Classified Ad

DR. SMlTITS 'EKIVBRSIT'S' FIE.Ã.S. TJKSK Pulsare prepared by Win. M. Siuth. luto Professor of MalcrÃa Medici mui Pharmacy in the University ol' Lake Eric, Olno.- JDr. Smiih would say tu the public, thnt W oftèring them thia Pili, lie presenta no qirick nostrum hot will, by is irritailng eflecis upufl tlic stomach and bowels créate distase wherá ütenwns hule or none beÃorc, but une fhiit is :i!e. mild, snlutary and uniform in its efleeia upo me wliole systom. He would say thnt he has now spent twenty. yeafi in research nnd investi-jation. direcK-d i the Pnlhology of disens?, and the properiios oi medicinal substnirce-?. and their miaptution to the renoval of inalndics to which flesli Ãs luir. As ihe result of these Uibors, he 3 now ab!e 10 gie to the public a combinaron of inedcinal vegetable si&stances which is as ncar pcrfeciion, as eareial'sfudy and closu investiation, tesis and rxerimenis, can bring it. He wou'u say 10 Physicfcins, as wcU as oihers, try thispill; n ul not deceive you. It is peculiarly adaptccï to ihe removnl and prcvenlion of tl e fcriTowing diseases: BiüousInterrnittantranil Remittani Fevcrs, Fcver and Ague, CouI, Livur Complaints, Sick Headoche, Passive Dropsy, Rheunritisin, Enlarge ment of the Spleen, i'nternal Piles. Colic. Acidi ty of ttwStotnach, lucipient Dinrhoaa, Habitual Cosiiveness. and in all oases of Toiporof ilie Bowels. whén a cathanic. aperient, 01 oltcrative. is needed. They are mild. yet cenain in their operation. producing neiilier nausea, griping, nor debility. Theagents of these Pilis are instrucped". irrcase full siuwfactiou is not given to nny terson who may purchnse them, iIkU they sha! I have their money refundedr TESTIMOMALS IN FAVOR OP Dit. SMIT! S UNIVERS1TY PILLS. Testimonial of Dr. Landon. Monrok, Michigan. June 12. 1344. Dr. S.vtTH - Dear Sir,- 1 take plensure io piving my testimony ir, favor of your valuahliUnicers t PMs. I most checrfully recomnicnd tliem to the public as a safe, easy, and efficieru cathnrtic for most of the diseases incident to this región of c.untry. I have made extensive use of them for four years in my practice. and I be lieve them to be the best anti-bilïous Catnartic oi Aperient medicine ever combined and ofiered for general use. Yours. &c. GEORGE F. LANDON, M. D. Tclimonial of Dr. Teller. Masilllo.v. Ohio, May Ist. 1844 Dr. Smitm- Sir,- I tafce "much pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of your Pilis in removing bile from the stomach, deierging the Liver, and in all complaints emanaling ('rom that source. J. V. C7 TSLLER, M. D. Testimonial of F. L. JVelü: Watekloo. Mich.. March 10. 1844. To Dr Smith- Sir, - For upwards of six months 1 was cruelly afflictcd with Fever and Ague, and during that time could find noih'iig that gave me permanent relief; length, however, your University Pilis were recommended to me by oue of the best Physicians in the9e parts; and I am ])a;py in being able to say. that from the use of one box I was permanentl? cured of my ague; since tlien a number ofmy fanii]y havo been as signally benefitted. Yours, &c.f F. L. WELLS. Testimonial of Daniel Goodnoio. Mon'roe. Mich., June J. 1844. I herebycertify that Dr. Wm. M. Smith has been my Family Physician for Ibur years last past; that he has ujed hts University Pilis in his pnciicein my furnily with unparallelcd bucc6ss: and I thinfc tliem pre.'erable 10 any pill for bilious affeutions in the ivoHJ. __DANIEL hinkeeper, Maco ml Si. House. Testimonial of D. S. Parshall., Mich., June 5, Ã84.Dr. Smith. - I ain happy to give you nr.y cordial appróval of your Universiiy Pilis. I am able to keep ofl" Fever and Agüe, and Fevers to which all causare subject in this Western coun try, by the timely use of your University Pilis. - Send an Agenl this way as soon as possible, for we are all out. Your8 &c., D. S. PARS HALL. Testimonial of Messrs. Noble and Fyfield. We certify that we are and have been personally acquainttd wiih Wra. M. Smitb, M. D. , and know that he isa man of eminence in his profesión- and that for four years he filled the chair of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the Willoughby University of Lake ErÃe. wiih honor to himself and satisÃaction to the Trustees and Faeulfy nnd as welf as to Students of the abo ve University. As for his Pilis, they are 'par excellence." CHARLES NOBLE, B. F. EYFJELD. Monroe, Mich.. June 19. 1844. Testimonial of Rial B Chase. This I certifv, that in the month of September last, I was attacked with BilÃous Fever (whils away from homo at Owasso to build a water wheel)and with one dose oi Smith's University Pilis, 1 brohe it up; nnd as many others were sick at the time, I administered these .Pilis to them, and in all cases it broke up their fevers. I have used them many times since, and with great success. They are the best pills I ever wed. IlIAL B CHASE, Milherigkt. Shiawassee, Mich., Junelst, 1844.Testimonial of Mr$. Ahigail C. Wright. This rriay certily. that tliree years ago à was attaeked with JJver Complaint 80 severely thnt J could acarcely lurn myself Ãn beii: I used many epecifics and remedies, such as Brandreth's, Resurrection, OirieatóÃ, and other pÃlls, buc with litlle or no One year ago, my friend Dr. Smith called on me on his woy to Boston, when he gave me a box of his University Pilis, which perfectly restored me, and njy health has not agnin 6uRered from like cause. Rochester. N. Y., No. 13, ) Franklin Street, June 24, 1844. $ Testimonial of Jokn W. Miller. Dear Doctor - Justice requirea me to state, that I have sold your University Pilis tor one nnd a half yeara last past, and that I can sell no others while I have them on hand. They have euperseded Ãhe sale of all others - their erTect is truly wonderful. JOHN W. MILLER, DruggisL Monroe, Mich., June V, 1844. For sale by J. Lund, Lowcr Town, and Wm. S. and J. W. Maynard, Upper Town, Ann Arbor. ] 3_1 y INTERESTING TO WOOL GROWERS. THE Subscritrera vroold respectfully antiounce lo the Wool Growers of Ann Arbor and lis vicinity, that they continue the business of Wool Carding and Cloih Dressing at the old stand of J. Beckley & Co., where they may be found at all scasonabie hours to watt npon those who may favor them wiih theii patronage. They gnarantee that their work will be dor.e â with neatne39 and despatch. To thcir old friends and as many new customera as feel dieposed to give them a trial, they would say,come on wiih your Wool and CLotu and we will do you ampie justice in die execution ofyonrwork - the price and ternis ot payment. T wc ii f y thousand pounds of Wool wanted in ëxchange for Full Cloih. Flannel, &c. N. B. - Give us a cali before purchasing else where. SUMNKR HICKS & CO. Ann Arbor Low er Town. Mar. 26,1845. 