 00 Salem, 4 00 Superior 12 00 Saline, 48 60 Pittsfleld, 5 00 Dexter, 60 ('0 Webster, . 18 7o The wliole amount of expense ïucurred including one thousand dollars lieretofore appropriated lor contingent fond amounts lo exclusive of the products of the farm, $5 932 32 The whole mimber of inmates in the County House at the commenceraent of the year was üfïy-seven. Ilie whole number received during the year was one hundreá and torty-flve wholo number of inmates at present, sixty-six. Cost of supporting each person per week is ninety-eight cents. The present number of insane is thirteen. Number of doaths durhig the year, tvelve. The farm contatos one hundred and twenty acres of laad, ono hundred acres of which are iniproved. Produce of the farm for the year . ■Vheat, 378 bushels Hay, 26 tons. Ears of öorn, 5Ö0 bushels. Oats, 150 ' Barley, 2S " Bnckvheat, W " )nions, 7 ' 3eans, 5 " otatoes, 325 iVool, 883 lbs. The stock on the farm consists of one apa6 if horses, one yoke of oxen, six cows, thre leifers, .fifty-six sheep, and twenty two hogi. Estimated expense for the ensuing year, six thousand dollars, $6,000 00 The item of Supervisors' servicesis composed of the following, frofn the different lowns and Cities, to-wit : Ann Arbor City, 3d, 4th, & 5th Wards, L40 00 " " " lst & 2d Wards, 80 60 Ypsilanti City, lst, 2d & Sd Wards, 8 00 Towd, ' 75 Augusta, S 76 Scio, e 78 Manchester, 3 00 Yoik, 1180 Sylvan, 2Í.0O Northfield, 8 00 Lodi, S 26 Superior, 2 21 Saline, 6 00 Salom, 1 00 $121 05 The item of transportation consists of th following amounts, from the different town and cities named : Arm Arbor City, VU 00 Ypsilanti City, 19 60 Town, 1 60 Sylvan, 8 78 Sharon , 4 93 Webster, 1 98 York, 4 00 Manchester, 4 59 Augusta, S 28 $68 53 The item of burial service is composed of ;he following arnounts from the different tovrui ind cities, to-wit : Ann Arbor City, $17 50 Ypsilanti City, 29 50 Augusta, 2 00 S vivan, 5 00 VpsilantiTown, 7 5.0 Webster, 6 00 Scio, 12 75 York, 12 00 Pittsfield, 6 00 Saline, 9 50 County House, 80 00 $127 75 Amount in County Treasury to our credit, sixty-five dollars and eight cents. All of wliich is respectfully submitted. Parmenio Davis, ) Superintendenti N. A. Phelps, of County James McMahon. ) Poor. The report was aecepted, and on motion laid on the table Mr. Palmer, from Coramittee No. 2, on Claims, reported, as follows : 302 O. M. Martin, chaira for Court House, 41 88 41 83 303 A. G. Freeman, whitewashing jail, 7 50 7 50 304 Seaman & Colé, Printing, 9 25 9 25 305 Seaman & Oole, " 29 50 S9 50 306 T. W. Koot, Clerk of Canvassers, 10 00 10 00 307 Risüon & Heiulerson, furnltute for Jail, 5 62 5 63 308 E. B. Pond, Priniing, 4 00 4 00 309 J. McMahon, Supt. of Poor, 34 96 38 76 Aecepted, and claims allowed as reoommended. Mr. Gilbert moveá that the Board proceed to elect, by ballot, a Superintendent of the Poor, for the term of three years. Carried. The" ballot being taken resulted ai fol lows : For Parmenio Daris, 14 " Wm. R. Martin, S " James McMahon, 1 " N. A. Phelps, 1 " B. W. Waite, 1 Blank, 1 Whereupon Parmenio Davis was daclared unanimously elected. Mr. E. M. Colé moved that the Board now proceed to elect by ballot, a Superintendent of the Poor for the term of two years. Carried. The ballot resulted, For Wm. R. Martin, 13 " N. A Phelps, 1 " Jas. McMahon, 8 Whereupon William K. Martin was declared unanimously eleoted. Mr Oilbert moved that the Board proceed to elect, by ballot, a Superintendent of the Poor for the term of onó year. Carried. The ballot resulted, For N. A. Phelps, 10 " Chas. S. Gregory, 9 " Jas. McMahon, 2 No person having a majority of all the members elect, the Board on motion pro ceeded to a second ballot, which resulted, For N. A. Phelps, 