Classified Ad

LOOK H&E i i THE Subscriber has two Uorses which he wishes to feil. Terras accommodating. D L. LA TOURETTE. Ann Arbor, April 10, ]845. 51 6w Wholcsalo Sc Hetail. fTIHE Subscribers aie now manufacinting o'. X tlieir estdilishmeui in Ann Arbor, an article SJUMBRATUS, whióh is equal in pnrity and excellence to any th;it can be produced in Michigan. Il will be kept constantly on hand in quanlitirs to Bupply customers at as low a price as can be aÃFordod. To rcnder it conveniem for tmnspnrtalion and rciail ng, the anicle will be sold in kegs of one hundred pounds wéight each. As the Saleratus made by the subscribere is perfeetly L-fcr, - purchasefs will itot bc compdled to set the kegs out of doors to keep their rloirs Trom beir.gspoiled by the constant drainingoui pi ihe ley frotn the casks, as s somctimes the case svith an adulternicd árt:cle, Those who wish for afirst-raté article för ret;iiling will do wcll to cal! ou us byfore purclias ingelsewhero. BECKLEY, FOSTER & Co. Ann Arbor. Lower ïown, A[r. J3, '45. 5I-t! THE Co-ptirinership heretofore existine under the firm and style of ïieckley & IJiclts is by mutual consent this day dissolied. All persons indebted to said lirm, by nota or otliervvise. are to make rmyment to Gny Bftckley, who ie nuthoriKcd. to receivnit, and Ins beconie obligated to ]iay all debts due from soul firm. GUY HEOKI-EY. SUiNINER HÃCK3. Ann Arbor, March (iih, 1845. 45-3w TAKE NOTICE. r 1 1H E Subscribers hereby giye notice ihal the i will continue the Mercantile business nt ihe Store recenlly occupied by J. Beckley & Co. where tliey tvill al all limei be fminil ready to wait on thosc who may feel disposed to favor } them with their patronage. All business relative to the Signal of Libcriy will be atienden to hy ihe snbscribers. BECKLEY, FOSTER. & Co, Aun Arbor", Lower 'I own. Mar. 0, H4ñ. 46-Ã' Weslcynit Books THE Subscrihrrf; linve just received .i good siippfy of Wcsleyan Books' from 'the De pository a New' York. Those wishtfg t piirch;i8e wilf jÃleaáo cali orid examine for tlicmsclves. BECSLEy&HICKS. Ann Arbor, Lower T.own, Pee. G, 144. 3 5-6w Sheciü Sh'cars, OV a superior quality for sale by BECKLEY, FOSTEÃl t Co. March 2, 1845. Liiv'e Créese Fealhers, OF a superior quality, for sale by HECKLEY. FOSfER.'&Co. March IJ.. 1S45. 45-4 'wWOOE.! WOO1 'â 'â CLOTH! CLOTH!! TUK Subscribo s WQiHtl niioiin (i Puhli: that il-cy i I cwniÃñue 'â myruiJÃK-riuc guol Fallecà Eloth9 at thair M.inuliictory. ivv-inul u hall ;m!cs wen of Aim Aibor, on i iü JiiiMiti. uu liic iojlorting TER. MS. Until the flrst dav oà Nncmber. A. D. 1844, the 'price. will he ' 7j ceins )r ynnl. or Imli the cUt'h the woul u-rl ijKikV, Ã'rtiui ihe Is. ot'AVv e,!)LT to ihe 13 h óf Ma. 115. ihc pVfcë wil, iü 30 cent fttr y-nr.l, or runo tvéinÃerhs o! :.o ulo; ihewoál will mikr-, t'hñi 15 yordsorÃi i 100 nianutuctureit. T)ie wooi wül Le Ãnaiiüfii-tured in turn ná it may come uto à lie fnctory; n? pcajr ;is may he wnli rcÃéreti'cd la thr difieren'. [juuHfitjg. Any person who will furnish one or more parcelo ot wojI frum'Hfi u