26 tfm DEIYISTRY. x E. G. BURGER, Dcntist, HAS removed his office to Cranc & Jevvctt't, Block, first room on the Second Floor. where being well prepared to rittend lo every branch of his profession. would rospccifully m Ãrii'i t llflVe "Ol liacl thoee necessary.organ TfIE TEETH, properlv attendcd to. dt-J-iy lm Jonger, but cali upon him and exporienoc tineascand durabiliiy of his operntiens. Ti i:.mRccommodating and charg,;s in no case u;irea.sonat-l. Ann Aiii-.r. Mareii 0. !8-i". 17-ii.Wright's Poor Man's Pilis. ,4 N cxi-eilent végeuible lamily Medieiin;. ifl i cuses of Indigestión, DyspepáÃá, -bivtr Goinplainta or J.iumlice. Ague anti Fevert Coaic-d Tuiigue. Sickness al ilie Smmacli. Sick Hendaehe. Remittant and Inteniiiuenl Fevers. Couslis. CoUs, Cawrrli, &c. &c. Kuurely yeeiMlili-, iliey nr; cmphuticalty NATL'URJ2'S FRUCND. conducing to hcülth nnd couuterauting lisense by purilyiiijr tho blond, clwiosing ihe system of v-iïijued Imniors. raioviflg obstructions, siiniuláitiigthc organd oi .ccietioiif. ming j lins wiili ilie food ;nil actin,'.; cvcry way ia harnionv wiilt ilie sys;ein. Fur Inflainato'ry isenscs ïisetl in connectie!) witli ilic Kliemnniic Piaateg. rsy P'tll ba I'ouikJ rrcnily to nid n lio reniowl ol divises. for. whii-h the "l:iscr is ahijve reoonniirndetl; and (.nniculariy are ilu-y calcula] tor all derungte j ments o'" tho L)iji?tive and iiiliüiy Orgnns. Ihc i primnry oriifin ..i ;i muititndfi of disenst-3. Price- 35 cents n 50 cen's n Box. For snlf ni Misclyfs Bo.iksuce und by J. T. Stocking. Travelling Aeiu lor Michignn. j lö-ly Certificates. Woodsti ex. Lenawi-e Co. Au?. 20. 1R44. For tvvelve yenrs J hnve bcn troubled wtth a iheumatic nD'eciion in my so thjt 1 linve !)nrc;ly ever been free from pnVi du.-iiLr itte wliolc time and wiiiiin twolve houra nfter I hul ïvpphed poort oÃ" Wribts Rhourmtnic Plnsier. J wad porectly caEV, nnd havo had n pnin since. â STEPHEN CARY. JackÃox Co.. Columbia, Aug. 20. 1844. This niay certüy that à have nsed Wiight's Pille in ny family in violent mtacUs of cliili nnd bilious fever, and hnve found tliem to be the li est Pilla that I ever used. and would rccoirimend every family to keep them on hand. JAMES AWARTOUT. Thompson, Gcnnga co., O., April 28ih, IS44. This mny cernly tliut I have ucd VVrights' Poor Man's Pilis and Rheumaiic Plaslef in my practico, and would say t) the public thal they enn rely upon their recpmmendation with the ut most confidence: in short, they only need tryi'ig to recommend themselve3. - Rkv. R: R. SCOTT, M. D. Loraink Co . Green, May 16, 1643. f This may certify that 1 hnve u?ed Wnght s Poor Man's Pilis in my practiee, and find them to be one of, if not entirely, the best pill now m use; and would rocommend every family to keep them on hand, especially those who live near low, marshy land. or mili pondss, or in an unlieahhy climate. '.! JOSHÃA BASCOMB, M. D.Without ndding more testimony cf the eiïicncy of tfie above meÃrti'oned medicine. e do not hesitate to say tkat we are not afraid to have its virlues tcstedby the side of any other of ihc kind that ever hns been cfFred to an American .pubic, and wewill Iet it stand upon itsown merite. Foi !-n!e at Moseley's Bookstore. Ano Albor, By Kellogg & Brothers, White Pigeun, R. Williams, Jr. & Co., Sturges Piairio, Simeón Gaget, Quincy. Biandi county. A. K. Hall, do do W. A. Bliss, Jtmeslown. Indiana, FAisha Steer, Anirola, do Chester Moes. AÃbion, MichiganT A. P. Mann, '&â R. Sible, MaishaU, Mich. A. Callcnder. do do E. Packer, Batile Cieek, do C. W. Vining, Galesburgh do Capt. Brown, Prairieville, do D. H. Mcdwood, Adriau. tlo Quackenbo8S and More, Tecrimáeh do S. A. Rowley, Jonesville, do H. Oilberr Manchester, do W. H. Patterson, Saline, do Harmon SÃ. Cook, Brooklyn, do Pierre Teller. Wholesnle Agent for Detroit.Geo. P. Wriglu Co., ole proprieiois for liie 'thVTTnïted States and Upper and Lower Canada. All orders and business letter for the present, may be directed to Geo, P. Wright, Colunibia P. O.. Jackson Co., Mich. It is for sale aÃso at Monroe, Mr. Clemens, Utica, Pontiac, and by Dubois&. Wright, Jtffarson, Ãgents for the State of Michigan.' Kn.eoRE, Carrol Co., O.. Jan. 2% 1841. Ten years since. I was taken wiih the Scrofula so that J had no relief day or night. my limbs being niuch swelled and covered with Ulcer, my bren8t and back in great pain, and nerves much shattered. I apphed lo different Physieians. all of whom said there was no help for me, and aL the remedies I tried pioved unavailing until I made use of V'r:ght!s Anti-Inflamatory and Rheumalic Pla6ter, which reduced the inflamation, healed the Ãlcers brought the skin to its natural color, and reh'eved the pain. I would recommend it to all similarly nfflicted, and am saro they will be satisfied aÃter giving it a fair trial. CATHARINE ALLENSWORTH. Thompson, Geauga Co., Ohio, April 20, 1.843. $ 1 certify thal my little boy put his arms into boiling water, cearly to the elbovv, so tha: when the dress was taken off the skin came wiih it: after applying several remedies to no purpose - the armbecoming much swollen and the child in great pain, I applied 'Wrighrs Anti-Inflamatory and Rheumatism Piaster,' and witiiin two hours he was perfectly easy, and went to sleep. Af'er two or three days I removed the piaster, and applied anotber, and when ibaCwas