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The Detroit Election

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■ The fclooi ion iu Detroit ou lueaday ■ Milted in a complete democratie victory, ' uotwitlistunding tbc putting ou tbeserews by the politicomilitary managers at "Washington. Barkkk was eleeted Mayor bv a majority of '7l ; Hydr, Kecorder, by; and their associates by nn.jorities rangin'g frora 55 to 797. - This is better tlian we expected. jL5JC The agaio sáys tkat Oen. HallecK has issued imperativo orders to Gen. MeaÜe to bring on a battle on pain of supersedure, and the President backs the order. We are of tlie opinión that Meadk will acl as bis judgenient díctales and' iafce the eonsequeuces; und also of the opiuion that his reraoval kas been determined ou ever since hc subseribed to the McClellan testimonial, and that au excuse is ouly wauted to i-eeurG it. S:3J It id :i coramou remark in all radical cireles that a Kepubiïean victory at an ëlection is worth more than a battle won. So t'no rebellion ought now to be on its last leg?, fbr there are no more Otates, to win Republiean victories u - at present. g@"Ger. B'tlkii ia to tnke the field "gain, having been assigned to the cominand of the Eiyhth Army Corpa, Departrnent of Virginia and Worth Carolina in place oí' Gen. Foster, who-it is. intimated id to have ermtnand oí the of Washington. Thü Botird of Supervisors oí Inghara county have voted a loan of $75,000 to aid ín the construclioff of a railro'ad frotn Lanaing to Jackson. - The loan is to be voted upon by the uounty at a special ëlection. At JackMin a meeting has been oalled by the Mayor to aothorize a loan of the credit of the city for the same purpose-. fL" Now that thore are no more poli'ical canipaigns io progress, demanding the time of Major and Brigadier Generáis, Colonels, Captains, Lieuteuants, high. privates, &c, it is to be hoped that the "scattering" - Gen. Butler like will be immediately put on duty. The The army can be reinforeed faster ia this way than by a draft. EP If the Government will devote the saine energy to putting down the rebellion that it bas to putting down the Democracy of the Northern States, we shall eoon hear ol something being done in the field - besides retreating on Washington, etc. Let us have military victories. JÊfST' The telegraph saya tbat ome 18,000 aoJdiers werj sent home to New York to vote at the recent ëlection. It is silent as to how many were sent into Massachusetts, New Jersey, Indiana, Wisconsin, and other States holding elcctions this week'. Now that the elections are over tbc countr} may hope that the governinent will give its attention to the rebel army, and that we may hear of military victories. J53C Thevo is renewed activity at Charleston, and the bombardment of Fort Sumpter bas been re-commenced, both by the monitors and the land batteries. The rebel newspapers do not seem to be in the best of spirits on affairs in that qnarler. L3E" Thero has boen considerable skirmishing along the line of the Kap pahannook, but no general battle was thought imminent at the latest advices. J55L" The numerous fnends of Rev. F. A. BlaiiEs and his estimable lady, will reget to learn that they have lost two of their cbildren, little Freddie and Kittie. The furmer was sick but fiftcen hours and the latter but three days. It is a severo afliction. . - i -i i - - - i S3T fr some time ï)r. Docglass, at the UDiversity Laboratory,.has been " missing" things, and an investigation has resulted in the arrest of Geo. H. Knhn, of Detroit, a Medical student, and G. R. Wei kort, oi Detroit, a clerk in a Jusüee's office of that city. A large omount of valuables was recovered. There seems- i'rom papers found - to have been a regular business firm in operntion. The parties are now in jail in this city. 3g" We understand that Cleveland, arre8ted on charge of murdering Jobn C. Deppw, at Chelsea, has had his examinatton and been committed for trial. Qp Madame Anna Bishop, assicted by her daughter, Bliss Locisa Bishop, and Mr. A. Sedgwice, are to give a concert in Hangsterfer's Hall tbis evening. Madame Bishop, wherever sbe ia kuown, is a favorito of the concert going public, eepeeially of that portion who appreciato music of an elevated nnd refined stylo. Tho testimony of the press Ls that her voice, '' in power, sweetnessof tone, purity, flesibility, and delicacv, is unsurpassed." And her daugbter is spoken of in warm terms of praise, as is also Mr. Sedgwick. 8ee card.


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