i)( ponndsBf mequality c;in Hnvo ft%ÃañiiÃ3ctMrd bv iself. WdijI vvil! be. reeeived.oi Scio. VVo'jl sen) by ll'Ãirond will be atie:i(!e;l Ãn m ihe .rvv.t: ninnncr Ãs if tke owner were tu rome wnh' (t- it phuiijitj "e cnroÃiilly mnrked. c 1 1 a v ninnufncMircd ioú durmg tho pnst yem fjr n very laiiro nu;nâ ( cuetomers. lo who:n webuiieve we liave niveu t-ery general saiisfnciio.i. VVuh th'eso fnet? nr. ! he riclvnntages oftered l.y hf low priceal w!uch e (ifTtir to nianufnciure cI-j'Ii, we litÃpe (or ñ aryo filiare oà pntronage. SAMUEL W. FOSTRR fe CO. Scio, Wn.shtennw Co.. Jn!y 25, 18-14. 3 t!" ÃTCaution tb AÃ1 ! J$ LET ALL TM E WORLD TAKF. ïN'O'lTCE and bc crirt-lul nol ló luy l!ie. (Sugnr Coat :d) inipioved Ihdüin Vegomble Pilla, uriless eveâ y box Ins dn it (he -wrïuen signaiuro oà tlic orijtnal inventor and p-itonier, G-. BENJAMIN SMITH, M. D. These pleasnm Pilis poÃisess povvers to open sxl the natural drnina of t lic sys'.e;n - vz: Ue LUNGS. ETtt-JNF.YS, SKINS "and BOWKLS - hiiherto unUnovn in the practice of medicine: ind eo complete luisbeen their riumph over ali Jther medicines, tli .t nSany havo been led to supose they coniain sorne {xjvvuri'iil niineral; but ïpon examination by Drs. Oimi.thn', Ranijolfh. tlu.vriNGTox. and oilieis. tliis supposition is n inee proved to le groundlesa. Sold in Ãew York, at tho principal Office, 170 jreenwich streel, also by PuUShlon &. Co.. Broadway. cirner of 13th streot. Pnmp'nlets to há bad of ogents jratif!. N. 13. - Persone will also notice on the top lael an engraved Iridian figure, crossed with fine ed print. The genuine mny nteo be bou glit with enfety it Dr. Guion's corner of Bowry nnd Grand itreet, Krooklyn, and at rc6pectable stores hroughout tbe United States. gWaÃD R1VER WILL probably be navigable within a .few years. as far south as J . T PRATT'S STORE, where the inhabitants of Michigau can ïow be Bnpplied widi Dry-Goods., Medicines, Ãools, Shoes, Hals, Cabinet Ware, MiUStones, Clolh, Paléni 8mut Machines, BrisloVs Sarsaparilla, 0.030 boxes PrattV Pilis, single bos 2 shilling. Life Bitters, 50 cents per bottiea cho:ce lot )f C H E E S E , made in Wester New-York. â TYiftrpiTjprtrTOi pvcrtg'is Wmseif to seU as high as any mercliant in town, N. B. - All kinds ofCotintry Produce, himehr. brick, lime, wood, bougln or sold just as wil! suit customers best. A good farji and 'orty acres of wild land for sale. Admittance No. 1 Blains' block. nëar the River. Jhckson, Midi. Apr. 13, 1845. DR. SMlTirS(SUGARCOATED) IM proved Indian Vegetable Pilis," are daily sffeciing some of the most asionishing and vvoiijerful cures tliat ha-ve ever been known. in consequencè ofVliicti tÃiey haye.nobecprne a sbining mark against liich all the arrows of dieapaointed hopa, envy, riod uncharitableness are evelled without disiincupn. The town and country are alike filiad with their praise. The palace and poor-house alibe echo with their virLues. Ãn all clhnates. under all temperaiures, they 8iiü retaiii their â vvonderful powerti, and ex3rt tliem uoaltercd by nge or situation. They iré simple in 