9 " Chas. S. Gregory, 10 ■ x). vv . vv aue, x On motion the Board prooeeded to a third ballot, with tho folluwing result, For N A Phelps, 10 " Cha?. 8. Gregory, 10 " Jas. McMahon, 1 On ffiotion, the Board took a recesi for fifteen minutes. On resuming business, the Board, on motion, proceeded to a fourth ballot, witb, the following result: For Wm. A. Jones, 11 " N, A. Phelps, 11 On motion prooeoded to a fifth ballot, as folio we : For Wm. A. Jones, 11 " N. A. Phelps, 9 On motion the election of a third 8aperintendent was postponed to 2 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday nest. Aüjourneü to ö 1 to-morrow morn Satükday, Oct. 24, 1863. i'ORKNOOX SBS8IOK. Board met at 8 12 o'clook, A. M. Mr. McColl in the chair. Present a quorum. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Haire, from Committee No. 1, on Cliiims reported as follows : 310 J I. Wlieelock, const. fees 2 12 19 311 G W. Ti-iimbull, " ' 101 33 101 71 312 Wra. A. Uatch, " " 269 4 S67 84 Keport aocepted, and olaims allowsd as recommended. On motion the Board adjourned to 10 o'clock of MoBday raorning eer. Monday, Oc'. 26tfa, 1863. Board roet at 10 o'olook, A. JJ., Mr. McCoU iü tlie chair. Present a quorum. Journal of Suturday read and approved. On motion the Clerk was instructed to enter upou the jounial the report ot' the Drainage Coniuiissioners, omitted ia its proper placo. Mr. -Krapf, from Coroniittee appointed in'May last to superintend repairs opon the jsil, rcportcd that such repairs had beeu made, at a cost of $49. 09, and bilis fur saine prescutcd to this Board. Report nco;?pted and adopted, Mr. Krapf, from Oommittec on Public Buildings, reported, recommendiug ap propriations as fullows : For building jail kïtchen, $125 00 " beddmg for jail, 75 00 " building addition to Clerk's and Eegister's offices, Ö50 00 " purehasing map of Ypsilanti City, 5 00 " purehasing aeal piess for Prolmte OiEce, 5 00 S5GÜ 00 Ilepott aocepted and laid on tho table. Tiio Clerk reported that he had eximiined as to order of D. A. Wiso, and finds that a duplícate order was drawn aud delivered to said Wiso. Accepted, and committee discliareed. Mr. McKeman offered the follo'wiDg resolution : Resolved, Thnt tho two mili tax bo leried on the real and personal estáte of this county as equalized by this Board Of Supervisors. Adopted. Adjoumed to IJ o'clock, P. M. AFTEKNOON SESSION'. Board mot at IJ o'clcck, P. M.r Mr. MeColl in the chair. Present a quorum. Mr. Thompson moved that the report of the Superintendents of tho Poor be taken from the table. Carried, Mr. McKernan moved that the report be ndopted. Carried. Mr. Thompson moved that the report of the Comiüitiee ou Public Buildings bo tsken from the table. Carrkd. Mr. Goddes nioved that tho report be adopted. The motioa was lost, a niajority of al] the members elect not voting therofor. Mr. Babbit moved that the last vote be re-coDsidered. Carried. Mr. Babbit moved tliat the report be lid on the table and made tha special order for 9 o'clook to morrow morniog. Carried. Adjourned to 8 o'ulouk to morrow morning. ïuesday, üet. 27ih, 1SG3. Board met at 8J2' o'clock, A. JL, Mr. McColl in the ehair JPresent a quorum. Journal of yesterday read and approvcd. Mr. Cbilds, from Committeo on Compecsntiou of members, reporteu, recorauionding the following allowances to Su porvisors for copying rolls and levying taxes : Vour Committee on Compensation of members, would recoinmend allowances to the Reveral Supervisors of tliis coimty foreopying their rolls and exteuding the taxes on the samo as follows : 3 f , "" II 3 S g o -g-S 2 'S 4 3 1 á I Ü13 ('. Kraiir, 1005 $8i 20 1 $10 Í96 "0 314 J. tl. Morris. 