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Tee Drafted Men

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The draft for this county took place at JacksoB on Thursday and Friday, and wo append a list of " ye conscripta " in the severul sub-distriets, as fa they have beeu furuisbcd us,. Some of the names may ïe "slightly " incorrect, but we have fullowed copy as nearly as possiblo. The 50 per cent extra is included 11 eaoh list. 8ÜB DIST. 58 - ïIRSTAND SECOND WAEDS, ANN' ARBOK C1TV. In tbÏ9 district the full apportioned quota was drawn, witliout reference to oredits for recent enlistments. 14 were wauted of the district; 21 includes the 50 per cent., and the last 12 are supernumerarios, drawn for ornament instead of HM. 1. Chas. S. Brownell, 2. James S. Hawkins, 3. Mathew Senner. 4 Nathan H. Drake, 5. John P. Little, 6. Jacob Weitbricht, 7. Abiani Hawkins, 8. Andrew Hiller, 9. Orville W. Ooolidge, 10. Henry H. Wines, 11. Henry Matthew, 12. William W. Bliss, 13. Benj. F. Watts, 14. James E. Davis, 15. John Zegler, 16. Clarence H. Canipbeiï,. 17. George M. Miley, 18. John Rier. 19. John Pfisterer, 20. Michael Henley, 21. John Hum. 22 Martin L. D'Ooge, 23. Lucien B. Stewart, 24. Manley Spencer, . 25. Albright G-winner, Since the above was in type we understand that notices havo been served on 25 men, ís certainly 4 more than should have been drafted from this district. We omit the 8 stricken off. SÜB DIST. 59 - THIRD, FOURTH AND FIÏTH WARDS, ANN ARBOR. 13 only wanted of this district, iucluding the 50 per cent., but 34 drawn, the last 21 probably to let thern know how ït would seem. 1 David Finley, 2 Earl S. Taylor, 3 Fred Vogel, 4 Charles Moore, 5 George W. North, 6 Elijah W. Hough, 7 Henry K, Warren, 8 James Killpatrick, 9 Iliram H. Cotant, 10 John Barns, 11 Levi L. Barbourr 12 BernardKirk, 13 Miohael Riley, 14 James Smith, 15 Lee Armstrong, 16 Alonzo Tack, 17 William Mallory,, 18 John Ebehardt, 19 Samuel Tajlor, 20 James Stephens-, 14 of the mea drafted ki district have been dropped and 20 "noticed," whieh is 7 more than the just quota. 14 men enlisted should have procured the deduetion of 21 men from the 34. The district is charged 50 per cent. but not credited in the same ratio. Unless thie niistake is rectified injustice is done the district and 7 men illegally drafted. We omit the 14 stricken off. SUB DIST. 60- 'AUGUSTA; 1 John Wardie, 2 Joseph McCarty, 3 William Richardson, 4 James B. Gould, 5 Edward S. Butts, 6 Samuel ]. Everett, 7 H - - Hammond, 8 James L. Dènnisou, 9 Melanthon Sanderson, 10 William Corbett, 1 1 Jonathan W. Childa, 12 Martin Briening, 13 John Fedder. SUB DIST. 61 BKIDGEWATEK. 1 Edgar N. llandall, 2 Jacob Hardar, 3 Isaac L. Every, 4 Robert George, 5 Mark Conklin, 6 John Bradloy, 7 David Ward, 8 James M. Taylor, 9 JohnRunyan, 10 Eugene Underhill, 11 Charles Shutes 12 Christian Saley, 13 George Hudson, 14 Jacob Marie, 15 George Walter. SCB DIST. 62 DEXTER. 