'their preparation, mild in their actions. ihoroiigh in all tbeir operations, and unrimalled in their resulis. They are anti-bilious. inti-dyppepiic. and antuinercurial: and ihey are pc;uliarly beneficial in tbe f,)l!owirig coinplaints: ('ever and aguo, yellow and bilioua fevers. dyspepsia. erdup, Iiver complaint, sick headnche, aundide. asthma. drojisy, spleen, piles, colic. obsmtctions, heartbi'.rn. furred tongue. and foul stomach, nausea, drarrhoa,' cosiiveneas, loss óf anpetite. sallow complexión, colds, and in all cases of torpor of the bowela whefè-a cathartic or an aperient is needed. N. B. ITNo Sngar Coatcd Pilis can be geññine unless ëvery box has on it tbe sigmürre of G. BENJ'N SïilTH. M. D. Sold 170 Grcénwich st , and Rushton &Co., 10 Ãstor House, and throughout the Initad StatO3. 41-tf F ROM the Subscriber. nboiït fo;:r vLeU! since, a black satin vest. It e sóppbteé to have bofn taken iy an ih températe man, a aferifhger who was bout herê at that timo, nnci lias pr'obÃibly pawneà t enher for moncy or.liqor. Any one who â vvÃI cive itfonnation concernin,!; it. at thii? office, is informéd tbnt T wil! redeem ihe vest and amply reward hini tor bis tronble. - S. E. BROWN. March 2', 1845"ÃS6OO Ihs. ecse Feathers.' ÃF firpt rate (juaüty for ale by i.'ie ponnd or humlred weigjit in tjanüiies to suit purchas ers, niay bc feund nt " RAYMOND'S CASR STORK. 14S Jcfierson (vonuo, 3?-! f Dc'trdlt Siiaï' 'Ctfatcd. Pilïs, Y. liscase- 51Orc Evicïcnce. MR. liILL, of the firm oi'Girley and Iliil. 16!) BroFidwiy, snys the Sugnf Cpató [lidian VTegetablfl PiHeyirë superior loanvhe has ever t.ikcn. (liswifehas foliad ihetn dclightful and eiïicaciiHis., Mis& lvtH?i.AÃ3 corner of Walker nnd Lütllow streeis. has heen curco' of pnii in the liead dimïess of slglit. and dizzinessof long standing bj Uicsê Piija. . Mrs. Si.iïoxs, of 03 Uenry strret, curcd of paine and crajnps, o! eis:hi years etanaipg. Mr. Atkins. of 3 Crieeriv.'iclj_ eireet, cured oi'dvspepsia, of scve) years sMnaing. Mr. Cari-ock's dnghter, 8 Smplc strect. cured of Wofmsn tlreir wórsi furm." Rev. Mr, hrÃcktt. of" Brooklyn. curct' o' bilious co}iM''n'n.'8' weukness. &jd. ' We yeed uot nild more. Evidenco crowdu upon tià froni ajà qniriers, No Pilla ever helnrc -iccoÃÃiiisiicd so miK'h, wiÃii so linio iruiihlc and lïsfgR'ènblenes. ás Or. SinitrjL'á (Sugni (J ;vÃiuprovcd lndinn Vegqlajile Pilit-." Ptjld oà Guiori'e corner Jiowe.ry nnd Grand st : riiilp'tcorperof Bcckinan of WiHinnistrëets. Eve.rett's. 9 3 Hudsonst. ; Mrs Uiy's. 119 Fulton stree; Brooklyn; nnd 303 Oriwicli streel. Kx'nun the label - li ok for Dr. S.mith's written .-.-namre. ' " SPKCÃlïi, WOTT1CE! ALL ibqse wbo lnirc únseule'd accoiÃnts fi Woo! (Jard. n' or ('loih DrefS'ng vvuh ihf Ino tirm oà .1. Scckley & Co.. are hereby no'ilied that iijinsbccomc Ãn )isif,,v NjcckssAtiy that they choiild bj clóswd by noie oroihoiwistns enrly as 20th of April next. Leà ihere be a prompt attention 10 thu ::ltve. and it will be loi ihc muiuarbencTTi' of partios c fñcernctl. SUMNER HICKS & Co. Ann Arbor, Mnrch 7. 