removed the arm was healed, except a place the sizè of a shilling which was soon well. I believe it to be the best article for a burn that can be produeed. and would recommend all to keep it on hand in case of accidents. ELIZABETH BROUGHTON.NERV'OUS DÃSEASES are greatiy benefificd by the use of these piüs; - as Nervous Headacbe, Tic Doloroux. St. Vitus' Dance. &c, their tendency being lo soothe the Ãrritability ol tbe system. allay pain, ond induce quiet and repose. Tbose afflic;ed with Coughs, Colds, Jn fluenza, &c. , will find relief Ãrom the use oà these pl!s. Exposure lo cold doses the pores of the the skin, checks perspiration. retenÃa (he circuIation, and produces vnriousinflamatory diseases. Doe$ any one perceive a cold coming upon him? Let him on going to bed, lake sufÃicicnt to oierate smartly, and tlien every night. take enough to produce a mild opcraiion till the disease abates. Ãn case of Worms let a tea of Pink be taken free!y for 12 lionrs, and tben admii'nstcr Pilis guÃlicient to produce abriik caihartic ope aiion 2l-1y. The Triie Pain Extractor Salve. WIIICIT cures like a charm all BURNS by firenr water, and every ex'crnal SORK, PAIN, INFLAMMATION, ACHEor ITCÃIING ever yet lound upon thc human famtly. is vvhich ii has been ajiplie:!; must alwayti besoughi genuine Ãiom Comstock & Co. of New York, or iheir authoriztd agenis. ' Al are cnu:mncd ngaÃnst any spurious articles. whÃcii may &lways be avoided by knowing the ono yon buy co.mes Ãrom Comstock &Co. , who are now the "ónly proprietors and manufacturera. Inquire for Connel'e, which is wrrranted to do all il ever would wben called by any other name. or the price sholl be refunded in any case ïf ïf does nol picase. To place it wiihin reacli of all. tbe price has bcen reduced more thnn Ãour luid. Ãind Ãs now sold at 25 cents, the fbrmer price beirg too exorbitant. The 50 cent size now contains four times as many as the lonner: and (lie $1 size near ten timec aà niuch. No famü that hasanyÃ.tle to humnnity, wiili fail to have Coxxkl's Pnin Extractor Oiatment aKvay8 at band, to sfivelife all scars. and rehice :i lagony any burn in five minntes. provided ihey have seen It used, or beileve ihose who have used it.COMSTOCK & CO.. 21, Cuurtlnnd Street. TT Be sure theretore, and osk for Coxxki.'s nsotir plaie wiih Dnlley's name on t hns beon stolen, and rhe spuridiÃs may nppcar wiili ihc nfime on it. Know, iborefore. thm it comes di rccily l'rom Cornsiock fc Co.. órshun it. VVM. S & J. W. MAYNARD. Agent for Ã'nri Arbor. LOST on the Mth nst. probnbly between Granes nnd Coons in the Vicinity of PJvm ouihnsmnll. blck .Morocco Pocket Rook. cwntaining nbout .%50.0) harik notes on Cnnadn.- Auy pcréon fiÃidingtlie snnic and leaving it&i 'lie oÃlice oftjie Signal of Liberty shal! receive ! [lie pbove rtward. n.h. Kp.AMr.y, ! Ann Atb'6r Oo-. I?. 844. 3w-3SNew Goods ! New Goods ! T'lF nndersigned li is i3i rccetved'his supply ofFull Guóüs from iN. Y. City. Resides o jate nsioitmeiu of Sliectings. Cotton Ynrn. Fulled Clo;!i$. Rroad Cloths. and other Stnple Coods. he 3 jiist opening a spimulid lot of Rteh. Woosteil Diunmk öiiawb, lst qtnl'uy, Brocha, lo do ' K-i'yl. do o',. Cashiiiero, d.) Fasbionable Crnvm.s. Ricli Bonnet Ribbons, i'ashionable Haad Tiinimings. Velvct do AÃ.SO, A BEATïTlFlH. A.S30RrMF,.NT OK DRKS5 Sl'CrKS SÃCIT AS Cashmere D'Ecossc. Muslin DcLiie, l'aritiscnncs, Rpbry Piaid, Prints of every descriptton. Plain, block Alnpaca, figureJ, blnck AInpncg, Plain, colored Alapaca, fiaured, col'd Alapaca, Plain, and Ch.ingeable Alopacn. The újjdereighod hns in dduion to a firs raio assoitnicnt öf Stiip'.o and Fancy Dry Goods a choice lot of Teas ana Cofiee, for fannly use Also, a lar ge lot of Gee&e Feathers, Paper Hang ings and Travelling Baskets. Mis Stock is well siiïtëd loboih ciiy and cun try tiade. Counlry people are invired to cali anc lo"oit nnd satisiy theiüselvcs ilist his stock wi faiir co'.np;irison either in qunlity or price wit any oiher in the weslern ccuntiy. W. A. RAYMOND. 1 48'Jefierson Avenue, Detroit. Oct. 14, 18.14. " 24 tf GOOD NEWS FROM NEW BNGLAND. Dr. SmUWs Coatcd lmproved Indian Vegetable Filis, riUUMPHANT FOR CONSÃ.MPTIONS, COLDS, RHKUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA AND FEVEBS. ITOOK a severo coid. this fel], whicli settled in niy limbs, and bröught on the Rheumatisttv, accompanied with severe pains and a badcough. which obiiged me to give npmy busmess. I tried many remedies without an}' relief, until I procureda box of Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Indinn Vegetable Pilis, which, I am happy 10 say. immediately relieved me, and enabled me, in tliree days. to returo to my business. I am nöw cntirely well. E. F. HILL. Washington st. Bosten, Nov. 4. 1844. 1 have been considered in the Consumption for about nine years. with a severe cough every fail. which dïcl nol leave me till the next spring; with an almost constant Headache; not being able to sleep mnny nights during the winters, in consequence of the severe fits of coughing. J havo tried most of the cough remedies, with on[y temporary relief. My usual cough commen eed about four weeks since. wiih an increasing soreness to my lungs; and was urged to try I)r. Smith's Sugar Coated Pilis - which I did, bul without any faith in their efficacy. J took four Pilis before reliring; and within forty-eight ïours, my cough was entirely broken tip, which as not returncd, and the severe pain3 of headache have left me. I nevo'r liavc found to. dy befoie that brought 80 sudde relief. I do not believe there is any cure for (he Consumption ; but nm saiified, there is no temporary relief f qnnl to these Pilis. I have since administered them to members ofmy family, for Colds andCoughs. with the most happy resul t. H. F. WELLS. Boston. Having been affiicied for several years with a Weaknes9 in the stomach nnd Lungs, with Costiveness, Headache, and Depression of Spirits, thought by many to bc in a Consumption, and was obliged to give up my business. After trying a nuinber of the various FarsaparillJS and Balsams, without any permap.ent relief,! was prevailed upon to try Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Improved Indian Vegetable Pilis; and, to my astonishment, they immediately relieved me, and, after taking a few doses, am entirely recovered. and able to return to my business. JUSTUS CLARK.The directions and treatmcnt of the diseases, accompany every box. PRICK 25 CENTS PER BOX. No "SUGAR COATED PILL." canbe genuine without the signatnre of the solé inventor. G. BENJAMIN SM1TH, M. D., President of the N. Y. College of Health." upon every box. Cffices devoted exclusively to the sale oà this medicine. 