1 Thomas Rayock, 2 Edward Doody. SUB DIST. 63 FHEKDOM. 1 Lambert Gesky, 2 Christian Lambord, 3 Gottleib Stabler, 4 Frederick Shibley, 5 Fredoriek Zahn, 6 Edward Weis, 7 Ghristian Trinkle, 8 James O'Neil, 9 John G. Feldtcamp, 10 John Howard, 11 Philip Ullrich, 12 Joha Waltz 13 Gottlieb Horuing, 14 Jacob Horning, 15 William Ryan, SUB DIST.64. - LIMA. 1 David Parker, 2 Henry Slater, 3 Lewis Yager, 4 Martin Malony, 5 Hugh Cassidy, Jr., 6 Ghristian Gentner, 7 Jedediah Winslow, 8 George S. Beach, SUB DIST. 65 - LODI. 1 James W. Allen, 2 John Burns, 3 Edward E. Sheldon, 4 Frederic Krouse, 5 Thomas Speer, 6 George W. Smalloy. SÜB DIST. 66- ,LYNDOIC. 1 John F. Daniels, 2 James S. Wolcott, 3 Albert P. Griffin, 4 Georgo SargisonT 5 Samuel B. West, 6 Patrick O'Brien, 7 Parker Bott, 8 Charles Celey. SUB DIST. 67 - MANCHESTER. 1 Elijah D. Parson, 2 William Bartless,. 3 William E. Pease, 4 Benjamin G. Lovejoyr 5 Leroy Fitagerald, 6 Wm. W. Lockwood, 7 Mathew Kavanaugh, 8 Caleb Lamson, 9 Edward P. Root, 10 Henry Poucher, 11 Miehael Finnegan, M Frauklin Hoag, 13 Edwin S. Carr, 14, John H. Nelson, 15 Henry A. Wastell, 16 Vanness Teachout, 17 Benjamin Gallup, 18 Franklin Spafford,19 Wm H. Wiggins, 20 Jacob Kern SUB DIST. 68 NORTHFIELDv 1 Georgo Sutton, 2 Frank Colwell, 3 Edward Haggarty, 4 Thomas Harrison, 5 John C. Ryan, 6 George J. Danner, 7 Miehael O'Conner, 8 Nicholas Henry, 9 Ezra T. Brokaw, 10 Joseph Dean, 11 Martin Ryan, 12 Joseph Fronclmecht, 13 Christopher Dunigan, 14 James O'Connor, 15 John W. Sutton, 16 William W. Vandine. SÜB DIST. 69 PITTSFIELDV 1 Ansel Morgan, 2 Tyrannus C. Crysler, 3 Moses Marks, 4 Frank Hinckley, 5 John Valentine, 6 Alton Welch, 7 Calvin C. Warner, 8 George Bohnet, 9 Collin II. Foster, 10 Orlando Lathrop, 11 Stephen T. Moe, 12 William F. Read, 13 Charles Howlet, 14 Daniel B. Kellogg, 15 Thomas Files, 16 Silas M. Dowzer, 17 William Hunt. SUB DIST. 70 SHARON Quota filled - no draft. SUB DIST. 71 SYLVAN. 1 Calvin Pratt, 2 William Judson, 3 William V. Wood. 4" Sam Davison, 5 Sydney Beekwith, 6 James Smith, 7 Thomas Wilkinsotr, 8 James Riggs, 9 Hethcote Reed, 10 Ezra Durandy 11 John McLaine; 12 John Doyle, 12 Charles H. Fish. SÜB DIST. 72 SALINE. 1 Thomas N. Lee, Jr., 2 Luther Weight, Cornelms Parsons, 4 William Claney, 5 Ambers Cole, Orestees Brown, 7 Andrew Riggs, 8 Wm. W. Biddle, 9 Joseph E. Smith, 10 George H. West, 11 Albert A. Wheaton, 12 Alfred Miller, 13 Israel Eassliek, 14 Joseph Lindsley, 1-5 Asahel Fenton, 16 George Blits 17 Charles Fosdick, 18 Charles Burkhart, 1& Rollin Forbes, 20 James W. Platt, 21 Charles H. Canfield, 22 James Bush, 25 Albert Kidder, 24 Iliram Smith Hall. SUB DIST. 73 - SAI, KM. 1 Joseph