1 8 lñ. 50 :w ISlank Beeds aitiÃSorg:ses, WHOLESALE AND HETA I L, fr snje l-y TlECKI'iEY, TOSTER A Có. Marcl. 20. I61Ã.C. lUtJKCKlÃttlIOFF'S "Mr. Brinckerhoff. Brïiiöus to mnke knowñ nnd in pxiend the useoi the Henlth Ilestnninve; nin'd leélrfg .-rul fcnowi-g that its remedial. effect .i-y ir,f fnvur ui Provicience) h.isbccn the only ivaihhlf! mcuna of restoring u lieahh and Jife mnny ol the yuung ami endnared sonsami djnhters iiru! ;i!iiki;.i n fliullifude of tho middle-ógr-d, agei!. nuil vthstoble iüdividtmls in ihc land, now places more coitvertieii'.iy béfore Ãbe itivaüd his uiv;ilunl)je ip-ufdy. Thai drentifi.1 sconrge of ourruce. the C'oiisuniption. vviih itf. auend;mt horrors Uhirp beru swepr - the Rslorative renewing the impaired vi dl part sö thoruughly as tu resis?: afterwiird tho ijividius attacks -of thoee (mónita. . T, ]- humanó .-ml tender, liearieri ie is n ipnsit!g nnd movinu sir;ht lo view. the befaré hVJpcIess nnd dispiriied suiVerer riso from his cnuuh of siuknfcss n.nd pain, md talie1 bis' place ainicl the eirc-c nrid dutics o life sim - ply hv meaiis of ibis grand ltestoraiivftjof Na-_ tute'6 Funciions The most Bevere coughs al, most intniedintely yicld under its infl leuce, and ïoweve: raèking or chronic thoy may have neen, yet they vanish the niotnetit the Restorative beïins to e.veri and then maintüih its power. The I'rnic!or earnesdy requerÃs all who are afrKcted wit!] nhy disenso óf the Lungs or Liver, Pain in the Chest nnd Sifl', and Coughp. to commenceihe usé of the Health Restorntive. Despite tnc approbriutn whià h is atlached to all advertieeJ médiciiye?. i se thjS remedy and bieconvinced ol its uiwcr hywever inerEcIuloüs you iuve heen. 'J'Iiü foüosving certjiiaicjev ÃTo.rjo Dr. Chillón, the v.'cll known New York Ch'e'mst. "1 liayc annlyzed n bottle of rnedicine;,ct]e4 :C. BrinkerhotVs Heallh Restorative,' anájTod ihal n does not.conlain Mercury, or any o'her metallic preparaten ; nor opium in any q'f jta Tl is compnsed of vegetable matter ntirely." J.mks R. Ciumds. M. D. C. 13RINCKÃRHOFF, Proprietor, N. Y. ITorace Etekftt, öenëral Agent. . Principal Office 9(5 Hudson stjeet. N. T. ,.,. For siie by W. S. & J. VV. Mayn'ard.igcnta, Ann Arbor. 49-4w JiARTFÃRD Fire Insurance i om pan ' I.NCOKPORATED JN 1810 - CHARTKR PKRPiTUAL- CAPITAL $150.000, WITH rOWER TO increask ir to $250,000. nniIIS wcll unown and long established InstiX mtior. with nniple cash capital, have established nn agency irt Ann Arbor. and offer! to insure DweThgë', Furniture, Stores, Merchandize, Mills, Wheat. Flour. &c. on very favorable ternis The high character of this company is well known, and ia extensive business is condu&ed on the most jast and honorable principies. Owncrs of property Ãn Ann Arbor and vicinity who w'sh to insuro it against loss and daniage by firc. are invited to cali directly on the 8nbscriber. athis Store in Ann Arbor, whu is authonzed tó' issue, policies without delay. F. J. B.CRANE. Agent." Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 18-45. 