179 Greenwich Street, New York. N. 2. Water Street, Boston. For sale in all the villages and towns in the New England States. N. B. - No travelling pedlars are allowed to sell ihese PilisEFFor sale by W. S. and J. W. Maynard, Lund & McCoIlum, F. J. B. Crane. Ann Arbor, Perrin & Hall, Northville: Thomas P. May, ir. Plymouth; D. C. Whiiwood, Dexter; G. & J. G. Hill, Detroit. "TO THE VÃCTOR BELONG THE SPO1LS." A LTHÃUGH many preparations in the form J oà "POPULAR MEDICINES." have been beÃore the public, claiming to give relief and even cure the most invetérate diseases, yet none have so well nnswered the yurpose ns Dr. SHEHMAN'S MEDICATED LOZENGES. Dr. Sherman'6 "COUGH LOZEïï'GES'cure the most obstinate cases of Cough in a few uours. They have cared a largenumber of persons who have been given up by their physicjans and friends, and many who have been reduced to tlic verge of the grave by spiuing blood. consurnption and Heelic Fevèr. by their use have had the rose of health restored to the haggard clieek, and now live to â speak forth the of thif invaiuable medicine. Dr. Sherman'fl WORM LOZENGES" liave been proved in more than 4')0.00& casrs to be inrallible. In fact. the onl certain Worm destroying medicine ever disenvered. Children will eat them when tliey cannoi be forced to take any oiher medicine, and ihe benrfit derived from the idnunistration of meciicine to thern in this form is great beyond comception. They have never jeen known to fail. Dr. Shermnn's "CAMPHOR LOZENGES," relieve Tleadache, Nervous Sick-headnche, Pal)itation of ihe Heart, and sickness in a very few minutes. Dr. Sberman's POOR MAN'S PLASTER" s acknowlcdged by all who have ever ueed it to e the best strengtïicning Piaster in the world. nnd o sovereign remcdy for pains and weakness n the bnck. loins, side, breaet. neck, iimbs. oinis. rheumatisrii, lunibaga, &e. Be careful o procure the nbove and all other medicines of Mnyyiard's. nnd you wiil be snre there wü! bc no nistake Ãn quantity or charge. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Fel). 5. 1844. 41 "Wright's Medicated Piaster, SI'UKAD FOH IMMEDIATE USE. Price only onr shilling, in order f o place iJtem tnlhin ike means of all. IN süght aumente, or whero the patiënt prefers a less expensive article tiian the 'Anti-inflamitory and Rbeumalic Piaster.' ihese will bc found ïighly bencficinl. Being already spread for immedieate appliention. they will be found verv convenientfor WEAK BACKS. I'nin or Weakness in the Side, Bi'east. Stomach, between thr Shoulders. or wherever there is Pain, or where n Piaster r needed. T hey may be rendered more scrvicablo by pnstÃn a piece of cloth on the back oflhem before thoy are applied. Multitudes have been relicvcd ui pain und suflèring by these Cheap Pl!i.stcr. Forsnlcnt .}ope!y' Ruokstr-rp, nn'1 by J. T. Stofkitig. TrnvclingTAgeiH lor Michigan. JC-lyTHE MISSES CLARKS' Yonng Ladies' Seminary, AXN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. MARY.FT. CLARK, Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. VI. L. WALTER, Teacher of'Music on the Pinno. EMTVIY BEU11MANN, Teacher of Germán and the Criiitnr. ÃIUOIJY E. CLARK. Teacher of Juvenile De pnrim'ênr. Pi AI VÃISIK Teacher of Matbcmntics and Voca! JVJliSIC. H. F. SilOFF, Teacher of French and Classics. T'IIS fnstitminn lins been in operntion sincr Nowinher 18. I83Ã). The scholastic yenr mbracing forty-eiht weeks, two terme, comlris:ng two q tumors ench - twolve weeka in of quarter - n jrenerni examination nt the close n ench term - in Febrmrv and August. 'T'lie tast quarter of tho present lerm oomtnencod November '20. Terms of Tuition. - For the Ensjlish branches. 2.Ã.0 to &5 per qunncr. No reduction ninde for absence, excep in ciise of eicknRss. nnd no pupil tnken for less thnn a qunrier. Extra charges nre made for musicon ihe Piano, with che use of the instrument. $8.01 French, 3.00 Lnün. 3?00 Dra win pand Painting, B.00 Fancy Wo:k. 3.00 Board, including washing, lights. Src, $1.75 per week if uaid in advance, or $2.00 per week if paid at the close of the quarter. Parent8and rruardians are invited to visit the school evcry Fridny. when the studies of the week are roviewed- also scmi-monthly on Wednesday nfternoon. at readingof the weekly compopition?. Havinar purehased a hetil.thv and commodions buildin? in a plensant and convenient pnr of the villnce. no pnins or expense ehall bc spared to facilÃtate the studies and render the situation of the young Iadies profitable andagree able. Young Iadies des:rous of entering the schoo and pursuingthe regular course of siudy, would do well to commence at the beginning of the quarter. Belonging to the school are a Library ofbe tween three and four hundred Yolumes, and Philosophical Apparatus,Electrical Machine, Globes, &c Scientific lectures are delivered before the school a' proper intervals. The Missee Clark will endeavor, not only ,to promote the intellectual culture of their pnpils but will attend strictly to their moral deportment. With a decpuense of reügious reeponsibihty. they would gtve such a tone of cbaracter, as shnll render it practically (itted forevery station - yield ing to duty but fïrm to principie. Among the books used in the school are, Abercrcunbie on the Intellectual and Moral Powrrs - Kane's Elements of Criticism - Wayland's Moral Science - Newman's Rhetoric- Hedge's Logic - Paley's