Merrit, 2 David Russell, 3 Roswell B. Whitaker, 4 Richard J. Lucas, 5 Orselius Shay. SUB DIST. 74 - SUPERIOR. Í Alfred H: Holmes, 2 Irvine Jones, 3 John Price, 4 James 8 weeting, 5 Linus Hiscock, 6 Otis Shay, 7 Wilton Vbnscikle, 8 Daniel S. Vandine, 9 Robert Geddes, 10 Daniel McDaniel, 11 Lewis McCormick, 12 Joseph Fether, 13 George H. Warner, 14 Robect Gowen, 15 Perry O. Crippen, 16 Vedder L. Shankland, 17 Charles Lewis, SÜB DIST. 75 SOIO. 1 Ezra J. Smith, 2 John Beuallock, 3 Charles Zahn, 4 Richard Montgomery, 5 Thomas Speechly, 6 Thomas Martin, 7 Gottlieb Aberly, 8 William H. Morrison, , 9 Jerome Parker, 10 James Crawley, 11 Isaac S. Pulhemus, 12 Thomas Denahey, 13 George W. Philips, 14 Clark S. Beal, 15 Charles Goodwin, 16 John Zeeb, 17. David O. Van Wig, 18 Theodore Gruben, 19 Benjamin W. Waite, Jr. 20 Alfred E. Phelps, 21 Andrew N. Rogers, 22 Andrew (Jroner. 23 lrving Keal, 24 George Potter, 25 Charles W. Bowon, 26 Jacob F. rftabler, 27 David McColl, 28 Joseph Stephens, 29 William Cunningham. SUB DIST. 76 - WEBSTER. 1 William Courtney, 2 W illiam Larkuw, 3 Nathan Wade, 4 JobD Harris, 5 Daniel Leslie, 6 Otis Baker, 7 Hiram Starks, 8 Washington Honey, 9 Thomas O'Brien, 10 Alopzo Olsaver, 11 George Tuttle, 12 Marvin S. Cadwell, 13 Edward J. Moore, 14 James Carraher, 15 Moses Johnsou, 16 George C. Arms, 17 AlvahSmith, 18 James Armstrong, SUB DIST. 77 YOIiKv 1 öeorgu Warner, 2 Franklin Wells 3 Charles H. Ëuton, 4 John E. (Julver, 5 Francés E. LeBaftit, C Samuel Clark, 7 Richard Millage, 8 Spencer Rogere, 0 Elias W. Hobba, 10 Caleb Haningtoi), 11 John h'eels, 12 Jacob A. lUy, 13 Liman H. Ga}', 14 Marcus Öraitby 15 George Hathaway. SUB DIST. 78 YPSILAXTI TOWNSHÏPV 1 Medant F. Critteudcn, 2 NVilliaui Ford, 3 Albert R. Graves, 4 Johu C. Deogle, 5 Eugene B. Hinman, 0 Christopher Holmes, 7 George Wallace, 8 George Varuey, 9 Benjamin S. Covert, 10 Oliver Diokinsoi), 11 Christopher C. Shenvood 12 William Beach, 13 Edward S. Derbyshire. 14 John Rutt, 15 James Hoffman, 16 William Baker, 17 Henry Biokert, 18' Robcrt Malliou. SUB DIST. 79 ÏPSILANTI CITY. Quota fiiïed- no draft. SUB BIST. 80- Yl'SILANTI CITY, Quota iilled - no draft. SUB DIST. 81 AXtf ARB'OK TOWNSIIl. 1 William O'.Hai-a, 2 William Chureh, 3 AndrewEllis, The list includes dead meu, deaf aud umb men, idiota, cripples, men already u the army, men over age, men unknown o the "oldest inhabitant," contrabands, nd oeeaaioaally, it is said, a " skedaddier." The "drawn numbers" hit meu f nearly all professious, "cleaning out" a family or neighborhood hcru, aud thero eaving a wide circle untouched. Most of the "lucky ones'1 receive their "cali" with nature, and are making their arrangements to claim exemption, get asubslitutt', or pay their " littlc" 8300.


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