13S 99 0-1 1 ]O 100 04 315 Johu Geiidea, fc5rt 52 48 11 22 7148 j.o Aaron minian, ra's ül U4 1 Hl 75 04 917 I'auicl Leliarun, 7i7 5ü 56 9 ]8 74 56 18 L.H. Jones, 555 44 40 10 20 64 40 313 Klias Jlaire, 761 60 08 9 18 78 08 320 Morris Tbompaon, 597 47 76 12 2-1 7176 Sal Newton Sheldun, 690 55 20 13 26 SI "0 322 O. Clark, 49'J 39 92 9 13 67 93 32J I'l.UetusCooo, 985 78 Í0 11 22 100 80 324 Patrfck McKcrnan, 635 50 80 14 28 78 80 325 Allen Crittcniien, 487 ;!3 96 12 24 62 96 826 Kufus liabbit, 623 4U ti4 12 24 73 84 327 L. Palmer, 122S 08 24 12 24 ]"2 24 328 K. M. Cole, 616 49 28 1122 7128 3!tó Martin Gray, !20 65 CO 12 24 89 60 830 H.Pierce, 886 70 S8 11 22 92 88 3Ö1 JayEverctt, 630 50 40 11 22 72 40 33Ï K. ilcColl, f00 48 00 11 Í2 7U 00 833 Thomas Gray, 717 57 36 12 24 8136 334E., 95 55 60 11 22 77 60 335 H. Batcheider, SS8 79 44 l 10 89 44 338 John Gilbert, 634 60 72 1 10 60 13 Tota], $1,'J25 60 Tour commiltee vrould further Tecommend that the Superyisors in the several Townships of thia Oounty, in wliich the Drainage Commissioners have assessed a Ditch Tas, for this year, be allowed the iollowing amounts, for extending the said assessments to their rolls. - I f' e ? il ■ e a " R37 John Gofldes, Ann Arbor Town, 5 25 S3S Aaron Childs, Augusta. 83 4 15 33:1 L. 11. Jones, Dexter. 54 2 70 840 Alleo CriUcnAen, PittfficM, 4 20 etl E. 1). L&y, YpbUantiToirn, 2U 145 Total, . 8,75 All of wbich is respectfully Rubmltted. AAROM CHILDS, ) CONBAD KRAPF, Committeo J.H. M0REI6, ) On motion, the report waa aceepted and adopted, and the several Supervisors allowed the sums named On motion the Board adjourncd to Firemeo's Hall. Board met at Firemen's Hall and resumed businesa. Mr. MoKernan moved tliat the report of the oomittee on Public Buildings be taken from tho table, Carried, and the que&tion being on its adoption, Mr. Martin Gray offered the following resolution : Resolved, That tho report of the Committee on Public Buildings be anvmended so as to readgöO for repairs on jaü, bedding fer prisoners, and stamp for Probate office. Laid on the table. Mr. Gilbert moved to striko out the reeoinsnended appropriation for building addition to County offices. The yeas and nays being ealled for, the motion was lost - yeas 6, nays 11. The voto being taken on tho motion to ftdopt the report, the same prevailed - yeas 13, na3rs 4. Mr. Krapf moved tbat tho several amounta rocommended by the report of the Committee, ba raised by tax tha present year. Carried - yeas 10, nays 1 - Mr Martin Gray. Mr. SIcKernan moved that the report of the Committeo on per Diem allowance, reeommendicg allowanees to Supervisors for disbursing Volunteers' Family Relief Fund, be taken from the table. Carried. Mr. McKcrnan moved that the report be adoptod. Mr. Geddes moved to amend by striking out $210 allowance to Supervisor of 3d 4lh and 5th Wards of Ann Arbor, and insert $100. Mr. Gilbert moved that the report be referred back to the Committee. Carried. Mr. S'ioldon offorcd the following resolution. Resolved, That the sum of ono dollar and i ffentyrflre cents psr day bo allowed to John Hoftstetter for his services as janitor durin the dift'erent séssions of the Board of Super" visors within the pastear, and that a comínittoo of onebeappointedby the chair to report the amouat to be allowed for said services. Adopted, and Mr. Sheldan appoiuted suoli committee. Adjourncd to VÍ o'elock, P. M. AFTEENOON Í3ESSION. Board met at % o'olock, P. M. Mr. McOoll in the chair. Preseut a quorum. Mr. Palmer offered the following preamble and resolutiou : . Vfherea, In the oj.inio'u of this Board, many of the enrolled imütia of this Connty who have enlisted ad been mustered toto the serviceot the ïJuited states are aooredited t0 üth. er Oouutios, thereiuiv, Hesohed, That the several Supervisors of uiio Uounty are hereby instructed not tonrant any order on thn Volunteers' Family Relief Fund to the faniily of any vohinteer who ia not accredited to Washtcnaw Couuty. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Oilbert moved that 800 copies of the above resolution be priuted for the uso of the several Supervisors. Carried. Mr. Everett frora committee to examine reports of Supervisors' disbursements from the Volunteer's Family Relief Fund reported as follovvs : Your conimUleo wliicii was appointed to examine the reports ol' the several Supervisors, in relation to their compliance witli Mr. Lay's resolution adopted in May last, would report as follows: After carefnl investigaron we iind therehas been paid in Ann Arbor City tst and 2il Wards since May last, to 25 farai0 per month mure tlian allowed by the above resolution. Also, in Ann Arbor City, 3d, 4th, and 5th Wards, there has been paid since May last, to 70 families more than #100 per month over and above what was allowed for sickness in compliance with the above resolution Also, in Northfield, the amount exceeds the said resolution as follows : to 12 families $60 per month. And the following named Supervisors have nearly complied with said resolution : Mr. Batchelder, of Ypsilanti, 1, 2 & 3 Wards " Gilbert, " ' 4th & 5th " liedües, oí Aon Arbor Town, and " Palmer, " Scio, a trifle in Juue last. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAY EVERETT, ) AARON OHILDS, L Committee JOHN GEDDES, ) The report was acoepted, and on niotiou laid on Iho table. Mr. Pierco from Committee on Claims No. 1, reported the following, and reoommended their allowance: 342 W. H. Melntyre, Dept, Sher.88 58 88 58 343 O. II. Vanclere, Just. fee8, 56 69 5C 59 ;.i4i Sr", Dept. Sheriff, 277 6G 260 03 d-lo . A. Hatch, Dept. do 85 55 82 57 346 P. Winegar, Sheriff, 219 13 219 13 347 Fat, Wall, Dept. Sheriff, 158 46 157 38 34o T. J. Hoskins, Constable, 288 32 277 75 349 P. Winegar, Sheriff, 384 30 384 30 350 V. F. Roth, Just. fees, 166 41 160 41 The report was aooepted and adopted, and the claims allowed. The Committeo also reported claims of George DavisoD, $90, L. B. Smith, and A. Green, for services in searching for and arrosting murderers of J. C. Depew, without recommendation. Mr. Krapf moved that the bilis be allowed. A división bemg callea tor, the claim of Mr. Davison was rejected. Oa motiou, the bilí of Messrs. Green and Smith was rcferred back to Comruittoe on Claims. ïhe hour having arrived for the eleotien of a Superintendoat of Poor for the term of one year, Mr. Gilbert moved to rescind the resolution providing for the elootion by ballot. Lost. Mr. Crittenden moved that the Board proeeed, by ballot, to elcct a Superinteudent for one year. Oarried. ïhe ballot resulted. For Wm. A. Jones, 12 " N. A. Phelps, 10 Mr. Gilbert to resciud the order to elect by ballot, whioh prevailed, yeas 13, nays 9. Mr. Gilbert moved that Wm. A. Jones bo appointed Superintendent of the Poor for the term of one year. The voto being taken by yeas and nays resultod, Yeas - Messes. Ohilds, Colé, Coon, Clark, Gilbert, ETaire, Jones, LeBaron, McKernan, Morris, Palmer, Sheldon- 12. Nays. - Mesera. Babbit, Batchelder, Crittenden, Everett, Geddes, M. Gray, Krapf, Lay, McColl, Piorce- 10. The Chair ruled that a majority of all the mcmbers eleot was necessary to elect. Mr. Gilbert appealed from íhe decisión of the chair. The yeas and uays being callad resultted, yeas 10, naya 12, and so the decisión of the Chair was announced not sus tained. Mr. Crittenden moved that the Board appeal to the Court to decide whether a majority of all the membors to elect is necessary. Carried. Adjourned to 8)2 o'cloek to-morrow morniiig.


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