39-em.':VV H O L E SALE & R E T AI L. A. M'FARREN, BOOKSELLEB AND STATIONER. SM ARTS BLUCK, 137 JEFFKRSON ÃVEKUE, IfifltÃIT; KEEPS constantly for jalea complete assor ment of Miseellüneofis.' Schooi und ClassU' cal liooks, Letter and Cap Paper,' plairi and -rul cd, Quilis, luk. Sealirig Wax, Cutlerv, Wnip-, ping Paper, Printing Paptyy of all siiiefe; a'nc{ Book, News and Cannister Ink. of varipnè kinds' BLANK BOOKS, fuïl and hall boundlof every vnriciy of Ruling, Memorandum Booke. fex;, To Merchants, Teachers, and others. buyin in quantities. a large discount made. Sabbath School and Bible Society Depositor. ______________ 51-tf CiN'T BK BÃATT JYEJf'BÃOT, SHOEJA'D LEATHER S.TOKE, Ann Arbor j Lowër Toten. - Q FEÃsét bas 'remojfU Bh' j' I KJ hisestablisHment lrorii j the Upper, to theLoye'rViU fc Æ Inge, No. 4. Huron BlocK, J Asg, whcre he holds '.huu.sell i,n' 1 Sreadihes3 to.'dress ,the 'ïitnW&b lfr$t:iH(lnigg" o( evcry.Manj, WÃÃ& "VVoman and Chiid who yiïï '& give hiin.a call.ih the.noatest, anu best manner be done in Michigan LEATHER and FIND1NGS of all kinds constnntly on b.ntid. . , . , WANTF,D, Cusk and Hitfes. in any.quaptideii. fcir whicb ?he highest pricefi wiU b.e given. none parchase until they have callcd it Fclch's. No. 4, Huron Block. Ann Arbor. May 4. 1814. 3-ly Notice to ilJerchaiits TÃE Subscribers encouraged by the jJa'tröii- agc they have hiiherto receiv.èa in thë whiJfVsalé Jépanme,nt oftljeir busin,ess, ivill the Si'st day of May next. open tiïe 6tore;now occupied by Geó. Grenville, fróhting pn iïuron 6t,reei,, 'and connecting with ihéir' present Lstoe in tHe roar. exclusivo ly far a WHOLE SALES ROOM, where they will'kcep at all times a full assortmem of DRY CIOODi?, OOTS & SHOES CAnPENTlS'Ã,: HAT8, CA I'S, PAPER HANGINGS, BÃÃNNETS,' CROCKER Y BY THE CRAT,'HÃRDsWARÃr AND GROCESlES. &C. ' SC, &C. all of which vU be sold on as gopd.terms as at any point ibis sidc of New York Gity. . G. Ã). UILL; Sc CO. Ann Arbor. March 26, 3844-._ 48-if R. &. J. Ii. DATIBSO1V, TTAVE now on hantl a complete assortnient FALLÃ3VD WINTER DRY GOODS; GROCER1ES, SHELFHJIRDIVARE, $0. 4'C. which they .will ecll cheap for .readj pay.' Thö liighcst umi kot pfice paidjat all tihica or Pork and all othpr kinds of produce. . Ann Arb-.r, Lower Town, Not. 2ti 184Ã. 13 CHARLES U. STEWART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR . ATV LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCE RY," A'YEKUK DETROIT. 49-tf. MRS. C. BUFFINGTON wduÃ) respect lul . Iy inf 'rtn ihe Lndiesof ,Ann Atbur a,nd iji. viciniiy il'.ai she has rccelvedthe fall and winter fashiuns. .-,- . MRS. C. BUFFINGtONV Nov. 1 t. J8jt4 The SSiritcy Porlii1? TUF. Subsoubeis hüve on hand n qnantity of tlic-ic lnrge niul splendid engnivings. beaulil'nlly cxccvueJ on stfcl platos, by an excellent nrtist. lioni a pninting by E. W. Goodwiw, Esq. of Albnny.IS'.'Y. They are i striking likencse of Tuk Man% and meke an elegant ornanicnt for rhc piïflór'. For Siiie. wholcsnle and rctail, a? p'er'dozèn, r $1.00 e.-ih. by A. BooWseller, Uoiroit. and !v ftEOKljKT KOSTER, & Co. Ann A:'- r. ffor. 1, Sl. 2i'ti: '
Signal of Liberty
Old News