Natural Theology and Evidences of Christianit7 - Comstock's Chemistry and Natural Philosophy- Combe's Plvsiology- Mrs. Lincoln's Bolany - Enten's Manual of Botany - Burrilt's Geography of the Heavens - First, Secondand Third Book oà History - Mrs. Williard's Republic of America - Phelps' Legal Classics - Playfair's Euclid, and Davie's Algebra and Arhhmetic - Parker's Natural Philosoohv.The Misses Clark have tnught a Young Ladies School for several years in the Cuy of New York. and are furnished with testimoniáis from Rt. Rev. Benjamin Onderdonk, D. D., and John M. Grlscom; D., of New York. Rey. ). L. Blake. of Brooklyn, and Mre. Emraa Willxird. of Troy, N. Y. ; also, reference is made. by perniission to the fjllowing gentlemen: Rt. Rev. S. A. McCoskry, D. D-. Robert Rumsey and L.B. Misner. Esqrs., Detroit: Rev. Tsnac S. Ketchum, Ceir.revillc: Rev. J. Hudson, Whi'e Pigeon; llev. J. P. Cleveland, and Geo. Ketch urn, Marshall: Kon, Wra. R. 'Deland. Jackeon; Paul B. Ring. Michigan Centre: II. Winan, Adrian;Daniel Hixson, Clinton; Gardine Wheel Ier, M. D., Howell: Rev. F, H. Cuming. Grand Rapide; Rev. H. Colclazer, Rev. A. M. Fitch. S. Dentón, M. D., P. Brigham, M. D., Hon. Win. A. Fletcher, Hon. Win. R. Thompson, E. Mundi', Esq . Col. Thomas Mosely, Capt. J. Perkius. Thomas M. Ladd, F. Sawyer Jr. Esq., late Superiniendent of Public Instruction, Professors Whiting. Williams and Houghtoti. of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: James Birdsall and Rev. John Beach, Flint Amos Mead, Esq., FarmÃngton. Tbe following gentlemen, Rev. H. Colclazer. Rev. O. C. Comstock, Rev. A. M. Fitch, Rev Mr. Curtiss, Professors Whiting and Williams, of the University of Michigan, and F. Sawyer. Jr., late Superintendent of Public lnstrnction. have consented to act asa visiting comvnittee o the school to be present when the weekly studies are reviewed; but especially to altend during the semi-annual examinations. August 9, 1844. 34-tfWRIOHTS ANTIINFLAMATUSY AND RHEUMATIC PLAS TER. AN efficiënt remedy for Rheumatism, Fever Sores, White Swellings, Felons. Pain or weakness in the Back, Brenst, Side or Limbs. Burns, Bruises, Cramps, Chilblains, Live! nnd Lung nfiections. Indolent Tumors. Spinal aflections, Jnflamed Eyes, &c. &c. lt Ãs unsurpassed n nll Inflammotory diseases, either Chronic or Acute, as it operates by counteraciing and reducing Infiammation, allnying Pain, Sweating ihe parts affected, and by its sirengthening and Anodyne properiies giving speedy relief. Also invaluable as an anti -mercurial piaster. Pricc 25 cents per Box. For further paiticuars, see circulating Pamphlet. For 6ale at Moseley's Bookstore, Ann Ar)or, and J. T. Stocking, travelling agent for Michigan. 16-1 y BROWNSVILLE JUNIATA ÃKOIV STORE. THK, SUBSCRIBER, agent for the Manufacturer, Pitisburgh, Pa. has now on hand a large and well assorted stock of IRON, NAILS, GLASS, &c, which is oÃTered lo the public ot the lowest cash rices, comprising the following: lom'n bnriron, allsizes Plow slabs, )nnáy tire " " Plow wing9, üorseslioe, ' " Sheet iron, Nos. 13 Saddletree, " ' to 26, lound and Square " Nails, 3d to 20d, Jand and hoop, " Spikes, all sizes, ioiler ron " " Railroad car axies, STail rods " Carriage " Deck and spike rods, Carriage. Springs, Spades, sliovels, &c, &c. , Together with every otherarticle usually man'actured at an Iron Establishment. The above anieles are mnnufactured at the Ãrownsville Juniata Iron Works, Pittsburgh. Ja. by E. Hughes, and are of the best quality. WIN DOW GLASS, f all sizes, and of the best brands, constantly on ïand. or furnished to order. Mcrchants nnd others will finditto their ndvantage to cali and examine the subscriber's tock, as well as the prices, before going elsevhere. JNO. ROBÃNSON, .Ir. Agent. No. 1, Wardell's lilock, corner of Woodward Avenue and Woodbridge Street, Detroit. Dec. 31 , 1844. 38 The follov;ing papers will pleage publish the bove to 1he nmonnt oà two dollars, and send tieir bilis to this office: Prnliac, Grzelie nrd Jnckeoninn, AnnArbo State Journal, Argus and Signal óf Libertyi" ack-on, Gazette and Democrat; Marshall. Statesman and Expounder. JEROME M. TREADWELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agenl, WILL altend to the sale aad exchange of Lande, pnyment of Taxes, and tedemplon of Lorids soid for Taxes Ãn Jnckson and adoining countiee, examination of Titles, Convcyncing and all business pertaining to JleaJ Estáte. OÃlicc in the Court Home. ;tckeon, Michignn. 17-tf.ATTENTlttft C LOTIÃIERS!; JIjST receivsd nt the General Depot, 'or the snle of Clothics Siock, Mnchinery, Dyerfiufls, &c. &c, No. 139. Jefferson Avenue Detroit, th; following largo, wcll assortcd, and carefully selected siock, viz: 100 bbla. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tons " i n Stick, , 150 bbls Cuba Fusiic, Cut, 5 'I'ons '; ; in Siick, ;"() bbLs. Nio. Wood, Chij'ped,. f0 ; Lima Wood, ' 30 (i Red Wood, ' l'ZO ' Ground Cnmwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 500 JNutgnlls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 lbe. Dye. 2 Spnnish Indigo, 300 Ib8. Sumnc Sicily, ö Casks Madder, 'J Casks Blue Vitrio!, 5 Casks Aluin. 2 Bn rrcls Red Tartor, 2 Barrels Creim Tunar, 3 Curboys Aquo Fortis, 5 " Oil Vitriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigiis, 5") " BlockTin, Teascls. Twine, Copper Kettles, all sizes, Parson'a Sheaiing Machines, CurtÃs' '⦠" Sereus nnd Press Piales, Craukp, Pies? Pp;r. Sicel Reeds, Worsted Harness, Ten ter Hooka, Einc-ry, ni] No's., Olive Oil, Clothiers' Jack, Sattineit Warp, Clothiers' Brufhes. Shuttles. Pickers, Cnrd Cleaners, &c. &c. Theabove, with n varieiy of other orticles heenging to ihc trade, have been purchased ibis summer by the siibscriber from Mnnufncturcrs and First Hands in the New York, Philndelphin. and Boston Markets, nnd every thing linvingrecci ved his personal inspeciion, he can with the lumust.confidenee ofler them to purchasers asie best and most complete stock in ihe CttOntFy, and as it is bis h'xed deiermination (by the low ratcs at which hewill sell) to prevent the necessity ol our Clothiers and Manufactures leaving tho State to niake iheir parchases, he would merely 8ay to the trade, O ALL, examine the goods and ascertain prices before ynu say you can buy eheaper nnrj wtere el se. He is also prepared to contract for CARDING MACHINES made in ihis'Stntc or F.ast. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 139, JeflTerson Averue. Detroit. C17-tf.] To Clothiers, JTIaiuifacturers and I9Ierchants. f I lHE subs;riber is now receiving a his stores, JL 183 and 19.) Jtfferson Avenue, Detroit, the lollowing carefully and well selected stock oi Dye VVoods, Dyk Stukks and Woolen MauFACTÃUKK's JiLulIlNKHY. 25 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampjïio Carthagena, 10 tons Logwood, Campead), Si. Domingo and Honduras, C tins Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hache and Lima, 3 tons Camwood, very choice, 180 barrels Log wood, cut and ground, 130 " Fustic, " f 100 ' Red Woods, " " 120 " Camwood. : M J0 '' Quercitron Bark, 45 " Allum. 42 t Copperas. 2J " Bluo Vitriü), 28 " Madder. Ombre, and Dutch erop, 3 f Cream Tartar 2 'f Nutgolls, 3 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manila and Guattimala, 2 " Lac Dye, 20 " ext. Logwood, 2 " Grain Tin, 300 pounds Verdigris, 15 Carboys Oil Vitriol, Spirits Sea-Salts and Nitric Acid, ALSO. Copper Kettles and Clothiers' Screws, Tenter Hooks, Jacks and Brushes, Press Papers, Card Cleaners, Weavers' Shears, Nippers and Burling Irons, Comb plates, Pickeis and Bobbins. Wire, Worsted and Coiton Harness, Steel and Cane Reeds, Broad Power, Hand Loonis and F[y Shuttles, Steel and Copper Mails, Etnery, &c. Parsons' Shearing Machines, 4, 6, and 9 bla-les. Allen's doublé and single Cárding Machines. Machine Cards. Leicester, The above goods huve been recently purchased directlj' from the importers and Ãnanufacturers, exclusivbly for caÃh, and will be sold at the New York jobbers' prices, adding transportaron only; an3 in consequence of the decline on many of the American manufactured anieles, will, in many cases, bc sold at fifteen per ckkt lkss than kormf.r PTicKS. Thirteen years experience in the Dye Wood business cnables thesubscriber to say to his custoniers that he is prepared at all times to waeira.vt his goods ol superior quality. THEO. H. E4TON. Dye Wood ann Dye StufF Warehouse, 188 and J90 Jefferson Avenue, , Detroit. The Ann Arbor Journal, Ypsilantà Semine), Pontiae Gnzette, FlintDemocrat, Adrián Expositor. Marshal! Statesman, Niles Courier and , pubiiean, Gazetté, Michigan City (la ) and the . Enquirer, London, (Canada.) will ench publis-h theabove notice instde, to the amount of three i dollars, and send copyof notice with bilis to ( scriber for payment. 17-tf. ALWAYS ON HATVD. Gi fTlHE 8irbscriber hn3 ' ? X moved his Shop to Main es Street opposite H. BecksfsX r 'r'9 -Brick Store, where " Ão Ta ,,)SlLR. he may be found ready to ' StslV 1 vniL&tk wait uPon a 'nat may give ÃyJhim a cali. : 30i -17ffpfciifni Having jnst receivad ' rect from New York an elegant stock of JEWELRY, and Fancy Anieles, whlch he intends to sell f lotocr than has ever been sold west ofBuffalo l for Ready Pay Only. Among which may be l found a good assortment of Gold and Common c Watch Keys, Gold Finger Rings and Bosom s Pins, Guard Chains, b'ilver Tea and Table ' Spoons, Súgar Tonga, Butter Knives. Silver v Pcncil cases, Silver and Common Thimbles, a ver Spectacles, Germán, do., Steel, do., Hair F Brushef, Clothes do., Tooth do., Lathcr do.. ' Fine Razors and Pocket Knives, Fine Shears and Scissor8, Lather boxes, Razor Strops, Wal j !etts. Purses, Violins nnd Bows, Flutes, Viplin c aud Bn88 Violin Strinfs, Clarionet Reeds, s cussion Caps, Pocket Pistols, Brittania s sticks, Watche8, Letter Stamps, StenI Pens and c Tweezers. Snuffand Tobacco boxes. Fine combs, " Dressing do.. Side do., Back do.. Shell do., Needles and Cases, Water Paints, Toy Watches. ' ECid Dolls, a great variely of Toys too numerous I lo memiun, Beads, Necklaces, Fancy Boxes; ! &c. &c. ' Clccxs and Watchks of every defeription ' )aired and vvarranted, aleo, Jewelry repairedon bhort notice. CALVIN BLISS. N. B. CaÃh paid kor OLD GOLD AND SILVER. C. B. 8 Ann Arbor, Oct. 24, 1844. 23-tf. h ANN ARBOR OIL MILL. I THE subscribers would givo notice that tliey t are engaged in mannfacturiiig LINSEED OIL, and are prepared to furnish oil of the best quality to merchants and painters, cheap os it can be obtaine4 from the East. Oil exchanged for Flax seed at the rate of a gallo of oil for a bushei of Flax seed. Cash at all times paid for V â Max secd. ei PULCIPHER &JUDSON. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Sept. 6, 144. 2) ly. Btln i6 1 Dccds and ülortaes, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, fursale by I é BRCKLEY, FOSTER & Có. I Marcli 20, 1815.HARTFORD Firc Insurance Company INCOUPORATED IN 1810 - CHARTEll PKRPiTUÃr. - capital $150,000, wmi powkr to ixcciieask ir to $250,000. f I lÃJ'S well knowti and long established InstiJL tution. wiih ampie casli capital, have establtshed nn agency in Aun Arbor, and offer 10 insure Dwellmgs. Furniuire, Sioies. Merchnndi.o. Milla, VVheal, Flour, &e. on very favorable terms . The high charncter ot' tliis compoay is well known, and its extensive business is cjnducted on tlie most just nnd honorable principiesOwners of property in Ann Arbor nnd vicinity vh') wish lo insuio il agaicist loss and damagc by lire. are inviied to cali directly on ihe subscriber. at his Store in Ãnn Arbor, who is authorized to issue policios without delay. F. J. B. GRANE, Attent. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 1845. 39-Pm. "Ã844T W HOLE S A LÃT&R ETAIL. A. M'FARREN, BOQKSEILER AND STATIONEN SMART'S 13LOCK, 137 JRFFRRSON AVE NUK, DKTROIT. KEEPS constantly for salea complete assortmcnt of Miscellaneous. Schooi and Clnssicul Books, Letter and Cap Paper, plnin and rul ed, Quilla, Ink. Sealing Wax, Cutlery, VVrap ping Paper. Printing Paper, of olà sizes; nnd Book, News and Cannister Ink. ofvarions kinds. BLANK BOOKS, ful! nnd half boand. of every vnriety of Ruling, Memoninduni Books. &c. To Merchante, Teachers, and others, buyiii. n q'iñntities, a I urge discount made. Sabbath School and Bible Society Dopositor. 51-tf" C. BRINCKERHOFF'S Mr. Brinckerhoii". nnxious to make known and tó extend the Use of the Hoalth Restorative, and feeli'is; and knowu g that tts remedial effect (by the favor of Providence) hns been the onlv avaibible nteans of restoring to hèalth and hfe many of the youngand endinrt;d sonsand drtushters and almost a niultitude of the iniddie aged. aged. and venerable individnals in the Innd. now placesmore convenienily before the invalid his invaluable remedy. Thai dreadful scourge ol our race. the Consumptión. with its attendant horrors have been swept away - the Restorative renewing the impaired vfiTl part so thoruiighly ag to resist afterward the invidious attacks öi thoee diseases. To the humane and tendei hearted it is n pleasiug nnd movinÃ: sipht to view the before hopelcss and dispirited sufibrer rise from his couch of sickness and pain, and inkhis place amid the cares and duties ot' life sim â ply bv meana of thls grand Restorative of Nature's Functions The most severe coughs almost itnmediately yield under itsii.fl icuc, and howcvet rackingor clnonic. thoy niny hnvebeen. yet thcy vanish the moment the Restorative begins to exert and then maintain ts power. Tbr Proprietor earnestly requesis all who are aftKcted with any disease of the Lungs orLiver. Pain in the Chest and Sido, and Coughs. to commence the use of the Uealih Restorative. De spite thcapprobrium whidi is atiached to all ad vertised medicines, use this remedy nnd be can vineed of its power however incredulous yor have been. The foltowing ceriih":ate is frpó Dr. Chilton, the well knoWn New York Chemist. "T have analyzed a botile of medicine c-lW XC. Brinkerhoff's Heahh Restorative.' and find that it does not contain Mcrcury. or any o'hei metallic preparation; nor opium in ony of iis forms. It is composed of veeetnble matter cntirely." .ïamks R. Chmiw. M. D. C. BR1NCKERHOFF, Proprietor, N. Y. Horack EvKr.F.TT, General Agent. Principal Office 96 Hudson stieet.N. Y. 49-4w. itar Coatcd Filfis, vs. Bis= ease- More Evidence. MR. HILL, of the firm of Girley and Hiil. 169 Broadwiy, snys the Sug:r Coated Indian Vegetable Pulsare superior to an' he haj ever taken. Fliswife luis found thein dclightful and efficacious. Miss Douolass, corner of Wafker and Ludlow 8treets, bas been cured of puin in ihe head, dimness of sight, and dizziness of long standing bj shese Pilis. Mrs. Simons, of 93 IJenry streel, enred oà pains and cramps, of eight years standing. Mr. Atkiks, of 263 Greenwicli strect, ciirer; of dyspepsia, of seven years sianding. Mr. Cart.ock's dnngÃiter. 8 Staple street, cured of VVorms in their worst form. Rev. Mr. Bürnett. of Brooklyn. cured o' bilious complaints, weakness, &c. We need not add more. Evidence crowdf upon us from all quarters. No Pilis ever befor accompltshed so much, wifh so littlc trouble anr' disagreeablenes-:, aa l)r. Smith's (Sugar Coated' ''Improved Indian Vegetable Pilis." "Sold ai Guion's corner I3owery and Grand st. : Philip's corper of Beekman of William streets, Everett's. 93 Hudson st. ; Mrs. Iioy's. 119 Fulton snee' Brooklyn; and 203 Greenwicli street. Exarnirii the label - lcok for Dr. Smith's writien signature. 45 DR. SMITH'S (SUGAR COATED) t:IM proved Indian Vegetable Pilis," aiedaily effecting some of the most astonishing and wonderfu! cures that have ever been known, in consequence ofwhich they have nowbecomea shining mark against which all the nrrows of disappointed hope, envy. and uncharitableness are levelled %vithout di.simclion. The town and country are alike fi'led with their praisc. The palace and poor-houee alike echo with their virtues. In all climatcs. under all temperaiures, they siill retain their wonderful powers, and. exert (hem unaltered by age or 6Ãtuation. They are simple in their preparation, inild in their actions, thorongh in al! their operations, and unrivalled in their results. They are anti-bilious, anti-dyspeptic. nnd anti-mercurial; and they are peculiarly beneficial in the fullowing complainls: fever and ogue, yellow and bilious fevers, dyspepsin, crotip, liver complaint, sick headache, jaundice. asthma, dropsy, spleen, piles, eolio, ohstructionp, heartburn, furred tongue, and foul stomach, nausna, diarrhoen, costiveness, loss of appetite, sallow complexion, colds, and in all cases of torpor of the bowels where a cathartic or nn aperient is needed. N. B. ICTNo Sugar Coated Pilis can be genuine unless every boxhas on it the signature of G. BENJ'N SMITH. M. D. Sold 179 Greenwich st , and Rushton &Co., 10 Astor House, and throughout the United States. 41-tf STOIiEIY, FROM the Subscriber, nbout iour weeks since, a black satÃn vest. Jt is supposed to have been taken by an intemperatc man, n strangerwho was about here at that time. and liaa probably pawned it eiiher for money or liqor. Any one who wil! give information concerning it, at this office, is informed that I will redoem the vest and amply reward him lor his trouble. S. E. BROWN. March2!, 1845. 1200 Ibs. Fcathcrs.' OF first rate quality for sale by the ponnd or hunilred weightin qantities to suit purchas ers, may be found nt ' RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 148 Jeflerson Avenue, 32-tf Detroit. Uve (cese Fcailiers, OF a superior quality. for sale hy BECKLÃY, FOSTÃR," Co. March 3. 16Ã5, lwALLEBASI'S MEDICINES. THESE MEDICINES A RE eflecting such astonishing cures in mulXX titudes ot'olil cases long sinee abnndoned by Physicians and Surgeons a9 utterly hopeleBS. thot no medicines, where these are known, stand so deservedly high. They consist of THE BLACK,. OR ALLEBASI'S SALVE, Price 25 Cents, Which cures nlmost universnlly. Fever Sores, of the most malignant kind, Felons. Ulcers, Ãb scesses, Tumors, Fractures, Cuts, Punctures Burns, Scnlds, Sore Throat, Chilblains, Quinsey, Drop y. InÃlamatory Rheumaiistn, Inflammoiionsaud Swellingscf every descripuon. Scald Head, Agüe in tlie Face, Nervous ToothAcho Agüe ia the Braast, Broken Breast, &c. &c ' ALLEBASI'S HEALTH PILLS, 25 Cenia. These Pilis have nequired a popularity withiri the lost yenr or two, which no other Pilis possess. The reoeons are ubvious to nll who uso thetn. They cure all Bilious, Scarlet and other Fe vers, Fever and Agüe. Dyepepsin, Dropsy, Acid Stomach, Disorclered Bowels. or Stomuoh Jaundice, Head Ache, Dizziness in the Head' Worms, Livor Complaint, Hoort Burns, Cholic' Bowel eomplnint, General Debility, CostiveneÃS &c &c. Their mrify ihe fentirosystem, leavá the bowels in a vigorous and hcalthy condittoa, &e. Seepamphlct. ALLEBASI'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS Price 25 Cents. W i 11 cure nn ofdinary case of Tooth Ache, irf from three to ton minutes. For .orvous and other kinds oÃ' Tooth Ache, see Pamphlet. ALLEBASrS POOR MAN'S PLASTEà Pricc, 25 Cents. Are warranted to be superior to any other Piasters in this or any other country, for pain or sveakness in tho Back. Side, Che?t, Bowele, LoÃns. Muscles, and for Rhoumarism, Lung and Liver Comptnints, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Sc. See pamphlet. N. - Piensa to ask the nfrent for npamphlot which gives nll th? information necess.try respectin-g (he uses of the Medicines, the virtue they possess, etc. Picase to folluw directions in the usi; of the medicines, and you may rely up-on nll thnt is promiaed. A libera1 discount ninde to merchantsand othera. who b'iiy to sel I npnin. LYJV1AN W. GÃ1BERT, Propri-:tor. Wholesale Drusgist. 214. Fulton si, N. T. [ETFor sale by ihs aubscriber. who hns been appomted genera! ngent for ihc -City of Detroit and ts viciniiy. Country dealers 'supplied on liberal lerms, C. MORSE, Michigan Boi k Storc The abovo medicines aic for snle at tho Booü Store of VM. R. PERRT, Tn Ann Arbor, Lower Vllng. December 9. 184. â 34 Jy lotice to Merchants THE Subsciibers encouraged (y the patronage they have liitherfo received in tho wholesale dep.-irttnem 'nfiheir business, will tKo first day oà May next. open the siore now oceupied hy Geo. Grenville, frontingon Hurón street, and conneeting wiih their present store in tho ronr, exeliieively for a W 1 10 LE SALES ROChM, where they will keep at all limes a full assortment of DRV GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES CAKPENTINQ HATS, CAPS, PAPEK HANGINGS, B0NNET8, CROCKERY BV TUE CRATE, HAKDWAKE, AND GROCER1ES. &C. &C. &C. nll of which will be sold on ns good terms as at ariy point ihis side of New York City. G. D. HILL, & CO. Ann Arbor, Mnrch 26. 1814. 4.3-lf VE WB0OT,SH0E AJVD LEA THER STORE, Ann Arbor, Lower Town. tQ FELCÃi lins removed k3 a his-jesuiblitliiiieiit from tlie Upper to ihe Lower VilIfige, No. 4. Hurcn Block jg where he holds in SÃggSB& leiuliness to 'dress the ;i.ndcrutuvilivgs" ol every Man, k Woman aud Child who will 6& give him a the ncatt-st, :tnr! bost trnnner that enn be done in Michigan LKATIIKR nnd FliNDINGS of all kinda consta ntrj' on hnnrl. AVANTt'.D. Ca.-k and Hice', n Ã.ny qusntilies. Ãor wliicli tlie highesi piicps will be givu. CFLe' none purduise un'il they have called nt Feich's. No. 4. Huson Block. Ann Arbor. May 4. 1844. 3-ly Dyspcpsia ofte es years standing. THE Wife of Cautuiu Roberts, on Vino Street, tieÃr Wa'er, Cincinnati, bus been nfilicted with dyspepsia in its most aggravated1 fjnn. for the lost ten years. She wna recomenrled by clelrated physiciins of Boston, Nevv1 York. Pbil:t(telpbia, Baltiinore and Cinninnati to travel; as they could do nothing for hor, She did 30. but it done her no g'iod. She then cotnmenced i:sng tlie mosi pnpnl.-ir medioines of the day fot her complaint, but derivod no beiipit from their usa. Seeing nn advertisement of Dk. SlUTll's SlJGR COATKU VEGETABLE PlI.tS Ãn thff papers, slio condudcl to tiy them. She sent to G. F. Thomas, Main st. between Third and1 Founh sis., Dr. Smith's Agent for Ciucinnati, ind purchased a box, Hxk ihcm according to th direciion, nnd citn with heartlèli joy state thnt -Ãhc derived moro benefit from iho uso ofone box of Doctor Smtth's Sügar Coatkd Vegktablk PiÃ.ls thnn from all other medicines she ha ever made use of for the Insi ten years. The above wns sent tú G. F. Thomas, December 14th, 1844. ETPRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. No "3UGAR COATED PILLS" can be wenuine wiihoitt the signature of the solé inventor, "G. BENJAMIN' SMITH. M. D." Presrdent of ihe N. Y. College of Health, upon every box. Offices devotod exclusively to the ealo of thà medicine For sale by W. S. & J. W. Maynard, Drng"â ts's, Ann Arbor. March, 26, 1845. 4.9-tf The Birney Fortrail rrIlE Subscribers have on hand a quantity of _L ihesÃe large and splendid engruvings, beautifully execured on steel plates, by an excellent artist. from a pninting by E. W. Goodvviw, Esq. of Albany,N. Y. They are a strikÃng likeness of Thk Man, and meke an elegant ornament for ihe parlor. For sale, wholesale and retai), at $8 per dozen, rr$i,00 each, by A. McFarren, Bookseller, DctrOÃt'nndByECKLEY.FOSTER,&Co. Ann Arbor, Nov. 4, 1844. 24f K. & J. I.. DAVIDSOIV, TTAVE now on hand a complete assortment o FJlLLAND WINTER G00D8, G ROCE RÃES, SHELF-HARDware, $c. q?a which they will sell oheap for ready pay. The liighcst maÃ-ket price pnid at all times for Pork ano all other kinds of produce. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nov. 20. 1844. 13 SPECIAIi COTICE! ALL those whq have unsettled accounts for Wool Carding or Cloth Dressing with th late tÃrm ot J. Beckley & Co.? are hereby notiied that ithasbecome indispknsablv nxcessar that they should b? closed by note or otnorwiso ns early as 2üth of April next. Let there be s prompt attention to the above, and it wÃl! be tor the mutual benefit of tlieparties concerned. SUMNER HICKS & Co. Ann Arbor, March 7, 1 845. 50-Jw MRS. C. BUFFINGTON would respectfulfash.ons. IRS.c. BUFFINGTON. Nov. 14, 1344.
Signal of Liberty
Old News